OS X :: Getting Scriptware Files Into Final Draft?

May 17, 2009

I have a bunch of Scriptware files but no longer have Scriptware. How can I get those files into Final Draft?

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Mac :: Final Draft Or Dramatica?

Oct 18, 2009

I've overall read better things about Dramatica, but a book I got in class keeps hyping up Final Draft...

With student discount, I can get both for less than the price of one, but still... would rather pay for one.

If you're a user, which one did you prefer?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Erased Word And Final Draft

Mar 11, 2012

I installed Lion and now I can no longer use Word and Final Draft? I had no idea these things would "no longer be supported".  I read up on the upgrade and saw nothing on this.  I didn't back up recently..

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: How To Recover Unsaved Final Draft Document

Mar 5, 2009

I didn't realize final draft had autosave disabled by default. Long story short, the program crashed, my work along with it. I didn't save the work. It was not auto saved. Would like to recover the work if possible.

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Applications :: Final Draft 7 Arbitrarily Adding Pages

Feb 15, 2010

I have a new Macbook Pro where I have installed FD7 (upgraded). I worked on a 105 page script on Friday, adding a few lines which increased the page count to 106. I saved it. Printed it. And Closed it. Sunday, I re-open the same file only to discover now FD7 has clocked the pages at 108. It appears that on page 10 FD7 'pushed' forward the last four lines onto the next page. Then, throughout the entire script - every so often - it would 'push' more lines into the forward page amounting to an increase in 2 pages. FD7 is glitchy, I know, often times when working in a script where I cut three pages, the total page count didn't change for a while after making the change. I did not mess with the 'tight' feature, nor were there any changes other than shortening one line. I even converted it to a pdf and emailed it to several people... now it's two pages longer, not a good thing. Or has this happened to anyone -- PC or Mac?

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PowerPC :: 12" Refurbished Powerbook Vs New Macbook - Able To Use MS Word And Final Draft

Aug 6, 2006

I need a new laptop and I've decided to make the move from PC to Mac. I think the thing that's bothered me most about the dell laptop I've been using for the past 4 years is that it's quite heavy (I think somwhere around 8 pounds) and bulky.

I fell in love with the powerbook 12", but held off in part for financial reasons, and in part because I was hoping there would be a 12" macbook pro.

I hear great things about the macbook, but trying it out in the store, it seems to be just as big as my Dell and almost as heavy (well, at least quite a bit heavier than what I remember the 12" feeling like).

at $1199, apple is offering a refurbished powerbook which seems to offer as much if not more than the macbook

I'm a comic book writer that travels quite a lot, so here's what I'd like:

To be able to use MS Word and Final draft
To be able to use photoshop (really just to open photoshop files, not to do much to the artwork itself)
To have something very light to travel with, but still big enough to do a significant amount of work on without straining my eyes or feeling like the keyboard is cramped
and I guess possibly to play games, notably civ iv, although it seems neither the powerbook or the macbook is good for that (the powerbook at least has a dedicated videocard)

it's mostly the size thing that's causing the hangup...I think the macbook is just big enough to be a problem on planes, not fitting on the fold out tray.

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Mac Pro :: Converting Mod Files To Mp4 Then Onto Final Cut Pro?

Oct 20, 2010

After converting my mod file to mp4 then uploading it to final cut pro the quality is really bad and jumpy.
I used MPEG streamclip... The quality is good after the mod - mp4 conversion it's only after i import it to final cut pro that the quality becomes really bad.

I don't have this problem when i am importing other files just the mod-mp4 converted ones.

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Intel Mac :: Why Do Mts Video Files Go Into Final Cut Pro

Jun 4, 2012

from my sd cards and my camera but not if i transfer it to my hard drive then try to pull them off a seagate hard drive or a my book studio that both work for mac?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Open Express 4.0 Files In 10.1.3?

Aug 29, 2014

I used Final Cut Pro when I was in college and when I graduated in 2010, I bought Final Cut Express 4.0. I recently bought Final Cut Pro 10.1.3 two days ago and I am having trouble opening up my old Final Cut Express 4.0 files. When I do go to open up these files they only open up with Final Cut Express and I always get the message: file's format is too new for this version of the application.  

How do I open these Final Cut Express 4.0 files in Final Cut Pro 10.1.3? 

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Convert MP4 To MOV 4K Video Files

Aug 20, 2014

My Panasonic GH4 camera records UHD in either .Mov or MP4. I choose .Mov. 

The newer Pansonic FX1000 camera only records UHD in MP4. I use Mpeg Streamclip and Toast Titanium, neither of which will recognise a MP4 file from the GH4. 

Any file converter that will convert MP4 4K/UHD to .Mov 4K/UHD. 

(I know FCPX will handle both "formats" but I need to convert outside of a main editing program) 

Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Delete Render Files

Jul 1, 2014

So every time I got to edit my movie in FCP i lose 3 GBS of space... I have multiple render files for my project. Do i only need one? Can I delete all of them and create a render file after that so I only have one. Does it auto create render files? Does it delete stuff in the project if you delete it?

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Final Cut Pro X :: Importing Old Project Files?

Sep 1, 2014

I have a new Mac Pro running Maverick bought when my IMac running Leopard died on me. The reason I never upgraded the old IMac was because of FCP 6 which I did not want to lose. I backed up regularly onto Time Machine and kept my FCP project files on an external hard drive 

I was part way through editing a project when my IMac died. I bought 7toX thinking I would be able to import it but now find that I can't because you have to have FCP 6 or 7 already installed to do so, which you can't with OS 10.9.4. 

iPhone 4S

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Final Cut Pro X :: Importing Backgrounds From Files (MP4 And MOV)

Dec 7, 2014

How do I import moving background images from files (.mp4 and .mov) on an external hardrive into FCP X?

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Version 10.1.3 - Why Files So Large

Dec 4, 2014

I am currently working on an IMac Quad Core Processor W / OS X Mavericks 10.9.5, with 16GB of RAM and 8GB video Card and a 1TB drive (512 Solid State/512 Hard Drive).  I am using Final Cut Pro X version 10.1.3. 

I am pretty new to a MAC system and still learning the in's and out's of the system and how to use it.  I have done 4 projects in FCP X and I have around 28GB of data storage left on my 1TB drive.  When I looked up one project that is 54 minutes long, it says that file is 500GB and it is not loaded with special effects at all? I cannot believe that it would take that much space.   

Here is some information on how I start a project...

I will create a new Library, then I will import media into separate events such as Camera 1 video, Camera 2 video and such. 

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Get Files Back Into Project

Dec 5, 2014

I have an event that's not showing up in FCPX, but it is there in the Finder, along with a CurrentVersion.fcpevent file..The media from this event is not showing as 'missing' (red) in the project, but simply as blank (black) clips, so re-connecting does not work.

How do i get these files back into the project?I've tried removing the CurrentVersion.fcpevent and re-starting , but no change...

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Upload BDMV Files

Sep 12, 2014

How to I upload BDMV files to final cut pro? 

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013)

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Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.2 - Media Management -> Render Files

Aug 20, 2014

Running FCP X 10.1.2 ... I wanted to verify a few things with the community about media mgmt that the white paper really doesn't explain to well. My archiving procedure is as follows: 

I import media to an Event to offload footage from camera/card. I then close FCP X, open the finder and open the library and "show package contents" and then pick the original media folder. I then copy that folder to another offsite drive I have dated by year -> folder. 

Example: 2014 - Footage from Colorado.  (I do this to always store my original media outside any project I'm working on for future reference. This is ok, correct? Is there a better way?) 

Second, I learned the other day that if I want to archive/backup libraries or even clean up the library,it is good practice to remove all rendered/transcoded media files. It is pretty simple from the "file" menu to do this. Question, if I just removed the rendered media, how long does it take again before FCP X background tasks starts working / rendering media again? Do I stop this somehow so I have time to backup the library? I thought this process was automated after a few seconds? 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Import Files From A Sony Z7 CF Card

Jul 2, 2014

How do I import files from a Sony Z7 cf card into Final Cut Pro x.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Can't Relink Old Project Files When Updating To 10.1

Sep 4, 2014

I have a bunch of projects created pre the FCPX 10.1 update (ie created prior to June 2013) that when I try to update so that I can access the project in 10.1 , FCPX refuses to relink to the original media files. It says that the files are recognised, but are incompatible as they do not share the same media range. 

The media files are stored on external drives (and were always stored this way), the folder structure hasn't changed since the projects were originally created. The only thing that has changed is the old project has been converted to a new 10.1 project.  

I have noticed that the info tab of the new project lists all the missing media as having a media range beginning at 00:00:00:00. However, if I reimport the original files into the library, the media range never starts at 00:00:00:00. It will start at a different time code, often with the first number corresponding to the hour of the day the footage was shot (so something shot at 11am will read 11:00:00:00).  

Both original media, and missing media, share the exact same duration, audio channels etc, just the timecode form Media Start/End is different. 

I am wondering whether: 

1) In converting the old project, has FCPX reset all the media start codes to begin at 00:00:00:00? And can it be fixed?

2) Has FCPX has changed the way it recognises time codes with the 10.1 release, so that my original media is being imported correctly, but differently to when the original project was created?

3) If there are any situations where the media start/end timecode of my original media could have changed? Say in upgrading to Mavericks? 

Either way, almost every single project I have completed with FCPX prior to June 2013, is now unlinked, and cannot be relinked due to the fact that the project has one idea of the media start range, and FCPX has another. 

I have tried deleting the alias files in the library file, replacing them with the original files. That has no impact. 

I'm currently operating on FCPX 10.1.3, working on OSX 10.9.4

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), FCPX 10.1.3

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Final Cut Pro X :: Copying Files Between Libraries / Drives?

Dec 11, 2014

I have two drives open.  I've created different Libraries, one for each drive.  I want to move a 'project' or a 'clip' from one Library/drive to another.  I drag and drop.  Will the project/clip moving from one Library/drive to another bring in the relevant original media?  (And I believe I have to recreate any Proxy files, is that right?)  And will the original media (copied) now be found in the importing Library?  Or in the folders I've set up for THAT Library.  I've been trying to keep my media in separate folders so my Libraries open fast. 

That would be a related question perhaps?  I'm trying to keep my Libraries small, so they open and close fast; and can be backed up on another 'small' drive; and my assumption has been that if I put my original media, project backups etc., assigned to designated folders (NOT in the Library file) that this will be the case - faster working with the Libraries, smaller Library files I can back up on other drives.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Import Cinema DNG Raw Files From BMC Camera

Jun 20, 2014

Is it possible to import cinema dng raw files from a BMC Camera into FCP X? 

I'm running Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard and FCP X 10.0.9 ...

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Final Cut Pro X :: Organizing Projects / Files In Browser?

Dec 11, 2014

I'm trying to figure out if there is any way I can do 'organizing' in the Browser.  It would be great to be able to create folders I could drop the 'projects' or the 'files' into.  I do have my 'Library' well organized, with Keyword collections and folders. 

But.... I'm working on a large project.  Every time I add a new video or audio file to a Library (each Library has only one Event - so I can keep my Libraries relatively small) it seems I have to go digging through all the previous files to find the newly imported one. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: No Project Files And Events Folder?

Aug 23, 2014

Can i create my own FCP X Projects file?  I'm new to FCP and the training I'm on said i should have a project and events folder but I've only seen the FCP X Events file.  I'm afraid that these folders may not be able to communicate properly?  From what i understand i need two specific folders to manage all raw event and smaller project files separate but able to reference one another. 


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Final Cut Pro X :: Does It Duplicates Video And Photo Files

Sep 10, 2014

I currently use iMovie which duplicates all the video files and pictures I need to create a movie when I import them respectively to iMovie or iPhotos.   

I would like to know if Final Cut Pro X does the same thing?   

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Creating / Using Proxy Media Files

Aug 29, 2014

I just made the transition to FCPX and I've imported video to a number of Libraries. (I really have to fight hard not to call them Projects)

As I didn't completely understanding all of the import settings, I made Optimized video along with the Original media.  Ok, no big deal.  The files take up a bit of space, and because of the nature of the project (lots of talking head interviews) not sure I really need Optimized video, but wasn't too concerned.  I'll know for next time that I don't want to check that box, unless I really need the Optimized video. 

My question is -

If I wanted to make a copy of my media files to a portable HD, work with these files off site with the same Library that is on my Macbook Pro, make logging notes, selects, maybe even creating a Project or two, and then return  to my office where I would re-connect the original media files located on the office-bound hard drives, what do I need to do to ensure that this will work properly?    

Secondarily, would it now make sense to create the Proxy files to use for this purpose?  Is this not what these files are normally used for?  Smaller, and more easily taken on the road and edited, and then the Library will re-connect everything to the original files once re-connected to the drives that contain the original media? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Syncing Up Unnamed Audio Files?

Sep 10, 2014

A friend is cutting a film 3,000 miles away.  She's just received a stack of video files, AVCHD I think, along with .wav audio files recorded simultaneously on a Zoom.  Whoever shot the footage didn't think to number the Zoom files to match the video files.  So my friend will have twenty video files with matching Zoom recorded audio files - but no clue as to which goes with which. 

I'm wondering how the sync mechanism in FCP X might be employed to solve her problem?  I've often linked a single known video file with its single known audio file - made a synced clip.  Easy peasy.  I'm wondering, does my friend have to highlight a video clip and then each of the audio clips in turn until she finds the two that will sync up properly?  I'm also wondering if FCP X will artificially (inadvertently) sync whichever two (video & audio) you highlight even if they don't match -- making one messed up synced clip. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Transcoding M2TS Files Into PRORES (HQ) Using Pavtube

Aug 22, 2014

I transcode M2TS files into PRORES (HQ) using PAVTUBE. Final cut X takes a long time rendering them. Also in playback, the audio appears for a second and disappears to reappearing another second, for the entire clip. Is it normal ? Is there a better way to import m2ts files ?

Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Converting Fraps AVI Files To Usable Format?

Aug 31, 2014

I have been trying to get my Fraps video files on my Windows 7 machine compressed into a format that will allow them to work with Final Cut Pro X on my mac. 

Here is some information about the file I am trying to compress (acquired using MediaInfo):

Complete name                      : E:Fraps Raw FootageX-Plane 2014-08-30 11-01-45-21.avi
Format                                  : AVI
Format/Info                            : Audio Video Interleave
Format profile                         : OpenDML
File size                                 : 154 GiB

[Code] .....

I have tried using MPEG Streamclip on my Windows machine to convert it to an .mp4 file, but that just gave me an audio file with no video. I then tried using Handbreak on my Windows 7 machine to do the same thing, but the resulting file was not even recognized by Final Cut Pro X. 

Final Cut Pro X, iOS 7.1.2, Final Cut Pro X 10.1.3

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Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.2 - Can't Import MXF Files Shot On Canon C300

Sep 8, 2014

I can't import MXF files shot on a Canon C300 into FCP 10.1.2.  I have the Canon plug in for MXF file to FCP import but FCPX still doesn't recognize MXF files when I try to import. Premiere works fine importing MXF on the same computer. 

Mac Pro (Early 2008), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Video Files Import Without Audio Into Library

Aug 25, 2014

Just updated to 10.1.3 from 10.1.2 and video files import without audio into library. Audio shows and plays in media import window. Everything from before update is fine.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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