App Store :: Apply For Tax Refund?
May 2, 2012I want to buy a ipad on Apple Store online.How to apply for tax refund?
iPad, iOS 5.1
I want to buy a ipad on Apple Store online.How to apply for tax refund?
iPad, iOS 5.1
I Bought mac os lion ages ago and had forgoten to download it
my macbook asks me for my password when i download a software and i dont remembe rmy password for a year so i could not downlaod this.
Info:mac os x, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am writing to you in regard to a download my 6 year old son had done with out me being aware to the fact he knows the password.I have recieved the bill from apps store and suddenly found out that both on the 10th of April and on the 11th of May my son had downloaded some itemes for his Ice Age Village. I was shocked when I saw it and more shocked to see the total amount that came out.I had no idea that my son knows the password.I am asking you please to refund me on these items. you can subtract this game of my i pad and take everything he bought back.
iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1
How to refund the fee for the application from APPLE?
I am writing this letter to ask refund that I have paid for the Webster's New Dictionary and Thesaurus. Basically, when I have decided to buy this application, I expect a sound function whenever I have clicked the words, however it did not work. I mean it did not function as I expected! Totally, nonsense, please let me know how to refund it as soon as possible from APPLE.
My app doesn't work. How do I get a refund?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought a app thinking it was photoshop the for my Macbook Pro, but turns out it was a app that teaches you how to use Photoshop. I have no use for the app and wondering if i could get a refund for this app?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I wanted to purchase iDVD but instead purchased an instructional video.
iOS 5.1.1
Download a wrong game (with paid).Is there a possible to refund after remove the game?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow long will it take to refund a purchase back to account
iPad, iOS 5.1.1
Since 10.7.4 has knocked out the loop and loop back and forth function, I want to apply for a refund.I paid $30 for a fully functional software product, and now it has become disabled without warning from Apple if one updated to 10.4.7....if I call the 800 number what department should my call be directed to.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy kids downloaded an extension of an app, made for kids, that cost $100. They thought it was free, until I got the bill. How can I get a refund for this and remove the app? This is wrong on so many levels, beginning with having a free app for kids luring them to a ridiculously priced one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI also experienced the issue of updating the software slowing the laptop down.Updating is supposed to make it work better, that is why I have paid.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Took my dead MacBook Pro (purchased April 29, 2008) to the Genius Bar because it would not start-up. They sent it out for repairs and ended up replacing the Logic Board stating the symptom was "NVIDIA Video Issue (multiple issues)". They charged me $310 plus tax. Would this fall under the "MacBook Pro: Distorted video or no video issues" from url...I tried calling Apple Corporate and they said the logic board had a loose wire. Hmmm seems weird to me since the graphic chip is soldered on to the logic board. The invoice said the reapir was covered and showed the amount owed to me was $0. When I went to pick up the fixed laptop the associate helping me had to speak to her manager and there was some back and forth as to whether I owed anything.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008)
i want to return it for a full refund. wha is the policy?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My six-year-old nephew bought $150.00 worth of smurfberries using in-app purchase!
how do I get a refund for movies I just purchased?
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1.1
I have just paid for extra subscription ($50) which I don't need. How do I get a refund? Have tried express lanes for both Icloud and Mobile Me and they are getting me nowhere!Â
The guy I called from apple today was clueless and told me he didn't know how to do it, and then told me the wrong thing!I bought the storage under the impression that it was a useful product, but it wasn't doing what I thought it was supposed to do! I just want to get rid of this extra storage!! I mean, this is ridiculous if the apple employees aren't trained in this!
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, iCloud Storage
I bought a mid 2010 imac 27 inches beginning of 2011 and the screen already have some greyish color,it takes 300yrs to boot.Apple won't take some of the responsibilities n give a new imac or repair my imac,THEY SAY IS TOO EXPENSIVE TO REPAIR...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27 inches
I did a search home design software to get some ideas and ended p paint for game and would like a refund or a credit?
iPad, iOS 5, Simply want a refund or a credit
I erroneously purchased the same 3 songs by the same band from 2 different albums twice.Is there any way to reverse the charges or get a refund on the double purchase? iTunes didn't ask for verification on purchase after the 1st song.. So I wasn't sure I purchased the songs.
iPad 2
Has anybody yet found a way to apply a different wallpaper to each space?
View 24 Replies View RelatedAdding the Open DNS directions solved the problems I had with slow internet in my house.
The problem is, at my college, this Open DNS directions wrecks the internet, and it becomes painfully slow there. So I have to remove the DNS directions. When I retur home I add them again and so on.
How can I make this directions only to appear when connected to my home network?
I have reset the Ipod and got some of the playlist to go to the Ipod but now if I try to add a new playlist or make any changes ITunes begins to sync and then just sits there with the little multicolored disc spinning.
iPod nano, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Am the fresh recipient of a snazzy Magic Trackpad and I love the pinch-to-zoom in Finder. But I use the Option-click View --> Keep Arranged By option to auto-arrange my icons when pinch-zooming. Is there a quick way to apply this to ALL Finder windows/folders without doing it manually for all? I can't seem to apply the Keep Arranged By option to all my Finder folders, even if I check as the default?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an iPatch patch I need to apply with root privilege to an application. iPatch patches are drag and drop, which doesn't apply the privilege, so I think I need to apply it through the terminal.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to skin my software with a brushed aluminum look.
Is this an option with OSX?
Plugin etc....
When a friend of mine istalled office for mac, a version of messenger was installed as well, and i liked that whenever someone wrote to me, the icon on the dock jumped and it made the typical messenger sound.
On sunday, I saw that you could now downlead messenger 8.0 beta, i did and it removed the previous version that I had, however I couldnt change the image on the 8.0 so I decided to re-downlad messenger 7.
The problem is, that with this version, it no longer jumps or sounds, so i don't know when someone is talking to me, and since the messenger that I liked came with the office installer and I don't have it I don't know what to do!
Is there any way to apply the ''sound'' in messenger 7.0?
Why can't I change my image in 8.0? I can choose it on my folder but it just won't work!
I was messing around with my desktop drive icons and noticed you can't give your 'Macintosh HD' partition a colored label, when I right clicked my bootcamp partition, the colored label options were available, so I gave it a color. But when I remove it, whenever the partition get's unmounted (at shutdown or manually trough disk utility), OS X throws a kernel panic. So now I have a permanent label attached to my bootcamp drive.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow can I apply an icon file (.icns) to a certain file oder folder?
don't tell me the "copy & paste" thing because, the iconfile doesn't have itself as icon
(btw: I know how to use the console)