App Store :: Is There A Possible To Refund After Remove Game
Jul 4, 2012Download a wrong game (with paid).Is there a possible to refund after remove the game?
View 1 RepliesDownload a wrong game (with paid).Is there a possible to refund after remove the game?
View 1 RepliesI've tried all the different methods I can find of deleting/mark as hidden but I keep getting annoying weekly updates come through. I don't like the game and will never play it but it seems without starting a new Apple ID and losing everything I have paid for on iPhone and Mac. I am stuck with a continual App Store badge icon for a game I don't want.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I did a search home design software to get some ideas and ended p paint for game and would like a refund or a credit?
iPad, iOS 5, Simply want a refund or a credit
I Bought mac os lion ages ago and had forgoten to download it
my macbook asks me for my password when i download a software and i dont remembe rmy password for a year so i could not downlaod this.
Info:mac os x, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I want to buy a ipad on Apple Store online.How to apply for tax refund?
iPad, iOS 5.1
I am writing to you in regard to a download my 6 year old son had done with out me being aware to the fact he knows the password.I have recieved the bill from apps store and suddenly found out that both on the 10th of April and on the 11th of May my son had downloaded some itemes for his Ice Age Village. I was shocked when I saw it and more shocked to see the total amount that came out.I had no idea that my son knows the password.I am asking you please to refund me on these items. you can subtract this game of my i pad and take everything he bought back.
iPad 2, iOS 5.1.1
How to refund the fee for the application from APPLE?
I am writing this letter to ask refund that I have paid for the Webster's New Dictionary and Thesaurus. Basically, when I have decided to buy this application, I expect a sound function whenever I have clicked the words, however it did not work. I mean it did not function as I expected! Totally, nonsense, please let me know how to refund it as soon as possible from APPLE.
My app doesn't work. How do I get a refund?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought a app thinking it was photoshop the for my Macbook Pro, but turns out it was a app that teaches you how to use Photoshop. I have no use for the app and wondering if i could get a refund for this app?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I wanted to purchase iDVD but instead purchased an instructional video.
iOS 5.1.1
how long will it take to refund a purchase back to account
iPad, iOS 5.1.1
im trying to download Deus Ex: ultimate edition but nothing happens it just stays at 0% and i meet all the requirements i dont know what to do
Info:APP store , iOS 5.1.1
I just upgraded the OS on my iPhone 4 and now find I have an annoying app called Game Center.
I don't play games and would like to remove this, but so far have found no way to do so.
Can someone advise of a safe and reliable way to dump this piece of malware?
I have just purchased a game from the app store. The download was interupted. When i restarted the laptop I went to the purchases section of the app store to resume the download. The only option there now though is to install. If i click it the button dims for a few seconds then is bold again. Not setup sequence starts. Is there a way of restarting the download?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
downloaded the darkness 2 on my 27 incn mac 3.2 ghz intel core i3 and 4 gb memory it wont start up and gives no error code need it fixed.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Is the apple game center down
View 10 Replies View RelatedWhile many of the early successful iPhone and iPod touch games came from small-time developers, big-name content creators like Electronic Arts, id Software and Konami are flocking to the platform, using their brands and marketing muscle to compete. The App Store has about 13,000 games in 19 separate categories, ranging from old-fashioned board games to complex first-person shooters. Many games are the work of independent developers like Tapulous, creator of the "Tap Tap Revenge" series.
But brands like EA have an advantage with popular licenses like Tetris and The Sims 3, which casual audiences are familiar with. The latest version of The Sims released simultaneously on the iPhone and PC in June. It is priced at $9.99. Larger companies like Gameloft are now looking to take a bigger piece of the action. Those companies typically spend more money to develop a game, well beyond what most independent developers are able to invest............
Still cannot purchase . What can I do ? Change credit card also cannot. Or got any contact service can help me?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI create a mobile game. How to get the signing key? Is the certificate is payable? Sorry if the topic is in the wrong section.
iOS 5.1
I,am don't have visa card number only have visa debit, how can I download game or any application from store application. Please advice of this matter.Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know what it is, so I know simply deleting it won't help. I don't understand why it's suddenly showing up on the desktop though! More of a nuisance than anything.
View 10 Replies View RelatedJust downloaded the DrawSomething app onto my iPad2 and signed up under my facebook acct. Keep on getting a message that "it looks like you're playing on multiple devices. Please play on only one device at a time.I have a MacBook Pro.....I have signed out of my facebook acct, deleted and re installed app and still getting this notification.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Is it possible to transfer a Mac App Store game between computers while saving the game data?Â
I searched my Finder but the only think that shows is the app itself - but the file size is the same as when it was first downloaded so I was assuming the game data must be somewhere else.Â
I open App Store application and it shows that I have 1 update available for an app I never purchased. I try clicking the update button and get the message "You have updates available for other accounts: Sign in to [url]... to update applications for that account." -- I have no clue what this account is or where it came from but it's not mine. MY updates seem to be working OK but I can't get rid of this 1 update available message.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I open a game that I purchased from Game Stop with an Activation Code?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Is there a way to remove an app from the App store? I have one the company accepted my iTunes receipt to transfer it from the App store to their Web site because they offer more with their Website version the App store can't offer (enhancements and subscription). I removed it from the purchase list but it's still in the update list, and it's several versions behind now. How can I remove it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how one would go about disabling and removing the Mac App Store outside of using Parental Controls? Here's what I've tried:
1. Trashing App entirely - which seems to re-assign the "App Store" link in the Apple menu back to "Mac OS X Downloads..."; the only problem is that when you attempt to open a file type that OS X doesnt recognize, the dialog asks you if you want to search the App Store at which point you hit the button and it does nothing. Not a proper solution.
I have just upgraded to 10.6.6 and App Store has installed itself on the Dock. I wish to remove it from the Dock as (a) I am unlikely to use it, and (b) I don't want a cluttered Dock.
However whenever I drag the icon off the dock and it disappears in the traditional cloud of smoke, the next time I start up the computer the icon is back on the dock.
I just bought a MacBook Pro and for some reason there is an update available for angry birds. When i try to update it tells me i have to log on to an account that is not mine. Even crazier, I've never in my life saw that Apple ID before and i only logged on with my own ID on my brand new Mac. I know it's a small thing but it is annoying.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When my ex and I bought our phones with both loaded them on our computer, I used my Apple ID that I had previous and he never signed up for one. Now, I have just found out that he has been using my account to download apps, they have been free, and has access to some features in my phone. Â
How do I remove him from having access? Do I just change my password?Â
Will the apps that he has downloaded still be available to him and if so, what happens if there are updates?Â
iPhone 4