ITunes :: Unable To Open It On MBP - Error 13010
Feb 5, 2012When I try to open itunes on my macbook pro, it won't open and comes up with a message saying error 13010.
MacBook Pro
When I try to open itunes on my macbook pro, it won't open and comes up with a message saying error 13010.
MacBook Pro
I know that there are most likely a lot of these threads around, but I feel like I've tried about everything. This all happened this morning when I was about to open my itunes. It wouldn't open, instead an error popped up saying that it quit unexpectedly.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHere is how it goes, I download the file DMG file and it opens it with DiskImageMounter and it shows up in Finder after it is done downloading, I click on the package to install it and it will never open up; the prompt "There was an error opening this document. There was a Macintosh system error(-1409)"
View 2 Replies View RelatedI keep getting an error message "Database Daemon Fatal Error" when trying to open Entourage 2008. I tried removing and re-installing Office, but each time I open Entourage I keep getting the same message: the Database Daemon has encountered an unknown error. The daemon will need to quit, and Entourage may need to be force quit.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI bought a Seagate external drive to use as backup, and formatted it for Mac. However, time machine fails to open and gives error message.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can't open the itunes application on my mac book air. Keeps saying that an unknown error has occurred with (13014)???
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2012)
My hard drive crashed. bought new computer..... have backup dvd's........... it seems to freeze itune....... but if I leave it alone it will give me an error that says it is unable to restore because of error -69..... some of my songs are restored but only like 100 out of 700.......and I have the shuffle, nano, and Itouch..... very headachey.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have deleted and reinstalled.I have udated my MAC OS 10.7 I keep getting thie error message foun below.
Info:ITunes, Mac OS X (10.7)
I am unable to play a rented movie. I keep getting an error 5103. I have downloaded the latest iTunes and am using a new MacBook Air. There doesn't sem to be any info about error 5103 in support.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i have an imac g5 PowerMac12,1 that i bought a week ago. the itune won't open and says i need quicktime 7.5. i downloaded this but itunes still wont open.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I've been unable to download or update any applications or songs on any of my phones, ipads, or imacs. I just keep getting the messages, "Unable to download application." It's been this way for weeks. What can I do?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
How do I fix this error message?It reads: The iTunes Library file cannot be saved. An unknow error occurred (-54).
I've had some problems accessing Safari Internet, which is what I used previously. I can access Internet Explorer, but all web pages are incomplete and jumbled; nor am I able to download anything, including trying to download Safari. My iTunes will not open either, and I cannot view any type of video, using Adobe Flash player. I never used to have any of these issues before. The current Internet setup is At&t Broadband. I am wondering if you might be able to suggest what the problem is, and how to remedy it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter opening Mac HD folder, made the mistake of attempting to change name next to house icon (Home? perhaps) along left spine (spine that includes 'Desktop' 'Documents' 'Applications' etc.). The computer started to run as if adjusting to the name change. From that point on, iphoto/tunes/aperture starting opening as if it was the first time asking for set-up preferences.
No photos/music can be found in the folders. I can still see my folders on the external hard drive that the tunes/photo are on, but they will not open when I open the programs. Any suggestions on fixing the links? I tried in vain to change the name back. The error message says that the previous name is already taken.
I am trying to open this app but keep getting this message.
GarageBand (Mac) '11, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I keep getting "Open error 18446744073709551594: “Unknown error: -22”" when trying to repair disk permissions. When I boot in recovery mode and try to repair the disk I get the message that the disk can't be repaired that I should back up my files and reformat. Since I hace been hearing about the Flashback trojan I am not sure if it is because my Mac is infected or simply because I somehow messed up with my HD. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Will it be any good to reinstall Lion? Is there any way of avoiding reformatting?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
After migrating my old iMac to my new one, every time I start iTunes, I get the following message: "We could not complete your iTunes store request. An unknown error occurred (4002).
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
"The iTunes application could not be opened. An unknown error occurred (13014)" I'm not quite sure what do do.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I attempt to upgrade I get an error message, "Could not purchase "iTunes Plus Upgrade". An unknown error occured (1004)." This has occurred over the last few days and after restarting.
iMac (20-inch Late 2006), iOS 5.1.1
I a new to mac. I am trying to open a ".config" file but I get this error message: "There is no default application specified to open the document xxxx". Normally, on a Windows, I would just force open it with notepad as it conly contain text. How do I do the same with a Mac?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have Office 2008 Home and Student installed on my MBP. I recently upgraded to a hosted Exchange solution and they offer a download of Entourage 2008 that will allow Exchange Server interaction. When I loaded that version over top of my install, Entourage will not open. It gives me an error about the identity not being able to open the item.
after installing the latest itunes update march 8th 2012 an error started to show that said error saving itunes library cannot be saved error (-54) or something like using OSX Lion
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have been trying to download the app Remote from iTunes for the past two weeks without success. I had Remote installed and happily working, but earlier in the month the latest Remote update was probably broken and the app cannot be updated or re-downloaded from iTunes, the error I get is 408.
I am experiencing this both on my mac mini running Lion 10.7 and my iphone running iOS 5.1
I am convinced my user profile has some sort of error. There are programs I cannot open on that profile but can open on another tested one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHere is the error message whenever I open up a X86 program. What I did was I've installed Xcode 3 and CUPS 1.4.5, after the restart, it started to appear this message. I don't have Time Machine. And also I've tried to uninstall Xcode but still doesn't work.
Process: Microsoft Messenger [1571]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Messenger
Version: ??? (???)
Build Info: Unknown-100825~0
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [171]
Date/Time: 2010-11-25 10:27:08.067 +0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.5 (10H574)
Report Version: 6
Interval Since Last Report: 20182 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 8186
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 2
Anonymous UUID: 9A3FC098-C8A4-465F-95B3-EF851F3D01F0
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0
I am having some real "first" problems with my Mac Pro. The "repair" function is not able to do anything with it. Before I replace the disc, is there something I can do without replacing the disc? I have no idea what this malfunction is or how o understand it. This is my first Mac since the late '90's and I expected problems, it's a computer, and am not sure of the steps I need to analyze the problem or how to correct it. The only thing I need to back up are my clients photographs. The rest is replaceable. Perhaps I should also get advice on how to properly burn CD's for b/u of my wifes email. Well, my email also.
View 9 Replies View RelatedJust bought my new Mac Pro within the month, already having issues! All of my applications today are looking like this: [URL]. That's Safari, in case you couldn't tell. I have the 2.8GHz 8-core with everything default, so the graphics card is ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256MB. The only thing I have upgraded so far has been RAM. I added 8GB of OWC 2GB sticks. Have completed the hardware test multiple times and never shows any problems. The other "fun" thing I just got was a codec overrun error, which I'm not sure if it's related. I tried downloading Onyx to see if clearing cache would fix anything but got that error when trying to open the dmg.
View 19 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to open the Account Preferences pane in the System Preferences folder, I get this message: "Preferences Error: Could not load Accounts preference pane."
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a few .wma movie files that I have created in (the horrible) "Windows Live Movie maker".
I wanted to be able to play these files on my iTunes, so I foolishly purchased QuickTime Pro after reading the description. "QuickTime 7 Pro can convert your media to different formats, so you can watch a movie or video on your iPhone, iPod, and Apple TV..". But it refuses to open any .wma files so that I can convert them. I keep getting the error message #2048. I read somewhere that installing new codecs might help...?
I've ripped my hair so much I have bald spots and they are growing by the minute
Windows 7
The Java JAR file "" could not be launched. Check the Console for possible error messages.I need to open a jar file and this is the error i get.
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