Whenever I try to mark videos as unwatched in iTunes, it also resets the play counts for those items. I'd like to mark them as unwatched so that I can see the blue dots on the Apple TV whenever I want to rewatch a series so that I can keep my place, but I also have playlists that depend on the play counts.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Dude, I got Mac™.
About an hour ago (have been trying to sort it since) I was in the middle of sending a couple of e-mails (been emailing a friend for about an hour, so was a sudden occurrence). And the messages don't send, wait in the outbox and an error message pops up JUST on my sky e-mail account, who are my ISP providers. They're claiming the port number and the outgoing mail server are incorrect/causing the error yet I have no touched the setting since the day I set the account up about 5months ago. The first line of the error says 'there may be a problem with the mail server or network' and then it goes on to mention the outgoing mail server and the port number (which is 995).
I recently ran a ‘verify’ scan in Disk Utility as a precaution after Word crashed. An ‘incorrect number of file links’ error message showed up, as well as a prompt to repair this using Disk Utility from the Recovery HD. However, when I do a scan from the Recovery HD version of Disk Utility, no error messages or repair prompts appear.
My questions… Is this something to be concerned about? How can it be fixed? Would it be best to do a clean install of OSX? I only lost a little bit of data so I was pretty lucky.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Disk Utility
The Finder window shows that I have 302GB of harddrive space remaining, out of 500GB. The Activity Monitor and Disk Utility show I have 240GB space remaining, and my System Profiler shows I have 239GB remaining. I just deleted a bunch of old TV shows off of iTunes (about 40GB worth) to open up some space, but only the Finder changed (up to 302GB from 260GB) but the Activity Monitor, Disk Utility, and System Profiler haven't changed.
Now, I'll assume the Finder is showing the correct amount of space, but I'm wondering why the other utilites are showing the incorrent amount of space. I have a feeling maybe something was screwed up when I created a 50GB Windows 7 partition through Boot Camp a couple months ago.
I've attempted to Repair Disk through the Disk Utility and it says everything looks fine. Any solutions to this minor inconvenience? Or at least an answer as to why this is happening?
I've noticed over the last while that the clock in the top right of my log-in window screen is about 20 minutes behind the actual time. When I login, the desktop clock changes to the right time. How to adjust the log-in window clock?
My mail icon on the sidebar has a red circle with #'s in it even though I have read all of the mail. How do I get rid of it so it only turns up red when I have new mail?
Mounted SMB share does not show in sidebar and is unavailable to some apps (itunes, chrome). Shares do show up when browsing computer. Where should I start? This started after upgrade to 10.7.3
My iTunes sidebar shows that I have two devices are attached when in reality no devices are attached. I delete them and every time I open iTunes, they show up again in my sidebar.
I am pulling my hair since friday trying to get my MBP's time machine work with a 1TB drive connected to a early 2009 AEBS. First I spent half a day doing the first backup by connecting the hard drive directly to Mac using USB and later when I connected that drive to AEBS, time machine would not recognize the drive as the same one and I had to spend a good part of yesterday backing up my complete drive again.... and just when I thought I can rest easy knowing that my eternal dream of getting time machine work wirelessly, I saw time machine complain that there is not enough free space left to backup my paltry 103 GB worth of data on just second day.
Turns out, the Time machine backup volume (volume created by time machine on the AEBS disk) shows that the used space is 1TB.... but the size of the sparsebundle is only 103GB and my airport drive mount itself shows plenty of free space (800GB).... I have tried to search for similar problem, but I couldn't find much help... can anyone help me out here....
Btw, when I tried to repair the volume in disk utility, it says something about incorrect allocation blocks and then says it cannot repair and I need to backup and reformat the drive or something of that sort....
I was looking to access the file sharing functionality of one of my apps (AV Player HD) in iTunes 12 and wasn't able to find out where or how to do this in the new version.
After a bit of searching on the internet I gathered I needed to select my device (iPad in this case) from the devices drop down, then on the left hand sidebar under the menu heading 'On My Device' I should see "Apps" listed there along with Music and Movies etc. I have:
Music MoviesTv Shows Books Audio Tones
and then some music playlists..That's it. So my questions are:
1. where is 'Apps'?
2. how am I supposed to access file sharing on AV Player HD if I can't see this menu item?
Info: MACBOOK PRO (RETINA, 15-INCH, LATE 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
The Apple Mail on my son's iMac 5, running OS X 10.6.8, shows the number of unread messages (9), but if I click on InBox, the messages themselves don't show up in the main window. This suddenly happened, and none of his old, read messages show up either. But he can access them just fine from his iPod, or through his Network Solutions web mail interface. Also, in Mail we can search part of his email address, and all the messages show up, read and unread! He has no rules set up. The connection doctor shows the connection is fine.
I'm running a Mac Pro with iTunes 10.6 and attempting to sync my iPad 2 (iOS 5.1). The capacity bar says I have 2.7 GB of free space. When I sync, I get this error message:
"The iPad “Kevin P Murphy’s iPad” cannot be synced because there is not enough free space to hold all of the items in the iTunes library (additional 46.03 GB required)."
I've run through all my tabs. I'm only syncing Music, Movies, and TV Shows. I have the sync "Entire Music Library" checkbox enabled, and the "Automatically Include all" for Movies and TV Shows. I also have the "Sync only checked songs and videos" checkbox enabled on the Summary tab, so under the Music, Movies, and TV Shows portions of my library, only those items checked should sync. They are all checked correctly. I do not have everything checked in any of those categories.
So why does iTunes think my iPad needs another 46 GB of space when I clearly am under that amount? By the way, this problem start when I tried to add 1.41 GB of music to an earlier successful sync of all the movies and TV shows. That 1.41 GB has apparently triggered a need for 45 GB more when it doesn't exist.
I'm trying to download itunes update. I get a message, update cannot be installed. The digital signature for this packae is incorrect. The package may have been tampered with or corrupted since being signed by "Apple". What do I need to do to update?
Long story short, I've been trying to move my entire iTunes from a NAS to my Mac and it's got messy and I'm left with a situation whereby all the songs are safe on the Mac in the correct folders, e.g. Bruce Springsteen songs in the correct album folder in the Bruce Springsteen parent folder, HOWEVER, when I try to play certain songs (not all) on iTunes it skips over the track and doesn't even highlight it with an "!". When I check the file path it will show iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/Madonna (for Bruce Springsteen).
So, my question is, how can I now re-associate the songs paths in iTunes app with the correct folders? Is there a script or can I somehow reimport the songs? I'm not worried about losing ratings, last played, play count, etc. but I wouldn't want to lose my playlists.
iTunes is showing me bizarre dates in the "Date Added" column. Examples are "6/29/14180", "1/5/145", and "12/29/12364". I should note that I'm running the latest version of iTunes and the latest version of Mavericks, but the iTunes library that I'm using is the library on my Snow Leopard drive (because I don't know a simple way of importing all of that music--25,000+ songs--into the Maverick side).
How to add buttons back to the top. In Terminal type: Code: defaults write com.apple.iTunes full - window - boolean YES. To change back, use the same code, but trade YES for NO.
How to add color back to the icons: 1. Quit iTunes 2. Download the itunes10color.zip from here. 3. Right-click the iTunes icon and select "show in finder" 4. In Finder, right-click the iTunes icon again and select "Show package details" 5. Open "contents" and locate the "resources" folder. 6. Replace the file "iTunes.rsrc" with the one downloaded
Short version: Replace /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/Resources/iTunes.rsrc with the downloaded file
Both are confirmed to work on an Intel Mac running Snow Leopard
This morning I opened iTunes and all I got was a little sound box that let me play a preselected piece from my library, but I can no longer see my library. All my choices under the file drop down menu are grayed out. "Library" is active, but the only choices are "organize," "export" "import." I can't even get the sidebar that lets me open my iTunes radio stations. I just upgraded to version 10 to see if that was the problem, but to no avail.
For some reason, when I download the album artwork from iTunes for "Music from and Inspired by Spider-Man," it instead shows artwork for "Ethnicali: Music Inspired by the Golden State." I don't even have that album. There was another album of mine that iTunes applied the wrong artwork to as well, but I can't remember it off-hand. In any case, does anybody have any suggestions as to what I could do to fix this issue. I already submitted feedback to Apple about the problem as well.
Hardware and Software Info.:Early 2011 MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3iTunes version 10.6.1 (7)
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6.1 (7)
iTunes won't list my tracks chronologically once they get past 9. I have a lecture series that has 30 tracks in it and when I number them from 1-30 as soon as iTunes sees another 1, like at the beginning of all the numbers from 10-19, it puts them after the number 1, and then moves onto the number 2. It's a real drag and other than alphabetizing the first 9 numbers I'm at a loss of what to do. Is there somewhere in preferences I can have it recognize two-digit numbers properly?