My iTunes sidebar shows that I have two devices are attached when in reality no devices are attached. I delete them and every time I open iTunes, they show up again in my sidebar.
Since day one of owning my iPad 2 and even after updating to a newer version of itunes, itunes freezes up.On my Mac Pro Tower in the iTunes main window under Devices I select my New ipad 2 in the itunes main window. Whenever I click the Photos tab itunes on the far right away from the Summary tab I get the spinning ball of wait.I check the Activity Monitor and iTunes is at the top in red (Not Responding) %CPU 200.1.I have tried throwing out the many suggested Ipod Photo Cache folder in the iPhoto Library and restarting and still if I try to choose the iPad folder I get the spinning ball.I have an iphone 4 which also has a Photos tab and it will open the Photos tab just fine.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Since upgarding to itunes 11.2 When ever I plug my iphone in to sync or even have it on the same netwrok to auto sync via wifi. My itunes crashes and I have to force quit the application. I have tried reinstalling itunes but this hasnt worked. I get this script in my console
My perfectly wonderful Mini has started doing the following, in this order:
First, I could no longer double click on a word but the right button functions still worked (and yes, I did try another mouse and had the same problem, then I switched the mouse preference to double click with the right button, but had the same problem). This started two evenings ago.
Second, the next morning, I suddenly couldn't drag the cursor across a word, or a sentence, etc. Now it was really getting annoying, because in my work I paste and copy a lot, and this caused me much, much extra work, so it's not a minor gripe.
Then, by that afternoon, I had a complete system crash. The whole screen froze. I tried turning off my Mini with the power button (which I hated because I know you're not supposed to), but the screen remained frozen.
At that point, done disk repair thing from my original instal DVD. Well, it unfroze the screen, but did not fix the mouse/cursor problem. Clear the PRam. That still didn't work. The next morning (today), it crashed almost immediately. Again, totally frozen. This time, I reinstalled the entire system from the instal disk. No luck.
I came across an app I'd bought the last time I'd had bad Mini problems (and had forgotten), called Disk Warrior, so I tried that. Well, it did find three unfixable, corrupt .plist files that it said could cause system disruption. I thought I'd found the problems. So I deleted all of them AND their apps, downloaded fresh copies of the apps, and restarted. Still same problems.
So, I ran Disk Warrior again, and it reported those same three corrupt plist files. Then I realized it was reporting the ones in the trash, so I emptied the trash, ran Disk Warrior again, and it said NO problems. Restarted and tried to highlight some text, and it worked! But it still wouldn't double click.
Info: Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac lover since the SE
I had to download software compatible with 10.7.4 in order to run a Canon iX6520 Printer, including Easy - PhotoPrint EX. It worked for a while, but now crashes every time I try to use it, just after clicking on "Print". How to correct this?
I have wireless network run via BT hub. However because of ongoing connectivity issues connect the main machine via the ethernet. I no longer use my Airport extreme. Since I first bought this machine I have had connectivity issues. At first thought it was BT & while initially it was I can now isolate the issues to this specific machine. I find that in the morning the connection has gone down & the only way to get it back is to restart everything. I can however get connected through all my other devices.
I am using Lion & safari or chrome or firefox! Have regular clearences of my cache.I have to box up the machine & trundle to my nearest Apple store (my 90 days home support is expired).
I was looking to access the file sharing functionality of one of my apps (AV Player HD) in iTunes 12 and wasn't able to find out where or how to do this in the new version.
After a bit of searching on the internet I gathered I needed to select my device (iPad in this case) from the devices drop down, then on the left hand sidebar under the menu heading 'On My Device' I should see "Apps" listed there along with Music and Movies etc. I have:
Music MoviesTv Shows Books Audio Tones
and then some music playlists..That's it. So my questions are:
1. where is 'Apps'?
2. how am I supposed to access file sharing on AV Player HD if I can't see this menu item?
Info: MACBOOK PRO (RETINA, 15-INCH, LATE 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
How to add buttons back to the top. In Terminal type: Code: defaults write full - window - boolean YES. To change back, use the same code, but trade YES for NO.
How to add color back to the icons: 1. Quit iTunes 2. Download the from here. 3. Right-click the iTunes icon and select "show in finder" 4. In Finder, right-click the iTunes icon again and select "Show package details" 5. Open "contents" and locate the "resources" folder. 6. Replace the file "iTunes.rsrc" with the one downloaded
Short version: Replace /Applications/ with the downloaded file
Both are confirmed to work on an Intel Mac running Snow Leopard
This morning I opened iTunes and all I got was a little sound box that let me play a preselected piece from my library, but I can no longer see my library. All my choices under the file drop down menu are grayed out. "Library" is active, but the only choices are "organize," "export" "import." I can't even get the sidebar that lets me open my iTunes radio stations. I just upgraded to version 10 to see if that was the problem, but to no avail.
iTunes is huge, and when I try to resize it (Bottom right 'button'), the Dock shows up. I tried to hide the dock, move it to the left/right, and iTunes is still lower than that area. So, ultimately is there a way I can resize iTunes without clicking on the bottom right?
I downloaded some new music apps for my iPhone 3GS today, only to find that some wouldn't sync to my iPhone. After much messing around I realised that some needed iOS 4.2 or above - mine is stuck on 4.1 at the moment.
When clicking on 'Update' in iTunes (9.2.1) nothing happened. So does that mean, this version can't support iOS 5 devices?
I tried then downloading the latest version of iTunes but of course it wouldn't install on my ageing G5 Quad which is stuck on OS 10.4.11, as it can't run the latest OS.
So it seems I'm stuck in an upgrade loop here. But if I upgrade the phone to iOS 5 from another computer - is it possible that I can still sync successfully from my old version of iTunes or not?
I had planned to upgrade my computer this year anyway but it's such a shame we are forced into it in this way. The computer itself still runs just fine but will likely just be heading for the recycling centre due to the abandonment of Power PC software/emulation.
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), G5 Quad 2.5 / 6.5GB RAM
3 devices set up on my account, I have recently updated to new ipad 2 and the iphone 4s, now i cannot add music on any of my devices? I set them up originally with no trouble then all stopped
I just jailbroke my iPhone 3GS and installed MyWi to work with my iPad. I also tried it on my MacBook Pro using Bluetooth. After I paired my iPhone and MacbBook Pro together everything worked fine. Now under the Airport Menu I see a separate category labeled "Devices" which is just below where my Home Network is.
My questions is how do I go about deleting this? I've tried everything. I deleted my device under Bluetooth Preferences, quit MyWi, messed around with the Network Preferences and it still appears under the Airport Menu. I even clicked connect but of course that doesn't work since I quit everything and deleted the device in Bluetooth settings. It's not even listed under "Preferred Networks" when you click on the advanced tab. It appears as "(my last name) Hotspot" and is under a tab labeled "Devices"
I have two computers and I would like to have my iTunes library on both. How do I download all my songs from iCloud without having to click on each one?
A friends iphone keeps showing up in my devices all the time even after I eject it. It always syncs whenever I open itunes. How do I get rid of it permanently? I would like mine to be there always instead of that one.
Our family has 2 i-phones, an i-pad, an i-mac, and 2 touches. We use the same Apple account. We currently have a positve balance on our i-tunes account.Some purchases are deducted from this account while others are put on my credit card.
I am trying to figure out what devices I have connected to my iTunes. I was also wondering if there was anyway to figure out if an iPod that was sold to someone else is actually mine since i do not have the box or anything anymore. The iPod in question has be reset, SO if it was mine then I cant tell unless I have the Serial number.
I'm a lucky owner of one iMac and one MacBook air both running os x yosemite 10.10.1 but i'm not able to have the same library on both devices.. Vice versa The same music library is easily shown on my iphone and ipod.
I fully understand the separate iBooks app in Mavericks. The problem I have is that my iTunes library still shows books available when I go to sync my iPad. The books are NOT in the iBooks app library, yet they still appear as available for syncing (See below). How do I remove them permanently?? I have tried to find a definitive answer, but haven't had any luck.
I may have found a solution for all the people out there who upgraded their hd's to a 7200rpm and have the clicking noise. Apple released a firmware update for the 7200rpm drives that shipped with the uMBP. You can get the file from here.I don't know if this will fix only the hd's shipped with the MBP or any 7200rpm drive but its worth a try.PS: Also i ask that anyone who tries this please report back on your results.
White macbook pro that was purchased in December of 2010.I was listening to music on ITunes last night, the music stopped and the computer was making some weird noise and froze up. I held the power button to shut it down. Let it sit for a couple minutes and then powered it back on. When it powered it on, it still made the clicking noise, and displayed a blank screen that had a flashing folder with a "?" in it. That's all it did. The noise was coming from the left side of the laptop.