I downloaded some new music apps for my iPhone 3GS today, only to find that some wouldn't sync to my iPhone. After much messing around I realised that some needed iOS 4.2 or above - mine is stuck on 4.1 at the moment.Â
When clicking on 'Update' in iTunes (9.2.1) nothing happened. So does that mean, this version can't support iOS 5 devices?Â
I tried then downloading the latest version of iTunes but of course it wouldn't install on my ageing G5 Quad which is stuck on OS 10.4.11, as it can't run the latest OS.Â
So it seems I'm stuck in an upgrade loop here. But if I upgrade the phone to iOS 5 from another computer - is it possible that I can still sync successfully from my old version of iTunes or not?Â
I had planned to upgrade my computer this year anyway but it's such a shame we are forced into it in this way. The computer itself still runs just fine but will likely just be heading for the recycling centre due to the abandonment of Power PC software/emulation. Â
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), G5 Quad 2.5 / 6.5GB RAM
My iTunes sidebar shows that I have two devices are attached when in reality no devices are attached. I delete them and every time I open iTunes, they show up again in my sidebar.Â
3 devices set up on my account, I have recently updated to new ipad 2 and the iphone 4s, now i cannot add music on any of my devices? I set them up originally with no trouble then all stopped
I just jailbroke my iPhone 3GS and installed MyWi to work with my iPad. I also tried it on my MacBook Pro using Bluetooth. After I paired my iPhone and MacbBook Pro together everything worked fine. Now under the Airport Menu I see a separate category labeled "Devices" which is just below where my Home Network is.
My questions is how do I go about deleting this? I've tried everything. I deleted my device under Bluetooth Preferences, quit MyWi, messed around with the Network Preferences and it still appears under the Airport Menu. I even clicked connect but of course that doesn't work since I quit everything and deleted the device in Bluetooth settings. It's not even listed under "Preferred Networks" when you click on the advanced tab. It appears as "(my last name) Hotspot" and is under a tab labeled "Devices"
A friends iphone keeps showing up in my devices all the time even after I eject it. It always syncs whenever I open itunes. How do I get rid of it permanently? I would like mine to be there always instead of that one.
Our family has 2 i-phones, an i-pad, an i-mac, and 2 touches. We use the same Apple account. We currently have a positve balance on our i-tunes account.Some purchases are deducted from this account while others are put on my credit card.
I am trying to figure out what devices I have connected to my iTunes. I was also wondering if there was anyway to figure out if an iPod that was sold to someone else is actually mine since i do not have the box or anything anymore. The iPod in question has be reset, SO if it was mine then I cant tell unless I have the Serial number.
I'm a lucky owner of one iMac and one MacBook air both running os x yosemite 10.10.1 but i'm not able to have the same library on both devices.. Vice versa The same music library is easily shown on my iphone and ipod.
I fully understand the separate iBooks app in Mavericks. The problem I have is that my iTunes library still shows books available when I go to sync my iPad. The books are NOT in the iBooks app library, yet they still appear as available for syncing (See below). How do I remove them permanently?? I have tried to find a definitive answer, but haven't had any luck.
If you look at your account page in iTunes and the iTunes Store there is a section for "Manage Devices". I have an iPad, the new 3rd Gen, and it shows up as an iPad2 under my devices. I think this may cause issues when syncing, downloading and playing content, or installing new apps since they are different model devices.
I only have one iPad and never had an iPad2, but I did buy one for my Dad a while back but he lives in a different city and it has never been synced with my itunes account or library. Has anyone else ever ran into this situation? And how do I correct my device list to show the correct model iPad?
I added two CDs to my iTunes library and they are not updating into iCloud (they don't show on my iPhone 4S). I checked the iTunes store and they do have the two CDs available to purchase so it's not that they can't match them.
I've tried deleting them and then re-importing them into iTunes and still nothing. They work fine on my computer but are not available to my iPhone 4S which is the whole point of iTunes Match for me.The only information I was able to find online is to go in iTunes under Store and select "update iTunes Match" which doesn't exist in my latest version of iTunes 10.6.1 (7).
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27" 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB which doesn
I have been able to pass my music from iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 and iPad 2 but I cant figure out how to pass a ringtone I purchase on my iphone4 to my other iPhone4.
We have one mac book, two iphones and an ipad and are having trouble syncing them all to the one computer.I have set up a different user account (with the itunes library shared across all users) for one iphone and ipad (who belong to the one person). However when we connect these devices it states that they have already been synced with an itunes account and will need to erase it to do so. They iphone was set up with an old computer and the new ipad through icloud. I have selected to manually manage the music (both with the old and new computer) but itunes keeps telling me it will have to erase the iphone/ipad to sync with this computer - all we really want to do is put music on the devices but definitely don't want to loose the contacts and all the other information.
Since 11.2 and 11.2.2 came onto the scene my podcast adds another of each episode to my iDevices on every sync. Only the unwatched/unlistened to episodes. Â
Example. I have 30 unwatched podcast, I sync, I now have all 30 on my iphone. When I sync again. I still have 30 unwatched, but now my iDevice in the sidebar shows 60 podcast. Adds another 30 every sync. Â
Fortunately as best as I can tell, It is not physically duplicated the file or the title entry on the iDevice. I don't see my data bar graph at the bottom grow either. Â
iTunes Library is served from a 12TB unRaid server on 1Gb network. Worked fine until 11.2. Â
Phone 5 and 5s - 7.1.1 iPad Air - 7.1.1 Mac Mini 2.3 - i7 - 8GB - 10.9.3 MacBook Pro Late '13 - 2.4 i5 - 8GB - 10.9.3 MacBook Air Late '11 - 10.9.3 iTunes - 11.2.2 (3)
iOS 8.1.2 no longer allows me to sync any of my devices to iTunes 120.0.1 by WiFi, although wired sync still seems to work. I have tried all the usual tricks, such as restarting device, without success. How to restore wireless syncing?
Is it possible to play music from multiple libraries over a single device, with control over the playlist possible from multiple devices/computers? Baiscally, in one of my smaller offices, everyone has a Mac or PC with iTunes, along with various iPads, iPhones etc etc. They randomly pick some tunes to play from each of their individual machines.
I would like to setup a system where there is a single device (Mac/PC/Airplay/Apple TV etc) with decent speakers, where anyone can submit a track(s) to play from their library, be it on their Mac, iPad iPhone etc. to stream through the central system.I would then imagine using the Remote app to control it.
They should all be able to submit tracks simultanously, rather that one device connecting with a Airplay at a time. This would also work in a party senario. Guest rock up, pair their device with the system, and they can all submit track(s) from their device and it goes into the playlist...
So Apple sells ebooks and audio books through iTunes to people on their Macbooks. RIght? And when you go to sync these purchases to the Apple IOS devices you are told that you can not sync them to the Apple IOS device without erasing all of the rest of your music library on the same IOS device. Right?
I have to stop right here because thoughts of "class action", of feeling having been defruaded, of having been taken for a ride. If I had nown before I bought my iPhone 4s that I would have to purchase all kinds of third party help to make it work only seemingly correct I would have never bought one. If I knew that when Jobs died this was going to happen I would have sold my Macbook right then and there. Tsk Tsk Tsk Mr Cook. So is Apple going to drive 10 hours from the nearest Apple Store to me and hand me a new Macbook without all of the bugs? Will that make me happy? No.