OS X :: Sync Multiple Devices To ITunes Library?
Jul 26, 2010sync my ipad, ipod touch and iphone to the computer and i will be able to sync the songs to all them devices?
View 1 Repliessync my ipad, ipod touch and iphone to the computer and i will be able to sync the songs to all them devices?
View 1 Replieswhat is the best way to sync different music to multiple devices
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
So... I used to use MobileMe, and now we have iCloud. :| Grrr.Â
I switched back to Mac Mail after using Gmail for a while... but I have like 10 email accounts, all their own IMAP setups. I just added them all to my desktop Mac last night.Â
I'd like them (and all mail rules, etc) to also show up on my iPhone and my iPad and my Mac Air. This used to be doable with MobileMe.
Is there any way to do this now? Best I can tell, unless I'm missing something, iCloud only syncs the iCloud mail account itself.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
If the mobileme sync services not longer work after moving to iCloud, how do you sync your mail/calendar/contacts across multiple Apple devices?
G5, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
I'm trying to find the easiest solution to our family music situation. 4 users, 4 devices (ipods, ipad, imac, pc laptops), and 4 different musical song interests. I'm sure there are millions of households that have the same exact situation. I want to be able to pull up only my musical library, not my kid's music, and then easily synch it to my ipod. Everyone in the family wants to do this same thing. I have spent alot of time trying to search the forums/internet and there does not seem to be one "most popular" solution. I did setup iCloud for each family member using a different Apple ID than my main Apple ID, and I'm happy that ALL the music shows up on my ipad. But between iCloud, MobileMe, Home Sharing it all gets very confusing. Some say to setup multiple computer login accounts, and others say to setup 1 playlist for each family member and synch from that playlist. Â
I would think 1 itunes account allows you to easily share a purchased song with 4 users, instead of buying songs twice.Â
So here are a few of my questions-
1-Is it best to have only 1 itunes account and then synch all devices off of 1 main computer? Â
2-Or since we each have iCloud accounts, will they be able to synch their ipods from their own pc laptop?Â
3-And when they synch, what is the easiest way to exclude other users music in itunes? (other than unchecking hundreds of artists)Â
4-Or setup 4 separate computer login accounts on the imac and then keep 1 itunes account? If so, how does this work when they open itunes? Â
Imac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
I have a Mac that my wife and I share. We own and iShuffle, iPod, iTouch and two iPhones. My wife's iPhone is her own and my iPhone is through work. We only have one Apple ID and we share our iTunes. What do I need to do to make all devices work together on iTunes with relative ease? Do I need to create multiple Apple IDs? Can we link them together so we don't have to log in and out of iTunes, yet keep it so that what she does with apps / music on her phone doesn't effect what apps / music I move on my phone?Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedOur family has 2 i-phones, an i-pad, an i-mac, and 2 touches. We use the same Apple account. We currently have a positve balance on our i-tunes account.Some purchases are deducted from this account while others are put on my credit card.
I rented a movie on iTunes on my MacBook. Can I watch it on my iPad or apple tv or is it limited to the device it was rented on?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have one mac book, two iphones and an ipad and are having trouble syncing them all to the one computer.I have set up a different user account (with the itunes library shared across all users) for one iphone and ipad (who belong to the one person). However when we connect these devices it states that they have already been synced with an itunes account and will need to erase it to do so. They iphone was set up with an old computer and the new ipad through icloud. I have selected to manually manage the music (both with the old and new computer) but itunes keeps telling me it will have to erase the iphone/ipad to sync with this computer - all we really want to do is put music on the devices but definitely don't want to loose the contacts and all the other information.
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I bought a tv series on my iPad and want to view it on other devices including an iMac and MacBook pro. How do I make that happen?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Since 11.2 and 11.2.2 came onto the scene my podcast adds another of each episode to my iDevices on every sync. Only the unwatched/unlistened to episodes. Â
Example. I have 30 unwatched podcast, I sync, I now have all 30 on my iphone. When I sync again. I still have 30 unwatched, but now my iDevice in the sidebar shows 60 podcast. Adds another 30 every sync. Â
Fortunately as best as I can tell, It is not physically duplicated the file or the title entry on the iDevice. I don't see my data bar graph at the bottom grow either. Â
iTunes Library is served from a 12TB unRaid server on 1Gb network. Worked fine until 11.2. Â
Phone 5 and 5s - 7.1.1
iPad Air - 7.1.1
Mac Mini 2.3 - i7 - 8GB - 10.9.3
MacBook Pro Late '13 - 2.4 i5 - 8GB - 10.9.3
MacBook Air Late '11 - 10.9.3
iTunes - 11.2.2 (3)
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.1
iOS 8.1.2 no longer allows me to sync any of my devices to iTunes 120.0.1 by WiFi, although wired sync still seems to work. I have tried all the usual tricks, such as restarting device, without success. How to restore wireless syncing?
iPhone 5s, iOS 8.1.2
Is it possible to play music from multiple libraries over a single device, with control over the playlist possible from multiple devices/computers? Baiscally, in one of my smaller offices, everyone has a Mac or PC with iTunes, along with various iPads, iPhones etc etc. They randomly pick some tunes to play from each of their individual machines.
I would like to setup a system where there is a single device (Mac/PC/Airplay/Apple TV etc) with decent speakers, where anyone can submit a track(s) to play from their library, be it on their Mac, iPad iPhone etc. to stream through the central system.I would then imagine using the Remote app to control it.
They should all be able to submit tracks simultanously, rather that one device connecting with a Airplay at a time. This would also work in a party senario. Guest rock up, pair their device with the system, and they can all submit track(s) from their device and it goes into the playlist...
So Apple sells ebooks and audio books through iTunes to people on their Macbooks. RIght? And when you go to sync these purchases to the Apple IOS devices you are told that you can not sync them to the Apple IOS device without erasing all of the rest of your music library on the same IOS device. Right?
I have to stop right here because thoughts of "class action", of feeling having been defruaded, of having been taken for a ride. If I had nown before I bought my iPhone 4s that I would have to purchase all kinds of third party help to make it work only seemingly correct I would have never bought one. If I knew that when Jobs died this was going to happen I would have sold my Macbook right then and there. Tsk Tsk Tsk Mr Cook. So is Apple going to drive 10 hours from the nearest Apple Store to me and hand me a new Macbook without all of the bugs? Will that make me happy? No.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
New to Macs Can I sync my iPhone 5 and iPad with my mac without loosing these devices' contents..These two devices have been previously sync with a PC.
iPhone 5, iOS 6.1.3
Since upgarding to itunes 11.2 When ever I plug my iphone in to sync or even have it on the same netwrok to auto sync via wifi. My itunes crashes and I have to force quit the application. I have tried reinstalling itunes but this hasnt worked. I get this script in my console  Â
03/06/2014 06:40:14.480 SyncServer[37207]: [0x7f9b7940bc90] |SQLite|Error| Detected out-of-space situation: 0 (Undefined error: 0). 56576303104 bytes free in davidcolbert.
03/06/2014 06:40:14.482 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[208]: (com.apple.syncservices.SyncServer[37207])
I have two desktop macs, a macbook air, two iPads, and two iPhones. I have one Apple account that I use for all music - including music my college aged kids download. My problem is that I would like to get all the music into one library, delete the duplicates, then have the external drive store all the music. Is there a practical way to do this? This way I can set up my devices so that they all have the same music and playlists.Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo here is what I'm trying to do, I've got a 160 gb of music in itunes on my macbook pro, but I need to decrease that number, b/c my I'm running out of hard drive space and my library is only getting larger. I want to have it set up so that I've got my entire library on my external hard drive (1 TB, space is not an issue), and while I'm at home I can access the entire library. However, while I'm out of the house, I'd like to only have about half of my current collection with me on my macbook pro..
I tried to set it up using the 'itunes manage multiple libraries' method, but this didn't transfer any of my ratings or playlists. Then I realized that with having these two libraries completely separate, this will be a re-occurring theme. The playlist and ratings between the two separate libraries in two separate locations, would continue to get more and more askew from each other depending on which library I'm accessing when I import new music, change ratings, or modify playlists...........
Library content - I have several apple products... Music and pictures vary on all devices. How do I synchronize and retrieve older content.Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just found out that I can not properly put my music on both iPhone 4S and iPad (iOS 5.1).
try do the following and place the result here whether you see same behavior.
1. Enable Manual sync on you iOS device;
2. Drag and Drop any album from your library to iPhone -> songs start to transfer;
3. Now, while songs are transfering get another album and drop it to your iPhone;
4. ISSUE IS THAT: you should notice that the transfer of the first album is interrupted and the latest album is transferring ONLY;
So, at the end you have just several songs from first album and all songs from the second one. So, basically each new album you drag and drop interrupts previous transfer.
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
I currently have a MacPro and a Mac book Air both with iTunes libraries. The musics, Tv shows and movies are stored on my external drive connected to my router. My main iTunes library is on my MacPro, but I want to ensure that that my library on my Macbook Air is automatically updated when i add contact to my external drive and MacPro iTunes library without physically copying the content on to my macbook air.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is the column that has the following options : Library, Devices, Playlists etc.Â
It occurred when I connected my wife's iphone to iTunes to back it up under her account and her share of the iMac.
Need it because I'd like to eject her iphone from iTunes and can't get to the iPhone Device line.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a new-to-me MacBook (running Lion) and I just downloaded all my music into iTunes. I had been sync'd with an old PC laptop previously. If I choose to sync my iPhone (4S) with iTunes on the MacBook, will it delete my apps and data (as the warning in iTunes leads me to believe)? I do use iCloud backup on the iPhone, and I've got all kinds of apps installed (and arranged to my liking). What's the best way to have my music sync with the MacBook without having to reinstall my apps?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPhone 4S
Is there a good guide to having your ITunes library on multiple macs? I have found a couple of links and some stuff here but none of them seem very good, as they use third party software (Dropbox) or Automator scripts that you have to run everytime you open your library.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOkay so here's my setup:
MacBook Pro (10.6.2)
Mac mini (10.6.2)
Airport Extreme with a USB Hard Drive
I would like to set up one ITunes Library so both of my computers can access it. Furthermore I would like to be able connect my IPhone to any of the computers in the house and sync my music, podcasts and applications as normal. Here's what I've tried so far (which worked with my music, but didn't work with podcasts and IPhone application, etc).
1. Copied all the music to my Mac mini.
2. Opened iTunes Preferences and pointed my library to the 'Music' my NAS drive.
3. Went to File > Library > Organise > Consolidate Library.
Now my NAS iTunes library has all my music, but has no library file or XML file in it. Plus if I add ratings to any of my music, the information is not transferred over to my other computer.
I want to manage 2 iTunes library on my Mac, one for my musics and the other one for my Podcast, ITunes U, Movies and TV Shows. The reason why I want to do this is because I keep my songs on my Mac HHD and the podcasts and video files on my External HHD. I built these two libraries, the podcast library is setted to copy the files directly into the EHD iTunes folder, and my songs library don't, I manage it myself. The problem is that when I quit one library and open another, the preferences are imported, they have the same preferences. How do I manage to keep one preference in one library and another preference in the other?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a Solution to sync a iTunes library between two macs? (10.6. and 10.4 PPC) when I Download music on my Macbook I want the music to transfer to the PowerMac G4 via LAN , any Solutions for that ( I am only Downloading FREE music so don't give me Sh** about Pirating
I Tried "SyncOtunes" But I want something more "mac-like"
I just bought a used iMac and my iTunes library won't sync. I've got iCoud turned on, automatic dowloading enabled, computer authorized on my iTunes account, and all of the latest software upgrades.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How do I sync my iTunes library on to my new iPad after I have already backed it up through iCloud ?
iPad Air, iOS 8.1.1
I recently decided to delete all the iTrip stations from my library but I couldn't left click/drag to select them all because you can't.
Command 'a' doesn't help either because it selects all the songs in the library, where as I only wanted to select certain ones.