ITunes :: Stuck On Purchasing But Hasn't Started Downloading
Apr 20, 2012
I'm trying to purchase The Walking Dead, Season 2, which is currently available as a Season Pass (despite the season being complete, now). I downloaded season 1, no problem, but when I try to download season 2, itunes just gets stuck on 'Purchasing', with the grey striped in motion in the info section at the top of the window.
I clicked the "Buy Season Pass" button, was prompted to enter my password and the info section changed to "Purchasing". The "Downloads" option on the left never appears. It's been three hours. I could've get dvds faster than this (provided that season 2 was available on dvd yet it's not, but it might be by the time itunes finally decides to download it!).
I've got about 150 individual podcasts downloading and I've subscribed to about 20 , the problem is it's now stuck and won't let me "Pause all" or "resume all" on the download screen. I have a feeling if I shut it down the hard way I'll lose all those individual podcasts and podcast subscriptions that I entered, and it took me hours to figure out the ones I wanted. Is there a way to backup so it will resume all this on restart?
my mom's Macbook Pro can't start up. it gets stuck at the grey screen w/ the Apple logo and spinning pinwheel every time. nothing else is plugged into the laptop aside from the power cord. Â
here's what i tried already, but to no avail:
 - Reset SMC
 - Reset PRAM
 - Hold shift while starting up... nothing happens. So can't start in safe mode
 - Used install disk to run Disk Utility diagnostic: Ran into a bunch of Disk Permission errors and fixed those. Nothing wrong on the Disk itself.
 - Held Command-S while starting up and typed "fsck -fy". Got "File system was modified" at first. Ran it again and got clean bill of health there
 - Held "d" while booting, ran the hardware test and it checked out fine.Â
after all of the above, tried waiting for it to restart for 15 minutes and still same spinning wheel. Â
this all started when a Skype update couldn't install, so i got rid of the current Skype. then tried downloading the new Skype. after it supposedly downloaded fully and it was automatically processing in the download pop up window (e.g. something about "writing", "image", etc.), it got stuck and froze the computer for at least 5 minutes. at that point, i help the power button until it turned out. then this started..
PS: not sure if this has anything to do w/ the problem, but after this happened, i tried to use Disk Utilities to make an image onto an external hard drive and it gave me an "operation timed out" error.Â
PPS:Â she has the following specs -
Hitachi Hard drive; partition Map Scheme: GUID Partition Table
i need some help regarding my iMac. I was busy installing combo update 10.5.8 on my iMac when the power in the entire house went down due to the snow. When I started my iMac back up it got stuck on the apple logo with the spinning wheel below it. I can leave it there for as long as i like nothing happens. I had the idea to reboot using the CD's i got with the iMac but there is already a disc in the discloader so i can't put the reboot CD's in. anybody know how i can get my iMac to work again? There aren't any files on the computer that i neccesarely need but if i would be able to save my photo's etc. it would be great.
I want to purchase a soundtrack but it is only available in the UK itunes store and not in the Canada iTunes store. Is there anyway to purchase these tracks or any other distributors selling songs online?
At one time I think I was able to type in a song name and/or writer/singer and it would come up and allow me to preview it for 60 seconds. I can't figure out how to do that now (I think this may have changed once our MAC was 'updated' by a local MAC professional). I'd like to be able to type in 'After the Gold Rush' by Neil Young, preview it to make sure it's the sone I want, and then Buy it and have it downoaded onto my MAC.Â
I recently found at the bottom of the Itunes store a drop down box which has a list of all the stores around the world. When I went into Italy for instance it wouldnt allow me to purchase anything from that country. Is their a work around so I can purchase what I like from which ever country I want?
Previously buying an HD TV show gave you the SD download too, so you could playback on older devices not HD compatible, or perhaps more importantly sync smaller files to iPhones/iPads if you wanted to get more content on sacrificing the resolution. Last few TV shows I've bought only the HD downloads, and no matter how much I fiddle with Prefs and the 'prefer HD when available' checkbox in iTunes Store 'Purchased' I cannot seem to get the SD to download.
*First time user on this forum, so sorry if I have posted this in the wrong place or this thread has already been asked*
I was wondering if anybody could advise me on how to go about purchasing tracks/videos from the Canadian Itunes store.I have an American account, but there are a few items in the Canadian sotre I would like to purchase. I've tried changing 'stores' but I get the usually message "Your Account is only valid to purchase items from the US store".I have read you can make a Canadian account, but was wondering if the Giftcards purchased in the American stores, can be used to top up Canadian Itunes Account.
So I've got a USB device OWC Voyage Q which is a drive dock that's currently plugged into USB When I switch it on I get 10/25/09 11:25:37 MkernelUSBF:130.545AppleUSBEHCI[0x81b9800]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0x26, timing out! (Addr: 0, EP: 0) all the time on the console
My backup external hard drive hasn't work since I installed Snow Leopard. Bad:(Â I am still learning about my MAC and would just like to re-format the hard dive and set everything up again. I want to upgrade to Lion but can't untill I backup what I.
About 4 days ago, iTunes started launching on its own after my iMac has been sitting idle for a while. It doesn't start playing music, it just starts up the main screen. I didn't install any plug-ins or any other software prior to this happening.
I am on a 2008 Mac Pro. My computer was on and after being in another room for about 5 minutes, I start hearing my music playing on the Mac. My iTunes wasn't even on, how is this possible??? No one here but me, so it's not like the keyboard was pressed or anything the music just started playing. It was a random song too, in the middle of one of my albums. First: has anyone ever heard of such a weird thing? Second: is this of concern security wise? Is someone hacked into my machine?
My imac is only 3 months old and has started slowing down, randomly playing music when connected to iTunes, spinning colour wheel takes she's to laid anything.
i would like to purchase a refurblished macbook pro. Anyway Im from Singapore and would like to purchase through a US website. May i know is it possible and what will be shipping cost? How do i check the condition of the macbook on the exterior? I assume they dont refurblish the macbook with a new casing yeah?
I just put a 25 dollar card on to my account and was then prompted by two security questions while trying to make a purchase. I did not put these on here and on further review I found these were added about a month ago. I need to get the questions off in order to make a purchase for the first time on my new mac. Anybody got a solution?
I have an iBook G4 that runs on OS X. Today, my software update box popped up, and I downloaded the new version of itunes. It worked. Then the other update didn't finish. I'm not sure if that's connected. Now, my itunes won't open. When I first tried, nothing would happen. So I restarted the computer, but it wouldn't full restart (stuck on the box with an apple, acting like it was starting up but never did). So I did an archive install with my discs. That worked. But now when I try to open itunes, a box pops up and says that "you cannot use this application with this version of OS X." What?? I feel tricked and panicky. What can I do?
I purchased and downloaded Lion, but didn't make a backup copy. OK, I realize I should have copied the file before I installed it, but now what? How do I go about downloading the software without purchasing the same thing again?
I downloaded the trial of iWork '09 and I really like it. It complements Office 2008 really well, better in some ways. Anyway, I want to purchase it from the Apple Store. I can either purchase a serial number that is emailed to me to enter into the trial version or a boxed version that is shipped to me. Which way should I go? I guess if I get the boxed, I have to install the trial and reinstall from the DVD or something? Is getting the serial number just as good?
im an experienced mac user so im actually kind of embarrassed to be asking this but i never buy movies through iTunes so im not sure.
If i download a movie through itunes can i throw it onto a usb flash drive and then take it and play it on various other computers / xbox? or does it have DRM restrictions that force it to only play on the computer i download it onto?
Can someone tell me why when i try to download some from itunes it takes to long to download. For example when i download a movie with a length of 1 hour and 25 minutes why does it it take 5 hours to download.
I just did a clean install on my Mac mini to clean out old unwanted files. When I got to the point of redownloading all my iTunes purchases I checked to see if everything was downloaded and it keeps showing that 1 movie and 1 tv show need downloading yet they already are downloaded both SD and HD. Why do these videos not go away under the Not on my Computer tab once downloaded?