ITunes :: Original Music Files Cannot Be Found After Restoring HD
Jul 2, 2012
I have copied many Cd's and digital music files to iTunes but since restoring my hard drive, this message appears every time I click of most songs in my library: "...original file can not be found. Would you like to locate it?" However, I can't find it.
I have a large library and just in the past day, many of my songs have become greeted with the following: The song could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it? I have not moved any files to another location since the last successful play and when I locate the file it is still in the original location. I have many different playlists and I cannot just delete my library or I will lose the content of those playlists...
Today I went into my Itunes on my Macbook Air using OSX 10.9.5...Normally I play my songs on my Ipad but thought I would use my Macbook instead. The majoirty of my songs have an "i" besides the song and when I click to play it, I get the following message. "The song “*******” could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it"? I then have the option to locate or cancel. The songs are still playable on my Ipad.
When I attempt to songs in itunes on my computer I get an error message that says: "The song < Name of Song Here> could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?" All the songs are listed but can not access them.
My OS: Vista Have tried: System restore restoring via back-up Uninstalling then re-installing iTunes Rebooting computer
Have approx 1300 songs only 60 are accessible. Songs are not available on my Itouch. Itouch syncs but no songs there. Issue happened on 2/25 after my wife bought a song from iStore.
Some time ago I had a hard drive failure on my PowerMac Pro Quad processor.
No problem I thought as I was using time machine however, when I went to re-load from an earlier back up iTunes failed to load completely, the song titles are the but with approx 50% of them I get the error "original file could not be found" also in many case I get the iCloud sign but with a ! in the cloud...
We got a new hard drive. When restoring from Time Capsule, I needed to eliminate restoring music for space. How do I get music from my iphone to the new hard drive. Or, how do I get music from Time Capsule to new hard drive? I also got an external drive to move files to before doing the music restore.
My computer HD failed and I cant start my macbook at all. The computer boots and shows a question mark on a folder and the HD clicks so I assume thats the problem. I'm getting ready to order a new one and I can't find my original install disks. Can I do a fresh install of the OS on a new HD with just the Leopard install disk? I have a set of Mac Pro install disks, but don't know if they will work (missing divers?).
I have transferred my itunes music on to my external HD. The music is there and that is fine. I then deleted the old itunes folder from my actual HD. I have now wanted to access the music on the external HD, and have attempted to select the new music file location on the external HD via the itunes/preferences/advanced window,selected the new file path and it will just not show in itunes!
I accidentally deleted all my iTunes music, movie, app, etc files while trying to move it to an External HD. I was able to restore the files using third party software, from the sql layer. However, each fille now has a name like "54678990.m4v" as opposed to "Thor.m4v" and it appears they all need to be "re-linked" to the titles in my iTunes window interface.
I restored the files to the External HD actually, and when I click directly on them, they do play in iTunes and a little exclamation point appears next to the name of the file (eg, 'Thor' in the iTunes window). That is telling me, I think, that there is some kind of issue with naming and linking to the actual file on the External HD.
Is there some relatively easy way to do get this all straight and clean and seamless for like 1000 files?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iPhone 4S, IPad 3 64gb
I'm deleting all of my files from itunes to start fresh since right now it is unorganized, the problem with this is that when I first installed itunes it searched my hard drive and added sounds that I don't know where they came from, in fact some of them look like from the operating system, so I'm afraid to delete something that a program or the actual OS needs (since I don't know if these are just copies or are the originals). Is there a way to know if the original of a certain file exists? In other words I need to know if what I have in iTunes is a copy or the only file in the hard drive (original) and if it is a copy I would like to know where it came from or somehow find the original.
I received a Mac Mini for my birthday from my husband. I've had my wonderful Mini for less than 2 weeks and am trying to get used to it after working with a MS/Dell system since the early 1990's. I accidentally deleted Bootcamp and now when I click on the bootcamp icon on my desktop I get the following error message: The alias "My Boot Camp" can't be opened because the original item can't be found. What do I need to do to reinstall/make this work again?
I am selling an iBook G4 and I can't seem to find the restore discs. Is there anyway to restore it to it's original form without them? If not, does anybody know how to go about getting them?
So there I was with my dock on the right-hand side in 2D mode, and having now switched it to the bottom I realise I switched in some new dock image files back when Leopard came out, and now I've got a funky multicoloured spectrum dock.
All well and good, but I don't think I have any of the original dock image files anywhere. Short of reinstalling Leopard from scratch, is there any way (or utility) to get my dock back to the default Leopard version?
I just bought a Mac Book pro 13 (last model) and I tried to use assistant migration to migrate everything from my old Mac Book (OS X LIon and updated), by ethernet connexion by cable, but the operation avorted twice. No interesting solution for the moment from the Apple Care telephone ahelp. They seem as bewildered as me.
I am looking for a solution in my old Mac, but before going in the Old Mac to see what's going wrong (I had done, though, the necessary adjustment, like deactivation of all applications opening automatically, never deactivate hard drive, unlink my computer to Dropbox etc..) I want to restore my new Mac Book Pro with its original features (without any trace of the precedent operation, or user accounts etc..)
SO: Is it better to format hard disk and restore original adjustments (as if I had just open the computer) or to use in Disk utilities the command "Reinstall Mac OS X and its application"?
I should think it is the first solution but I liked an advise from more clever folks than me.
Secondary question:Could the problem be because my new Mac Pro had been configured in the Apple Store with the same user account than the one on my old Mac (and same Apple ID)? Or is there other possibilities?
I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.
i am trying to make a compilation in itunes as a christmas present..i was hoping to create a whole new "album". but every time i try it either 1. puts the songs in alphabetical order 2. changes the original album file. Is there a program out there i can use to create a digital compilation? I have a hankering to make a mixed tape - but somehow do it in the digital age.
I just bought and installed snow leopard and when i did i restored to factory settings so i could start fresh. However i wanted to restore my itunes back to how it was, but i can seem to work it out. If someone could tell me an easy way to do
I have a Lacie external hard disk that was originally formatted for PCs. I have some files there, but more importantly, my iTunes library is saved directly on the Lacie (I have everything on apple lossless, so they are some big files). I will keep using this PC while connected to the Lacie hard disk to syncro my iPod.
The problem is that I bought a mac now and I wanted the Lacie hard disk to be able to transfer files from mac to pc and vice versa. I have already read that I would have to copy the files that are on the Lacie, reformat the Lacie and then paste the files back. My only doubt is that if I do this reformatting, will I have any problems using the iTunes library while connected to my pc and iPod?
I just ask that because every time I changed any iTunes library folder on the computer, the iTunes would say that the music file couldn�t be found and ask me if I wanted to look for the file. I didn�t want to reformat the Lacie to later find out that I would have to �look for� every single music file, because that would be nearly impossible. I don�t know if I was able to make my question really clear�
-My job is offering to buy me new Mac laptop (like ).
-At home I already own a 5 year old Mac Book Pro, upgradable to Lion, beat up on the outside, could change hard drive myself.
-Also own a iMac which has a new 1TB hard drive I put in there. This machine is not upgradable to Lion. Connected to this iMac is a 1TB external back up drive which backs up this iMac.
I have right now about 75GB of music in my iTunes right now (on MacBookPro), plus about 600 Cds to be ripped and imported at some point. I am considering using Amazon Music Cloud or iTunes Match at some point but....I may will still want to have a backup of my music anyway? and it may be I may not like playing music off of clouds? (because it relies on my intenert connection....)
So if I was to store my music collection.....should it be on: -The old iMac; use it as a jukebox? Can I control the iMac and its iTunes from new laptop? (iMac is 10.4.8 which may have sharing limits?)-Is this practical?
-Are there external hard drives out there that wake up fast and put music there? (in the past, loading the library takes longer when having the music on external hard drive).
Overall, I live in a small place so I dont necessarily want to fill up my space with mutliple computers. I almost wish I didnt have the old machines, it would simplify my decisions!
I made a Winclone image of my Boot Camp partition before upgrading my hard drive, and now I've come to restore the image to a new partition I get the following error: "Invalid Image: MBR Not Found" I get the same error whether I create the partition using Boot Camp Assistant or using Winclone. Anyone had this error before or know the cause?
Time Machine was making a backup to my NAS (a Lacie Network Space 2), when I suddenly got a power failure in my apartment. After that I can't access the share anymore. I can connect to the share but when I click on the share TM was copying to (named "Open Share"), I get the error message: "The operation can�t be completed because the original item for �OpenShare� can�t be found" I can access the other shares and if I use an ftp-application I can access all shares normal.
yesterday i downloaded itunes/quicktime updates, restarted. today i went to play music and got the (!) icon on all of my music. i did a spotlight search for songs/artists, returned no results... where did my music go? 6k songs are missing!
I didn't delete my music, I checked my trash, which hasn't been emptied in a few days. the last time i listened to music with itunes was yesterday.
Ok so yesterday I logged into my account on my computer and clicked itunes to open it. Instead of going to my library it said It cannot find my music library and told me to locate it. I clicked "Locate" and it went to my finder. We have had an external drive for the the past 6 months and I had been storing all my itunes on the external drive AND on the normal hard drive. So when I clicked the locate button, I chose the itunes library in my external library. Now my library is setup like it was about 2 years ago, complete with ipod nano games, playlist, and songs I have deleted. when I click a song to play it says "Cannot locate file." If i go into the finder and find the normal hard drive, and go into itunes media, I can double click the songs and play the songs in itunes. So I have no idea why all this happened but Is the only way to get all my songs back, to delete all the songs that cannot be l0 located and drag my whole library thats stored on my normal hard drive into itunes?
For some reason seem to have a duplicate of some music in my ITunes folder.I was hoping to clean it up my merging and deleting.In the iTunes folder songs are in folders named for the artist, except for this folder which is labelled "Music" and below it are also folders labelled for each of the artist. Some of these are duplicate artist, with some duplicate songs, but have 1 or more more songs in them. Some are not in the main Music listing at all. I was thinking to just move them up one level, merge the songs that are duplicates, add the FOLDERS (Artist) that are not in the main. Will iTunes still see them? Looks like this (as an example)
USER/ME/MUSIC (and then) Folder - 8 Mile Folder - Adele Song 1 Song 2
In this example "Adele" Sub Folder has duplicates of Song 1 and Song 2 of the Main MUSIC folder but doe snto have Song 3.
what im trying to do is transfer my entire music library from itunes to an micro SD card to go in my Galaxy S5 but from what i can gather the files that i purchased years ago are DRM protected and wont open up on the phone or even show on the list of tracks. what i want to know is how do i remove the DRM protection from these files?? iv tried deleting and re-downloading one of the songs from the cloud as a test (couldnt be bothered to download the 60 odd songs if it didnt work) but i dont think it worked as it wouldnt transfer to Kies.
Info: Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I've recently purchased a MacBook Pro, I now wish to sort my music collection out and store all music on the network drive which can be accessed via the cloud, not apple cloud incidentally. The thing is I have a variety if music files in various locations on the pc laptop, the old network drive. Is there any way I can find the location of the music file through iTunes So I can locate it on the network drive and transfer to the new cloud drive? I see there is a consolidate function in iTunes, would this do the job for me?