OS X :: Restoring Itunes From Time Machine After Restoring Factory Settings?
Jan 18, 2010
I just bought and installed snow leopard and when i did i restored to factory settings so i could start fresh. However i wanted to restore my itunes back to how it was, but i can seem to work it out. If someone could tell me an easy way to do
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Jun 2, 2014
Recently had to replace my hard drive on my iMac which had OS X Mavericks. I accidently ignored the Recovery option when I first restarted my Mac not understanding it would completely restore everything as it was. However, im taking the opportunity now to rebuild my Mac manually, learning a lot and saving the space that many of my unneccessary files took up. I've rebuilt my itunes Library including restoring playlists, also my iPhoto library and Album organization. While I am able to replenish all of my mail messages (over 3000) through re-connecting the settings for mail, what I lose is all of my mailboxes and sub-boxes I had set up, as well as those hundreds of messages I had flagged and tagged in various colours. I would like direction on how I can restore my mail settings, messages and mailbox structure from my Time Machine back-ups. Really all I need to know are which files I need to look for from that earlier date and how to safely replace them into my current system.
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 1, 2012
I have just bought a new MacBook Pro. When I got it I connected my time machine to remove my photos and music. My question is how do I restore my mac to its original settings, because there is too many things I don't want on it from my time machine? And my laptop did not come with the Lion installer disc. What should i do?
MacBook Pro
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May 21, 2012
I have an original (2007) MacBook Pro that I want to sell.Before I sell it, I'd like to erase everything that I have in the MBP and restore it to factory settings. I don't have my Leopard discs, they are in storage.
MacBook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.6), 2.16GHz, 2G Ram, 120GB Serial ATA Drive, 2-GRaids FW800s, FCP6
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Jun 18, 2012
Mac Mini 1.1 Core Duo 1.66Ghz desktop computer that I purchased in 2006ish. I have had several problems with this computer and would like to sell it but would like to restore it to factory settings to try to restart with it as well as deleting everything on it.What do I need for this and how can I do it?
Mac mini (Late 2006)
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Jul 3, 2012
I am working on restoring my Macbook to its factory settings. I am planning to "wipe" my computer clean before i install 10.6 (snow lepord) and then later install mac lion.
i know that i need the installation discs to accomplish such a task. do the disks have to come from my specific operating system? can i use a disk from an older operating system (such as 10.4)
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Nov 1, 2008
ive just been given a G3 powerbook from a friend in sweden and want to completely restore it,as i cant change the language from swedish to english!I spoke to somebody whilst out there and he confirmed that i need to reinstall the os x software compatible with it (10.3.9)which i guess is kinda old. I have a new imac with leopard,and also have tiger but when i inserted the discs it still came up in swedish?
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Feb 22, 2012
So I recently purchased a MacBook Pro and used Migration Assistant to transfer my files. I realized after that I should have transfered right at the beginning when I had the chance for Setup Assistant, because I have a lot of files that require permission from my other user account on my old MacBook. I went to Disk Utilities, and there were two options to "Erase Free Space", some Toshiba thing and Macintosh HD (I am assuming was the hard drive that was transferred). I pushed "Erase Free Space" and closed down disk utility, but it looks like it didn't delete my hard drive because all the applications and files are still there. I am now reinstalling OS X Lion hoping it will bring me back to that first screen where it askes if i want to transfer from another computer. Am I doing this right? I feel like I'm gonna mess something up and i've already wasted 5 hours already trying to fix my primary mistake of using Migration.
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Apr 5, 2012
How I would go about restoring my mac back to factory settings, my mac didn't come with a disc.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 7, 2012
I have a late 2009 iMac that came with Snow Leopard, but has been upgraded to Lion via the App store, so I have no recovery discs. I tried reinstalling Lion with the built in recovery, but it did not wipe HD clean. I know I need to erase the HD in Disc Utility, but then I won't have a way to reinstall Lion.
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
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Aug 18, 2009
So my mom just bought an iMac from her friend's mother, and I'm trying to restore it to factory settings using the Installation disks that came with my MacBook Pro. I just inserted the discs and clicked "Install Mac OS X" and then it gives me a "Restart" button, but I cannot restart it without putting in the Password which I do not have. Is there another way to do this?
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Aug 1, 2009
Im selling my macbook pro and am trying to restore it to factory settings. I have inserted the "install disc" many times. However, my laptop is never able to start up. It alternates between a black and grey (no apple or wheel) screen. I've tried holding down the "C" key while rebooting..that didnt work. I've tried clicking restart when it instructs me to...that didnt work I've tried going to system preferences --> startup disk --> clicking the install drive and it still didnt work. What can I do? My mac can start up and work perfectly fine without the disk, its just that i need to restore it to factory settings.
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Jun 7, 2012
I was restoring my MacBook pro to its factory setting by erasing the disk and reinstalling OS X lion via internet. But it is failing telling me that my network is very slow while I used the best network in my area. How should I get an OS X lion to my CP? Is it possible to get it from another MacBook pro? Or is it possible to recover the erased OS X Lion without or with external disc?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac OS X Lion
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Feb 3, 2009
A day ago, for an unknown reason, hundreds of my songs in my iTunes library lost their link location. I painstakingly got about 10% through refinding the location to each song but I got to thinking. Is there a way through Time Machine to just restore my library the way it was 2 days ago? Are there specific files I can copy over?
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Sep 19, 2010
When I was setting up the MBP, I opted to restore from a Time Machine backup and expected everything to go off without a hitch.
When I opened iTunes though, everything was blank -- no songs or videos were listed at all. My playlists were still there though but also blank.
When I checked my Music folder in Finder, everything was still there so I tried manually adding one mp3 to see if it would show up on iTunes. iTunes just played the mp3 but it still wouldn't show up in the Music list.
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Apr 8, 2012
fully back up and return to factory settings so I can set up again in Lion (from Leopard).
MacBook Pro
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Jun 11, 2009
I upgraded my old PBG4 to a new MBP yesterday. On my PBG4 I have an external drive with Time Machine backup. I noticed in setting up the new machine that I could migrate old user data to the new mac, and one of the options was via a Time Machine disk. Does this work, even if you're going between machines?
The old computer is a PowerPC laptop and the new one is Intel. Are there differences in things like drivers and stuff or would all the data and settings transfer over no problems? I always figured that the restore from Time Machine was to restore a backup onto the same machine (i.e. recover from a crash or OS corruption) but don't know if it works from going between an old machine and a new one?
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Oct 1, 2010
I'm running on an iMac and my system recently crashed. I went through the whole process of trying to reboot in Safe mode, then running Disk Utility, then 'fsck'. Looks like my drive should work, but it still freezes upon startup.
So. My last option is to reinstall OS X from my install disk. Not a big deal since I've been running Time Machine backups on an external drive. Here's the problem: my install disk is 10.4.10 but my backups are from Leopard. I upgraded to Leopard online without purchasing a disk.
Is there any way to do a full system restore from my Time Machine backup without the 10.5 disk?
Can I reinstall 10.4, then upgrade to Leopard (or Snow Leopard), and then run my full restore? Would I then need to clone my system to a separate drive before restoring to my internal drive?
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Mar 3, 2009
so the restoring backup has left a big folder with all my backup on my desktop. How do I get my pictures into iphoto and tunes into itunes?
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Jul 10, 2009
Somehow I have deleted my contacts from my address book and I have mobile me so it has wiped them out on my iphone. I have a current back up on Time Machine. But I can't remember how to restore the contacts.. I know it is an easy process but...I can't remember..
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Oct 28, 2009
I only own one Mac computer - a MacBook Pro. I use Time Machine to back it up. If I had to send the laptop in for service I would be without my data for possibly quite some time. So I'm wondering - if I owned a second Mac (maybe an iMac), could I plug in my Time Machine drive and access the data? Could I selectively restore files and folders to the iMac?
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Nov 24, 2009
Today, I bought a 500gb Western Digital 5400rpm hard drive to replace the 160gb hard drive in my MacBook (a late 2008 2.0ghz unibody macbook). My MacBook has Snow Leopard 10.6.2. on it btw. I took the new hard drive, placed it in an enclosure and formatted it to Mac OS Extended (journaled), and turned off and replaced the old drive with the new one. I then took the disk that came with my mac, inserted it, and chose to restore from Time Machine to copy it to my bigger hard drive. It finished and, as the computer restarted I got this error, which an Apple rep. told me was a "Kernel Panic" or something along the lines of that.
He told me to try clean installing Leopard onto the new HDD to see if it would work. I did and, sure enough, it worked, When I chose though to restore my files from Time Machine when it finished, it said that "Time Machine could not restore the files because the version of OS X on the Time Machine disc is different than Leopard 10.5." Thus, to work around this, I installed Snow Leopard (the $29 upgrade) and it booted into SL fine. It is a clean version of Snow Leopard and I cannot get my Mac restored how it was.
Migration Assistant will only move files but my computer was very personalized and I want to restore it from Time Machine. Apparently though, the only way to do that is through the original disk that came with the machine and I cannot do that as it won't recognize the fact the the Time Machine backup is of an Snow Leopard MacBook and the software to re-install OS X is for Leopard only. What can I do to restore from Time Machine now?
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a Feb 2008 MBP which died and I had some questions about restoring a similar state to a new i5 MBP. I do have the old hard drive (not sure if it works yet) and Time Machine backups.
I was wondering if it is safe to do a complete Time Machine restore because I do not know if any of the files are model specific (and the old laptop does not have the newest version of 10.6.x likely to come on my new MBP). Also, how can I preserve my boot camp partition? Ideally, I would like a slightly bigger boot camp partition on the new laptop, but with an exact clone of the data on the old one. I do know that Time Machine will not restore my Windows partition.
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Aug 11, 2010
First timer Here so be gentle. I was creating invoices using quickbooks and for some reason decided to exit the program without saving the invoices I just created. Can I recover the work that I did? It was a lot of work I do not want to have to do over again. Does time machine back up EVERYTHING on my computer? PLease help, I am stressing out
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Mar 14, 2012
Apple replaced my hard drive and logic board. I tried using my Time Machine to restore everything. It appears as though my internal hard drive is full with my old information that was transferred over from my Time Machine, but I can't seem to access the information. I need to know how to get everything back to where it needs to go. Also, when I go to the internal hard drive and look at things like my ical to see if my calendar is there, the ical is blank. If it was transferred from my Time Machine, shouldn't it be full?
MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 18, 2012
My MBA Mid-2011 seems to be running hot and it gets hung up on just about every application I try to use. I am current on all updates and clear of any viruses. I was going to restore but wow what a pain and I was wondering instead of restoring to factory I was going to restore from my back up in Time Machine, but if I were to do that wouldnt I just be restoring the same issue I am currently having?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jul 2, 2012
I wanted a clean install of Lion, so I copied over my iTunes library, saved my Mail as an mbox file, and moved all of my critical files to an external drive. But I completely forgot to save my iPhoto library. I have been running Time Machine for almost a year and I see that I have the file still on my NAS but it says I don't have the permissions to open it up. I can only open Time Machine backups since I reinstalled Lion. I have kept the same machine name and, I believe, username. It did not create a different Time Machine backup--there are still the same three files for the three different computers I am running Time Machine on. Is there any way I can restore my iPhoto library from the old Time Machine backup?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 1, 2008
I've had a little bit of an accident; when trying to correct a problem with syncing with my BlackBerry via Missing Sync I reset sync services per a support article. This managed to blank my iCal calendar. No problem thinks I, as I backed up iCal beforehand with "Back up iCal". Problem is that when I restore it's still blank apart from all-day appointments. No problem thinks I, I have Time Machine! So, after a bit of searching on MacRumors I find that a restore of Library/Calendars should do the trick. Trouble is that it's still blank in iCal. When I open ical I get an "Upgrading iCal calendar" message. Weird. Again, no problem thinks I, I primarily use Entourage and sync this to iCal. So, I decide to restore Entourage data. This doesn't work and calendar is again blank. To boot, it gives me a 16008 error message whatever that is. No problem thinks I, the MacRumors folk with all their knowledge will have a suggestion.
So I start to write a post here. As I was writing the above I think I'll try Entourage one more time. I open Entourage and it all seems to be back to normal! Now, I really don't understand all of this, particularly why the iCal restore from a backup file didn't work. I was fretting I would have to ask IT to restore my mailbox from a tape backup (my calendar is on Exchange server at the office). I think before I turn on iCal-Entourage syncing again I'll take a backup from Outlook in the office. Just switched to inbox and back to calendar in Entourage and it's all blank again! The (now) blank Exchange cal must be overwriting it. So, any ideas how to successfully restore iCal from Time Machine? It seems events before today are back in iCal (and all-day events after today are there).
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Apr 18, 2009
This is like my 4th thread since I've tried to update my hard drive. I got everything restored from Time Machine. BUT! Now, when I go to launch iPhoto, it just says the application quit unexpectedly. I've tried restarting and resetting. It's quite like 12 times.
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Aug 28, 2009
I'm upgrading my MBP hard drive - I currently have it partitioned into two 120GB drives (Mac/Bootcamp). My new hard drive will be a bigger size - can I boot off the install CD and restore to a new sized partition? Or does the partition need to be the same size?
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