ITunes :: Merge Old Statistics (plays, Ratings) Into New ITunes Library?
Apr 16, 2012
Before moving to a new Mac I backed up my old itunes music library.xml file and manually added all of my music files to itunes on my new mac.Â
Does anybody know a way of getting my old information such as ratings, number of plays etc from the old library into the new one?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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Dec 16, 2010
I am going to be reformatting my hard drive soon and I remember last time that I reformatted iTunes didn't export my ratings with my music. I have read other places about creating playlists with the song ratings so all songs of a specific rating are in that playlist and then export the playlist. I would like to know if this would be a good way to do this. Also I was wondering if there is any way to retain the dates the songs were added to the library, but I am mostly concerned with the ratings.
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Jun 2, 2012
I have over 3,000 songs on iTunes, which are on my old PC. I bought a new Mac Book Pro this past fall and would like to transfer my old library to my new library on my Mac book pro.. How do I do that without erasing my new library?
MacBook Pro
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May 23, 2012
I am in process of moving iTunes from a Windows XP computer to an iMac that is networked with a Time Machine. I allowed Home Sharing on both computers, which allowed me to copy all songs from the Windows to iMac. I then send myself an e-mail of my Library.xls file, which moved all my playlists. So I have all my songs, album art, and playlists. All I need to do now is to move my song ratings.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 13, 2012
So, I've been an iTunes user for a decade and I've lost album art here and there between iTunes upgrades but I just opened iTunes and noticed that ALL of my star ratings are gone.Â
Has anyone else had this problem before? Is there any non-Time Machine based solution? I'm obviously livid as I have a library of 49,000 songs that I'd rated over the past ten years and if I can't get them back, I don't see why I would ever trust this program again.
MacBook Pro 15" Unibody 2009, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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Aug 29, 2014
My iPhone 5c used to sync with my old Windows laptop via iTunes and both devices held all music information on them such as iTunes rating, playlist information and the selected songs to be synced (there are more songs on my iTunes on my laptop than my iPhone).  All of these songs are also saved on an external hard drive. None were purchased through iTunes.
When my old Windows laptop died, it died abruptly so I did not have chance to consolidate the iTunes media folder. I have now bought a new MacBook Air to replace my old Windows laptop.
When I plug in my iPhone 5c to my new MacBook Air, when iTunes offers to sync it advises all information on my iPhone will be lost.
Is it possible to transfer the ratings and playlists from my iPhone to iTunes on my MacBook Air, at least for the corresponding songs that exist on my iPhone? Note I have the original songs on an external hard drive so the song files themselves do not have to copy across. All the files in the iPhone exist in the external hard drive.
iPhone 5c, iOS 7.1.1
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Mar 19, 2012
I used one computer to back up my Iphone, then when I got a new Iphone I used another computer. I would like to use the second computer from now on. They both have different information from the phones. I would like to merge the two accounts on the second computer so that all the information is put back onto the new phone.Â
I do not want to erase and replace. The two computers are not connected in any way. I do not have sharing turned on at this time. how to get the information from the first computer to the second computer. Step by step. and also how to merge the two accounts without losing any information.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 22, 2009
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
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Nov 3, 2009
Does any body know, how to merge Podcast episodes from different albums and subscriptions, together? Lets say: I have news; collected for one week; I'd like to listen those in one episode, continues each after another, without stoping between episodes. My iPod Nano plays one, and than I have to swich to next one manually. Not convenient, when running in Gym or so. Could not find any good script for iTunes or some things can be done in iPod, after episodes have been transferred in.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4) iTune10. iPod, Nano ( very first edition )
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Sep 22, 2009
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
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Mar 30, 2012
itunes will not play mp3 files that quicktime plays. I've dumped the files into itunes and added them via add to library. Opening with quick time the files play fine.Â
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May 29, 2012
I have a Mac Pro 5,1, 16 GB, 2T Startup Drive & three other drives for additional storage and Time Machine.Â
My finder & Dashboard quits and re-starts every time iTunes plays a new song. The screen goes completely gray & blank under whatever I may have open. It lasts only momentarily, but is quite annoying. As part of the troubleshooting, I ran Disk Utility. Checked permissions which were OK. Checked verify disk & got result that the disk is corrupt & should be repaired. When I tried to start my computer from the Recovery disk (using the Option key), it would not start (going instead to a gray patterened screen). I tried this several times & one time it did go to the screen showing the Recovery disk and my startup disk. But when I selected the Recovery disk, it went to the gray patterned screen again. I then connected my Mac Pro to my MacBook Pro & booted the Mac Pro to Target Disk mode. When I ran Disk Utility Repair Disk on the Mac Pro's startup disk, the result showed no problem with the disk. I'm not sure where to go from here, so I can use some help.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 5, 2010
All the songs that are synced onto my iPhone are check marked in iTunes. When playing songs in iTunes, it only plays the checked songs. Is there a ways to make it also shuffle in uncheck songs when playing through iTunes?
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Feb 3, 2012
This just started in the last week or two, but my itunes will be completely closed, and suddenly it opens and play a certain mp3 file, then the next then one more. This isn't any particular playlist or anything. The files are probably all in my download folder and it just goes in order. This happens many times per day. Often times my computer was actually asleep and it wakes it to play these files.
Looking at my console log, I get the following two things right when it happens.
2/3/12 8:48:09.366 AM [0x0-0x1f11f1] Returning 0x0. Advertising wake service for libraryIdentifier "EA6D19640E6DBDE0".
2/3/12 8:48:20.346 AM [0x0-0x1f11f1] Version from driver for Certificates 1
So I'm assuming whatever is happening has to do with these log items. How to stop this? It's very bothersome when I'm in the middle of a business call, etc. I need to keep my MBP volume up as well because I have various alerts I need to hear.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 3, 2014
iTunes has a mind of its own after the recent update. Opens on its own, starts playing, gets stuck, gets unstuck. I close it, it opens again.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 26, 2010
This has happened for a few months now, ever since I upgraded to iTunes 8 I believe, and now that I'm using iTunes more often it's starting to get annoying. I will play an album in iTunes. Once the album finishes, instead of stopping playback, iTunes will play an apparently random song from my library (though each album seems to be linked to a different song, which changes every now and then. I've been unable to find any pattern). Does anyone know what I'm talking about or have any ideas? I don't think this is just a problem for me - it happens to some friends who have iTunes as well. I've searched on Google and on this forum and couldn't find any solutions.
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Jun 8, 2012
When a video track begins, the iTunes window comes up, even if I've got iTunes hidden. (Note: it doesn't bring the iTunes application to the foreground; it just shows the iTunes window behind my current window.)Â
Clearly, this is not the behavior I want when it's _hidden_! ...But I can't find any way to stop this behavior
P.S. This is iTunes version 10.6.1(7) on OS 10.7.4. Also, I'm running SizzlingKeys 3.3.5, if that matters (there doesn't seem to be a preference in this app to control window behavior...).
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Jun 16, 2012
My 26,000+ song iTunes Library lives on an external LaCie drive. All the songs play fine in iTunes (and I can hear the drive spin up when I go to play them). However, for a few thousand of the songs, the song's file is not in the physical location where iTunes shows it to be.An example is below these are two song file locations from the 'Master Tune Library.xml' exported from iTunes.Both of these files show in iTunes, and they both play just fine from iTunes (no exclamation mark next to the song names). Yet only the first file (one ending in 1219.mp3)is at that location.The one ending in 1249.mp3 does not show in that location, either via Finder, or via Terminal.
From Terminal I get no results from "find /Volumes/LaCie500 -name espace_20101103_1249.mp3"Â (without the dbl quotes) But if I run the same command for the 1219 file, it does find it in the expected location.Really stumped as from where iTunes is playing 1249.mp3. [code] iTunes Media folder location is /Volumes/LaCie500/myTunes Both options underneath for "organize" and "copy files when adding to Library" are checked.
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Jun 5, 2014
ipod shuffle, the little square one, 4th or maybe 5th generation.
Mac OS X 10.7.5
itunes 11.2.2Â
I listen to something on my ipod. I plug the ipod into my computer. In itunes, on the ipod, I can see the track I listed to has number of plays 1. That track in the library on the computer fails to get any plays next to it. Why? Why does this stuff never really work properly? I'm sure it used to work, but I could be wrong. It's not working now. Plays on/from the ipod don't get registered on the computer. This means I don't know which tracks I've listed to and which I haven't.
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Apr 20, 2009
i noticed that i was actually listening to the same songs every time i started the shuffle mode from a song.
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Jan 29, 2010
How do i turn this feature off?
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Oct 6, 2008
simple question, i hope its a simple answer....
when i download a music file from an internet page (safari) it automatically opens itunes and plays, i want this to stop...
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Mar 20, 2009
I have one official iTunes library with music files on my Mac and then I have a folder on my backup drive with iTunes music files. These two directories are mostly the same but they each have a few differences. I want to backup my iTunes music onto that backup drive but I need to make sure that I get all the music from my Mac and the backup drive. The folders are slightly different and I don't want to lose any music.Should I just run an rsync command to merge the two folders together into a third folder and then use that as my backup?
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Apr 21, 2009
I have some songs that have specific intros that are seperate tracks, but when I play in shuffle mode, it may play the song or the intro all by its self but not to merge 2 songs to always play together?
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Feb 5, 2012
I need to merge 2 iTunes libraries. I have a large iTunes library on a WD 2TB external hard drive from a older computer in which iTunes would play items off the external HD and no iTunes item save on the internal HD. The library consists of music, movies, shows, books, apps, etc. I just recently bought a used 1st gen MacBook Air and without thinking transferred purchases from my iPhone and started syncing with the Air before I thought about the older library on the external HD. Now I have a new, small library on the Air's internal HD and the older, larger library on the external drive.
What I'd like to do is merge the smaller into the larger one and keep the library on the external HD and iTunes read everything from the external HD. With merging the 2 libraries, will it transfer my iPhone stuff as well? (backups, apps, info, etc.) Also, now that my iPhone is synced my Air and no longer synced through my older library, will I have to re-sync it again when the 2 are merged or will it automatically recognize it as already synced to newly merged library? Currently running OS 10.6.8 and iTunes 10.5.2.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 23, 2012
Recently when trying managing my AppleID account, I was asked to make my appleID the same as my email. When I tried to do this, I was then told that an appleID by that name already existed. So I then attempted to login using my email address as my appleID. It was then that I realized that I have two separate appleIDs. One I have had for years, and has tons of music associated with it, the other I must have created in the last year when updating my iPhone software version. I have no idea how much of what is associated with the new one, but I think the only way I could find out would be to format my phone and start again. This sounds like a terrible test to conduct on one can merge two separate appleID accounts
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May 14, 2012
Is it possible to merge two apple accounts?
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Jun 20, 2012
Is there a way to merge two separate iTunes accounts into one? I don't want to "share libraries." I just want one account that once stemmed from two seperate accounts and has all of the purchases and history.
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 24, 2014
I'm setting up daughter new MacBook Pro, migrating data from her old white MacBook. We used Migration Assistant to import her apps and documents from the old laptop. Now she has two user accounts: the one she initially set up on the new MacBook Pro, and the old account we brought over from the old machine. And there are iTunes libraries in each of these user accounts -- I believe they're both set up under the same iTunes account. Â
In addition to the two OS X libraries, there's her iPhone, which was synced with the old white MacBook account. Â
So... what's the best way to merge them all into one (duplicate-free) iTunes library on the new MacBook Pro, and switch the iPhone to sync with the new machine?
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Aug 24, 2014
My itunes has done this (see picture) and putting many headers for the same album, after my album is imported, how do I merge it and make it all one album?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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