Applications :: Merge Podcast Episodes Together / IPod Nano Plays One And Stops
Nov 3, 2009
Does any body know, how to merge Podcast episodes from different albums and subscriptions, together? Lets say: I have news; collected for one week; I'd like to listen those in one episode, continues each after another, without stoping between episodes. My iPod Nano plays one, and than I have to swich to next one manually. Not convenient, when running in Gym or so. Could not find any good script for iTunes or some things can be done in iPod, after episodes have been transferred in.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4) iTune10. iPod, Nano ( very first edition )
Does any body know, how to merge Podcast episodes from different albums and subscriptions, together? Lets say: I have news; collected for one week; I'd like to listen those in one episode, continues each after another, without stoping between episodes. My iPod Nano plays one, and than I have to swich to next one manually. Not convenient, when running in Gym or so. Could not find any good script for iTunes or some things can be done in iPod, after episodes have been transferred in.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4) iTune10. iPod, Nano ( very first edition )
I have submitted my podcast to iTunes and I was very happy to know that I have been approved to have my podcast added to iTunes. When I found my podcast in iTunes I realised that the episodes that I have in the store are in reverse order, ie. episode 1 is episode 4 etc. I have used blogger to post my audio files and have used Feedburner to create the feed link. Is there anything that I can do to make it so that episode 1 is episode 1 and that every episode that follows is in order of its creation?Â
links to my feed and podcast are here. [URL] .....
Some of my podcasts will play the next episode automatically after an episode ends. Others, though, stop at the end of the episode. This is on my iMac with OS X 10.9.3 and iTunes 11.2.2 (3). How do I set iTunes to play the podcast episodes automatically?
I want only select episodes of some podcasts, not every single daily episode, even if I have to one by one select podcast episodes to download. Is there a way to subscribe but not automatically download all episodes? Version 10.4 or 10.5 itunes.
Pictures of the iPods at the Phoenix Biltmore apple store in Arizona.Second, Third, and Fourth Generation iPod nanos. the 2nd and new 4th are roughly the same size.
My girlfriend and I attended the Toronto Raptors game last nightFor those of you from Toronto, we parked below the Novotel Hotel on the Esplande. Since both of us were coming from work we had are valuables in the trunk. (we both placed are stuff in the trunk prior to arriving at the location). Well when we arrived back to the car we noticed the back passenger side window was smashed in and the trunk was empty. We weren't the only ones who were robbed in that lot, there was at least one other car that was broken into according to the hotel staff. The police seem to think it was a drug addicts looking for items to sell for drugs and that it is not a coincidence that it was during a Raptors game. The lot has no cameras due to construction being done, so for those in Toronto who frequent Leafs or Raptors games do not park there, it's a cheap alternative but not worth the risk.
I am by far not computer savvy and I own a G4 running OS 10.3.9. I recently bought a new iPod nano for my daughter�s 9yr birthday. This was all she wanted for her birthday. As I tried to get this going my G4 would not accept the new device. I later found out I need to purchase a system upgrade in order to use the iPod. I can barely afford the iPod let alone the extra $129.00 to use it. I feel financially violated and duped. I don�t know if I'm upset at Apple or Best Buy, or both, for not making it clear about this issue to the computer laymen�s, like myself, in the world before shelling out the hard earned cash to purchase the iPod nano. I am really upset and want to see if this has happened to others out there.
I own a PowerBook G4 Version 10.3.9, 12 inch, 1.33 GHz 1.25 GB DDR, SD RAM, bought on 2004. I works great. Slowly but surely I have noticed that I cannot get a lot of downloads. Too old of an operating System. My husband just bought me a 16 gig I Pod Nano. I know that my computer will not support this I Pod what kind of update can I get so it will support it? My computer lingo is very limited.
I'm very frustrated with my iPod Nano right now. It hasn't been charging or syncing to my MacBook or any other USB 1.0/2.30 computer in this house. The cable works fine, and I've tried it with other cables, too, so it's the iPod's fault, needless to say. When I plug it in, it only tuns the backlight on the screen. It doesn't sync or charge or charges extremely slow without any indication. When plugged into a wall charger, it charges just fine for some odd reason. I've reseted the iPod a million times and gone through the diagnostics menu a million times. I can't figure this out!
I have many songs on my ipod nano but I cant load them onto my newly purchased mac. It does an auto sync when I plug it in but only reads the itunes purchases that I have made, and loads them onto my itunes, however I have laods of other music from my cd collection that I have put onto my nano ipod manually through itunes downloading on my old windows pc.
My stupid iPod Nano 3G started this last night. I plugged up my nano, and it said I needed to restore my iPod, so I did it. After I restored it, I placed all my music back into it. When I unplugged it, it said No Music. I plugged it back in, wondering what the heck was going on, and it said Other: 3.63GB instead of Music: 3.63GB. So I restored about three times in a row, and I've even went to Disk Utility to erase it and restore, and it does the same thing. What can I do?
yesterday I ejected my nano (2nd generation aluminium) from itunes only to discover that it had not updated my track listings. Then when I reconnected it, iTunes did not recognise the ipod at all. I have tried lots of times. I have also shut down, disconnected power cable and restarted but to no avail. ipod not showing in itunes or on desktop.
I have not yet upgraded to Leopard (I know...) could that be the problem (a conflict between 10.4.11 and iTunes 8.0.2?
I bought the Late 2008 MBP and the USB ports are not registering as 2.0. I have confirmed that it is indeed running at 1.0 speeds through synching my ipod touch through itunes as well as through transferring files from an external hard drive. The transfer speed averages around 1-1.5 mb/sec, which is in line with USB 1.0 speeds.
I've lived with it for a few weeks, but I just got a new ipod nano today and whenever I connect it to my MBP, the screen turns gray and I immediately get this message:
"You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button."
I've tried resetting the SMC but to no avail. It hasn't escaped from my attention the possibility that the two problems are interrelated. I haven't been able to find OS X drivers for the USB ports, so right now the only option that I know of is to reinstall leopard. Does anyone know of a simpler solution that wouldn't require a complete reinstall of the OS?
ipod shuffle, the little square one, 4th or maybe 5th generation.
Mac OS X 10.7.5
itunes 11.2.2Â
I listen to something on my ipod. I plug the ipod into my computer. In itunes, on the ipod, I can see the track I listed to has number of plays 1. That track in the library on the computer fails to get any plays next to it. Why? Why does this stuff never really work properly? I'm sure it used to work, but I could be wrong. It's not working now. Plays on/from the ipod don't get registered on the computer. This means I don't know which tracks I've listed to and which I haven't.
In order to select which podcasts should be synced to the iPhone/iPod, one has to select the desired podcast subscription from the Devices/Podcast/Sync_Podcasts list. However, the podcast list in the Devices/Podcast/ page now only displays podcast subscriptions if it has episodes already downloaded. One cannot include podcast subscriptions if that podcast subscription currently has no downloaded episodes. This is annoying.
Worst still, previously selected podcast subscriptions that have no more episodes will no longer be selected anymore even if it downloads episodes later. Therefore, one has to keep going back to the list and selecting the podcast subscription over and over again.
So I had to take my macbook pro into the genius bar recently to replace my battery and they ran diagnostic tools from a nano. Anyone know how to get a hold of these tools or what they are?
I have downloaded a podcast which the itunes store carries. It is an earlier episode than one available on itunes store.
It is in MP3 format. When I added it to library it appears in my "music" library, not the podcast directory.
I have even placed the file into the folder containing the podcasts downloaded from itunes and changed the "genre" setting to podcast but it will not appear in that list.
All the songs that are synced onto my iPhone are check marked in iTunes. When playing songs in iTunes, it only plays the checked songs. Is there a ways to make it also shuffle in uncheck songs when playing through iTunes?
So I listen to a couple podcasts on the regular and the iTunes store is not updated, basically a day behind. Anyone having similar issues or heard about this at all? FYI the two podcasts are the BS Report by Bill Simmons from ESPN and the Dan Patrick show. Not the biggest deal as I can stream them directly from the podcast websites via safari, but of course I can't get them in my iPod/iPhone till I get home.
I transferred files from an old computer, incl some audio files. The files were just sitting in a normal folder (some time ago manually copied out of the iTunes Music folder on the old Mac) and named sth like "Song_x.mp3" where x is a running number. I selected all and dragged them onto iTunes on the new Mac (10.5.6). To my surprise some of them ended up in the Music folder, some in Podcasts. In fact all of them had originally been podcast downloads, but why does iTunes not recognize some of them as such? Or the other way around, what makes iTunes think that a certain file is a podcast?
There were no XML files or anything else with meta or subscription data among the files I copied, so the info must be stored in the MP3 files themselves. How? Special ID3 tags? Which ones? How can I edit them? Ultimately, I'd like to have all those files in the Podcasts folder under the same Podcast. I tried this nifty utility: But it creates a new subfolder in Podcasts. What can I do to convince iTunes that those "music" files should really go into the same Podcast folder with the rest of them?
I upgraded to iTunes 9 and then downloaded some new podcasts. ITunes is putting each new podcast episode into a new group in the thumbnail view. In Finder, all the episodes still remain under one folder though.
I found a lot of sites telling me what to do but not HOW to do it. I need to change the artwork and info tags on my podcast page in itunes. How do I do these things if I created my podcast in iweb?