Applications :: How To Merge Two ITunes Folders
Mar 20, 2009
I have one official iTunes library with music files on my Mac and then I have a folder on my backup drive with iTunes music files. These two directories are mostly the same but they each have a few differences. I want to backup my iTunes music onto that backup drive but I need to make sure that I get all the music from my Mac and the backup drive. The folders are slightly different and I don't want to lose any music.Should I just run an rsync command to merge the two folders together into a third folder and then use that as my backup?
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Jun 19, 2010
I'd like to announce moveAddict, a Snow Leopard-only application that provides a functionality the Finder was missing, the ability to move files using the keyboard. It�s meant to replace dragging and dropping for anyone that would rather use the keyboard instead of the mouse.
In a nutshell, you can use it to cut files or folders and then paste them where you want.
As a bonus, you can also use it to merge folders instead of completely replacing them, another functionality that the Finder was missing.
For anyone that hasn't used cut and paste for files before, here's a short description:Cut - when you cut files the only thing that happens is that moveAddict remembers the location of the files, it does not change the files in any way Paste - when you paste, moveAddict moves the files from their original locations to the new one If you cut a file and forget to paste it, nothing happens!
moveAddict does not change the system or the Finder in any way, it's just a regular application which you can uninstall by deleting it.
I am the developer of moveAddict, for any questions/suggestions/bugs please reply to this thread or contact me personally.
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Feb 23, 2009
I finally ripped my music into digital format. It is a very large library so I performed the rips in four segments creating four folders of music. The highest level folders are Music1, Music2, Music3, Music4. The next layer folder is the artists name, then album name, then the actual MP3S. How do I merge the folders? If I perform a copy the first artist name is sees that already is exists, the finder wants me to skip the copy or replace the folder that is there. I simply want to add the folder or merge it. Is there a "merge" function in OSX? I tried Carbon Copy but it will not copy or sync fils on the same disk.
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Sep 11, 2014
I'm trying to copy folders from my Macbook Air's hard drive to my Google Drive app. The folders are newer versions of what's on Google Drive - ie it contains much the same stuff but some extra files and maybe some updated files.Â
However, the only options it gives me when copying are "Replace," "Don't Replace" or "Stop" (and from what I can tell, those latter two do exactly the same thing - or should I say, don't do the same thing... I mean they both just cancel the copy).Â
I was sure there used to be an option "Merge" which skips anything identical and replaces only new or edited files. This is the exact thing I want to do! But is that option gone? Or is there a way I can get it back? (I can't find any way to bring it back in the system preferences).
I could just hit "Replace" (and I will in the meantime), but there are two problems with that: 1) that will get annoying when files and folders are large; 2) more pressingly, that will muck up the sharing permissions. There's a particular sub-folder that I currently have shared on Google Drive with specific people, and I don't want to override that folder with one that's identical in everything except the all-important sharing settings.Â
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 21, 2009
I have some songs that have specific intros that are seperate tracks, but when I play in shuffle mode, it may play the song or the intro all by its self but not to merge 2 songs to always play together?
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Aug 9, 2010
I'm constantly taking pictures and have finally bought a 1 TB hard drive to store my photos in. The only problem is that, a few months ago, I was in a crunch for space on my Mac and needed to move my pictures to a different (older) external hard drive for the time being until I was able to buy a new one. In the process of copying all of my pictures from my laptop to my old external hard drive, I went to Macintosh HD>Users>Username>Pictures>iPhoto Library and clicked on "Show Package Contents" to open up the actual picture files in my iPhoto. (I know now - not the best method) So I copied all of my files to my old external hard drive from the "Originals" and "Modified" folders on my Mac.
Is there a way I can move all of my pictures back to my iPhoto library so that it only shows the pictures in regular iPhoto method? (as in, iPhoto displays the original photo, but if modified, iPhoto displays the modified photo and keeps the original in the background folders). I tried to copy and paste the Original and Modified folders contents from my old external hard drive into my respective Original and Modified folders on my Mac and then open iPhoto to see if it would automatically register it, but no luck. Right now, if I were to simply import all of the pictures, I would get 4 copies of each photo, since I shoot in RAW+JPEG, and I have close to 70 GB of photos, so going through all of those individually would not be fun. My ultimate goal is to combine the files in my current iPhoto with my existing photos on my old hard drive and be able to use my new hard drive as my main library in iPhoto in order to free up a lot of space on my Mac.
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Jun 29, 2010
When you drag a folder in Windows to another folder that contains a folder with the same name, it asks if you want to replace any filenames or folders that have the same name. So, in the end, it merges the two folders together.
Mac OS X, on the other hand, completely replaces them. My question is: How can I merge a folder like in Windows?
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Mar 19, 2012
I used one computer to back up my Iphone, then when I got a new Iphone I used another computer. I would like to use the second computer from now on. They both have different information from the phones. I would like to merge the two accounts on the second computer so that all the information is put back onto the new phone.Â
I do not want to erase and replace. The two computers are not connected in any way. I do not have sharing turned on at this time. how to get the information from the first computer to the second computer. Step by step. and also how to merge the two accounts without losing any information.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 16, 2012
Before moving to a new Mac I backed up my old itunes music library.xml file and manually added all of my music files to itunes on my new mac.Â
Does anybody know a way of getting my old information such as ratings, number of plays etc from the old library into the new one?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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Mar 23, 2009
I want to add 18 cd's in one folder to iTunes so I just dragged the folder into iTunes but iTunes took every song and placed it as an album instead of making it a compilation. Is there a way I can take all the songs of one cd and turn them into a compilation without having to "get info" every file? Cos now I have 300+ albums all with one song since the artists are all different. I know I can get the info per file and change it there but I don't wanna do that for all those songs.
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Nov 9, 2009
When I go into my iTunes folder (on windows ) all of my music folders are empty. There is an artist folder and an album folder for all my music but each one appears empty.
When I right click on the main iTunes folder it tells me that I have 26gB of stuff so it must be there somewhere (and I haven't set them to be hidden files). When I am using iTunes and go onto 'Get Info' for a song, it tells me that it is in the iTunes folder. Also, when I search for a specific song title in Windows, the file is shown.
Was wondering if anyone else was having this problem or knows of how to rectify it.
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Mar 23, 2010
I have folders for a few hundred bands inside my "iTunes Music folder" yet they don't show up under playlists to the left.
I can drag each artist folder (one by one only) to the playlist area and it'll make a play list, but if I drag them all at once, it just puts them in the general Music area under LIBRARY.
Is there a way to automatically create playlists for each artist folder in the main "iTunes Music" folder?
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Jun 6, 2012
Is there a way to create folders on one iPad and sync the folders to multiple iPads? I have 23 iPads and I want to have all the folders match for easier access for students.
iPad 2
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Feb 6, 2009
Here is what I would like to do: I have several folders that house my media. IE one for music, one for movies, and one for itunes downloads. I have a sudo media server running iTunes (Windows xp box). Is there anything out there that will scan the hard drives looks for new files that have been added and then update my itunes? IE instead of manually having to go to file>>add to library, it will do this for me when it runs? Basically a script or program that scans my files looking for new files that have been added and then adds them to my itunes library. I know I am asking for a lot but I was just wondering if anybody has done anything like this or has found something that does do this.
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May 10, 2009
I'm running Leopard
I have 2 partitions on my hard drive, and would like to clear a little space on my startup partition.
So I'd like to move them across to my secondary partition, but to still work normally.
My secondary partition has it's own Tiger system.
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May 15, 2010
I follow a lot of podcasts, many about the similar think. Is there a way to group the podcasts in the podcast page of iTunes?
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Aug 13, 2010
I copied my cousin's itunes music folder onto my external hard drive so I could add it to my own.
I dragged the artists into my iTunes music folder.
I was asked whether I wanted to replace existing folders... e.g we both had "Arctic Monkeys" folders.
I CLICKED REPACE ALL... What a mistake.
I'm very much into music and I have lots of songs, whereas my cousin only had a small library.
Now, my "Arctic Monkeys" folder only has a few songs in that she had, and i've lost loads from my library from many artists that both of us had.
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Oct 23, 2010
On itunes, I have my account/library and my wife has hers. For some reason her library disappeared. Her folder is still in the music folder along with mine, but her music, apps will not show up in itunes and her account name also is gone when opening itunes with option c I can see both accounts and when I choose hers and itunes opens everything is blank if that makes sense.
She is afraid to do a sync because she is afraid she'll loose the apps, music and other items from her itouch. I don't want to mess with it because I'm nervous about messing my library up as well trying to restore hers. Is there anything I can do to get her library to load in itunes and not distrurb mine and resync her itouch and my iphone? I didn't see any answers to this specific 2nd account issue and I hope the description of the issue is clear.
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Feb 5, 2012
I need to merge 2 iTunes libraries. I have a large iTunes library on a WD 2TB external hard drive from a older computer in which iTunes would play items off the external HD and no iTunes item save on the internal HD. The library consists of music, movies, shows, books, apps, etc. I just recently bought a used 1st gen MacBook Air and without thinking transferred purchases from my iPhone and started syncing with the Air before I thought about the older library on the external HD. Now I have a new, small library on the Air's internal HD and the older, larger library on the external drive.
What I'd like to do is merge the smaller into the larger one and keep the library on the external HD and iTunes read everything from the external HD. With merging the 2 libraries, will it transfer my iPhone stuff as well? (backups, apps, info, etc.) Also, now that my iPhone is synced my Air and no longer synced through my older library, will I have to re-sync it again when the 2 are merged or will it automatically recognize it as already synced to newly merged library? Currently running OS 10.6.8 and iTunes 10.5.2.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 23, 2012
Recently when trying managing my AppleID account, I was asked to make my appleID the same as my email. When I tried to do this, I was then told that an appleID by that name already existed. So I then attempted to login using my email address as my appleID. It was then that I realized that I have two separate appleIDs. One I have had for years, and has tons of music associated with it, the other I must have created in the last year when updating my iPhone software version. I have no idea how much of what is associated with the new one, but I think the only way I could find out would be to format my phone and start again. This sounds like a terrible test to conduct on one can merge two separate appleID accounts
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May 14, 2012
Is it possible to merge two apple accounts?
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Jun 2, 2012
I have over 3,000 songs on iTunes, which are on my old PC. I bought a new Mac Book Pro this past fall and would like to transfer my old library to my new library on my Mac book pro.. How do I do that without erasing my new library?
MacBook Pro
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Jun 20, 2012
Is there a way to merge two separate iTunes accounts into one? I don't want to "share libraries." I just want one account that once stemmed from two seperate accounts and has all of the purchases and history.
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 24, 2014
I'm setting up daughter new MacBook Pro, migrating data from her old white MacBook. We used Migration Assistant to import her apps and documents from the old laptop. Now she has two user accounts: the one she initially set up on the new MacBook Pro, and the old account we brought over from the old machine. And there are iTunes libraries in each of these user accounts -- I believe they're both set up under the same iTunes account. Â
In addition to the two OS X libraries, there's her iPhone, which was synced with the old white MacBook account. Â
So... what's the best way to merge them all into one (duplicate-free) iTunes library on the new MacBook Pro, and switch the iPhone to sync with the new machine?
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Aug 24, 2014
My itunes has done this (see picture) and putting many headers for the same album, after my album is imported, how do I merge it and make it all one album?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Jan 21, 2009
I'm looking for software that can silently sync local folders with remote webdav folders.
It would also be nice if I could just relate to the local folder, and the software would automatically synce new files in both directions.
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Apr 1, 2012
I figure I'm not the only one who is going through this, but I am hoping there is a way to merge my iTunes account purchases into 1 account. When I was single I had my personal account and bought music, tv shows, & movies under that iTunes ID. At the same time my future wife was doing the same. Now that we are married and have multiple devices including an iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV I'm looking for a way to merge each of our "pre-relationship", personal purchases into our family account.
I already made the "family" iTunes account that all of our devices use, allowing all store purchases from here-on-out to be able to be utilized on all devices. iTunes Match has helped in the music department because I downloaded all of our music from all account onto my computer and uploaded them to iTunes Match, thus making one large stock pile of collaborated account music which is able to be heard on any device linked to our iTunes Match account.
The problem I'm running into is that there isn't a similar option for TV shows & Movies. Right now they are downloadable from iCloud but only when logged in under the particular account. I have downloaded them all onto my Mac but I can't transfer them to my devices unless I plug them into the Mac or I "Home Share" to my Apple TV. Is there a way for me to open my Apple TV, iPhone, or iPad under my family account and be able to access purchases from our other accounts.
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Jul 1, 2012
Currently I have and ID for my macbook pro, iTunes and iCloud. How can I merge these?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iphone, itunes, icloud
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Jun 4, 2014
So I have an old Ext. drive and a huge iTunes library on it. I also have a mac mini that I run through the TV.
I'd like to merge the library on the mac mini and have everything run off of the ext drive via one large library. Without losing anything.Â
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013)
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Oct 1, 2010
My Applications and Documents folder on my dock dont seem to have the folders with there symbols on it, they seem to other material. How can I get them to show the folders. Im running on Snow Leopard!
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