ITunes :: Cannot Unselect Search Field By Pressing Arrow Or Tab Keys
May 18, 2012
Very often I need to search a single track in an album and then I start my browsing just from that point, using the arrow keys. i.e. I did like this: select the search filed, type the keywords, select the track, empty the search field, press twice the tab key (one to activate the left column, the second one to activate the tracklist), in order to activate the selection I made and, eventually, use the arrow keys to browse the collection. Since some time ago, once that I've done my search, when I press the tab key, it activate the left column and then the tracklist, but it do not unselect the search field and so, if I use the arrow keys, the menu of the search field appears and there's no way to leave unselected the field.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iTunes 10.6.1
I got some problem which annoyed me few weeks til now. That's when I press arrow key (like UP, DOWN,...) at end of line, it ends up with special character, just like this , sometimes it comes up and sometimes it doesn't. And it really piss me off!
Am I going crazy or did the google search field change? If say, I do a search in google, in the search result pages, the google search field looks like this: Notice the huge font in the search bar and the weird search button.
I have not seen anyone address the following problem. Nevertheless, it absolutely annoys me, and I wonder if anyone knows how to fix it. Sometimes, when I press the normal COMMAND+SHIFT key sequence to use Spotlight, the Spotlight search field will drop down lower on the screen. It will still be on the correct side, but it will drop down near the middle of the screen. In other words, the Spotlight search field will not be attached to the menu bar in the upper-right corner (next to the clock and the day of the week) where it normally appears. However, during those instances, it will pop back into place if I do one of two things: 1) start typing into the Spotlight field anyway or 2) Change my resolution to 1680x1050. This really annoys me when it happens. Does anyone know how to fix this so that it never happens again? It doesn't happen a lot, but I don't want it to happen again, and I absolutely love using Spotlight. I'm a Spotlight addict. Also, if there's a fix, can someone tell me anything I can do to Snow Leopard, so that the Spotlight search field never pops out of place again? Sorry, but I'm very much a perfectionist.
Here's a screen shot of how it looks when it happens. I snapped it off the desktop when it happened last time:[URL]
I got a mac mini back in february, i think it has a 1 year warranty on it but the thing is i bought the keyboard seperately so im afraid i may need a new one if i cant fix this. Yesterday my right and down arrow keys stopped working. I checked under them and they look perfectly fine, they just dont respond.
The LEFT and DOWN directional arrows on my Mother's MBP just stopped working. All other keys work fine. Does this generally mean I will need to replace the top case? Has anyone out there experienced keys not working, then working again? Could it possibly be the connection to the logic board? Or some dust in an undesired location?
I've looked through System Preferences and can't find a way to stop pressing keys or clicking the mouse from waking up the computer. Has anyone been successful in doing this, or am I out of luck?
My arrow keys do not function any more, when you press the down arrow key the whole page scrolls up, left arrow scrolls everything to the right and right arrow scroll everything to the left, and the up arrow doesn't do anything.
I am having problems with my cursor on my macbook. Since a recent software update I've not been able to move the cursor in any app. The only way it moves is when I type. I use the arrow-keys to quickly move around menus but that is impossible. I have looked at all the settings I can think of looking at, but nothing makes any difference. Helen BTW the OS is 10.6.8
Info: early 2006 mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1.5GHz Intel, 1Gb 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM
I finally went from Leopard to Snow Leopard (SL) by doing a clean install. But I found I was not able to boot from the install disk by the normal procedure -- restarting and pressing the Option or C keys. Before the SL install, I had a volume structure problem on my HD and tried to use the Leopard install DVD to repair the drive. I was unable to do that by using the normal boot up procedure.why I can't boot from the optiical drive by pressing the designated keyboard key(s)?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 400GB G-Drive FW800 Ext. HD; 4GB RAM on MBP; 60GB iPod Video
I spilled some water on my laptop this morning but it wasn't a lot and seemingly nothing happened. Then several hours later all of the sudden my delete key and arrow keys are not working. I can only assume this has something to do with the spill. My MacBook Pro is over 2 years old and I'm pretty sure the warranty is long expired. I definitely can't afford a new one or expensive repairs. Is there anyway to change the function of my keys? In other words can I change say one of my shifts or command keys into a new delete key ?
The scroll bar on the right is gone the only way I can move the screen up or down is with the arrow keys Why how do i get it back and have it stay there
Last night a friend of mine spilt a very small amount of soda onto my macbook. I immediately wiped it off and powered down the computer. Today, when I turned the computer back on, everything works fine, however, a few of the keys are sticky (the space bar, arrow keys, shift button, and 2 others). Is there anyway to remove these keys to try to clean them? This is the current generation Macbook.
I can't backspace anymore. And just now, as I type this, I noticed if I press delete I -forward- delete, and I can still highlight text and delete it that way. How do I change the delete key to backspace? Also, my arrow keys used to move the cursor within text. now it just scrolls the page up and down.
If you have a contact in Addressbook (AB) with a nickname, if you also use Apple Mail (AM) and create a new email and start to type the contact's email in the TO field, AM will finish your typing giving you a list of related possible email addresses to choose from. The problem is that in addition to the email addressk AM adds the contact's nickname as opposed to it's firstname/lastname or even business name. We need a preference for this, per contact.
Example: In AB you have a contact:
Name: Jon Doe Company Doe Company Nickname: The Doester email:
In AM you start to write an email: and type: "jon" and AM shows you a list of possible related emails one of which will be: "The Doester" [URL]Commentary: now if a casual email to a friend, this is OK. But what if this is a business oriented email and "The Doester" isn't appropriate? You can only stop the inclusion of "The Doester" by deleting it from the Nickname field in the AB. This is presumptuous on Apple's part, or a bug, that the Nickname should trump the first/lastname or company name.
I don't exactly know the answser to this. If we could easily choose which name to append in front of the email address (firstname/lastname, company name or nickname) that would be cool. Or maybe no name gets added if it has to be: all or nothing from a programming point of view. But having nickname as the primary, if it exists, can be a problem in certain correspondence IMHO.
Info: Mac Pro 3.0 GHz Quad-Core, iPad WiFi/3G, iPhone4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 30" HP Display, 22" Cinema Display
I've been using itunes for a while and it just messed my entire music library up! I've found something that is more Winamp style for me named "Cog". Now my problem is that I want to control it with the F7, F8, F9 keys which are the rewind, play and forward keys, but when pressing any of them it works both on itunes and cog player. How can I disable the Itunes link to it? I want it to control only Cog player.
When pausing a song, either by pressing the Pause button manually, using the shortcut on my keyboard, or using the spacebar, when I play it again it will rewind partially.
The shorter the song, the shorter it will rewind; if the song is something like 3 minutes long, it will rewind a second or two. However, on large songs which are an hour or more long, such as continuous albums etc, it can rewind maybe 10-20 seconds. It's as though it is rewinding to a fixed spot as well.
After researching, I can find nothing except a similar query to mine but it was happening with podcasts. I don't listen to podcasts so I can't comment here, but I know that my songs are rewinding after pausing.
I have noticed it only tends to happen to songs a certain bitrate (VBR), songs with 320kbps for example don't rewind.
I can't find anything to turn it off or disable it, but it is extremely annoying when a song rewinds. (I have done the basics as in restarting the application and restarting my Macbook Pro, this did nothing).
I am needing a playlist to populate, given that the comments field is blank and Im struggling to work out how to do it? Ive been making smart playlists to meet different criterias for a while now but this one im struggling on!
I'm getting security question prompts when I try to download from iTunes, and the "rescue email" field keeps getting a "please use a valid email address" error when I enter my email address. It's correct, no matter how many times I enter it.
I recently purchased The 99 Darkest Pieces of Classical Music from Amazon. Yeah, it's sucky MP3, but it was free and I'm not a big classical music buff. I have the Album Artist field empty, and every track marked as "Part of a Compilation". So far so good. When I go to change the Artist field of any track, to fix a misspelling or capitalization error, for example, that track is instantly dragged out of the track listing for 99 Darkest and into its own album, with the album name being Unknown Album. This despite the track still being marked as Part of a Compilation. If I restore the original spelling, the track is dragged back into 99 Darkest's list. It's not like iTunes to maintain state like that. What's happening and how do I fix it?
I am unable to use the search window on the right to get results when Google is selected as the search engine.I type in a search term and I am directed to a blank google search page. I have to type in the search term again, then I see a list of "hits". But when
I click on one of these hits I am not directed to the URL displayed. I have quit out of Safari and relaunched. I have rebooted my Mac. Neither changes the problem... This is a Google problem: I have the same symptoms when I use Safari on Windows XP. When I switch the search engine to Bing, the problems go away, for both platforms Has Google been hacked? Is this a Google attack on Safari? How can I enter GoGoDuck as a search engine choice?