ITunes :: Smart Playlist To Populate If A Field Is Blank?
Jun 29, 2012
I am needing a playlist to populate, given that the comments field is blank and Im struggling to work out how to do it? Ive been making smart playlists to meet different criterias for a while now but this one im struggling on!
iPhone 3GS, 4.3.5
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Aug 28, 2014
When selecting an address from the contact list to populate the address field in an email, the field will not populate automatically.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Nov 4, 2009
I am new to Itunes and tried to set up a smart playlist for my podcasts. However, when i try to select from the drop down menu to get started i do not see "PodCasts" as an option? I see everything else ie, Album, album artist, artist, etc. but NO podcast? What do i need to do?
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Apr 25, 2012
how to add songs to smart playlist in itunes?
MacBookPro, iOS 5.1
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May 6, 2012
iPod touch, Windows
7, play with,all libraries used W/IPOD
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May 7, 2012
Does iTunes update my Smart playlist with new songs each time I download it or do I have to manually update it myself?
Windows 7
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Jul 25, 2010
I am trying to figure out how the live updating feature on smart playlists works.
I created a simple smart playlist with one rule "Media Kind is Music". I ticked the box to "limit to 25 items selected by random". I also ticked the box for "live updating". When I clicked OK to save the smart playlist, iTunes selected 25 songs from my music library and put them in the smart playlist. I then synced the smart playlist to my iPhone. The same 25 songs appeared in the smart playlist on my iPhone. So far, so good.
Then I played a number of the songs in the smart playlist on my iPhone. I also played songs from the smart playlist in iTunes on my MacBook Pro. I exited and re-entered iTunes multiple times. I re-synced my iPhone several times as well. And guess what? The smart playlist, both in iTunes and on the iPhone, still contains the same list of 25 songs that were selected when I first created the smart playlist.
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Jun 17, 2012
Recently I've started creating and using Smart Playlists. And ever since I created a Smart Playlist - when I make any change to the metadata (artist, album title, anything at all - even just changing one letter) - iTunes freezes up for about 10 to 20 seconds as the wheel spins and iTunes processes the new information. But in the meantime iTunes is rendered completely frozen up for me. Same thing happens if I begin importing (whether from CD or just dragging) new music. Is this sort of thing normal? I assume it's the program processing the new information for the Smart Playlist, but for pete's sake, does it have to render the complete program useless? Smart Playlists are a nice idea, but they have made iTunes a nightmare to deal with!
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 28, 2012
I deleted the smart playlist by mistake. how can I get them back?
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Jun 29, 2012
I've just received my new MacBook Air (I'm loving it!) and as it's blank I'm taking the opportunity to assess my iTunes library and previous purchases. I have downloaded a total of 20 tracks, so there are only 20 tracks stored on the harddrive, all other tracks are in iCloud. I've set up a smart playlist with the criteria, Location - is - on this computer, I fully expected this smart playlist to show me the 20 tracks that I've downloaded, but it remains blank.Â
I'm wanting to see these tracks, but for some reason the smart playlist isn't working. Is this because the settings for the smart playlist are wrong, ie. this won't show what's on the hard drive? or is something going wrong with my playlist?
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May 16, 2009
I have a smart playlist to sync only one season of The Office on iTunes. I hit sync with my iPhone and it doesn't show up as a playlist? How do I get it to? (I have an 8GB iPhone, can't sync the 16GB of The Office episodes I have.)
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Apr 9, 2012
I deleted some songs from my library (and computer) but they still show up in a smart playlist (the playlist pulls by 'year'). The playlist cannot find the locations but why does the smart playlist still look for them even though they don't exist in the library anymore? Also, when I sync my iPod it says that it cannot sync the deleted songs. I have tried deleting the playlist and creating a new one, but it still pulls up the ghost songs.
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May 15, 2012
Long time itunes user and have never had any issues creating a smart playlist untill recently. I have a large libary 16,500+, am a itunes match user, and do use icloud. For the last couple weeks any time i try to create a smart playlist the results are always empty. I have tried simple requests like artist contain so and so, genre is rock, time is over 1:00 etc etc and nothing will populate. Also if i edit and old smart playlist by adding another condition it wipes it out for example i have a playlist with rock songs if i add the condition to only have songs over 1 minute i get an empty set. I'm sure it is a simple solution but i can not figure out what i have done. Only major changes i have made recently are getting an ipad and joining itunes match other than that i have made no changes to my settings or network (at least that i know of).
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.1), 2.8 intel core 2 duo 2GB 667 MHz
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Feb 6, 2012
I'm trying to create a smart playlist with the following properties:Â
1) Every time I play it, it selects a different random set of songs.
2) The playlist plays for a fixed duration, then shuts off. (I like to go to sleep to music, but it wakes me up in the middle of the night if it plays for too long.)Â
The best I've been able to come up with is to set "not played in the last xx days", "Limit to yy minutes selected by random", and "live updating". However, there's a problem with this: as soon as one song has played, it's purged from the list, which causes live updating to replace it with a new song. As a result, this creates a list that plays forever, since new songs are continuously added to replace the ones that have been played.Â
I tried turning off live updating, but then I'm stuck with the same songs over and over. I also know about the trick of just using "select random" and deleting the contents of the list, so that live update will repopulate it, but that won't work on an iPod without doing it in iTunes and then re-syncing.Â
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 12, 2012
What does not work is:create new smart playlist by option clicking on the iconcreate new smart playlist from menu (or by keyb. shortcut)edit a smart playlist that i created before this problem The common in these are that the next step would be the Smart Playlist Editor to open, but it does not, never. I tried so far:repair permissionscreate fresh Libraryreinstall iTunes Actually while writing this i came across the real problem: There is a syntax problem in the Hungarian localization files of iTunes, this causes an exception that I noticed the system logs.Â
iTunes[1156]: Error parsing localization!
Key: %[bpm]@ %[is]@ %@
Value: %1$[BPM]@ %2$[]@ %3$@
Error is: No items were specified between [ and ]
How can I contact someone, or file a ticket to make this bug patched soon?
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 13, 2012
I subscribe to several podcast, most of them are news and I have a couple of them that are music that I'd like to add to the Recently Added Smart Playlist. By default the this playlist has the criteria Media Kind is not Podcast, so when I specify a podcast it'll not appear and if I remove this criteria, all the podcasts will appear which of course I don't want. I could just specify every single podcast I don't want but the problem would be that I'd have to keep editing the playlist everytime I subscribe to a new one; a thing I don't feel very comfortable with. I tried using subcriteria but the Media Kind is not Podcast just overrules everything I add afterwards.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27-inch Mid 2011.
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Jan 30, 2009
I want to create a smart playlist in Itunes like this:
-NOT contain recently listen ARTISTS (1 day)
So if Itunes plays and ARTIST then the Smart Playlist will refresh and extract all Songs with that artist.
Is it possible?
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May 1, 2010
I created a smart playlist and these podcasts that have been deleted from my library and that do not show up in the podcasts section are in the smart playlist and i can not find them in itunes or delete them.
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Apr 19, 2008
In Time Machine under the Oldest and Latest Backup fields all it says is "--".
It used to work perfectly fine but today i noticed it was blank, when i go into time machine all the dates are there including the one it done today, just seems to be a display error, Any ideas how to fix this?
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Mar 23, 2012
I'm trying to setup a Lion Server as an internet server - not as a web server - I need access to a different port. When I use the Server UI to go to Web, I can select to edit my domain name but then in the edit window, the Domain Name field is blank, and I can't change anything such as the port, SSL Cert, etc. As best I can tell, I have the DNS setup but I'm not sure I've done it correctly. I can add a second domain name and can edit the details for that. I'd hoped I could delete the first one or swap them but no luck. I can't access the domain name from outside the LAN but it may have just not propagated yet. I can access the IP address and do see the default home page.
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Aug 16, 2008
I'm putting together a huge selection of reggae and island music for a luau and was wondering if, when I transfer the playlist to my iPod Touch, if it will keep the order of the songs or rearrange them to alphabetical. I'd like to keep the order I put it in, not alphabetical. Thoughts?
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Jun 9, 2012
My MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8) was going slow. I decided to reinstall OSX. All my data was backed up to my compatible external HD. I then erased my MacBook HD, and reinstalled OSX off the install disc and bundled applications disc. I went through the steps to set up the administrator account, and did all the other things in the instal process. I then did all necessary software updates. When all that was complete, I connected my external HS and opened migration assistant, and imported all the data from the latest backup.  I now find that all my backed up data from before is under a different user account - named as in the old OSX set up. How do I populate my newly installed iTunes and iPhoto with the imported data stored under the 'old' username? Shouldn't this have happened automatically?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66GHz Intel Core i7
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Apr 4, 2012
If you have a contact in Addressbook (AB) with a nickname, if you also use Apple Mail (AM) and create a new email and start to type the contact's email in the TO field, AM will finish your typing giving you a list of related possible email addresses to choose from. The problem is that in addition to the email addressk AM adds the contact's nickname as opposed to it's firstname/lastname or even business name. We need a preference for this, per contact.Â
Example:Â In AB you have a contact:Â
Name: Jon Doe
Company Doe Company
Nickname: The Doester
email: jon.doe@doecompany.comÂ
In AM you start to write an email:Â and type: "jon" and AM shows you a list of possible related emails one of which will be:Â "The Doester" [URL]Commentary: now if a casual email to a friend, this is OK. But what if this is a business oriented email and "The Doester" isn't appropriate? You can only stop the inclusion of "The Doester" by deleting it from the Nickname field in the AB. This is presumptuous on Apple's part, or a bug, that the Nickname should trump the first/lastname or company name.Â
I don't exactly know the answser to this. If we could easily choose which name to append in front of the email address (firstname/lastname, company name or nickname) that would be cool. Or maybe no name gets added if it has to be: all or nothing from a programming point of view. But having nickname as the primary, if it exists, can be a problem in certain correspondence IMHO.Â
Mac Pro 3.0 GHz Quad-Core, iPad WiFi/3G, iPhone4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 30" HP Display, 22" Cinema Display
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Apr 23, 2012
I'm getting security question prompts when I try to download from iTunes, and the "rescue email" field keeps getting a "please use a valid email address" error when I enter my email address. It's correct, no matter how many times I enter it.
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 18, 2012
Very often I need to search a single track in an album and then I start my browsing just from that point, using the arrow keys. i.e. I did like this: select the search filed, type the keywords, select the track, empty the search field, press twice the tab key (one to activate the left column, the second one to activate the tracklist), in order to activate the selection I made and, eventually, use the arrow keys to browse the collection. Since some time ago, once that I've done my search, when I press the tab key, it activate the left column and then the tracklist, but it do not unselect the search field and so, if I use the arrow keys, the menu of the search field appears and there's no way to leave unselected the field.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iTunes 10.6.1
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Oct 31, 2010
I recently purchased The 99 Darkest Pieces of Classical Music from Amazon. Yeah, it's sucky MP3, but it was free and I'm not a big classical music buff. I have the Album Artist field empty, and every track marked as "Part of a Compilation". So far so good. When I go to change the Artist field of any track, to fix a misspelling or capitalization error, for example, that track is instantly dragged out of the track listing for 99 Darkest and into its own album, with the album name being Unknown Album. This despite the track still being marked as Part of a Compilation. If I restore the original spelling, the track is dragged back into 99 Darkest's list. It's not like iTunes to maintain state like that. What's happening and how do I fix it?
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Feb 4, 2012
Creating a playlist in itunes specifically for internet radio. The itunes help page is not detail enough.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), internet radio playlist in itunes
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Feb 7, 2012
I some local internet streams which I listen to, when I added them a long time ago I couldn't add them to the itunes radio tab :-( but created a playlist.I would like to have those streams available on my laptop but since there is no "music" it does not sync. Is there a way to do this? It would be nice to have them on the idevices as well but there i just use a radio app.Â
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Apr 17, 2009
Just went from Windows to mac and want to bring my windows itunes playlists. when I hit export and save it on a usb and hit import in mac itunes, then I get the playlist but its all empty. It kinda sucks if I have to sort out all the good stuff again, so I hope I can get my old playlist back. I have it on my ipod touch as well, so I dunno if you can transfer playlist from ipod to mac
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Jun 8, 2012
I have an older iPod that has some playlists on it that are not in my iTune library. I want this same playlist on my iPhone but when I do an 'export' then try to drag and drop into my phone I get a message saying it did not copy because 'it cannot be played on this phone'. I also cannot drag and drop it into iTunes anywhere either. All of these songs are in my library, I just don't want to have to go through and remake this playlist to add to my phone.
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