I have an iMac G5 1.8 GHZ And a Mac mini intel core duo is it possible to use the imac display as a monitor for the Mac mini I am aware of software such as screen recycler that uses a firewire cable but id like to connect directly via VGA/DVI so it dont lag
I have a fresh install of Windows XP, service pack 2 on a boot camp partition on my macbook (13" first gen aluminum case) and a Apple LED Cinema Display attached to the mini display port.
I can't seem to make the Cinema Display the primary display (the "Use this device as the primary monitor" checkbox is always greyed out in the Display Property Settings tab). I also can't shut the macbook lid and continue to use it closed (with kb, mouse and monitor attached) like I would when booting OSX.
Is there some other way to make the Cinema Display the primary monitor, so I can leave the macbook closed when booting into Windows?
I hooked up my macbook pro to a mini display port to a dvi -> hdmi to my tv no problem. However, when I hooked up the mini display -> dell monitor, I get nothing. The screen is black. The weird thing is that my macbook pro recognizes that a second monitor is plugged in... it just won't display anything
Just a piece of info for those considering driving a 30 inch Monitor with the Mini: The mini-display port to Dual Link DVI adapter Apple is offering is not working. There are some other forums discussing this problem with the unibody Macbook pro. I've been using mine since Dec. At irregular intervals the screen becomes blurry (weird double lines all over), and the only thing that works is plugging back in or (more harmless if you have multiple projects up and don't want them to be scattered all over the screen) Control-Shift-Eject to put the display to sleep, then wake it back up after a few seconds with mouse or keyboard. This can be very annoying as sometimes one has to repeat it multiple times. Apple is aware of the problem, but has not come forward with a solution. I just don't want you guys to be disappointed in your new Mini with a capable graphics card...
Have new MacMini... need to connect both a display VGA and a separate digital projector but there is only the HDMI to VGA port. Could I use the Thunderbolt port for that purpose, and if I can, do I need a special cable and connector to VGA?
1 going mini display port to DVI adapter to DVI on 19" Monitor (standard monitor)
1 going mini DVI to DVI adapter to a DVI to HDMI on 52" LCD (Samsung TV)
i just sold me iMac and switched to the Mini not only to be able to hide the Mini which i couldn't do with the iMac but also when i watch a movie full screen on the 52 i was never able to turn off the iMac monitor and would have to cover it with a towel so that it was dark in the room except for the 52 showing the movie.
my thought was that with 2 monitors separately hooked up to the Mini that i could solve the turning off the second monitor problem as they would now both have power buttons. besides making it dark in the room i also like to have the monitor off and so that i can have Plex on the 52 always in full screen mode so my wife can just hit "Watch Plex" on the logitech remote and the TV and Stereo switch to the proper inputs and away she goes to watch whatever without having to touch the computer which when both monitors are on works perfectly.
Had been using the Mini Displayport > DVI adapter just fine with both HDTV and Dell monitor, BUT then all output has stopped completely!
No monitor is detected by the laptop (although the display does blink blue, as if it had detected it), tried different cables, different displays, using the Displayport firmware update, speaking to Apple, deleting the com.apple..plist files, etc
a way to extend the mini display port cable on the 24" monitor? I'm using it with a 2009 mac mini and want to put the mini in a cabinet which is too far for the standard connection. The USB easy, but I can't seem to find a solution for the display port.
I have my 09 mini connected to a Dell E177FP and I have the energy preferences set to turn the display off after 15 minutes. The problem is that the display never turns off. It just sits at the "check signal" screen as if it was not plugged into anything. How can I get the monitor to go into standby mode?
With my 'old' Intel iMac using a Display Port adapter, my 24" LG Monitor would be detected correctly and worked first time. With my new 2011 iMac 27 using a genuine Apple mini DisplayPort adapter plugged into the Thunderbolt port, this same monitor now shows up as a generic VGA monitor and the range of resolutions is severely reduced - basically it looks terrible. I've tried disconnecting the cable, reconnecting, using the second Thunderbolt, changing resolutions, detecting displays, showing displays in the menu bar. All with no success.
I have a new Macbook Air 13", 4GB RAM, 2.13Ghz, 256GB SSD.
I'm connecting the Macbook with the Apple Mini Displayport to DVI connector to a DVI cable to a Dell 2407 monitor with a resolution of 1920x1200. The resulting image is blurry. The fonts are blurry and drop shadows on the screen flicker quite badly. The resolution on my Macbook is indeed set to 1920x1200 to match my Dell 2407.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? Is the problem with the Mini Displayport to DVI adapter?
I know for a fact that the Dell LCD and the DVI cable work fine with my Windows 7 box. I have tried two different DVI cables as well.
I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...
I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4
I have an old iMac G4 and I was wondering if I could just use the screen somehow since I don't need to use it as a computer? Could I use it like a TV to play xbox or something?
Just about to order a 3.06 with the 4850 and can anyone tell me if I can extend the display to run across a second monitor or does it just mirror the main display?
The display on My IMac G5 running 10.5.8 is pink and the images are ghostlike! My screen saver is neon green! Is my Mac dying? It has done this before and after I was doing my work for a few hours, it come back to normal and shocked my eyes! This time it has been going on for about 4 days now!
My 17inch iMac G5 has a vertical shaded band in the display that I cannot remove. Does anyone know how to fix this or it this now a permanent problem? The picture underneath is not corrupted, however it is a lighter shade. The vertical band is about 2 inches wide.
if i buy the mini display port to dvi adapter, could i use it with a dvi to hdmi cable for my monitor. This is because the dvi and vga ports are already taken up.
I've searched online and in threads here on the "can I use an iMac as a monitor" question, and found mostly negative answers. One exception seems to be the 27" model connected via mini-Display Port.However, I'd been hoping to connect an older (G4/DVI) Mini to a new (21.5") iMac, to use the iMac as a monitor.The only semi-hack solution I've seen is to use Screen Recycler or similar software. I have two questions, though:-Can Screen Recycler be used to mirror a desktop, not just extend it? (all info I've seen talks only about extending/2nd monitor, not mirroring). -How's the performance?
I've just ordered an i5 Mac Mini and while it's destined to be used as a media-centre/ streamer connected to my TV via HDMI, initially I want to hook it up to the display on my 2011 iMac. Can one of you clever bods point me in the direction of what cable I need, and also what do I need to do to the iMac to make it behave as just a monitor? Is it just a matter of plugging in the cables and off I go?
My wife has an iMac (I don't know any other way to identify it e.g. model number), and she has this 3rd party calibration software that I'm trying to use. I am not used to a Mac, and I cannot find the display settings for the monitor. There are no buttons on the monitor, and when I go to preferences, I can only find the brightness control. I've googled this and cannot find a clear, simple answer. I have used every version of Windows (currently on 8.1 on my PC) and it's easy for me on that platform. I suppose it's just that I don't really know how to navigate Mac OS.
I know about the 27 inch and how it can is can use its mini display port as a video input. But I was wondering if you could use the 21.5 inch to do the same. From what I am reading its seems though that it can't, is there a hack of some sort that could do this. This would be a great 1080p screen to use instead of buying a brand new TV.
Any new news on what card with mini display out will work with the 27" imac? I want to buy a new card for my gaming PC, but dont have room for 2 monitors and would like to use the 27" Heard there were a problem with 5? series? has this been fixed or anything other cards i can use?
I am wondering what exactly can be fed in and out of the mini displayport on the new iMac, and just as importantly, what extra gear is needed. I have read that things like PS3s in principle can be fed into the iMac, but they need some adapter thing that is pretty expensive, is that still the case, and is it the case for anything that you feed in, other than other apple devices like MacBooks and such?
I have a Macbook Air 11in base specs, and an upgraded Alienware M18x. I do alot of traveling and sailing hence the use of the MBA. Now I'm planning on selling my Alienware since I use that as my desktop. The options I have are the Upgraded 27in Imac, or a Thunderbolt Display with the 2.5ghz mac mini. The only reason I'm leaning towards the latter is so I can use it as a Monitor for my MBA.