I have had a G5 iMac for several years. It has OS10.5 installed and I had two exgrnal hard drives attached. Recently it began to slow down quite a lot and I have been trying to clean it up and get rid of files that weren't required. Yesterday when I tried to start it up the spinning circle with the Apple logo in the background was replaced by a no entry sign. In order to try and do a safe restart I have held down shift. I have held down C and I have even tried shift and C, but nothing is happening.
I have a 3.06 Intel Core 2 Duo iMac with Snow Leopard. It is completely up-to-date and has always ran beautifully. I have not installed any new programs lately. Recently, when I go to APPLE > Restart (maybe after an update or just because I like to restart my computer on occasion) the bar at the top disappears, my dock stays up on the screen, and the computer just sits there and freezes up on me. I am forced to hold down the button on the back to get my computer back. Here are the things I have tried:Re-install of the latest update using Combo Update Reset PRAM Repaired Permissions Booted from disk and ran a Repair Disk Complete zero-out of the HD, clean install of Snow Leopard, and reinstallation of everything from a Time Machine backup Nothing has worked...The other problem is that it only happens when my computer is on for several days. If I restart daily, it doesn't happen. So, it makes it hard for me to log-in as a different user for that long to initiate the problem. I think it has something to do with a program that I may open and close throughout the week but I have no way to pinpoint what program it is.
I have a 2003 17" flatpanel imac (1 GHz)I've been using it for the specific purpose of running some old OS9 software.It's the only way I have to get to some old files.It's been working fine.Then, after a shut down, I cannot get it to restart.Push the power button. Nothing. No sound. Nothing.I've uplugged it for 30 seconds and replugged and tried to restart.Nothing.Is there any other type of power management restart I can try?I have several other newer macs, all running 10.6 or 10.7, which I use for 90% of my work. But this one machine is my only link to these old (OS 9) files which I still need to access.
I'm suspicious it's something to do with the power supply because after about 4 reboots where I hold the power button down until a horn beeps, it will start. It first only boots to white screen...reboot...comes up to white screen with Apple in middle...reboot...comes up to blue screen...reboot...boots fine and operates fine. I do notice that it reboots every once in awhile for no apparent reason.
This is perplexing me: I've only had my iMac 21.5" for a week. I posted here about the white screen issue after the 1st s/w update. Now, on every restart I get the same *but only when* my USB ext HDD is plugged in; unplug it & it starts fine, plug HDD in and it mounts, checked external HDD with disk utility - AOK. Never had this problem with my old 20" iMac! It's still in DoA period so is it best to get it swapped out?
I'm having a problem with my Mid 2007 iMac. Some files copying from a DVD (Logic Express 9 Demo Content), cause my iMac to restart. I know the files are fine as I can copy from another mac. I've had this problem twice before since I've had my mac (Oct 2007), but it was in reverse (trying to burn to a DVD). Everything else works fine copying to and from the drive. I want to ring Applecare, but I can imagine that they will say don't worry about it, since its only them files, and everything else can copy fine.
I've tried all the basic stuff: -checking a new account -permissions -pram -and the smc
I closed all programs and restarted my imac..that is 15 minutes ago...the little gear is still spinning 15 minutes later and hasn't restarted...should I just power off?
I often have an issue where my iMac won't shut down, restart or logout users. Basically, when I click Shut Down or Restart, the desktop icons disappear as if the computer's getting ready to shut down (the desktop wallpaper remains) and it just sits there and won't shut down. I have to hold down the power button on the back of the computer in order to get the computer to shut off. This often happens when I try to logout a user. I'd say this happens about 2/3 to 3/4 of my attempts to shut down or logout a user.
I have found the past 4 weeks that my iMac will not respond to any mouse movement, keyboard, trackpad or pushing the power button every 5 days or so. I must unplug from the wall, replug into wall then push power button, then it boots up. I have had iMac for 9 months and has always just went to sleep and when I move mouse awakens. After I must unplug, it works correctly again for 5 to 6 days then must be unplugged again. Anyone know why this is happening as I do not believe any settings have been changed and I am the only user of this iMac.
I just got a refurbished iMac G5 from the university. When I got home I installed all of my applications. I then update them. Like usual, I have to restart the computer when they are done installing to complete the process, so I do. However, when I boot up the computer again I get a Kernal Panic. ("You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.")
I downloaded Mac OS X 10.5.7 from the Apple website rather than using Software Update only to save time. I used Software Update to get 10.5.7 on my MacBook Pro and it took 35 minutes to download the package. Using the Apple website for my iMac, the download took about 15 minutes.
I then began the installation of 10.5.7 on the iMac. Everything went fine until it was time to restart. The computer froze on restart. I had to hold down the power button to turn off the iMac. Then I started it up and it began to load for quite a while (normal after an update). Then I logged in and went to "About This Mac" and it read that I had Mac OS X 10.5.7.
Obviously, this is an unorthodox way of updating. But am I safe with this method? Was it just a minor glitch?
I recently installed the iTunes update plus 3 others that were in the list (don't remember what they were). After they installed, it said that a restart was necessary. I let it restart and when it came back the "beach ball" was spinning. The hockey game was about to start so I went off to watch the first period. When I returned the beach ball was still spinning. Thinking that there was no way it could take that long, I went ahead and shut down the iMac. I waited about 30 seconds and then turned it back on. It started normally and did not seem to have any problems.
Is there something else I should have done? How long should it take the iMac to restart after a software update?
hi! Today i started having this bug with iphoto. if i close the window in the x it quites the iphoto instead of closing the window. then i use cmd + tab and iphoto is not running. i thought it was some random temporary bug and restarted the system but i'm still having the bug. anyone know how to fix this?
Recently, my iMac 27" i7 has begun hanging in the most bizarre fashion. It usually seems to happen when I wake the computer from sleep or screen saver, but that isn't always the case. What will happen is that when I get to the computer, Mail will show symbology that indicates it is not connected to the Internet or Safari, upon booting, will not open a webpage (it sits on a white screen rather than delivering an error). I'll go to quit one of the offending programs, and it will not quit and beach balls instead. I then right click on the dock to trigger a force quit, and the force quit does nothing and the dock beachballs. I try to restart/shut down, and nothing happens. Thus I am forced to hard restart.
Conversely, I am sometimes able to get an offending program to force quit, but the rest of the computer (anything I click locks up) beachballs leaving me to hard restart. I find when this happens, my first instinct is to click system prefs and go to networking, where when I click networking, it locks up. Then I have to hard restart. Finally, there are times when it does respond to a restart request. It will go through the restart process up to the blue screen at the end, where the little spinning doohickey will appear and stay there indefinitely, forcing me to hard restart. It didn't seem to happen before I got my iPad but happens about every other day now.
At first it seemed to happen after I had my iPad charge from my computer, but now it seems to happen regardless. One time it hung while syncing with my iPhone and required me to restore it since the phone got messed up. I've done everything I can think to do to get to the source of the problem and I can't figure it out. I've looked through logs and didn't see problems (granted, I don't know if I'm looking at correct logs or if I'm looking for the right events). I have repaired permissions, and that seemed to help but not fix the problem. I bridge my iPad to my computer through Internet connection sharing, since I have an Ethernet internet connection. I created Automator work flows to turn it on and off (and AirPort) as I never leave it on when not using it.
I only restart about once a week or so and for about the last four to six weeks, I've been having issues restarting my 27" iMac, which is about five months old. What happens is that after I click restart and it logs out, it gets to the blue screen and the status bar in the center of the screen just keeps spinning and spinning (not the beach ball, the other one). I've let it run for 30 minutes before and it never shuts down so I have to hold down the power button and then push it again to start it up.
Problem is, I'm starting to feel the effects of that shortcut now with iTunes randomly pausing more and more times and for longer and longer amounts of time when playing a video. I'm guessing it has something to do with the processes that are normally run during a regular restart not being run since it won't perform a natural restart.
I have a 24inch aluminum iMac running the latest versions of Snow leopard. It's a little over 2 years old. I can turn my computer on and all is fine, I can keep it running for hours on end and nothing is a problem. However, the moment I turn it off or perform a restart I get the flashing folder icon? It takes about 2 hours before I can boot the computer up again.
I've tried the following:Resetting PRAM and VRAM Resetting the start up disk information through system preferences Pulling an individual RAM module, booting up then trying the same with other RAM module (to check to see whether I have some dodgy RAM)
At first I thought it must be the hard drive, but why can I run my computer with no problems at all. I had it running for 2 days, and not a problem! But, the minute I turn it off, that's it, you can forget booting it up for at least another hour.
My 2011 21.5 inch iMac keeps freezing. Strangely, the trackpad works but nothing on the screen reacts to moving the cursor around or clicking anywhere. requiring a restart (using the power button on the back).
When I then restart, I get an immediate error message saying "A graphics problem has been detected" and enables me to report the problem, which I do.
However, this happens several times a day and only since an upgrade to Yosemite and I have tried a software update.
I use Belkin N1 (firmware F5D8231-4_WW_4.00.18) router to connect to Internet. For some time (it happened 3 weeks ago, although everything worked fine for about a year, I did install update of EFI firmware for Mac on that day) the connection breaks (the Airport officially is ON and does not report any problems, so is e.g. skype, but it is not, I need to turn off Airport and turn it on again for it to go online again). Sometimes it happens once a day and sometimes every half an hour.
Laptop (with Windows Vista) works at the same time (connecting also wireless) without breaking.
Strange is that when somebody uploads a file via skype it is still working although browser is not, also i can chat with people on skype, only after restart an airport browser starts to work again.
Just got the new iMac quad core i7, purchased Windows 7 Home Premium and having trouble getting it to install using Boot Camp it goes through all the steps I partitioned 350 gig then formatted went thorough the install steps, it reboots and finishes the install, then reboots but nothing happens its just a black screen
I've got a problematic iMac running mavericks. I tried to do a disk repair in Recovery Mode which didn't work (said it needed a disk repair but could not repair and that I should backup everything). So then I tried to quit out of recovery and restart by choosing the Mac OS HD...it won't restart...it just keeps giving me the Recovery options front page. What should I do?
My Mac at work is due for an update but everytime I attempt to update it I am given the notification that the computer needs to restart in order to continue with the update. So I follow the prompt to restart it but all it does is go to an empty screen that only shows the background and the mouse. No service bars above the screen or below. Just the background and the mouse. It wont do anything passed that. What can I do to get it to actually restart?
when occurs a suspension of hard drive activity, manually or after a period of inactivity, this suspension seems to be incomplete (a ventilator continue to run) therefore my mac (power-mac G5, OS 10.4.11) is unable to restart, no possible action from the keyboard (I must shut down and restart)
Info: PowerMac G5, Mac OS X (10.4.4), & PowerBook (10.3.9)