IMac PPC :: Letters Freeze And Background Goes Dark Grey
Feb 20, 2012When I start typing on my imac after a few letters it freezes and background goes dark grey.Need to click on last letter with cursor to get it out of grey.
Info:iMac, iOS 4
When I start typing on my imac after a few letters it freezes and background goes dark grey.Need to click on last letter with cursor to get it out of grey.
Info:iMac, iOS 4
My screen has gone to a very dark grey on startup. I can faintly make out the desktop icons, but it is about 98% black. Everything else seems to be fuctioning. iMac G417" Flat Panel 17" [Pixar-lamp style] OS 10.4
View 4 Replies View RelatedI purchased a new late 2013 27 inch iMac 3.4Ghz i5. The only thing I did after pulling it out of the box was restore Time Machine from my previous iMac. On startup the machine boots as expected, but gets interrupted by the screen turning a dark blue, and the apple logo turning bright red, for about a second or so, then boots as normal, and opens Mavericks. I've spoken to Applecare - they suggested I re-install Mavericks, which I did. The problem is still there. I've done a hardware diagnostics test - no problems. Though I wonder if it could be a faulty graphics card? As far as I'm aware there are no other issues with the iMac. The machine is under warranty but would love to solve this if possible.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can barely see digital pictures and the likes. But websites and such i can see fine so long as the colors are light and looking on this site... [URL]
the first image i absolutely cannot see, it is 100% pitch black.. the other bellow it shows up just fine. But the two left/lowest squares on the color table on the very bottom the page both appear the same shade of pitch black.
I can see light but not dark. I tried callibrating and adjusting brightness and contrast.
I have a 13" MBP 2.53GHz, and I absolutely love it. However, I have one issue. I am using an Apple display port to DVI adapter to run the MBP in clamshell mode with my Samsung 221BW monitor. On websites or programs with a dark grey background, the screen flickers. The resolution is set to 1680x1050 (native) and 60Hz.
Does anybody else have this problem? Any ideas as to fixing it?
Strange thing happened to my iMac, the background and icon colours has turned to dark colours like raw photo negative. This is the screenshot:
iMac, iOS 5.1
I have a 28" inch display attached to newest version of Air. Works ok except when I have a full screen on plain dark grey background, then I see a waviness or flickering effect. Like the dark grey in Iphoto background. Other than this, the other colors seems ok. Pictures are fine, even when dark. Maybe there's a slight flickering with dark blue. Any explanations for this.
using mini display port to dvi. Tried with a friends dual link display, was a little different, but still unstable looking in dark grey when it fills the screen.
Could it be just what it takes to make this color, or the Hertz, which is 60. Other than this, no problem with the screen.
The printer prints copies in a very light grey colour. I would like it to give a normal black print. It is the driver. If so where do I get an update for the driver. Or what else can it be.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy menus in OS X 10.5.6 have changed from a blackish gray to a brownish bronze.Its not every application, but Spotify got it.It also affects some websites like the top menuat, this does show in Safari, and notin FireFox.This can be best described with a screen shot. Do you know how to change it back
View 4 Replies View RelatedMacbook Pro 13" (2011) Upon startup, displays a grey screen, then after a few seconds, the logon screen, I would logon, then it would show the Apple White boot screen, then it would ask me to log on again (sometimes)
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I've already tried basic methods of resolving this issue i.e. resetting and unplugging and replugging the keyboard and my keyboard still won't type letters or numbers. The only kind of response I get by typing the keys is the keyboard will performing shortcut commands like save and open, etc. without holding control or alt, it does it when I press the letter keys by themselves.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMaybe I'm just not used to it, but one annoying quirk I have found with mac keyboards (I recently bought a 20 inch iMac) is the keyboard is always giving me double letters when I type that I always have to go back and edit out.
I already went to system preferences and changed sensitvity and repeat settings to the slowest.
It's ridiculous in how inaccurate it is; has anyone else experienced this problem and/or have any suggestions? Just in writing this paragraph I've had to fix at least 10 times.
No other keyboard has given me such fits before.
When Lion boots, there is a gtey fabric background. I can't find it in preferences but would like to use it. Where can I find it?
View 8 Replies View RelatedOk so I was my online textbook on my Mac and then when I exited Chrome I noticed some weird difference in my background so I looked closely and I saw translucent letters on it. I changed the background to a solid color so the letters are more visible, but how do I stop these letters. (I already tried restarting, shutting down, unplugging, but the problem continues to appear whenever I log in.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Allright, I have a 24" iMac. 3.06 Core Duo 2 4GB RAM etc etc.
Just now, as I was innocently talking to a friend using iChat, the top of my screen flickered once or twice and then went dark. I am typing on it now, so it is not unreadable, it just looks like the back lighting has gone off on the top half. The middle is relatively light (bleedover from bottom back light?). I have tried playing with the hinge to no avail. After I reset the computer, cleared pram-nothing. Zippo. I got the top to stay lit for about a half second after reset, but it then flicked off again. Do I need to load up my iMac and drag my ass to the Apple Store (it really is quite a task to drive there)?Here is a horrible cell phone picture (and no, the screen IS dark, that's not a shadow.):
I get an dark black stripe at my iMac (mid 2007 or 2008).It's best visable when i put my darkness at lowest setting and on white survaces.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy iMac has these dark spots on the screen and I wanted to confirm that it is a hardware issue before I make an appointment with an Apple genius. I thought it was dirt, but cleaning it didn't do anything.
View 24 Replies View Relateddisplay on my iMac 27 (bought in august 2011) have many dark spots. This is my display: url.. Could i replace my mac if i don't bought apple care? I live within USA and don't have Apple Store
dread going to work and use pc all day. anyway the only issue i have is every so often i will be working away and my whole screen goes blank for a second,,freezes. I have to tap the mouse to get it to come back,
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a late 2007 20" Alu iMac and when ever I watch videos they appear too dark. I have tried changing all the settings I can find and nothing helps.
Its ok if I use VLC as I can change the brightness within the program but anything else ie quicktime, youtube or other embeded video always looks way too dark.
Has anyone else encountered this or is there something out there that I can do do brighten the video image?
So after giving up the new iMacs after two replacements about six months ago for yellow screens......I thought I would try again.
The good news is that the white is very uniform with no yellowing. The bad news is that it has this dark band across the bottom of the screen just above the dock.
So I am basically in the same spot I was six months ago. Replace the unit for a new one, replace the screen, or just live with it. Maybe I am being too anal but for $2,500, I shouldn't have to live with anything but a perfect screen.
Since to switching to an iMac from a PC, I have noticed that all of my images while looking great on my monitor print out way too dark. I had to actually record an action in Photoshop to adjust the images prior to printing. I could not understand why and just figured well it is what it is and not much I can do about it. However, on reading the June issue of Shutterbug magazine, there was an article in there in which they specifically mentioned the iMac,and the problem that was being experienced by everyone, professionals and amateurs alike with the "dark" prints, and put it down to the fact the iMac monitor was too bright ergo the issue with the dark prints.
Has anyone found a way around this rather than having to adjust the image way out of range in order to get it to print correctly and then revert to a prior state? Please.
PS - I am using an EPSON R220 and an EPSON 1400, both of which printed fine with my PC. (OK Mac lovers, don't jump down my throat. I love my Mac. it just has a few quirks - like all computers - that need to be unravelled.)
I replaced my iMac G4/800 17" hard drive that was failing (S.M.A.R.T. status) tonight. Textbook operation, following directions from No problems at all. I pre-built the drive with Tiger 4.10 in an external case (using the iMac as host) and transferred everything to the drive and tested. I booted off the external drive for a few days for testing. Again, no problems.
I got the iMac back together and booted up. Everything sounds fine but the monitor is black. It's as if there's no power to it or perhaps the lamps were just out.
When I press the power key for 1-2 seconds, the mac goes to sleep and the white Sleep Light on the front of the monitor comes on, so the monitor would appear to be getting power.
The Mac is working, evidently, as the chime for new mail sounded and the new drive chirps a little (very quiet though, btw).
I do NOT have a second monitor to hook to the VGA port, unfortunately.
On one reboot there was a sine-wave 'bong' sound, but the Mac proceeded to boot. I shut down again after that, took the housing apart and checked for trouble. Nothing. The video cable and connector is fine. There are no cables pinched or cut that I can see. And I did ever-so-carefully align the two halves when reassembling.
On the third boot I got the normal Mac chime (no bong/gong) and it booted fine - with no video.
One side note that I expect to be un-related: I left the HD jumper in cable-select mode, as the drive that was in there was also set on cable select (was a Western Digital 250GB drive; the new drive is a Maxtor).
What's wrong with this iMac monitor?
How many others on here have an imac with burn in problems? I have a tone! I am so unhappy with this product. I am happy I have the extended warranty, I am now getting a new monitor for my imac.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was using my Imac and i clicked on a random place and my whole computer froze. The mouse wasnt moving. it was as if it was a still picture. This is the second time it happens. any ides what it can be?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a question (whoa). I have an iMac Dual Core, bought in mid-2007 (it's the White Plastic version, not the newer Aluminium with the glass-display).
For some time now I had some dark spots, kind of shadow like in the bottom left corner. I wasn't bothered too much by them, but they got bigger, and now I have these in all of the corners except the bottom right one.
Anyone got any ideas how to get rid of them? (no, no three-year guarantee plan ... stupid me), or if not if it'd mean to replace the whole display or if it's just some cleaning (I talk money-wise here ...)
I attach two not-so-good pictures (the background is plain-white and the image is a bit enhanced ...) so you guys can see what I mean.
Just noticed the left side of my screen has a dark curve. What to do.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI press the power button, apple symbol appears then "thinking circle" the goes to dark screen where the only thing I can see is my mouse curser.
iMac, OS X Server
2 week old i7 mac
When i watch movies with the lights in my room off, and the frame in the film is completely black, I can see areas around the inside edge of the screen that are lighter in color than the center of the screen almost like light from behind the screen is shining through a little.
Is this normal or was this screen not manufactured properly?
Yesterday I started my iMac G5 and after about 15 minutes, it froze. It's happened before but I can always move the mouse. This is the first time it has actually properly froze. After about 2 minutes, I got a very loud whirring noise. I left it for about 5 minutes and it didn't die down. It has now been left for about 24 hours with the occasional turn on to see if it's fixed. No joy. Now it won't even turn on.
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