OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Displays Grey (No Background) Login Screen Before Apple Boot

Feb 5, 2012

Macbook Pro 13" (2011) Upon startup, displays a grey screen, then after a few seconds, the logon screen, I would logon, then it would show the Apple White boot screen, then it would ask me to log on again (sometimes)

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Software :: IBook G4 Freezing Before Login Screen / Grey Screen With The Apple And The Spinning Circle?

May 20, 2009

before I went to bed, I was playing the Sims 2, when my iBook G4 crashed. Our power cord can be a bit dodgy, so sometimes that happens. I didn't really think about it much, just closed the laptop and went to sleep.Last Monday morning, I opened it and pressed the power button. It began turning on, and got as far as the grey screen with the apple and the spinning circle. And then it just froze. The circle stopped turning.

I freaked out a bit, and restarted it a bunch of times, each time with the same result. (One time it stopped spinning, and then told me a restart was required. Huh. The rest of the times the exact same thing happened though.) I even tried unplugging and removing the battery, but it made no difference. So eventually I just shut it and decided to try again later.Last Tuesday I opened it and pressed the power button without much hope, and again the apple and circle came up just fine, then stopped, but then a bunch of words and numbers popped up.I'm a complete computer noob, but they don't look good to me... or are they good?

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/REEASE_PPC

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MacBook :: Stuck At Grey Apple Screen / Login Window At Startup?

May 9, 2012

recently a friend of mine offered to update my 2009 MacBook to Mac osx Lion. when I received the computer back from him, it required a rather large update that has put my MacBook in a terrible state.  

upon rebooting from the update, it froze at the grey Apple loading screen, and of course I thought nothing of it and gave it a little restart. Since then I cannot get it past the grey screen or the login window. it seems as though I cannot type in my password or click 'sleep' or any option the window gives me. I've been working on this issue all day, and I've tried countless things from the apple support community, with no avail.  

I've tried clearing the cache, I've tried safe mode, I've tried the command+option+control+enter trick on the login page, I'm even trying to boot from the install disc my friend gave me...and it's just refusing to move past the grey screen.  

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Screen Become Black After The Login Window Displays?

Mar 7, 2012

when I tried to launch the macosx lion, after display the login window, the whole window become black. 

Then I inject the U-Disk that has MacOSX Lion Installer in it, after the white screen, it become black too. So I can not re-install macosx. 

Then I tried press `shift` at login. It also didn't solve the problem. At last I tried the single user mode. It appears some problems: 

... USBF ... The IOUSBFamily is having trouble enumerating a USB device that has been plugged in. It will keep retrying. (Port 4 of Hub at 0X24000000)

no interval found for . Using 8000000 

USBF: 9.62 AppleUSBEHCI[0Xffffff800ba92000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0X24, timeing out!(Addr:0, EP:0)

...(it appears 5 times) 

USBF: 51.642 [0Xffffff800c4eaa00] The IOUSBFamily was not able to enumerate a device. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Apple Logo Not Appearing At Grey Boot Screen?

Jan 25, 2010

Sometimes, when I turn on my iMac (10.6.2), the system will not load, you can see the grey screen but empty, no apple logo there. I have to force a shutdown pressing the power button and when I turn it on for the second time it will work properly.

It only happens once in a while but I cannot understand why, since nothing changes.

PS.- I have verified my disk with the disk utility and everything seems fine.

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OS X :: IMac Won't Boot - Apple Logo And Lingering Grey Screen

Oct 30, 2008

I had been using my iMac all night, when all of a sudden the bouncing beach ball appeared and everything became unresponsive, apart from the mouse cursor itself. It might be worth noting that a few hours prior to this, I plugged in an external hard drive to burn off a DVD. This external hard drive has two partitions, the first being a restored image of Leopard; and the second, my out of date backup ("yes, I know").

I subsequently restarted my machine, enjoyed the chime, pondered the excessively long start up and looked bemused at the Leopard Setup wizard. I realised that the restored Leopard partition had booted up instead of the internal disc. So, I unplugged the external drive, pressed reset on the iMac and was immediately greeted first by the reassuring chime, then by the Apple logo and a lingering grey screen and finally by a flashing dark folder icon with a question mark in the centre for eternity.

I tried rebooting a few more times. Same. I've been frantically Googling but only found the PRAM reset and a very frightening iMac disassembly guide. I've tried plugging the external drive back it, but it refuses to boot Leopard from that now. What can I do? I feel so helpless on a Mac, on a PC I'd at least be able to open the sucker up before panicking! I've been working on a client's flash web dev project for months, and not made a back up in about half that time. The website is supposed to be going live tomorrow! Luckily I have the site uploaded, but the entire source code is potentially lost, so in the long term this is a major catastrophe!

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Software :: MacBook Pro Won't Boot / Grey Screen With The Apple Logo?

Jul 11, 2009

My MacBook Pro will not boot up any more. It just suddenly happened. It turns on and comes up to the gray screen with the apple logo and then the circle progress icon comes up and spins.

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OS X :: Unable To Boot System / Grey Screen With Apple Logo At Startup

Jan 12, 2011

I own an iBook G4. I could not get it to boot up, it would just go to a grey screen with the apple symbol and a timer/clock that looked like a gear.FYI: I may provide more information than necessary in the text below. I'm not sure what is and isn't relevant.

Following some advice I found in this forum I got out my old OS disks to boot from the disc instead of the hard drive. I intended to archive the old hard drive and install my latest OS (10.4.6 on the disc, 10.4.11 was the version I had been running on the machine, I believe). The machine told me it needed 4.5 Gb to install 10.4.6 Tiger, but I only had 4.0 Gb left on the hard drive. So instead, I archived and installed with the OS that came with the computer originally, 10.3.4.

I got things going, did the archive and install, and got to the log in screen. Unfortunately, I could not remember the password, so I booted up in single user mode, and entered the following to get into the machine:

1. mount -uw /
2. rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
3. shutdown -h now

This got me in with a new admin login, and I started up in 10.3.4. I soon noticed that I could still see all of the files that I put on the hard drive on my old operating system. I thought I shouldn't be able to see them, but since I could I decided to try to copy them to an external hard drive. When I did, I got an error message saying that there was a read/write error. I was not entirely surprised, but I decided it was time to turn back to the forums for help.

What I want to do is copy everything from my old hard drive onto an external hard drive, make room on the iBook hard drive to reinstall my latest operating system (10.4.6). Once I've done that I'd like to get the essential files back onto the iBook from the external hard drive and continue using my computer (even though it is a dinosaur).

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PowerPC ::in Middle Of Deadline G5 Crashes, It Won't Boot Again, Only Get Grey Screen With Apple?

Jan 13, 2008

I'm a film composer in the middle of a deadline, and my G5 crashes won't boot again, only get grey screen with Apple and spinning logo.Boot from Applecare disk, run tech tool, hardware fine, disk is corrupted. Catalog B-tree stuff. Cannot re-build without destroying data.Of course I have a clone of my system drive and try to boot from that, but IT is corrupted too of course!Go to Apple Store (I have ProCare), then run diagnostics and find the same. Advice? Wipe the drive and start from scratch.I do just that. I own about 35 plug-in instruments for Logic 8, so it took two days. The same thing happens. Disk won't boot.

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Software :: Intel IMac Won't Boot Up - Freezes On Grey Screen Or Apple Symbol?

May 14, 2008

Got my 24" 2.4GHz iMac on release last year, with Tiger. Installed Leopard on it on release day.

The problem I have is that ever since a botched Boot Camp installation I've had endless problems with certain applications hanging during their startup (notably Image Capture) or refusing to quit (notably iTunes). Force Quit doesn't resolve these issues. Restarting doesn't work because Force Quit can't quit them so I have to pull the plug or otherwise force a shutdown.

Upon restarting I either get the grey screen that instantly appears, or, if I've pulled the plug and left it for a few minutes I can get to the Apple symbol but no spinner or any further start up action. Occasionally I get lucky, get back up and running, and all is well until the next crash.

All this started happening when I decided to try installing Windows on Boot Camp again. I've had it on here a couple of times since Leopard was released but usually end up deleting it eventually because either the Windows installation gets bogged down or I get bored with it and never use it. Anyway, this time, using the same discs I've always used (and yes, it's SP2, so it should be fine and anyway it's worked at least twice before) when I got to the 'restart to continue installing Windows' bit, I got the white screen and nothing happened. After an hour or so of praying and restarting endlessly trying to get a response, I finally got it to recognise my OSX installation and was up and running again. The Boot Camp volume didn't appear to be there and Disk Utility revealed zero problems whatsoever. Everything looked fine until these recurring hangs, refusals to quit apps and screwed up start-ups.

Any ideas? I don't have the expensive Apple support, but it's less than a year old! Of course, I realise that this means nothing to Apple, who seem to think I should pay a premium in order to have my machine warrantied by them for more than 90 days. Grr...

If I get it up and running I'm thinking I should just wipe the ENTIRE system absolutely clean and re-install Leopard and then use my Time Machine backup to put all my data back on (pricelessly valuable as I use the machine to work on my photography with), but I'm concerned that if there's a flaw in the System somewhere, a corruption, that installing the Time Machine backup will just reintroduce the error. On the other hand, if it's a deeply embedded and invisinle partition corruption from the bad Boot Camp installation attempt, that should be fixed by wiping the entire drive to reinstall Leopard, right?

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MacBook Pro :: Doesn't Boot Beyond The Grey Screen With Apple Icon And Spinning Wheel

Mar 20, 2012

My macbook pro doesn't boot beyond the grey screen with apple icon and spinning wheel.  I used the "Option" button to access the Disk Utility function and run Repair Disk and Repair Disk Permissions.  Should I restart my computer?

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1

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Power Mac G5 :: MacBook Pro - Tiger Won't Boot Past Grey Apple Screen W/ Spinning Gear

Nov 12, 2007

I have a 1.83 Ghz MBP with 512 mb of RAM (lame I know). The other day someone was using my computer to burn a CD on iTunes when all of my programs began failing. On instinct I rebooted my computer to solve the problem. Alas, now I cant boot past the grey apple screen, and the gear is spinning away. Saddest part of the story is that I had time set aside to back up my computer the day after this happened . Anyway what is the best thing to do from here? I haven't made any moves to fix it yet really, so what is the best thing that I can do to try and get my files back?

MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Grey Screen, Spinning Gear

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OS X :: Apple Grey Screen And Hangs, Gets To The Login Screen And Hangs?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a much loved ibook G4 14" (late 2004??). It has just died. Well, in so much as it won't boot up. The ibook either gets as far as the apple grey screen and hangs, gets to the login screen and hangs, actually loads up finder etc and hangs or none of the above. Sometimes flashing red, blue green black.

After lots of research online over the past few days I tried the following: I have tried safe mode (not working), starting the command prompt screen (single user and verbose modes), started open firmware, and tried booting from a CD. Nothing works as the boot gets so far then hangs. I have flashed the PRam, resetted the NVRam, and have stopped short of opening up the case to dismantle it!

I just really want to access the hard drive now. I have tried Target disk mode and linked the ibook (pressing T) via firewire to a PowerPC G5, but the G5 doesn't recognise the ibook. System profiler on the G5 shows the target mode connected and working fine via firewire, just the icon for the ibook/target doesnt mount on the G5 desktop so I cant access it.Currently the boot freezes within a couple of minutes.I tried the hardware test CD that came with the ibook years ago, I have also tried booting from an OSX Panther CD. I'm assuming they would be bootable.

I forgot to mention that in linking with the G5 in target mode, a disk that I put in the ibook drive appeared on the G5 desktop as an external drive, therefore I wonder why i cannot see the actual ibook drive mounted. The CD drive works as it mounted on the G5.Does the ibook have an actual PRam battery that can be replaced? Maybe this is an issue?Am I able to actually remove the hard-drive and access it as an external drive somehow?

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MacBook Pro :: It Won't Boot Lion Past Grey Screen

Mar 5, 2012

MacBook pro wont boot up. I followed steps posted on other threads: 

1) command r

2) repaired hard disc (there were 3 errors, now all fixed) if I try to restart, computer still doesn't boot past the grey screen.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: It Won't Get Beyond Grey Screen With Apple Logo

Apr 9, 2012

I deleted the entire vm folder and now my MacBook Pro won't get beyond the grey screen with the apple logo. I don't have any recovery discs with me. What can I do to rescue my MacBook Pro?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Upon Restart  The Grey Logon Screen With The Apple Icon Comes Up And Gets Stuck?

Feb 9, 2012

Upon initial restart after installation, the grey screen with the Apple icon comes up and gets stuck there. I have tried to power down and get to disk utility to try repairing permisions but it always goes to the log on screen not the recovery mode. All user ID's get a pop up that says 'you are unableto log in to the user account'x' at this time.  Logging in to the account failed because an error occurred.  The spinning wheel spinns by the PW the whole time the error box is up but goes away when you click OK.  It also knows if you put in an incorrect PW or not Have mac mini server 10.7 and an airport extreme  the net was really slow at first on other nodes so I had to move to the guest net I cannot logon to the aitport cause it is single sinon enabled  Worked yesterday not today after sleeping  I can log onto my Wiki page with users though?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2), server

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OS X :: Change Background On Login Screen?

May 16, 2009

I would like to know how to change background on login screen so when you turn on your mac you have the osx one i want to know if that can to changed to what ever i want?

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OS X :: Change Login Screen Background?

Jul 5, 2009

Anyone here know how to change the login screen background wallpaper (ie. purple aurora)?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Where Is The Lion Grey Fabric Desktop Background

Mar 17, 2012

When Lion boots, there is a gtey fabric background.  I can't find it in preferences but would like to use it.  Where can I find it?

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MacBook Pro :: Grey Screen Then Turns Off After Login

Dec 11, 2014

having problems with my MacBook Pro. Turns on, straight into user log in. Once password is entered it tries to start up then eventually after grey progress bar has finished brings up a grey screen, then shuts down again. 

I've tried starting in safe mode and resetting PRAM etc with no success. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: Upgraded 10.9.4 Reverted To Old OS X Lion Server Login Screen On Cold Boot

Sep 10, 2014

Mac Pro

Early 2008

Model Identifier: MacPro3,1

Processor  2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon

Memory  16 GB 667 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM

Graphics  ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256 MB

Software  OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)

Boot ROM Version: MP31.006C.B05

SMC Version (system): 1.25f4

This is the first time I've encountered this. Upon cold booting the machine it went directly to the legacy Mac OS X Server login screen from before the upgrade to Mavericks. It would not let me login with current credentials. I had no choice but to hard power off. It returned to normal operation on restart.

It could be a possible bug.

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Change Login Background For 10.7.4?

May 27, 2012

So there was a power outage in my house while I was using my iMac, so it switched off. Now that I have power, when I try to turn my iMac on, nothing happens. I've made sure it's plugged in properly, and still no luck. What's wrong with it? Do i need to take it to an Apple store?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1.1

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Software :: Change Login Background / Reset The Original Background?

Jul 7, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro and I have been recently changing around my backgrounds including my login background. However, when I changed my background via command in the terminal by switching the defaultdesktop.jpg with another picture in the CoreServices folder, My picture does not show up on the login screen instead it is just a plain blue screen. Is there anyway to restore the original login background settings?because I actually found a program "loginox" that easily changes the login picture however, it will not open because it says I have changed the original background photo.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 10.7.4 Update Disables Custom Login Background

May 10, 2012

I've been using a custom login background tile by the usual method; replacing NSTexturedFullScreenBackgroundColor.png in System-->Library-->Frameworks-->AppKit.framework-->Versions-->C-->Resources. After the 10.7.4 update, my custom tile is still in the correct place, but the system is displaying the stock login .

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6), 8 x 2.8 GHz 10 GB RAM, Radeon 4870

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MacBook :: Won't Boot Past Grey Apple Logo

Apr 22, 2012

My mother's unibody white MacBook will not get past the grey apple and spinning gear when you first boot up the computer. This was after she opened a link in an email from a friend who had her email compromised. Now I'm getting spam emails with the same link from my mother's hacked email, and her computer won't even get to the login screen. I took it to the genius bar only to be told it was likely HD failure, but the windows partition works without a hitch! What could this be? A trojan? Is there any way to retrieve data (really just pictures) before I attempt to reinstall OS X?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Upgrade Has Changed Background Colour @login Boxes?

Jun 20, 2012

I've just done an Apple software upgrade & its changed the colour of the background on "log in" boxes for all the sites I now visit via my isp?The background colour is now black - which makes it impossible to see what you have typed.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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PowerPC :: Alternating Blue Screen With Grey Apple Screen / IBook Updated To 10.5.6

Dec 26, 2008

just installed 10.5.6 on their last gen. iBook.She left the iBook plugged in to the mains and came back to find that the iBook was alternating between the grey Apple screen and a light blue desktop screen where she could see the cursor. Sometimes it would also switch to a blue screen without a cursor.

I've tried holding shift during startup - no effect.
I've tried rebooting NVRAM - no effect.

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Windows :: Normal Grey Screen Appears With No Apple Logo, Then It Goes To Black Screen?

Mar 17, 2009

I was trying to install Windows XP Pro, but for some reason the it wasn't showing another HDD to install Windows on. So I quit the install, and restarted my computer. Now all that happens is the normal grey screen appears (with no Apple logo), then it goes to a black screen and has the blinking cursor (Kinda like DOS).

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MacBook Pro :: Grey Screen No Apple Followed By Blue Screen With Vertical Lines?

Nov 30, 2014

grey screen no apple followed by blue screen with vertical lines. Graphics and logic board replaced <6 months ago. What to do? I held down shift, it gets HOT HOT and makes noises. (for safety mode) followed by a blank grey screen and blue screen. Then tried the other way (I think  it's command alt delete? I don't remember) and it turned from grey (no apple symbol) to blue blank. Then third time, grey followed by blue with vertical lines, not blocky clear lines that you can see if you are close to it. 

MacBook Pro, OS Lion

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OS X Mavericks :: Screen With Blue Background While Boot For Nearly 1 Second

Jun 26, 2014

Display flatters for up to one second while doing the regular boot.Means it gets blue with Apple logo bright - like a negative of original screen.Was not observed with Mavericks first releases .1, .2.iMac Late 2013, 27 inch, NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M 1024 MB.Again possibly a problem with SMC and it's reset as first solution candidate,or rather graphics?

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