OS X :: IMac G5 Whirring Noise After Freeze?

Apr 29, 2009

Yesterday I started my iMac G5 and after about 15 minutes, it froze. It's happened before but I can always move the mouse. This is the first time it has actually properly froze. After about 2 minutes, I got a very loud whirring noise. I left it for about 5 minutes and it didn't die down. It has now been left for about 24 hours with the occasional turn on to see if it's fixed. No joy. Now it won't even turn on.

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IMac :: Won't Fix Freeze Screen / Showing Noise Pixels

Dec 12, 2009

I recently got the Core i5 iMac. Basically, while I'm working doing everyday things like browsing, coding, iMovie etc...my screen just freezes and there are squares of white noise pixels scattered everywhere. I can see the mouse cursor as I move but the image is so distorted that I dont know what Im clicking. Restarting the machine fixes the problem.

I made a youtube video so you guys could see what I'm talking about here:

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OS X :: White Macbook Makes Whirring Noise?

Jul 8, 2009

here's a really stoopid question, but I'm a total novice and NOT tech savvy at all, so bear with me. Why does my 13" white macbook make a funny whirring noise sometime? It happens when I'm viewing video clips. I've only had it a couple of months. I don't know anything the inner workings of laptops. Is there something wrong with it, or is this normal?

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MacBook Air :: Constantly Making Buzzing / Whirring Noise

May 12, 2008

I've had my Macbook Air 1.8GHz SSD since basically the day it was announced and aside from iChat video lag and YouTube (which has only happened lately), it's been almost perfect. One of the things I particularly loved about it was how silent it was, but as of Saturday, that suddenly changed. It now makings a constant (as in, never stops as long as the Air is on) noise which sounds like a harddrive being accessed; a kind of buzzing/whirring noise. It's not particularly loud, and once about 2ft away you can no longer hear it, but it is concerning that it would suddenly start.

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MacBook Pro :: Very Loud Whirring Noise Coming From The 13.3 Fans

Mar 8, 2012

It started off as a wierd whirring noise. slosly got louder. now the macbook actually vibrates to it.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1

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Intel Mac :: Makes Loud Noise And Whirring Sound On Start Up?

Apr 7, 2012

My new imac makes a very loud noise on startup and a whirring noise comes from computer screen had it just over a week should I return and get a replacement.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Failing To Boot Up - Fans Whirring Fast

Dec 16, 2008

Originally my iMac G5 (1.6 GHz 17 inch) was failing to boot up. It would get to the grey screen and the apple and it would just stay there and pretend to be a rocket ship with it's little fan whirring as fast as it could after five minutes. So I reset the SMU, fan stopped, still wouldn't boot. Booted it off the 10.5 install cd (which it was running fine until it wouldn't start up). It wouldn't see the Macintosh HD for a while unless you went to disc utility > partitions and changed it from current to one and instead of applying just let it sit there before switching it back to current. Took about 10 minutes of sitting there.

I did disk repair said there was no problem. Disk permission repair said there was a few problems and said it repaired them. To be safe I backed everything up using target disk mode (where the fan tried to play rocket again even though I reset the SMU), erased my hard drive and reinstalled. Now it shuts down randomly when it goes idle, and takes 10 minutes to start up past loading the dock to load the apple bar Mac HD icon and whatever is on the desktop (which is a single empty folder).

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IMac :: A Weird Humming Noise/buzzing Noise?

Aug 19, 2008

I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?

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Why Does IMac Freeze

Apr 22, 2012

I was using my Imac and i clicked on a random place and my whole computer froze. The mouse wasnt moving. it was as if it was a still picture. This is the second time it happens. any ides what it can be?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Certain Websites Will Make Safari Freeze

Apr 16, 2009

just got my imac last week and i am using a wifi router (netgear) to connect to the internet. certain websites will make safari freeze. i can still quit safari, but once i try to open it up again it cannot connect. i check my network preferences and it finds my network, i try to connect but no luck. i know ive got the right password and everything, and once i restart the machine it automatically finds and connects to my network and im good to go again until it freezes and i go through the process again. ive called apple and gotten no working solution. they told me to reset safari and clear caches which i have done and that hasnt helped. looking for any advice you've got. also, i was thinking about picking up an airport router. could that possibly solve my problem? is it possible that the imac doesnt communicate well with the netgear router?

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IMac :: 4850 EFI Firmware Update To Fix Freeze Ups

May 2, 2009

It's avihappy again and I have another survey for you all. As you can see, there is now an iMac 4850 EFI firmware update available via software update. So can you: Find a test that will cause the iMac to freeze up. Do the update. (make sure you actually run the firmware updater tool, it may not run automatically when you install the update from Software Update.) Switch to WiFi. Do the test again. See if the iMac freezes!

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: IMac Freeze When Update To 10.6.8

May 8, 2012

It seems that prior updates worked. However, when I update to 10.6.8 my system will freeze. The only that that moves is my cursor.I can be on the web, scrolling. It will happem when new email is being down loaded. I can be working on th PC side and will experence it. I ran the "Disk" repair. But even after the run is done the system will work for a short while and the freeze. Now I can reinstall 10.5 "Snow Lepoard" and not update to the latest "Package" update and all works well. So the main question is "What gives?". Its very troublesome. Is there any soulition to this?

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac :: Unable To Work With Radeon 4850 / Freeze

Apr 28, 2009

do you think the issue with the radeon is the hardware or do you think a simple update in the future will fix it?

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IMac :: Started To Freeze - Only Works In Safe Mode

Jun 20, 2009

I have a new IMac 24" and it has started to freeze and not respond. At one point it would only work in Safe mode. After working with Apple for several hours, we did a complete ease and reload of the OS. It would only install the first disk. We called Apple again and made an appointment at the local store. Brought it in and it booted right up. He even reinstalled the OS for us. We brought it back home, plugged everything in and it worked. It then started having the same issues after 4 days. I forced shut it down and unplugged everything. Plugged in the keyboard and mouse and everything works. The only think we have is a Lexmark printer - X5320. The strange thing is everything was working fine for 3 months and with my Mac Mini before that. Could it be a power issue? It is plugged into a APC UPS. All hardware tests pass.

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IMac PPC :: Letters Freeze And Background Goes Dark Grey

Feb 20, 2012

When I start typing on my imac after a few letters it freezes and background goes dark grey.Need to click on last letter with cursor to get it out of grey.

Info:iMac, iOS 4

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IMac (Intel) :: Only Boots Half Way And Appears To Freeze?

Dec 2, 2014

When rebooting after a crash, computer boot cycle only makes it half-way across the screen.  how do you recover from this?

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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IMac :: Is Slow And Has Weird Stuff In The Trash - System Gets Freeze

Nov 1, 2010

My iMac has been running very very slowly for about 2 weeks. I am talking very very slowly. It seems to be processing time. I will be in word, move the cursor and it will take a few seconds to get there. Sometimes I have to wait a minute after I click on something for the cursor to catch up, and (hate to say it) even 2 minutes. That's like a millennium in Mac time.

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OS X :: Spinning Ball - System Freeze - Running Leopard 10.5.8 On Desktop IMac

Nov 7, 2009

I've seen so many posts about this, but with the limited time I have between system freezes, in desperation I come here. I'm running Leopard 10.5.8 on desktop IMac. I have plenty of memory, but don't know how to check the hard disk space (I'm an ubernoob). I've run a couple of the mac maintenance programs still to no avail. I get intermittent SBBOD where NOTHING responds and have to do a hard reboot. Doesn't matter what applications are up, as even startup is very slow when in SBBOD mode. Rebooting, then, doesn't resolve the issue. It runs fine when the SBBOD is not present.

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IMac :: 27" I7 Imac High Pitch Noise

Sep 8, 2010

I have a new 27" I7 that appears to have the high pitch sound issue if the brightness is not at max or lowest. How "common" is this issue?

I do not need the perfect iMac (I have some gray banding and the 1TB HD grumbling and it is not a big issue to me) I just wanted to see if this high pitch noise is considered a defect and needs to be fixed/replaced or it is more common than not with the iMac.

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IMac :: 27" IMac Seagate 1Tb HDD Noise Normal?

Nov 24, 2009

rite as some will already know i have took back my 27" iMac a total of 6 times and now i am on my 7th (4th one had screen issues), after actually accepting the "belly rumbling" "popping" noise and just getting on with the i5 experience, i thought i would actually contact Seagate direct on the actual matter for the rest of people on here who have doubt about there seagate hard drives.So i ring the operator i told him the whole story his first reply was sorry we dont support apple hardware! my response was "respected but the hard drive used is a seagate product"! he then replied saying sorry sir i misunderstood and quickly responded how can i help. I then repeated the problem and he asked for the HDD serial number, i was then very specific on the the noises we are all hearing and he made me repeat what i said a good 3 times so he had a very good understanding (in other words he did take this all seriously) he then said he was going to talk to the relevant person and put me on hold....10 minutes later he's back on the phone and he again asked me a final time! (ffs) to explain the noise he then quickly said in response the hard drive is supposed to make that noise. he named it the barracuda in seagates terms.

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PowerPC :: Making Whirring Sounds And Smells

Apr 15, 2008

You know that electrical smell ... well that's what is coming from the cabinet in which I have my Mac. It's not pungent or burning, but it's there. It may just be the DSL modem that Verizon recently sent me because that did have an odor like that when we hooked it up. Most importantly though, the computer is making a whirring sound, almost like a heavy hum when it's turned on. As it runs it quiets down though. It isn't loud but it is noticeably there and it's been doing it for a long time. I'd say for about a year and nothing bad has happened .. yet. I'm just wondering if I should put any more money into it. It needs more RAM to put Tiger on it and run it more efficiently but that shouldn't be a problem. I just wonder if I should abandon ship or stick with it. It's been a great machine and isn't beat up at all. I've rarely used it over the years.

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OS X :: Loud Whirring / Grinding Sound Coming

Jun 18, 2009

I just bought a new 24 inch 2.66 GHz iMac off of MacMall last week (6 days ago) and it has been working fine up until a day and a half ago. You see, I put the iMac to sleep for a while, and when I woke it up there was a moderately loud (but in no way ear bashing) grinding/whirring sound coming from the left area of the machine under the screen. I now noticed that the longer I have the machine on for, the louder and more annoying it gets. Does anyone know what is there (HDD, fan or what)? Also, is this something I have to worry about or is this an issue all iMac users face? I am new to OS 10.5 and modern Macs. I am really starting to get worried about this, as the machine is almost brand new.

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MacBook :: Its Making A Whirring Sound When It Is Opened?

Mar 29, 2012

My MacBook is making a whirring sound when it is opened. It stops, but it is a new sound ,a nd is loud, my computer is two years old, and still under apple-care?

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Intel Mac :: It Makes Louder Whirring Fan Noises And Gets Really Hot

Apr 2, 2012

It makes louder whirring fan noises and gets really hot

Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2010)

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Mac Pro :: Running Two Monitor Displays - Suddenly New Whirring Sound

Mar 13, 2008

I have the early 2008 Mac Pro, standard configuration. I run a 30" ACD and recently added a second monitor. Ever since then I have been hearing this faint whirring sound, as if something in the machine is starting/reving up and then whirring down. It's audible to me because I have my machine sitting on top of a pedestal desk right beside my table. Does running two monitors make something inside, maybe a fan, run wierd? Could it be the fan of the video card? I am just curious, as I had not heard the sound before when I was running just one monitor. Oh, and the second monitor in question is a Wacom Cintiq. Video card is the stock ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT. I dare not open the side panel when the machine is running to check what's causing it lest I mess something up. It's like, rrrrrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrrrr, like a miniature reving sound. LOL, that's the best I can do to imitate the sound. It's as audible as the sound of the regular fans.

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Applications :: Getting Spinning / Whirring Symbol Next To Gmail Inbox?

Nov 9, 2009

I've been using Gmail Imap through mail.app for for ages. Recently had a bit of a host change at work and had to remove my gmail account from mail.app while I was sorting out my work email. No problem, just though i'd set it up again afterwards. Is there any reason why I'm getting the spinning or whirring symbol next to my Gmail inbox? I've never had this problem, its constant moving is really pissing me off infact. So much I'm tempted to remove gmail from mail.app but I love having it there.

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MacBook Air :: Just Started Making Whirring / Mechanical Sound?

Aug 30, 2014

My macbook air, OSX version 10.9.4; just started making a whirring, mechanical sound. What that is? 

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Making Lots Of Whirring / Clicking Noises And Slow In Opening Apps

Dec 5, 2014

My 100G space came up as full last night so I freed up about 15g. space, but now today I notice it is going way slow, taking forever to open or show data in files - eg if I click on the master application folder - the names of indiv. folders show but file content on right doesn't come up until about 30 secs, and the computer itself is making all sorts of whirring/clicking type sounds which i called "thinking" but it's as if the memory is still full and is operating at half it's speed. 

I have a 2.16 GHz intel core duo processor, and memory is 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. 

Get info shows:  Capacity of 99.69GB, avail is 14.11 GB 

Any tips on what has happened since last night to today? I thought it would be running faster and accessing files really easily. 

I just got a pop up saying:  Your iDisk is unavailable.  Make sure you are logged in to your MObile ME acct, then try again to access your iDisk.

COuld this be the problem? I've never seen this before. What is my iDisk, and what does it do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Newly Replaced SSD In Mid-2012 Makes (whirring) Noises Whenever Wake From Sleep

Jun 22, 2014

Specs: Mid-2012 13'' Macbook ProOS X Mavericks GHz Intel Core i54GB of RAM (never changed it from when I bought it)240GB SSD Crucial M500Intel HD Graphics 4000 So whenever I awake my macbook from sleep, it makes the same noise as when I boot it up or restart the machine. Is this something I should be worried about?  I thought that SSDs isn't mechanical as a traditional HDD so I reckon the sound must be something else but I cannot pinpoint what it is.

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IMac :: Intel Fan Noise - How To Fix It

Oct 17, 2007

I get some fan noise occassionally on new Intel iMac .. is this normal ? Sometimes their is no noise .. apart from this everything is working fine ... look forward to some replies in regards to fan noise.

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