IMac :: No Boot Up - Only Produce Two Beeps
Oct 18, 2009
Last night I got a MSG on the screen indicating that I needed to restart. Now my Mac won't boot, I get two beeps before. It gets to the Apple logo. I tried booting from the OSX disk, same results.
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Aug 26, 2010
I bought 2x4GB modules of RAM from OWC for my 2009 27" i7 iMac. Following the video on OWC for replacing the memory, I opened the RAM tray / area at the bottom of it, and there were two RAM modules in it, one on each side (2x2GB), I moved the 2GB module on the left over to the right side, and inserted 2 4GB modules into the left tray, reattached the metal panel / strip and booted up and it beeps :/
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Sep 28, 2010
I'm planning to buy a new iMac in the next week but I'm looking for the one that will produce the less heat so that will make less fan noise. I'm only using it to watch YouTube and play World of Warcraft. Anyone know which one will produce less heat, i3 or the i5 or even the i7. Budget is not a problem. I prefer to pay a little more if I know I will have less fan noise so less heating. Anyone maybe have different model at home or at the office and noticed a difference between all the models ? Maybe it's more a size question between the 21.5 and the 27 inch iMac and less a cpu question ?
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Jun 13, 2012
i wanna boot from USB but i just hear 3 beeps .. Ive done some research about the beeps and it seems like 3 beeps is a sign off something wrong with the RAM .. but the funny thing is what i can boot up normally and there is no problem, Lion starts up with no problem other than that is to slow. I used the Carbon Copy Cloner to get my Snow Leopard Install down to the USB.. Maybe something isn't right ? Â
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 1, 2012
my Macbook Pro doesn't boot after updating the EFI, I just updated and restarted as it says in the description of the update and then it does not boot, making 4 short beeps and then 4 longer, I don't know what's happening. There was no problem during the update (no problem with electricity or similar)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 4, 2012
My iMac suddenly won't boot up. It stays black and simply beeps. Holding the start button shuts it down. It's about 3 1/2 yrs old, but has been well-maintained.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 26, 2009
I have an imac with OSX. Just tried to turn it on and screen is blank and getting 3 beeps.
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Dec 19, 2009
I hear 3 beeping sounds when i start my mac OS X. It just shows a blank light blue screen. I have not updated it in a long time. I have a Imac "20" inch
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Jul 2, 2008
I recently got an 20' 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Imac. It came with 1 gig of Ram. I purchased 2 2Gig SODIMM chips from New Egg. The ram specs matches what the little manual says. ddr2, pc2-5300 667MHz. When I install the new chips, the mac won't start. Period. No beeps, no nothing. I can sort of hear it try to start, then quits.
When I put back the original ram chip. Works again.When I have the original ram chip AND 1 of the new chips (for a total of 3 gigs of RAM) it works.Swapped one new chip with the other (as long as the original is in) Works.Original Chip is on the right side, New is on the left. Swapped places. Works.The mac will start ONLY if the original is in place. I should be able to start it with the nes ones in but it won't. I know both works because I swapped them.Anybody have any ideas on what's going on? Is there a setting somewhere I need to change or something?
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Mar 17, 2012
I recently bought iMac on 2011 with snow leopard installed, recently I decided to try lion, I made a fresh install but since then my Mac is just making these annoying noises, kind like alert beep every time I launch an application, surf on web...
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Sep 8, 2014
I turned my iMac on (2008 model) but after 10 minutes it went black and beeped 3 times loudly, repeating at 5 second cycles. Shut it down by pressing the ON button for 5 sec. Restarted and all worked for a hour before repeating the same problem...screen and keyboard and touchpad all locked out....shut down with the ON button. On restart it gave me the 3 beeps every 5 sec with an ALL BLACK hard disk whirring, either. I don't know how to do cardiac massage on an iMac. Is it dead? Is it the processor? Is it the video card? Is it the hard disc?Â
iMac, iOS 7.1.2
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Jun 16, 2012
My iMac turns on but just beeps three times stops beeps more times and won't start up
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May 27, 2012
I recently purchased a MacBook Air. I can't figure out how to produce a document. Must I purchase iWorks separately? All the Apples and macs I've gotten before had the software already on them.
MacBook Air
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Feb 25, 2012
I want to produce a logo for a piece of coursework so it doesn't need to be to professional or anything, but does anyone know of any free software or apps I could use?
MacBook Pro
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Sep 4, 2010
I have just purchased a set of logitech x-530 speakers to go with my 2010 MBP. It was a bit of a rushed buy without much research and as such I have realised that the computer doesn't seem to have the appropriate soundcard to produce 5.1 sound (is this correct). At the moment I can only play 2 channel sound leaving the other 3 speakers hanging about. Do I need to buy a external sound card or is there an adaptor
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Nov 26, 2009
This was already occurring in Leopard and now in SL as well - occasionally, sometimes even more than that, the "Funk" built-in sound comes out of nowhere - at times even several times in a row. Why?
For those who don't know what I'm talking about: it's the sound you hear when you for example get disconnected from iChat or MSN, etc. You can listen to it if you go to System Preferences Sound Sound Effects.
Why does it sometimes occur out of the blue, even with no apps running?
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May 15, 2010
I have a 2 week old iMac 27", i7, 2tb Hard Drive, 16gb RM
In the second week the boot up times became very slow.
I would turn the machine on and get the chime within 5 seconds or so.
Then just a black/blank screen.
Eventually after about 10mins I would get a white screen then it would boot up normally.
Now the machine just doesn't get to the white screen. So I get the chime and then just darkness. It does sound like the machine is on (usual quiet imac whirring).
I've tried various key commands when I turn the machine on including pressing C with the install disk in the dvd drive and the alt, control, P, R pram reset.
I've also tried unplugging all the cables, leaving the machine for a minute and switching back on. I did manage to perform the PRAM reset once. I reset the machine and it booted fine.
But now when I switch it on just darkness.
I've called after sales and will try to get the machine replaced but in the meantime is there anything I could try that might make the machine work? I need to do a remix this weekend (deadline Monday) so really need to get it working.
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Jun 1, 2009
So my 20" 2.4 Imac crashed on me twice tonight. A box popped up telling me to hold down the restart button for several seconds to restat. The second time I did this it just sits with a white screen and give three loud beeps over and over. Is there a fix for this? Is it my ram? I'm at a loss.
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Apr 22, 2012
I have a Imac PPC with a 2Ghz processor and 1GB of Ram. I am running leopard 10.5.8. Recently i woke the PC from sleep mode to find a blue screen with only the cursor working. Using the internet, I determined how to get the PC booted in safe mode. I have used all the disk utilities at my disposal along with onyx and cocktail to try and fix what I believe is a startup problem. I hae booted the PC in single user mode and tried the fskc codes, which i believe is just the same as the disk utility. Based on my computer all permissions are correct and there is nothing wrong with the HD. The PC still will not boot normally. I have even done an archive and re-install of Leopard.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 28, 2009
I think it worked at one point, but sometime around the point when I set up Fusion with the partition, Windows Aero turned off and is no longer an option in the display settings. I installed this driver with the modded INF to see if it would do anything, but Aero is still not an option. I also have issues playing some games in Fusion, while they work fine in Boot Camp.
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Nov 1, 2009
I'm using a 20" white intel iMac and cannot manage to remove a linux boot disc from the optical drive.At first, the only way that i managed to boot to the linux disc in the first place was from the Startup Disk menu in OSX. I could not even get to the Startup Manager ('opt' at boot) or boot straight to the disc ('C').Now i'm in a position where no matter what i do, the system boots to the linux disc. I cannot even force the startup into OSX to try to eject the disc from there. I've tried holding all of these keys/combinations at startup
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Oct 28, 2009
Back in August, I did an OS update on my iMac, and the machine wouldn't reboot. I was able to reinstall Leopard by booting from a disk, and all was well for a few more weeks. The machine seemed to run normal, with the exception of 5-minute-plus boot up times. But within a few weeks it stopped booting. I installed Leopard on an external HDD and figured I'd leave the internal alone until Snow Leopard came out.
A few weeks later when SL was released, I booted from the install disk, found the internal HDD, and went through the installation process. Everything went fine but the machine would not boot. I installed SL on my external HDD running Leopard, and everything was fine. I've since been running my computer off the external.
The internal HDD no longer shows up on the desktop, in Disk Utility, etc. I'm fearing it may have died. More worrisome, though, is my machine doesn't always boot up, whether from my external HDD (set as the startup disk) or from CD. By "doesn't always boot up," I mean most of the time when I restart, it just sits on a gray screen, nothing happens (even when holding "Option" or C.) Sometimes it will boot, but takes 20 or 30 minutes to do so.
I'm considering replacing the internal HDD, but am curious, does that seem like the issue, or might the failure to boot from externals and CDs indicate a more serious problem?
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Aug 26, 2010
Just replaced the logicboard on a 01' Powerbook G4 Titanium Onyx and I'm getting the no video/beeping sound after the chimes upon power up.
3 beeps
3 lights (1 long + 3 quick flashes)
I don't THINK it's the RAM though, I thought these cards were good before the computer fried. I've swapped the two 256MB cards with each other, also plugged just one RAM card in both slots one at a time--still no turn on and I get the 3 beeps. Unfortunately I don't have any extra 144-pin 133 Mhz SDRAM chips laying around or i'd just test them. It seems unlikely that both RAM cards would be broken, in addition to the logicboard frying, unless the two events happened simultaneously. Previous install had the 667 Mhz upgraded processor and when I took the logic board out it was fried on the bottom with lots of corrosion/leakage on a good 5% of the surface area. Anyways, I replaced it with a 550 Mhz board. Could the beeping be from installing the different processor or is it more likely that I simultaneously fried both RAM chips plus the motherboard?
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Nov 5, 2006
I started to notice that my Mac Pro beeps. It is every so often with no rhyme or reason. I first started to notice it when I was booted to XP, but it is also doing it in OS X. I assume it is coming out of the internal speaker.
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May 2, 2009
My Black Macbook will not boot up. Instead it rests at the gray screen and does 3 beeps. I have done research and it is supposed to indicate a RAM problem but my RAM [i believe] is fine, I even rechecked the slots and everything. This has happened before but I just rebooted and it worked fine but now it is not. I tried plugging in my Mac into different power outlets and even having it run without being plugged in but it fails to make a difference. I have scheduled a genius appointment and I know my macbook is older than a year so i'm wondering a few things: how can I get them to replace my Macbook, how can i get them to fix the problem [for free] even if my warranty has run out, if they don't replace it [which i heard they should do] what is my best option [buying a new one is outta the question for financial reasons]
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Feb 29, 2012
When i try to start my macbook pro 13" (early 2011) I get a black screen and it beeps three times. Based on internet research it appears to be a RAM problem. The closest store is 2 hours away and I don't want to send it away.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 12, 2012
My Macbook Pro battery had run down (it does quite a bit) so I rebooted with the power inserted.
I get a frozen screen saver which is normal, while the progress bar finds it feet back on power.
However this time, I had the frozen screen saver, and a continuous 3 beeps which I've never had before in a loop? I then re-pressed the power switch on the Macbook and it rebooted fine and seems ok.
This i7 is coming up to its first year (which I think is covered by Apple?) and I *think* this maybe a memory issue? If it is, and my Mac is covered, then by a sheer stroke of luck, I decided to get Apple to fit the 8GB memory at the time of purchase (bad I know! and I don't usually do that) BUT that would mean that Apple fitted the memory upgrade and I haven't touched anything myself.
I then booted up this morning with a full battery and the boot up took a lot longer than normal - maybe around 3 minutes on the spinning logo, and then finally booted - are these all worrying signs?
MacBook Pro i7 8GB - iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Mar 22, 2012
I'm getting 3 beeps on start up. I have replaced the RAM with RAM I know is good and it still beeps 3 times and doesn't boot. The laptop is less than a year old. It is a Macbook Pro 13".
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), We also support apple xserves.
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May 6, 2012
I am coming from a PC world and I am starting to get frustrated with this problem. I have had my Macbook Pro 15in for about a year. It is an early 2011. For the past two months I have been having the 3 beeps on start up. I have been to the genius bar about 6 times already. They have replaced my RAM twice, replaced my logic board and finally replaced my hard drive. It is STILL doing it. I don't know what else I should do. Please any more suggestions the next time I go to the genius bar?
MacBook Pro
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May 17, 2012
This has been happening more recently, and I used to be able to get it to stop by holding down D while I turned it on.
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