Back in August, I did an OS update on my iMac, and the machine wouldn't reboot. I was able to reinstall Leopard by booting from a disk, and all was well for a few more weeks. The machine seemed to run normal, with the exception of 5-minute-plus boot up times. But within a few weeks it stopped booting. I installed Leopard on an external HDD and figured I'd leave the internal alone until Snow Leopard came out.
A few weeks later when SL was released, I booted from the install disk, found the internal HDD, and went through the installation process. Everything went fine but the machine would not boot. I installed SL on my external HDD running Leopard, and everything was fine. I've since been running my computer off the external.
The internal HDD no longer shows up on the desktop, in Disk Utility, etc. I'm fearing it may have died. More worrisome, though, is my machine doesn't always boot up, whether from my external HDD (set as the startup disk) or from CD. By "doesn't always boot up," I mean most of the time when I restart, it just sits on a gray screen, nothing happens (even when holding "Option" or C.) Sometimes it will boot, but takes 20 or 30 minutes to do so.
I'm considering replacing the internal HDD, but am curious, does that seem like the issue, or might the failure to boot from externals and CDs indicate a more serious problem?
my imac boots normally unless three things happen prior to it
1. i put the computer to sleep
2. i schedule a shut down via energy save
3. my computer undergoes a forced shutdown e.g. via power button or power failure if any of these occur i get the infamous flashing question mark, however if i wait 30 mins it boots normally again, is there a reason for these problems other than a failing HD and can i do anything about it
f.y.i. i have already attempted clean/fresh installs of leopard and snow leopard
Any time I boot up my i5, I don't have any audio. Putting the machine to sleep then immediately awakening it fixes the issue. Has anyone else had this happen? I've searched the forums and google but could only find threads about boot camp sound issues.
So the older Mac Pro's from 2008 have 2 2.8ghz Quad Core Intel Xeon processors, without hyperthreading, for a total of 8 cores, and the top of the line iMac has a Quar Core i7 2,8ghz with hyperthreading for a total of 8 (virtual) cores.
With the ghz being the same but less "real" cores, but probably newer CPU architecture, which CPU will actually be faster?
currently i have a blackbook and imac core duo, 17 ". My macbook beats the imac in everything except graphics. Before i got my imac i seriously considered a g5 dual 2.0, but the money wasnt there. I see an apple refurb dual 2.0 for 1599, and im sure i cud get one a lot cheaper used here or on another board. How much of a performance increase will i see IN APERTURE going to the PM, if any? i would need a good increase to justify it, and eve then im not sure my parents would be ok with me spending a few hundred bucks to upgrade
I know other threads exist, but they don't have responses specific to me so what's the harm in one more?
So, I am going to be selling my late 2008 15" MacBook Pro this week to get a new 27" iMac and I just need some legitimate advice from those "in the know" on processors.
I plan on having this iMac for about 3 years to do the following tasks:
1.) Record and edit HD cable (1080i) from an Elgato EyeTV HD - will include some encoding of 2+ hour sports game recordings
2.) Some light editing of 720p iPhone 4 clips in iMovie
3.) Surf the web, iTunes, iPhoto, Mail, and all the other standard stuff
Assuming budget is an issue, would you recommend me spending the extra money for a Quad Core i5 iMac or would I be ok based on the info above just going with the base Dual Core i3 model?
Like, will there be a considerable difference in the two machines (factoring in processor and graphics card) that will really be worth the extra $300 - $400 for 3 years of use?
The first Core i7 and Core i5 benchmarks are available. Quite amazing to see how much faster the Core i7 is even compared to the Core i5. (via digg) I'll definitely go for the Core i7 now that I've seen these results.
i am looking at ram upgrade options as i am about to dive in and purchase the 27" quad core imac.i know we need to install in pairs but do the 'pairs' need to match. can i leave the 2mb pair that comes with the computer AND add a pair of 4mb giving a total of 12mb?
I currently have a 24" iMac with a 2.8 Ghz Dual Core but I'm looking at buying a Mac Pro.I have been looking at the 2.26 Ghz Dual Quad, will this be faster than the iMac? I'm not really all that hot on clock speed vs cores, could someone with the relevant knowledge inform me which is better?
My G4 iMac has been making a weird fan sound (a flickering sound, as if there were a piece of paper in it or something). Last night I turned it off and the weird fan continued running. I tried to unplug my mac and plug it back in, but the fan just starts right back up. The computer won't start, I've tried holding the start button but nothing happens. I need my computer today to work.
I have a 20inch imac (bought in summer 2007). I am just getting into using it as my primary computer. I was playing around in order to learn more and I found something through Activity Monitor that does not make sense to me.
In the Network Activity tab, I see "Data received:" and "Data sent:" sections. As I browse the web, these numbers change of course, but it seems that the Data received quickly reaches hundreds of megabytes! Right now, Data received: is 540MB and Data sent: is 280MB (after a reboot earlier in the day). I am not using the iMac as a server or anything and I have never seen a Windows PC sending out so many packets in the course of browsing the web. Is this in line with others' experience? Should I be concerned about a spyware program on my iMac?
The mouse cursor on my iMac has a weird habit of jumping around. Eg, I'll be about to close a window, and then the cursor will suddenly jump to the bottom of the screen.This happens with both my Mighty Mouse, and a Microsoft one...
2 days ago i received my new mac pro 6-core 3, something really weird and super annoying is going on with this computer...From time to time there is this really loud POP trough my speaker. I'm absolutely 100% sure this has nothing to do with my amp. cables or whatever and its definatly a problem with the MacPro, i know because of the following:
Plugged in new cables, removed every installed software, plugged onto different amplifier, when there are absiolutely no audio cables plugged into the computer and when i use the build in speakers of the mac pro i still hear the POP/distortian like sound, and finaly even took it at my friends house and tested the machine there on his audio instalation...problem remained! not knowing what to do next i decided to go and see a very good technician (music instruments and studio recording) and told him about the problem, he imediatly stated that it "could be" because of the harddisk drive giving like electric impulses or whatever that causes the distortion...or that the sound card or audio chip set waking up from sleep and every time it does there is this loud POP?..................
My iMac has been running very very slowly for about 2 weeks. I am talking very very slowly. It seems to be processing time. I will be in word, move the cursor and it will take a few seconds to get there. Sometimes I have to wait a minute after I click on something for the cursor to catch up, and (hate to say it) even 2 minutes. That's like a millennium in Mac time.
I think it worked at one point, but sometime around the point when I set up Fusion with the partition, Windows Aero turned off and is no longer an option in the display settings. I installed this driver with the modded INF to see if it would do anything, but Aero is still not an option. I also have issues playing some games in Fusion, while they work fine in Boot Camp.
I'm using a 20" white intel iMac and cannot manage to remove a linux boot disc from the optical drive.At first, the only way that i managed to boot to the linux disc in the first place was from the Startup Disk menu in OSX. I could not even get to the Startup Manager ('opt' at boot) or boot straight to the disc ('C').Now i'm in a position where no matter what i do, the system boots to the linux disc. I cannot even force the startup into OSX to try to eject the disc from there. I've tried holding all of these keys/combinations at startup
I know this has probably been answered a billion times, but I need the answer for my specific needs. My daily use will be: Web browsing iTunes Watching HD Movies Bit Torrent HandBrake Dvd Burning Windows Parallels Social Networking iPhotoCan someone tell me if I really need the Core i5 2.8ghz, or should choose the Core i3 3.2ghz. Mind you, I dont wanna max out the machine with daily use...but dont want to overkill it.
i have about $1300 i can get a mac pro (used) on crigslist for $1200 (2009 model) or a mac pro used $1000 (2006 model) or an iMac i3 My needs:SOME gaming via bootcamp (just bought Left For Dead 1/2 on sale) My Main question is have you ever bought a used mac pro? Is it a good idea? or am i in over my head
I planning to buy a new imac, and i cant make my mind up. here the 27 core 2 duo cost 1580 euro and the i5 cost 1880 euro. money is not really an issue but on the other hand why spend the extra money if I don't need it. In your opinion who should by the i5?I am using mostly photoshop, dreamweaver, imovie, browsing with multiple tabs open at once and also I will be using a software (not sure which one yet) to put my VHS videos on dvd with some editing. I know the core2duo will do just fine but will you see a significant difference with the i5? is there anyone that has bought the i5 who previously owned the 24 3.06 core 2 duo that can tell me his impressions?
Can anyone confirm which technology the new iMac 27" Intel i7 has: QuickPath Interconnect (QPI) or the slower DMI?If you know, would you kindly provide proof?I'm seriously thinking of buying the new iMac i7 and would like to get more information since Apple doesn't really provide that much.
I currently at home have a G4/400mhz Tower....I know, I know...but it works good for my CS1 Apps and the Internet.I work in Prepress and am so use to working on Mac Pro at work 2.66Mhz with 8G of Ram....Using CS4 flawlessly with no crashes ever....not like at home.Im looking for the iMac 27 for Home Use.....and am on fence for either Core 2 Duo or the Core i5....I will be using Adobe CS4 (Indesign, Illustrator & Photoshop) primarily and dabbing in with either Final Cut Express/Pro or Adobe Premier.
I checked the specific specs on the Apple store but all it says is "QUAD CORE i7". They're glossing over the specifics!- or I'm a little drunk on waiting-for-arrrandale-MBPs.
I have given up gaming and want to focus on large photoshop art pieces (raster, poster size printable). I want smooth, lag-free performance and I tend to lean away from all-in-ones like the iMac so was going to get a 6 core Mac Pro. That said, I likely do not need the expandability of the Mac Pro but I am willing to pay a bit of a premium to ensure the best long term experience. I'm just not sure there is a solid benefit for the extra cost of the Pro. I'm also somewhat clueless about and dubious of the idea of laptop processors in the iMac. I've read some of the posts about iMac vs MacPro before but now with the upgrades to the iMac and the MacPro announcements I was hoping some of you could provide some solid advice on which route I should take.
I have the CD version of tiger and am trying to install it to a recently purchased iMac G3. The Installer installs disc 1, resets, but doesn't boot up to install disc 2, it simply asks again to install disc 1. The Mac for some reason will not boot from the installed software and therefore I cannot complete installation. Can anyone figure out why the mac refuses to boot from the HD in order to install disc 2?