IMac :: How To Boost Airport Signal Without Paying For Internet Service
Nov 4, 2009There are times that my signal are fading. What do I need to boost up my signal? I had an Imac Intel core duo which i bought last year.
View 7 RepliesThere are times that my signal are fading. What do I need to boost up my signal? I had an Imac Intel core duo which i bought last year.
View 7 RepliesI have an ibook G4 1.42 ghz. It worked fine until recently. After connecting to a wireless network for a few minutes, it then begins to sporadically drop out. And after losing the connection, it can't detect any wireless networks. Turning off the card, restarting the computer, letting it sit for a few minutes... signals come in and out, but then drop again.
I'm using OS X.4, so this isn't a software problem, the OS, or caused by an update. The antenna also isn't faulty. The computer reads the card as being fully functional, but just doesn't detect any wireless networks. I've exhausted all software solutions and now can only conclude it's a hardware problem. Given the symptoms I've described, would the best idea be to replace the card altogether?
here's the run down: today I moved into a new place with two roommates. They have a wifi internet connection set up (modem + dlink router). I have been given all of the info regarding log ins and passwords. My Airport is telling me I have perfect reception and that I have a very strong signal. Yet, there is no internet (when I open Safari it tells me I am not connected to the internet). I've had this problem before, but it is usually resolved by restarting the modem or the router, by restarting my computer, etc. And here's the kicker: I am using, right now as I type, someone else's wifi connection... yet I accessed it with the same password. It's a very basic password (12345). I thought maybe this was our unit's connection, but I actually unplugged the modem and continued to use the internet with this connection. The problem is that this connection is very slow and rather useless. I'm actually able to use 3-4 of these with the same password (12345). One of them is called 'dlink,' the name of our router. But our connection is supposedly under 'Nicks,' my roommate's name).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an airport express at my house. We just got our kids a computer for their room. it is on the other sid eof the house from where I have the express set up at. We're looking about 60-70 feet away. I got a bridge from work to try to and get it up and running, but it just won't pick up the signal. I tested my iphone in their room, and the wireless signal drops on it too.
I'm not sure what to do about it at this point.
I am having random slowdowns on my connection speed using Airport (nothing to do with the notorious performance issues which I also suffer).
My appleTV and my HP 2140 get 90% (it's right by the router) and 80% (floating around the same floor of the house) signal strength respectively, download speed and throughput seems very stable on both, however on the iMac (that's about 10 feet away from the router) the signal strength is 28% ! this is incredibly low and even though it does not always hurt download speed it does hurt the total throughput when sharing files over the network. Also the SNR (signal to noise ratio) is incredibly low, below 30 all the time.
I've spent the past few hours attempting to connect my new Windows 8.1 laptop to my iMac's Airport signal without any success. Â I was able to do this very thing using Windows 7 on an old laptop. From what I've been reading, it seems that the ability to connect to networks secured with "WEP-Shared" type security has been removed in Windows 8 because of the fact that it was outdated and insecure. It's great that Microsoft is trying to force individuals to be secure, but unfortunately the iMac's airport utility does not offer any alternatives.
New to the Mac world here,and really diggin my G4,which I got for free.But I need help with a frustrating situation. Here's the specs: Powermac Gigabit Ethernet dual 500 mHz G4,40 GB primary and 160 GB slave HDs,2 GB RAM,and a fresh install of Tiger with almost nothing downloaded,basically,a brand new machine. The issue: both firefox and Safari are sludgy on internet speed--watching Youtube videos,using Facebook,etc. It's not an ish with my router or modem--my older PC's blaze. it's really frustrating,and I've maxed out the RAM,so I want to know if an upgrade to a 1.8 or 2.0 processor will alleviate this problem once and for all,or if I have a boat anchor. Honestly,I don't do hardcore computing,just burn DVDs,a little photoshop,and play on the internet. There's no reason it should be so damn sluggish watchibng streaming video or simply writing on someone's 'wall' on Facebook.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI went out and bought the most powerful wireless router I could find with the hopes that I could get a good strong signal over at the house next door.The signal did improve but it is still not sufficent. Now I am thinking of installing some sort of anntanae at the house next door.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB DDR3
What can I buy to strengthen my signal without modem? I have a lot of problems connecting to the internet while in some of my classes.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought a 27" iMac about two months ago, and recently it's been having trouble connecting to the internet via airport. Sometimes it has no trouble, other times, no matter how many times I put in my WEP password and hit connect, it just gives me the 'connection timeout error'. Basically, our whole household was having internet troubles about a month ago, but they mysteriously stopped for everyone else except me after a week or two. My housemates all have PC's, and are able to connect fine now. I also have a MacBook as well, which also has no trouble picking up the wireless. One of the weird quirks about this problem is that if my MacBook is connected and moved to sit right next to my iMac, I can often get the iMac to connect. And if it drops the connection, I can refresh a page on the MacBook and suddenly the internet works again on my iMac.
And I also discovered that if I move my iMac to the right about 30cms, it sometimes connects. This suggests that maybe I'm out of range for my wireless, but how am I able to connect at other times when the iMac in it's normal place? Anyway, I've ruled out a fault with the wireless itself, because, as I mentioned, every other computer can connect fine. I've also tried going into the system prefs and renewing the DHCP lease, which *sometimes* works, but usually doesn't. It has been connecting fine for about 2 days, but tonight it started acting up again. It's connected now, but it's pretty sporadic and keeps dropping the connection. In case you need to know, it's one of the new 27" iMacs, the usual duo core not the quad core. 4gb memory, etc.
To make a long story short, I moved to my girlfriend's place yesterday and I plugged in my iMac (20" 2.16 Ghz Intel C2D, 2GB RAM, ATI Radeon X1600/256MB VRAM) and I've been trying to connect to the Internet. Now, I couldn't have my iMac plugged directly were the router is located. Back at home, I never had any problems since I had my ethernet cable plugged into my iMac.
So this was my first time trying to connect via wireless or Airport (if that's even the same thing). Basically, I choose the network to log in and typed in the WEP key. I didn't get an error message so I assumed the key was fine. Also, it says that I'm connected to the network I'm on. However, when I try to get on Safari or MSN or something says I'm not connected to the Internet.
My Mom just scored an iPad but doesn't have WiFi at home. She has a 4-5 year old iMac. Can it push out a wifi signal through airport? I went into sys prefs/ sharing/selected "internet sharing" from airport but then my choices are from airport to ethernet or firewire no other option. Hope I don't have to go buy her a router.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have a 24" iMac that has completely all of a sudden stopped wanting to connect to the internet. However, my Macbook, connected to the same ethernet cord or wireless network, works flawlessly and has no trouble. The iMac will find the wireless full bars...then drop a bar....then another bar, then another, until only the smallest bar is available. It will transfer data but only for a few seconds until it wont work at all. Now the macbook, sitting right next to the imac will show full bars and stay that way. So i tried a ethernet cable to the iMac and it will not even pull up 1 single page, but the same cable connected to my Macbook will work flawlessly.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is an odd one, My imac can't seem to recognize my airport card.The airport utility can't recognize any device. The network diagnostics recognize the internet with the green lights but the airport lights are red... My browsers are connecting to the internet and I am receiving email. The airport icon in the menu is blank and when I open the menu it says "Airport:Not configured"
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having a problem when I connect my 42" Plasma HD to my mid 2009 Mac Mini, the mini cannot connect to the internet via Airport. I have a 20'' Dell display connected to the Display port and the Plasma connected to the mini-DVI port and I'm running snow leopard. When I disconnect the plasma from the min-DVI port all goes back to normal and there is no Airport issue.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn the studio mixing, trying to connect my iMac (10.5.8) to their Netgear Wireless. Airport sees it fine. But no Internet. My 3GS has Internet thru it just fine.
I had this problem once before with an older iMac, and seem to remember deleting certificates, then renewing DHCP lease. Tried doing the same thing again (just deleted all certificates under Keychain), but still no Internet.
I get internet from my neighbor next door, and where exactly about 18 ft. apart. I know that having a repeater or an external antenna can solve the problem but i cant afford those things right now. I know that on pc you can go to task manager and conentrate your bandwidth percentage to internet explorer, but is there anything like that i can do to my mac? also any other free way would be good too.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have top of the line Airport Extreme with the N enabled on my MacPro yet i get a Crappy Signal what gives? anyone else have this problem?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm all of the sudden having problems with the airport connection in my MacBook Pro laptop at home. In areas where it used to work---a week ago--the signal comes and goes from 4-5 bars to all of the sudden none and I am disconnected from my wireless internet. Nothing else has changed (cable modem, wireless router).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded from 10.4 to 10.5 and my Airport meter is now reading 2 bars instead of 5. Same router, same position, different OSX only.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been using my airport card in my iMac to share internet wirelessly with my iBook. However, I am unable to share the internet wirelessly with a friend's windows laptop. Her computer sees the network but does not ask for a password and fails to connect.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought a new iMac and it connected to AirPort Base Station, internet works fine on it. However, when I connect my MacBook to the wireless network, it doesn't let me go on the internet. I checked the status of the router through AirPort Utility. (Status: Conflicting DHCP Range) I don't know how to fix this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the white macbook and I got it a little less than a year ago. For the past week, sometimes when I go on the internet (firefox or safari) it just won't load. Like the blue bar that shows you how much has loaded isn't even visible and it will just say "connecting". But when I look at my airport icon that shows me how many bars of internet I have all the bars are full so I have internet connection. It is not just one type of internet browser because it does it on both safari and firefox. And it is getting really annoying because I will be browsing the internet and it just won't load or connect at all. Even if I wait.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have my AE set up in my office where three computers and two printers are picking up its signal just fine. However, I have a computer in another room that is only about 30 ft away from the AE router and sometimes the signal is very week while other times it won't connect at all. Yet, I can pick up other networks from other houses just fine.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSometimes while using my Powerbook in the house, the signal on my Airport connection will either drop completely or drop down to 1 bar which makes it extremely slow and barely usable. Normally, I'd blame the router, but the couple times this happened, I grabbed my brother's MacBook, set them side-by-side, and connected to the same access point, my PB had 1 bar or nothing at all, and his MB was at full strength and was working fine. Eventually, the PowerBook will go back up to full strength and be usable again, but after awhile, it will go back down too. It's an intermittent thing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan I add an Airport Extreme to a network to get a stronger signal? Im using my roommates wireless (WAP) signal with only one bar. I have the white Airport Extreme that looks a flying saucer. (802.11g?) to his Linksys wireless.
I want it to provide a boost to the signal in the basement for my touch. As well as stream music from my laptop. The issue Im having is that the music keeps on cutting out. The newer one this is listed under is working fine, but on the other side of the room, it is setup to Extend the 'n' network (which I assume means allow my laptop better signal in the basement.)
The older one is on a b/g network, which I setup as a WDS network and then setup the express as a WDS relay, which I assumed would provide signal strength for the b/g network in the house (so we are running b/g & n). But setting it up as a relay it still loses connection with the laptop (I am assuming this is with the b/g network itself) and I believe that the touch's WiFi connection also drops with the music, because it is all the b/g network.
The b/g network trickles into the basement, but I assumed with the b/g touch setup as a WDS Relay, that it would strengthen the signal for my touch and ALSO keep the signal strong between the laptop and the express (Im guessing they are talking over b/g). But after being setup as a WDS relay the music is still dropping, and I only assume the touch's wifi signal is dropping as well! I also had to setup the ENTIRE b/g network as WDS because I did not get an 'extend range signal'.
i'm trying to setup a mini wifi hotspot in my shoe box of a bedroom. I have a mac pro, iBook and iPhone and i can't seem to get either the iBook or iPhone to connect to an "Airport Internet sharing" connection.
I thought it might be the thick aluminium box hampering the signal but i'm literally about 6ft from the MP tower and really shouldn't have problems from that range should i?
My internet keeps losing signal and will have to reset the internet on the computer, we thought it was but have changed to sky now and it still happens.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have an early '08 24" iMac, with a 320GB HD, 8800 GS, 2.8GHz, and 2GB RAM. iTunes takes about 30 secs to come up and boot up is taking longer than it should. Logging in also takes a good bit for it to load preferences and such (I have no login items)
It is getting just a bit slow for my liking, and I was wondering how much impact an upgrade to 4GB would do (2 < 4).