IMac :: Finder Deactivated - Application Cannot Be Opened
Jan 23, 2010
I have accidentally deactivated 'Finder' when I used the 'Force Quit' option. I didn't look before I clicked. I still have the icon in the dock but when I click on it, it says: 'The application Finder can't be opened. -10810.' How can I reactivate it?
Tried to turn off computer and it kept prompting me to force quite various applications. I have since restarted the computer but now am getting this error when trying to open Finder. I have looked through several discussions and unfortunately am not an apple expert so much of what I am reading is foreign to me.I have opened the Terminal and entered a prompt that made all of my desktop docs and finder visable, but as soon as I closed out the Terminal it all disappeared again.Can anyone point me in the right direction - step by step - to get Finder back up and running.To my knowledge all other applications seem to be working as normal.FYI I do have a few extermal items attached to the Mac. (1) extermanl hard drive for the Time Machine, and USB drive.
I am using Lion 10.7 , I assigned dreamweaver to desktop1 by choose Options > This Desktop when in desktop1. Then relaunch DW and it correctly opened in desktop 1. Now if i open a file using in finder (which is itself assigned to desktop3) on a file that is default to DW then Dreamweaver moves itself to Desktop3.
I thought the point was that we could assign different applications to different spaces and they would stay that way. Are we saying that if a file is opened from finder its default application will be moved and set up of spaces does not apply ?.
I shut down my computer and when I turned it on I tried to launch Safari. I got the following message. The application Safari can't be opened. I checked the application in Finder, but could discover anything since it again couldn't launch therefore I couldn't access system preferences. My internet connection is fine. My software is completely up to date. Yosemite 10.10.1.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Operating system 10.10.1
Then I tried to connect my IPAD and IPHONE and neither would update because it couldnt find the file or something and then i couldnt even restore.The next day itunes was gone completely: "The iTunes application could not be opened. An unknown error occurred (13014)" And then the next day ie today there is NO DOCK, NO BACKGROUND and NO DESKTOP ICONS! I had to open safari from the top bar that was only there because I have one random application called Garmin ANT that remained open (i never use this application, its a running computer watch thing)
I have just but the latest Macbook Pro installed with Mac OS X v10.7.4. I am alarmed at the many applications that are not compatible. However, iTunes not being able to play an mp3 is a shocking low. Â I am getting the error message in the subject line.
When I opened safari my homepage was apple and it opened using the middle of the display with the desktop screensaver visable on both sides of the page now it opens adn takes up the whole screen I don't know how to resize it and save it where it will open to the same all the time. I'm a very new owner of an IMAC and to apple so I'm completely in the dark to mac systems and just stumbling around. I'm a 70 year old guy that's ben drug into the 21 century and trying to keep up (not very good )
Lately I've been getting this error more and more often.
The application Finder can't be opened.-10810
I did some searching, and the only info I could find was for other applications, but nothing on Finder.
I get it from a fresh restart, with only Safari and iStat Menus running. Whatever is causing it is also hammering the processor to 100%. It's taken me almost 5 minutes just to type out this thread.
I'm on a 1st gen. MacBook Air, running Snow Leopard, fully up to date.
I messed around with my certificates in the keychain, because I have troubles with it in xCode. The problem is, I accidentally deleted also certificates for the Mac App Store. Now every app from the Mac App Store says:
"[name]" is damaged and can't be opened. Delete "[name]" and download it again from the App Store.
Which certificates, keys etc. Do I need and where can I get it? (I have a second Mac activated for the Mac App Store but no backup for this Mac.)
I upgraded my MacBook Pro quad core 2.5 from Lion to Mavericks. Since then I get a LOT of beachballs when I'm using Finder. I repaired permissions, deleted (twice) and finally reinstalled Mavericks over the first one. Still painfully slow and lots of beachballs.
03/06/2014 18:10:13.994 launchservicesd[53]: Application App:"Finder" asn:0x0-1c01c pid:277 refs=8 @ 0x7fc8b870d950 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontApps ( ( "LSApplication:0x0-0xeb0eb pid=12980 "SecurityAgent"")), so denying. : LASSession.cp #1481 SetFrontApplication() q=LSSession 100005/0x186a5 queue [code]....
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Quad core 2.5GHz
Is there a way to put a folder in the Dock so that it just opens Finder instead of a stack? OS X won't let me drag it to the left side, nor can I find a option to make folders on the right open in Finder by default. I'm running Snow Leopard.
After reinstalling Snow Leopard (file system corruption, long story) and upgrading to 10.6.4, I noticed that any Finder windows I leave open when I shutdown or logout do not reappear/re-open on my next login. I was able to do this before the reinstall. I don't know how long my old install was corrupted, so I don't know if the windows staying around was caused by the corruption or not. Is this normal behavior or should they stay open?
None of my Apps will open. Usually, nothing happens except when I try the Finder at which point, I get a message that says, " Finder can't be opened -10810"
I've been trying to empty files in trash, and everytime I do, it brings up a new finder window and says that it's preparing to move to trash, but it's already in trash. When I try to take it out of trash it says that it's copying the file to my desktop.
I updated my circa 2013 Macbook Air 13" to OSX Mavericks and a strange issue has started. Every time I open Finder it takes literal minutes to load the file listing, and while it loads it freezes the section where the file listing loads with whatever background it was opened over. This happens all the time, and once it finally loads, it will do the same thing if I try to go to a different folder. This renders Finder essentially useless and I have had to add a third party (forklift) app to browse and manage files.Â
Since downloading Os XLion I can nol longer use the above Scanner. "application Photostudio cannot be opened because powerPC applications no longer supported." Are there any fixes?
I have an extensive collection of fonts (60,0000+). Several hundred of them will crash my system when I open one of them in Finder (double-click the suitcase). I picked one at random for some serious examination. I looked at my sample with many font tools. My latest tool was FontDoctor (v5 and v7). FontDoctor reported "no problems found" with my font. Yet the crash persists. Any tool that can do a thorough job of investigating and repairing my corrupt fonts.
I'm currently running snow leopard and I use Fontagent Pro 4 to manage my fonts. For some reason, even though all of my fonts are deactivated in FA, they are all available in Microsoft Office and CS4 applications! With ~3000 fonts, you can imagine that these applications take a while to start up (especially office - CS4 apps tend to be a bit speedier). I've tried everything I can find on - cleaning font caches, etc.
My powerbook G4 1.6ghz. sound is deactivated. I can't seem to get it back. the sound preference shows the internal speakers but says that "the selected device has no output controls". I can't find how to reactivate.
For the past 3-4 days what ever program I am using has the same problem. After 90 seconds or so, all the icons on the desktop disappear, then reappear. At the same time I find I am in the Finder and have to select the page I was working on. This occurs when I am online or disconnected from the web, and applies to all programs. I am operating a 17" G4 iMac with OS 10.4.11 and Firefox. I have rebooted cpu and modem, run usual diagnostics including TechTool and disconnected printer, scanner and tablet with no change. My guess is that my power supply is "flickering" though I get no error messages or other clues. I use a UPS/surge protector. Could this be a sortware glitch? or should I give up, get someone to pull the hard drive and buy a new imac? This deactivation has occurred at least 6 times while I composed this message.
Ok, so there was this application I've never used but it keeps saying "You do not have permission to use the application "uHD-uninstall-Agent".....and so forth. I click Ok but the pop up keeps popping up and interrupting everything I do. I went to login items to remove it from startup but it still won't stop. This is a school laptop so I cannot control admin.
My G4 PowerMac QS 733 running 10.5 wont restart. My daughter says it was going when she used it, but that a message came up that the USB port which had the mouse in it was being deactivated because it was drawing too much power. I think the mouses cord was damaged. She moved the mouse around the ports, and the computer deactivated them all and then shut it self down!
I have tried plugging in other keyboards and another mouse, but to no avail. I have unplugged everything, including power. Now the when I try to restart, the start up light on both the screen and tower just flash as if the Mac is asleep, but the Mac doesnt start up and I get no start up tone.
I'm running a Mac Pro with 4GB RAM, 512MB of Video RAM, 2 dual core 2.66GHz processors (or more, not completely sure but I know it's at least 2.66GHz). I recently installed Windows 7 using bootcamp, and so far it has disappointed me by actually being good.... something I'm not used to when dealing with windows. Anyway, the OS runs fine for almost everything with the exception of video games. I've only installed one game on it (Oblivion) but for whatever reason at seemingly random time intervals (only when playing the game) the monitor turns off and can't be turned on without a restart, and the keyboard and mouse can no longer input. I can hear the sound playing fine (in fact on multiple occasions I heard myself being killed), but no video and no input.
I have to restart the computer by forcing a shutdown (holding the power button) in order to get input back. I'm not sure if this issue is strictly windows, as it sometimes happens whenever I play EVE when booted into Mac. I'm fairly confident that it's not my graphics card, because if it were, why would mouse and keyboard functions be disabled? I've tried playing around with the games settings (highest possible settings, disabling HDR/Bloom, low settings, ini tweaks, etc) but it makes no difference on the result. Every time, without fail, the monitor turns off, keyboard and mouse stop working, and I am forced to restart. Again, I'm not sure this is strictly a Windows 7 issue as it has happened before when gaming on my Mac. But on the Mac it's a very rare occurrence, it's happening consistently on the Windows partition.
System Specs: Mac OS X 10.5.7 Windows 7 Build 7100 2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM ATI Radeon X1900 XT
I was canceling my comcast email service and I was wondering if when this happened if the Mail app would still retain all the emails it has downloaded from the comcast server?