OS X :: All Fonts Deactivated But Available In Applications
Mar 22, 2010
I'm currently running snow leopard and I use Fontagent Pro 4 to manage my fonts. For some reason, even though all of my fonts are deactivated in FA, they are all available in Microsoft Office and CS4 applications! With ~3000 fonts, you can imagine that these applications take a while to start up (especially office - CS4 apps tend to be a bit speedier). I've tried everything I can find on - cleaning font caches, etc.
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Jun 2, 2010
I was canceling my comcast email service and I was wondering if when this happened if the Mail app would still retain all the emails it has downloaded from the comcast server?
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Dec 3, 2009
fonts must be messed up in Snow Leopard. Some system things display strange fonts. For example, my user name in upper right hand corner of the screen doesn't look right.ALso, the font on the "tabs," in Safari is not correct, and I can compare it to other SL computers.
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Jul 20, 2010
I have recently got some awesome collection of font from URL but as first time mac user i dont know how to install them on my mac book . I need to install them as quickly a possible for my designing project .
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Feb 20, 2008
My powerbook G4 1.6ghz. sound is deactivated. I can't seem to get it back. the sound preference shows the internal speakers but says that "the selected device has no output controls". I can't find how to reactivate.
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May 21, 2009
For the past 3-4 days what ever program I am using has the same problem. After 90 seconds or so, all the icons on the desktop disappear, then reappear. At the same time I find I am in the Finder and have to select the page I was working on. This occurs when I am online or disconnected from the web, and applies to all programs. I am operating a 17" G4 iMac with OS 10.4.11 and Firefox. I have rebooted cpu and modem, run usual diagnostics including TechTool and disconnected printer, scanner and tablet with no change. My guess is that my power supply is "flickering" though I get no error messages or other clues. I use a UPS/surge protector. Could this be a sortware glitch? or should I give up, get someone to pull the hard drive and buy a new imac? This deactivation has occurred at least 6 times while I composed this message.
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Sep 23, 2008
My G4 PowerMac QS 733 running 10.5 wont restart. My daughter says it was going when she used it, but that a message came up that the USB port which had the mouse in it was being deactivated because it was drawing too much power. I think the mouses cord was damaged. She moved the mouse around the ports, and the computer deactivated them all and then shut it self down!
I have tried plugging in other keyboards and another mouse, but to no avail. I have unplugged everything, including power. Now the when I try to restart, the start up light on both the screen and tower just flash as if the Mac is asleep, but the Mac doesnt start up and I get no start up tone.
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Jun 15, 2009
I'm running a Mac Pro with 4GB RAM, 512MB of Video RAM, 2 dual core 2.66GHz processors (or more, not completely sure but I know it's at least 2.66GHz). I recently installed Windows 7 using bootcamp, and so far it has disappointed me by actually being good.... something I'm not used to when dealing with windows. Anyway, the OS runs fine for almost everything with the exception of video games. I've only installed one game on it (Oblivion) but for whatever reason at seemingly random time intervals (only when playing the game) the monitor turns off and can't be turned on without a restart, and the keyboard and mouse can no longer input. I can hear the sound playing fine (in fact on multiple occasions I heard myself being killed), but no video and no input.
I have to restart the computer by forcing a shutdown (holding the power button) in order to get input back. I'm not sure if this issue is strictly windows, as it sometimes happens whenever I play EVE when booted into Mac. I'm fairly confident that it's not my graphics card, because if it were, why would mouse and keyboard functions be disabled? I've tried playing around with the games settings (highest possible settings, disabling HDR/Bloom, low settings, ini tweaks, etc) but it makes no difference on the result. Every time, without fail, the monitor turns off, keyboard and mouse stop working, and I am forced to restart. Again, I'm not sure this is strictly a Windows 7 issue as it has happened before when gaming on my Mac. But on the Mac it's a very rare occurrence, it's happening consistently on the Windows partition.
System Specs:
Mac OS X 10.5.7
Windows 7 Build 7100
2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
ATI Radeon X1900 XT
All drivers up to date on both operating systems.
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Jan 23, 2010
I have accidentally deactivated 'Finder' when I used the 'Force Quit' option. I didn't look before I clicked. I still have the icon in the dock but when I click on it, it says: 'The application Finder can't be opened. -10810.' How can I reactivate it?
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Sep 13, 2006
I get this strange message every so often, sometimes more often than other times. It says:
USB port drawing too much power. The device that is plugged into it will be deactivated.
There are only two things plugged into the USB-The keyboard and mouse. When I get this message, the mouse freezes. If I jiggle the mouse cable where it is plugged into the USB, it comes back and everything is fine until this message comes up again.
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Oct 16, 2010
using Mac OS X and Word:MAC 2008
In the FONT book I have lots of great fonts under "ALL FONTS". When I open Word I can only access about 60% of them...in FONT Book, when I try and drag them from ALL FONTS to COMPUTER (which are the fonts that Word uses), I get the duplicate font response which, when I try and RESOLVE, I disable fonts.
How can I access fonts in ALL FONTS (listed in FONT book) when using WORD?
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Jan 29, 2009
Is it possible to set Mac's Firefox fonts to not appear as thick as they do? (2nd pic) It is especially apparent with Chinese characters, at times makes them hard to recognize, in particular the characters with lots of strokes.
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May 7, 2009
The issue is the user is using Linotype Font Explorer X. I would like to move them all over to font book or just drop them in the font folder and let the applications handle them (if possible).
I exported them and tried to import them into font boot but 85% of them appear to be damaged. When i double click on the file they ethier dont open or open a blank text edit file.
How can i go though 1000s of fonts to find out which ones are usable and which ones arent? opening them one by one will take forever.
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Apr 11, 2012
I synched my work (.org) Gmail to Apple Mail with IMAP, and then took the account "Offline" in Apple Mail. I now want to delete messages in my work gmail, But want to make sure that the messages in my Apple Mail will save there forever, even after my work gmail account is archived or deleted?Is there another setting I can click to keep the gmail account on Apple Mail from updating, so myI can start deleting personal emails from my gmail ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 23, 2010
Does anyone else notice fonts in Google Chrome don't look as good as they do in other browsers like FF and Safari? They look cramped and unkerned. Am I the only one? It's distracting after coming from FF and preventing me from using it. Though that's not the only reason. I do like the speed of Chrome though.
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Jan 18, 2009
my Safari is displaying fonts in a weird way - [I have to adjust the font size constantly in order to read webpagesIf i enter passwords, no fonts are visible, but i am actually able to enter the password - the cursor stays on the left of the field. What I have tried is changing fonts etc. - nothing helped. The attached picture should show lines of text, but the letters are all written over each other - this is what it looks like
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Mar 21, 2009
I have recently started using iWork more and more often. It works very well for me and opens word files very well. But on some files which are made using a new office 08 font, i get font errors.
Is there a way to import the Office 08 fonts into Pages? I looked in /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/ but there weren't any font's there.
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Dec 10, 2009
Just moved to my new iMac 21.5. and MSOffice 2008.
How can I use fonts from my Font Book in Word? Must they be moved into Word's font library?
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Jan 12, 2010
I did a search and I found soem sort of compatibility pack by Microsoft for Office 2004 that includes fonts like Calibri. My problem is I don't use Office, I use NeoOffice. I tried taking the Calibri font from my Windows 7 machine and dumping it into the fonts directory on the Macbook, but it doesn't look right Is there a special font pack I should download? Here is what it looks like - Calibri on the left, Arial on the right. I could use Arial, but in my next class I'm going to do alot of group work, and if I work on a file in Calibiri, and send it to everyone else in Arial they might get annoyed. Or if the formatting is changed due to changing a font I'll look like a dope ruining everything with his Mac.
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Mar 22, 2010
Today, after using a signature in Apple Mail for the past few months, I discovered that my signature is HUGE when read by non Apple Mail users and that the text in my emails is in Times New Roman even though I set it to Helvectia by default.
Turns out this is a problem in Apple Mail, as setting a default font only affects what YOU see, not what the email recipient sees. This seems backwards to me. My emails have apparently been all unorganized for months now. I've sent out job applications thinking I had a sleek format...
Anyways, researching this, I read nearly every post in this google search, but still don't understand how to fix the problem. Apparently there's one "fix" involving stationary, and another fix where you begin typing right at the beginning of the sig...?
Can anyone tell me how to make my emails that I send from Apple Mail show up for my recipients in Helvectia and have the signature be in the same font size and Helvectia as well ? And no, clicking the "always match my default message font" button didn't do this, just in case.
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Jun 23, 2012
There are a few fonts (OTF/TTF/PSF...) I have installed with Font Explorer X, what won't show up in ANY application.Even Text Edit won't display them.However this isn't a problem linked to Font Explorer because before this I had Suitcafe Fusion 3 and had the same problem.What makes it strange is that there are a few fonts of some families that DO show up although they are JUST THE SAME as the fonts that won't show up and are from the SAME family.
I cleaned my cache numerous times with applications like Font Finagler and checked everywhere for font corruptions or duplicates with applications like Font Doctor but nothing seemed wrong or corrupted.If I go and check the fonts in System Profiler it clearly says they are valid and enambled.
Now what makes it even more unexplainable is that when I install the fonts trough Font Book and shut down the font manager, they DO show up...Howevery I'm not really happy abouth that because Font Book is a crappy font manager and I paid money for a good one...
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 10, 2009
If I download fonts from the internet from sites like it doesn't install them. I was able to do it originally when I first bought this mac book 2 yrs. ago, but recently when I download them and try to install, they never show up in font book.
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Feb 26, 2009
does anybody know a way to save a Pages document as a Word DOC file with the used fonts embedded so that somebody on another (Windows) computer can see the document exactely the way I do even without having some used fonts? (PDF instead of DOC isn't possible as the text still needs to be editable for this other person.) I already searched the whole net and I am afraid this isn't possible, but just to be sure: If anybody knows a way, it would be nice if you could let me know.
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Apr 4, 2009
I go to some websites, (such as wikipedia amongst other glitchy thing like someones reply on gmails) and the fonts on the site comes out illegible! It comes out like fraction and words all on top of each other. I tried changing the Character Encodings under View but nothing is working. Its a drag not being able to read some sites. When I copy and paste it onto excel, the actual paragraph clearly appears but once back on the browser, its still messed up. I use Firefox 3.0.8 and Safari 3.1.2.
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Dec 8, 2009
I've just installed the Google Chrome beta for Mac. When I open it, this is what I see: A bunch of little boxes with an "A" character in them. I believe this is the "Last Resort" font that displays when the desired font is unavailable. I do use a font manager so it's possible the font Google Chrome is looking for isn't activated. What would that font be?
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Jul 14, 2010
In Mail preferences I have message font set to Verdana and in the 'Composing' pane I have ensured that messages are sent as Rich Text, and yet I have a persistent and frustrating problem with Mail.app failing to apply font formatting to outgoing messages. When composing new messages everything looks fine (i.e. text displays in Verdana), but Mail isn't applying the formatting to emails; looking at the raw source of sent messages, Mail seems to be sending Plain Text messages with no formatting applied:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v936)
Further adding to my confusion, if I append a formatted signature (configured in Mail preferences) to messages, the signature IS correctly formatted (in Verdana, no less).....
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Feb 9, 2009
I am running 10.3.9 on a PowerBook G4. I installed a bunch of fonts (through Font Book) about 2 years ago, and since that time some of my apple apps freeze from time to time. Namely, Calculator, Text Edit and Safari. I also noticed that in this state, the AutoUpdates don't download. I found a solution of overwriting the required system fonts (especially Keyboard and LastResort), then rebooting. Normally, this sets it right.
However, now my Installer is freezing (trying to install a new Adobe product), as well as Disk Utility. (This means I can't fix those permissions or do First aid, since the Disk Utility freezes). I have not tried reinstalling OS X yet. Might this be related to "Helvetica Neue"?
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Sep 12, 2007
I created a site with iweb 08. I did it from scratch, because when I tried to load the site that was created from 06, it totally messed up everything. I have a couple custom fonts that I used, and it looks great in iweb, but when I view the published website on another computer, the fonts are completely different, like they reverted to default. I finally got everything to work ok with 08, and now I have a font problem. If it makes a difference, I'm not using a .mac account.
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Jan 19, 2009
just a short question: Can anybody tell me a program/way to export my PAGES document to a PDF with all the used fonts and graphics embedded? I want that it looks exactely the same on e.g. a Windows computer on which the used fonts aren't installed. Unfortunately, even the Word exporting fuction of Pages doesn't seem very reliable - or do I do something wrong? I sometimes even lose bold/italic format etc. Very strange ... Anyway, I need a way to send somebody this text either as a Word or PDF file which won't make problems and look the same.
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Apr 7, 2009
is anyone experiencing issues with Tinker Tool?
I am on a Unibody with 10.5.6. and I would need to change the font sizes for my gf as they are causing her a terrible eyestrain.
I just discovered Tinker Tool and wanted to test the font size functions, but everytime i change them and I want to preview the size, it is saying that I would need to relaunch it in order to be able to preview - I do that, nothing happens - fonts change back to default.
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