I just switched from a PC. All my backup (files, music, photos, etc) are stored onto a Windows-formatted HDNow i have error when i try to transfer them over
It gives me the error-36did a bit of research but none of the remedy worked (i.e. terminal>dos_clean)I have previously transferred files from the same external HD onto my macbook in which i purchased last year and don't recall having any problems. (although not all the files were transferred onto my macbook, only a few files in which i needed) What can be the alternatives for me to transfer all my files over onto my imac without having the reformat my external HD?
startup banner.JAWBONE UPDATER ERROR: Failed to inspect the lock file '/Users/[user]' (error 2: No such file or directory)." Jawbone support writes, "get in touch with Apple Support, so they can help you unlock the file on your Mac.
I'm trying to empty the trash on my iMac (running Snow Leopard) but I just get an error message: The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code - 8003).
I have a 24" iMac and it was running fine the other week and now I get this annoying error=36 whenever I try to transfer large files from desktop to my external drives. It goes about 1/4 way with the transfers then stops with the error=36 message. I've tried to reset the pram but it won't let me. It just keeps on restarting to the same gray screen with the single short beep tone over and over until I let go of the option, command, P & R buttons and restarts normally but does not reset the pram.
I have Outlook 2011 for Mac on iMac - tried to copy Outlook.pst from PC to my docs on iMac. The file is 6.2gp - after a two-hour transfer time, the system displayed error code-8084 and showed my transfer had not taken place. I am copying this file so that I may import outlook.pst into my outlook for Mac. What is the error code and how can I eliminate this problem?
I have saved some of my Mom's writing typed on an iMac G3 and then saved on a G4 iMac. It was then transferred to my new iMac. When I try to open it on my iMac 10.6.8 I get the message-
Exec format error. Binary file not executable.
What can I do to make it readable?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Use Airport Extreme, radio DSL
I cannot transfer files to or from my Western Digital HD (WD1200D036). I have had this problem for a while and I cannot resolve it. What can I do? I cannot even reset my HD as I cannot move the important files from my HD to my Mac.
I just got my first mac and i am trying to transfer all my itunes from match to the machine. I keep getting either error 8003, and in some cases i click the cloud but nothing happens at all.
I have done this a million times before, making me wonder if there is a limit to the number of photos that you can have in your library?(Currently, 24,637 photos) System: just upgraded to iLife '09Mac Version 10.5.6 Same camera, same process... But won't import photos as it says there are issues writing to my iPhoto library.
I am getting this error "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)." when I try to transfer files from my Mac Mini to my External Harddrive which is connected to my Airport Extreme. " The error does not appear to happen all the time. It does seem consistent if I am transfering files and then try to transfer more.
The files I am transferring are .mp4. It does not appear to care about the size of the file, it happens with small files and large files, I can transfer some large folders (2.54G). I can connect the hard-drive externally directly to the mac mini and it will transfer any file.
I am receiving an error 5.5.4 "Invalid Email address error code 17099 indicating that mail could not be sent for Account name: "Msn".I have recently moved from a PC laptop and have been sent email messages to this account on my iMac successfully for several weeks. The email address in question is actively sending and receiving messages. I can receive email from that account.
Trying to re-install Twitter from the Mac App Store. When I click "install" I get a prompt to type in my Apple ID (pre-filled with jonas.clement@hotmail.com; NOT ME). When I type my correct Apple ID and password in I get an "Error -4" message followed by "Unknown Error" message.
I have NO clue who jonas.clement@hotmail.com is. My account has not been hacked (at least no unauthorized purchases have been made). When I view my previously purchased apps, I see the whole list, Twitter, included...but I can't seem to download it.
Here's what I'm running:
Mac OS X 10.6.8 App Store 1.0.2 (63.1)
Here's what I've tried. Signing out of the App Store and signing back in.Signing out of the App Store and not signing back in until I try to download the App. Signing out of iTunes (trying everything). Restarting. What else is causing these errors?
The disc can’t be burned because an unexpected error occurred (error code 0x8002006E). I keeep getting this when I try to burn my daughters wedding pic to a dvd.
Ater charging it the other day I noticed a "service battery" error which went away the next. I checked the power section in the System Utilities and I noticed that my battery has shifted from "Good" to "normal" and I'm now at 469 cycles which I do not understand I also notice a very quiet humming-- I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid and searching for problems or if there's a correlation amongst the issues. I've let the battery wear it self down and shut down and sit for a few hours and fully charge which has helped, but now it only holds charge for about 3-4 hours or so, opposed to the 5 hours I got when I initially bought it.
When I try to empty my Trash with a certain app in it I get error code -8003. I can't find reference to that code anywhere and do not know how to clean up the trash. "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003)."
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), iMac-24, iMac-27, G5, G4, G3, iBook, etc.
i try to unzip something in Stuffit Exander its loads then i get this error shown in the pictureit happens evertime i want to unzip something, in this case Adobe reader
I just downloaded Magnifique 2.1 for my Mac (Macbook, 13-inch, 2 gigs of RAM, Mac OS X 10.5). As soon as I open the application, I get an error message saying this:
Applescript Error System Events got an error: Some data was the wrong type. (-1703)
The downloadable theme gallery won't show as well. This same message appears if I try to search for any themes and appears every time I type a letter or two into the search bar in the application. Is there any way to fix this? I have tried re-installation but it doesn't work.
If you watch the video in the link above you will see what happens to the window as I try to scroll up or down this has just started happening, on a new alu macbook does anybody have any ideas what i should be doing ?
I have a Canon 780 installed which seemed to print fine for a while, but now when I try to print I get:Error Number : 306 A communication error has occurred. Make sure that the printer is plugged in, powered-on, and properly connected to your computer. Then try printing again.The printer is connected via a USB Hub, but plugging it directly into the USB Port doesn't seem to help either. I've also made sure I "woke up" the printer, plugged, replugged, etc.If I mess around plugging and unplugging, it eventually will work.
When trying to upgrade from snow leopard to Lion, I get the message "An error occurred while preparing the installation.Try running the application again."I am installing on a raid drive,which is supposedly ok.
after installing the latest itunes update march 8th 2012 an error started to show that said error saving itunes library cannot be saved error (-54) or something like that.im using OSX Lion
I can't do much on my MacBook pro since I have this unexpected error occurred (error code -50), does anyone know what it is and how to fix it? Also when i try to open my iTunes it comes up with unknown error 13014.
I keep getting "Open error 18446744073709551594: “Unknown error: -22”" when trying to repair disk permissions. When I boot in recovery mode and try to repair the disk I get the message that the disk can't be repaired that I should back up my files and reformat. Since I hace been hearing about the Flashback trojan I am not sure if it is because my Mac is infected or simply because I somehow messed up with my HD. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Will it be any good to reinstall Lion? Is there any way of avoiding reformatting?
For the last two days every time I try to connect to AIM in messages I get this error "An undefined AIM socket error has occurred." I have quit the app, changed servers, trashed the Prefs but none of these have cured the problem.
Safari regularly gives me error that I'm not connected to internet/can't find server.I've gotten so fed up I've downloaded Firefox and don't have the issue with Firefox. Also, my other computer running Internet Explorer doesn't give me these errors.I've tried resetting safari, emptying cache.I'm on Mac OS X, MacBrook Pro laptop.