Applications :: Error Message From Magnifique - System Events Got An Error
Apr 11, 2010
I just downloaded Magnifique 2.1 for my Mac (Macbook, 13-inch, 2 gigs of RAM, Mac OS X 10.5). As soon as I open the application, I get an error message saying this:
Applescript Error
System Events got an error: Some data was the wrong type. (-1703)
The downloadable theme gallery won't show as well. This same message appears if I try to search for any themes and appears every time I type a letter or two into the search bar in the application. Is there any way to fix this? I have tried re-installation but it doesn't work.
I have updated HP drivers twice through Apple's Software Update and each time I get the following error: After dismissing the message I get a confirmation that the update was successful.
MacBook Pro Snowleopard 10.6.2 2.16 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
I am getting an error on my iMac (running SL) that says: "You entered an invalid MobileMe member name or password. Verify your MobileMe member name and password in MobileMe System Preferences." Now, the thing is, I don't not have (nor have I ever) had a MobileMe account. This error only starting popping up after upgrading to Snow Leopard. It only gives me the option of clicking OK and pops up about every half hour or so.
I've check the MobileMe preferences and there is nothing entered in the username or password slot. I called AppleCare and they were not really familiar with the error either but gave me two options. They asked me to (1) Reset my keychain to defaults and if that didn't work then (2) Delete the SystemPreferences.plist file. I have done both and the error message continues to pop up.
I have migrated over to the iCloud and it's not June 30 yet anyway, so I don't understand why I am getting this message. I can access my email at url... You are my "system administrator" in this case..
I have been using FCP for quite a while now and just recently when I was trying to exporting a SD movie I got the message, "Error: Out of Memory".
Thinking I maybe had to many programs open I restarted the computer. That didn't work, so I shut down again and reset the memory.
Since that didn't work either, I transferred the files to second compute, but got the same message. Finally tracking the problem down I removed the effect "Line Art" and was able to export.
But I would really like to have the effect on the clip, any ideas on what is going on here?
I am trying to burn a 4.2 GB project in iDVD. My project is saved onto an external hard drive, and when I start it burning, I get an error message that says "Not enough free disk space for encoding the remaining assets." It says I only have 825 MB available on my hard drive and 3.362 are needed for encoding, but I actually have 786 GB free! Any idea what could be causing this?
I use Adium 1.3.10 which normally could send message to offline user and my ex-girlfriend use Adium as well but I dont know which version. I sent really important message to my ex-girlfriend while she is offline and TWO HOURS later this message pop up to me.
"Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally happens when the user is blocked or does not exist." But I did not block her and she does exist So I'm not sure she will receive this message or not. the strange thing that I worry is it was bounced TWO HOURS LATER AFTER I SENT IT,Has anyone experienced this case??? What I really am worry is the message will be sent to her or not?
This might be the weirdest software bug I've ever seen. It looks like maybe a programmer for Microsoft was having some fun. Here is what happens:
A spreadsheet that a coworker uses for purchase order requests has several cells in a column with a SUM field that calculates the number of units to purchase multiplied by the unit price (not sure why they use SUM for just a multiplication, but I don't know if that matters).
If you delete the contents of one of these cells and type in something else (or just type something else without deleting first), then exit the cell, an error message pops up that says, "You can't do that!!!!! So quit trying!!!" with options Cancel and Retry.
Retry doesn't do anything, Cancel clears what you put in the cell. Copying and pasting the cells into a different row creates the same issue.
I've attached several screen shots to show steps to reproduce: Picture 1 - column F has the suspicious cells Picture 2 - the calculation Picture 3 - after deleting the contents Picture 4 - enter some text, before exiting the cell Picture 5 - error message after exiting the cell
The only workaround was deleting the entire row and entering those calculations again. I have no idea what to make of this, and internet searches have come up empty.
I have an iMac running Snow Leopard. I did a clean install.
Afterwards, I tried to install the Applications Install DVD, it opend the DVD, after I select the icon, Ireceive an error message that the install failed.
I have been using Toast since it first came out and I have really enjoyed the latest version as well. However about a month ago Toast 8 just quit launching. It just bounces in the dock then disappears. I tried the one on my backup drive and it does the same thing. I have a Powerbook G4 17" 1.67ngz with 1 GB RAM. I installed Toast 8 on my girlfriends IMAc 24" Intel and it still works perfectly. I've looked on the Interweb and found some similar complaints but now solutions.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times with no luck. I even tried an older version I have and it didn't work either. All the bundled applications that come with Toast 8 with the except of CD Spin Doctor work fine. When I try to launch CD Spin Doctor I get this error message: This application requires Toast 8 Titanium or later to run on your system. The application will now quit. I have Toast 8 Titanium right freaking here" it just won't load... no error message for it however.
I just purchased my second mac (iMac 24" screen) which has finally made me free from windows. So one of my first things I did was put my 10 year 30,000 photo collection into iPhoto... Everything worked fine except I'm having one problem.... Apparently there were 15 files that were messed up and didn't get imported. Thats fine and no big deal, I can do without them. The problem is EVERYTIME I open iPhoto I get the error message....
Photos have been found in the iPhoto library that were not imported. Would you like to import them?This has a yes or no question.... If I say yes, iphoto will create an "album" that is empty with no photos entitled "recovered photos" and give me the error message....Unreadable FilesThe following files could not be imported (they may be an unrecognized file type or the files may not contain valid data)
If I choose NO, then iPhoto will give me this message....The photos have been placed in the folder /Users/ks72/Pictures/iPhoto Library Recovered Photos_3.
I'm find with trashing these photos and you think after iPhoto placed them in the folder it would stop but it happens EVERYTIME I open iPhoto... I found one thing online somewhere that was partially relevant and it said "go into your iphoto library and find the actual data files which might be difficult due to the naming system and delete them" but how do I go INTO the iphoto library. Everytime I go in my pictures folder and click on the iPhoto library it will just open iPhoto.... am using the latest versions of leopard and iphoto.
I just opened a FC project in 6.0 from an XML file for the first time. The project originally came from 6.0.6 and I was happy to see that this kind of reversion was actually possible. Unfortunatly after doing a little work I started getting "general error" messages whenever I tried to save the project or render any transitions.
If I remeber correctly, I opened the XML and was asked to save a new project. I saved the project and started working. I dont remeber if any saves or rendering had worked in the new project before I got the error messages. Maybe none of them worked, I am not sure.
I'm trying to empty the trash on my iMac (running Snow Leopard) but I just get an error message: The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code - 8003).
I have a little problem with one of my applications. The application is very important for me and I need it nearly every day. But now it shows my an error message. 'JVM terminated. Exit code=-1' [...]
I'm using Mac OS X 10.6.4 and my system is up to date.
I have an iBook G4 that's running Tiger 10.4.11 and the most recent version of Safari and just recently when I try to open up some web pages I get the error message "Safari can't open the page "http://whateverthewebaddressis" because it can't find the server". It will open some pages, some of the time and then a few minutes later if I try to open it again it will give me the error message. It is not a problem with my internet, as I also have a new iMac running leopard and Safari has never had a problem opening the same pages at the same time.
Is there a size limit for importing an Excel File into Numbers? The error message says the file is too large. Has this been changed in i-work 09? The file has multiple sheets that refer to each other, but i can't even open at this point. It is 3.1 MB.
I have done this a million times before, making me wonder if there is a limit to the number of photos that you can have in your library?(Currently, 24,637 photos) System: just upgraded to iLife '09Mac Version 10.5.6 Same camera, same process... But won't import photos as it says there are issues writing to my iPhoto library.
When I try to install iTunes 9 I get the following message: "System extension cannot be used. The system extention "/system/library/extensions/CDSDAudioCaptureSupport.kext" was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product's vendor for an update". ITunes installs anyway - even if I leave the message there without clicking "OK". I have verified my disk and repaired the permissions - yet still pops up.
i downloaded TubeTV after being told it was a good one... it worked fine then now all it does is download the vid, into .flv format and wont convert it, all it says is "error"
if you know a good converter, that will convert these files to files able to be viewed by ipod's and iphone.
I cannot put anything into my trash bin, if I try I get the following messageThe destination mailbox ?Trash - (my e-mail address)? does not allow messages to be moved to it.To the best of my knowledge I have not altered anything to cause this message to pop up.If I create another Trash folder I can put unwanted mail into it and delete it, but I have to drag and drop every unwanted mail into the new trash bin first before emptying it which is a PITA!
I'm trying to upgrade a PowerMac G4 to 10.5 from 10.3.9. Is there a free file I can download to upgrade the OS to 10.5 or do I need to purchase it and if so, where can I get it?
Here is the error message whenever I open up a X86 program. What I did was I've installed Xcode 3 and CUPS 1.4.5, after the restart, it started to appear this message. I don't have Time Machine. And also I've tried to uninstall Xcode but still doesn't work.
Lately, my three year old MBP has been freezing and I keep getting this message (picture attached)...a striped error message with something to the effect of "please restart computer..." It's happened three times in the last two days.
Would anybody be kind enough as to guide me through downloading a .torrent file? I've tried several times using BitTorrent, and only recieve error messages and whatnot. I have an imac G5 with OS X version 10.4.6