I have been trying to connect my PS3 to my iMac for the past couple of days but with no success. Airport is on and broadcasting through the card built into my mac but it keeps saying "it can't connect to the server." I have connected my ipod touch and Wii with no problem through airport but for some reason it won't work with the ps3. Any suggestions or help?
I have had my iMac for roughly a year and a half. I currently do not use a router, i know i need to change that, especially for security reasons. Anyway, the airport/wireless has always worked but recently for maybe the past month it has failed to connect, i am wandering if there is a way i can check to see what's gone wrong? or any instructions/tips to help me figure this out.
I have my iMac connected to my wireless router via ethernet, but also airport is on. At the top right I can see I am connected to my network. How can I chose the faster ethernet to connect without turning of airport? How can I be sure the connection is with ethernet and not wireless?
My airport connection to the wireless router has, over the last few days, been becoming increasingly flaky and intermittent followed last night by a total refusal to connect. It had been working fine for at least a year up until recently. The funny thing is that iStumbler finds my router(as well as some neighbours'), and reports a signal strength similar to what I have always had. Problems started as follows: iMac would show full bars, then no bars and then full again, followed by a slow drop to nothing. Turning airport off and back on again, would repeat this process. Occasionally, the iMac would also require the WPA2 password. And progressed to: Over a few days things got worse to the point that I had no usable connection and the airport would not always pick up any networks and would request the WPA2 password repeatedly always followed by a 'Connection timeout'.I would say that the airport extreme card is broken, except iStumbler is reporting 'normal' service. Also, my iPhone reports full signal strength sitting next to the iMac! Can anyone shed some light on this? Typically, Applecare expired all of 2 weeks ago.
Since the latest update of OSX, I'm encountering trouble with my WiFi connection. My old sony laptop has no problem connecting, so I'm guessing the problem must be with the iMac, and not with the network. When I boot the mac, everything is OK, I get connected. But after a while (less then half an hour) it looses connection to internet. In the airport icon appears a " ! ". To get my mac back on the network, I have to reboot it. It's not a signal problem, my mac always finds the network, but it doesn't connect. My password is asked, I'm sure I entered it wright, but it's asked over and over, no connection possible. I tried changing DHCP to a fix IP, deleting the network and reconnect as if it's a new one, and little stuff like that, nothing helps. Only way is to reboot.
I've spent the past few hours attempting to connect my new Windows 8.1 laptop to my iMac's Airport signal without any success. I was able to do this very thing using Windows 7 on an old laptop. From what I've been reading, it seems that the ability to connect to networks secured with "WEP-Shared" type security has been removed in Windows 8 because of the fact that it was outdated and insecure. It's great that Microsoft is trying to force individuals to be secure, but unfortunately the iMac's airport utility does not offer any alternatives.
I buy the new iMAC 21.5" - core 2 duo - 3.06Ghz Im having a problem with a GREY SCREEN ERROR sometimes (almost ever) when im connect or re-connect through Airport. Sometimes dont have problem when I connect, sometime yes. I dont know WHY. Im copy the crash report:
Interval Since Last Panic Report: 31187 sec Panics Since Last Report: 2 Anonymous UUID: F3ED0227-B787-431D-9D21-22DC96C64A0C
I have recently upgraded my wireless network to N+ using a Belkin Modem Router. Security is WPA2-PSK, and MAC access is disabled. All MacBooks (Leopard & Tiger), PCs (XP) and iphones connect without any problem, however my daughter's PowerBook G4 running OS X 10.4.11, and with the most recent Airport software, can't connect to the network. The password prompt when selecting the network only allows for entering a WEP password.
This is driving me crazy. I bought a Belkin F5D9050 802.11g compatible usb wireless card, and it will not recognize my airport express!
I have changed the settings in windows, and know the drivers are correct, it just won't find it as a online router/hub.
It says the network is unavailable, and there was an issue setting up wireless, it is like the windows wireless setup and the card are competing, so I cancelled the windows g setup and still nothing.
I am running SP 3 for XP, and tried chatting Belkin support and no one knows.
I installed Airport Utility, and etc and still doesn't connect.
The only flicker I had was when I went into my mac and tried creating another network, and then it signaled a device, but would not connect.
I recently upgraded my old Airport Extreme Base Station (looks like a lumpy cap) to a newer AirPort Extreme Base Station with dual-band support and 802.11n. I installed the software on my Macbook running Snow Leopard, created a new set up with new passwords, etc. The Macbook and a G4 12" rev A PowerBook running OS 10.3.9 connect fine, but a G4 500 GHz Sawtooth, running OS 10.3.9, with an original Airport card installed will not connect. Initially the new networks showed in the AirPort inverted triangle bars, but now the triangle is grey, and I can't get any connection with Internet Connect or the network diagnostic that comes with the OS. 2 out of three ain't bad, but I want all the computers to connect.
Recently moved and had a net connection installed yesterday, the guy set it up and it connected fine up until last night when i decided to mess around with OSC control and had to set up my own local network to do it.
Now today I'm trying to connect to the net again back on the default 'automatic' location (i made a seperate location for the OSC to try and avoid this sort of trouble) - and although Airport is picking up the router and is saying it HAS got an IP address, the internet is still not connecting.
I've done a few common sense diagnostic checks, its not Firefox becuase I'm running Little Snitch and thats not showing any movement either..I checked that its automatically configuring using DCHP and supposedly wiped the network settings by deleting the .plist files but its still doing the same thing: reporting that it's connected and has an IP address, but still with no connectivity.
Diagnostics says it 'appears to be connected' but the Network Setup Assistant gets to the last stage of the setup and asks me to check my diagnostics because it can't connect. When seconds later it has an IP and is 'connected'.
My computer stopped connecting automatically to my airport. I have it as remembering the password, and the password is saved in keychains. In the network system preferences, I have it set as a preferred network. However, every time I wake my computer up or bring it back to the house it says it can't find any of my networks, and asks me to choose from a list (which contains my airport). When I click on it, the password is already there, and I tell it to remember this network, but it never does.
After installing OSX 10.4 on my wifes' Clamshell iBook 466 Firewire, and accepting several software upgrades to 10.4.11, I was annoyed to find that the AirPort Card would not connect automatically on start-up. This seems to be as a result of the AirPort software upgrade to version 4.2.
There seems to be no way of reverting back to the previous version, leaving us with the problem of having to connect manually. This involves several steps, starting with choosing "Other" from the AirPort drop-down menu, selecting the network from a drop-down list, then selecting the WEP option from the next drop-down, entering the Password and clicking 'OK' to complete the connection process.
So I used the internet this morning no problem. I come home this evening and can't connect wirelessly with my airport. Every time I open Safari and type in an address I get this message:
IP Configuration
192..... in use by 00:1f:a......, DHCP Server 192....
My brother has wireless internet for his house which is wha I connect to.
A friend of mine gave me a iMac a couple of weeks ago. i upgraded the RAM to 1GB and I bought a Airiport Card (802.11b)
I plugged in the card and attached the antenna to the card and tuned on the mac. But when i try to find a wifi network (mine for example) it won't connect. Im using a DIR-655 Dlink router. i have mixed mode emabled (802.11b/g/n) and WPA-Personal Encryption (AES Cypher)
Why is it not connecting?
PS the message i get when i connect is "There was an error connecting to network [network name]"
My airport doesn't seem to be working. It's completely connected--I even ran through the diagnostics and it said nothing can be done for it--but it won't pull up a Safari page, let me log into AIM, or check my Mail. It works fine when I plug an ethernet into it, and I've tried restarting my computer multiple times, and I reset the DHCP, too, and nothing.
Just how do I connect a G4 to an Airport Extreme Base station via LAN cable, and then get it to connect to an existing wireless network (that's using a non Mac router). It's just that the existing airport card is painfully slow with a NAS and as I had the AE kicking about I thought I'd use that rather than buying a new PCI AE card.
I have an apple airport (age unknown), but it is one that looks like a mushroom cap. I have a network set up in WPA2 format. A nintendo DS user wishes to connect to wifi, but requires a WEP set up. Can I run both kinds of network or must a switch back and forth (since I like WPA2 more)?
I'm looking into buying a wireless router, I have a macbook pro and wanted to ask how the Airport express is. Is it a good router? Ill be living in a 2 bedroom apartment so the range I'm assuming should be good. Can I connect a printer or my external hdd to it?
I have a standard wireless network for the Internet, and have just bought an airport express to make my printer wireless -- thinking I could use it to create a second, separate network (with no internet connection) that just connected to the printer.
I realize that I'd have to switch networks from the Internet to the Printer if I wanted to print, and vice versa. No big deal.
But it didn't work so far. Maybe my theory is faulty.
I'm wondering if I need to also connect it via an ethernet cable to the wireless router.
Or I've just bungled the setup.
I have a MacBook with an 802.11G airport card. The express (and router) can do N as well as G.
I've read about a thousand threads and can't seem to find a solution to my problem: my computer is able to recognize my Airport network and it has the green signal next to it with the full signal strength, but when I select it, the internet doesn't work. I'm using a Macbook OSX with an Airport Extreme.
I've been looking around the internet for a solution to this problem. I'm currently in an apartment with a single wired connection running to my Macbook Pro, i haven't got time to buy a switch or router right now and i've been trying to connect my 360 to the internet using Airport. All of the how-to's i've found so far concern connecting the 360 and Macbook via Ethernet rather than Airport, and while i've tried to follow the steps as best as i can i haven't been able to connect to xbox live.
my pc laptop died, my linksey's router died. Since I was also in the market for a mac book pro later on, i thought that instead of getting another linksey's to get a airport extreme instead. could I connect the airport extreme directly to this computer.
My powerBook has no problem connecting, but the Airport Admin utility for Windows XP can't "see" the base station.
Clicking "Start" then "connect to" and then "show all connections" and then the name for my Airport network, a "choose a wireless network" screen comes up, a strength meter (all bars on) displays, and a reminder that a network key is required. Clicking "connect" on this screen shows a "wireless network connection" thingy -- but it never actually connects.
Have a Belkin Wireless G Notebook Network Card in a Toshiba 2430:(URL)
I bought a MacPro two weeks ago and have just taken delivery of the bluetooth module and Airport Extreme card design specifically for the Mac Pro. I've put the bluetooth card in and connected up the cable that has "BT" label on it. I thought it would be same for Airport Card but there's 3 cables to choose from labelled intuitively "1" "2" and "3". All with the same connectors on the end and all taped up together. The Airport Extreme card requires 2xcables to be connected. Anybody out there have a MacPro with Airport pre-installed and can take the side off and have a look at their config for me please? They are supposed to be a service center install hence don't come with a manual, they refer you to the AppleCare Service Source Website.
I have a problem with my macbookpro and connection to internet.
1 week ago my computer as stopped to connect to internet.
I was used connecting with my airport express, but at one point my macbook pro stopped receiving ip adress from interenet.
the message on the network connection is Airport is connected to the network. Airport is does not have an IP address and Cannot connect to the internet
I have try everything...:
the Airport is working becouse all the others computers inside on my office are working well with airport.
If I connect my computer with a cable I have the same problem.
I have reset and restart Airport and computer.
I have let my connection and computer disconnected and switched off for 24 our.
I have verifyining that is not an hardware problem because I have installed a fresh OS on an external drive and when I boot from the external drive everything working well.
The OS is on boot installation 10.4.9
the machine is a Mac book pro 17 2.16 GHZ intel core duo with 2gb 667 Mhz.
My problem is that on the old installation I have a lot of software installed and will be take a lot of time doing all the new installation. I wondering if there is a way to recover the situation.