ICloud :: Notes Going To Both Note Folder And Inbox Without Sending It
May 22, 2012
after updating my macbook email starting putting new notes into my notes and my inbox folder, if i delete it from the inbox then it is gone from my note folder. how to stop it?
MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have clean installed the OS X Yosemite to the new hdd due to problems with the old one and the only trouble I've got is the Notes.app doesn't show the notes themselves.
I can see the notes list synced from iCloud, but when I choose the note in the list the app doesn't show the contents of the selected note.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Everytime I modify a note in the 'Notes'mailbox iun Mail, an email appears in my inbox. Is there anyway to remove the email without removing the note from 'Notes'?
Since switching to Lion, I've noticed that Notes are now visible in the Inbox view in Mail. Every time I create a new one (and I use Notes a lot!), it is visible in the Inbox Â
I want to switch this off - I only want to see Notes if I click on the Notes mailbox!Â
Is there a way to set up e-mail accounts in my Mac mail that allow me to "send only" from them? For example, I have a couple e-mail accounts that I only use for commercial / e-commerce communication (airline tickets, eBay transactions, etc), but am otherwise not interested in setting up as an inbox because they simply flood with spam.
Is there a way to set up Mail so that I can choose to send a message as me@xxxxx.com (rather than me@mac.com); WITHOUT adding an inbox for this account?
Since I upgraded to SL 2 days ago (very smooth), I've had the following 2 issues, I need help with one of them (item number one below);
1. in the Apple mail app, now my inbox shows the Notes (you know the yellow notes that appear on iphone also) also, how do i stop notes from showing ?
2. every-time a launch Zinio reader its gives a message that system wants to download rosetta... I keep on saying no. I though Rosetta was the compatibility between intel and PPC and getting rosetta on SL defeats the purpose of the smaller footprint of the operating system !
Somehow a setting got switched so now whenever I reply to a message, a copy of that message is automatically sent to my inbox as a "new message."
It used to be this would only occur when I hit "reply all" - but now it is all the time. I have looked through mail preferences, but am not seeing the fix.
When I create a note on my mac, it is just 'on my mac'. How can I create notes which automatically syn with Icloud? To get it to sync I have to copy the note to Icloud which means I end up with two identical notes on my mac.
When I'm trying to turn on Mail/Notes sync on my macbook a have this:Mail/Notes can't be enabled at this time.Wait a moment and then try turning on Mail again.on my iPhone all is ok.Photo stream, Calendar, Contacts is syncing on mac, but not mail & notes.
I have an iPhone 5, and iMac (os 10.9.3), and iCloud. My Notes app will not sync to or from my mac. Other applications (mail, messages, calendar, etc) sync through my iCloud with no problem.Â
In system prefrences> iCloud, the notes box is checked.Â
notes on my iPhone sync to iCloud, and notes on iCloud sync to my phone.Â
notes DID sync on my mac until about 12/2013.Â
What do i need to do to get notes working with iCloud on my mac?Â
On my laptop, in Mail, I have two folders under each reminders (notes and todos) called "on my mac" and "mobileme". On my imac, I only have the one folder (just named notes and todos). When I add a note from the imac, I get it on the laptop. When I add something from the laptop, it goes into the mobileme folder and the imac can't see it. I have notes set to sync automatically with mobileme on both machines. I want to eliminate the extra folders on the laptop (like the imac) and sync both folders automatically.
Looks like there will be an app "notes" in Mountain Lion that can be shared across all my computers; is there a way to use Notes (iOS5) and StickNotes (Lion) with iCloud to do that now?
Info: Multiple Macs, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iCloud activated on all computers
Suddenly I have lost all the notes I have added / changed in the last three weeks or so! This is borderline catastrophic for me, lots of important stuff.Â
Very weird; I did not lose any other info (calendars or addresses, etc.), only Notes. And it happened across all devices / places (iPhone, iMac, iCloud).Â
The only recent event that can possibly have something to do with this (I don't know how) is that I purchased a new Macbook Air and did a Migration Assistant. Again, the odd thing is that Notes was the only thing affected. how I can retrieve them?? (I have synced since losing them. Mail & Notes are being pushed through iCloud.)Â
I have several notes on my IPad that are not appearing on my IMac. Since the ones that are on the IMAC were transferred by ICloud why weren't they all transferred?
The Notes function will not communicate to or from my iMac to my iPad or iTouch in the Cloud.The iPad and iTouch communicate ok with each other.The other functions in the Cloud are working perfectly between all 3 devices.
I just realized looking at my iPhone that most of my notes have disappeared or were duplicated a number of times. So I checked my email on my Mac where I could usually find my notes and they are missing there too. Does iCloud include archives of back ups where I can recover the notes? If so, how do I recover them?
I am using Notes and connected to iCloud. 2 machines are linked to sync through iCloud. A new Macbook Air and a 2010 vintage Mini Mac.Both running os X 10.9.5 Maverick. After using Notes successfully and continuing to create additional Notes to the app, suddenly I found my largest Notes file, and only this Note, had self converted to html format with this at the heading of the Note:
--Apple-Mail=_8515641A-059B-4C8E-88ED-5A5F96EEB276 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; Â charset=utf-8 <html><head></head><body><p>Â
The rest of the text in the note had been encased in html code and the note had lost about half way through the rest of the text information - gone.Is this a problem derived from iCloud or from the Notes app?Is there a known limit to the size a Note can be?Â
Info: Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), Mac Air OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
Notes is not syncing to my iCloud account, but to an old MobileMe account which I cannot remove. The MobileMe account does not show up anywhere else except in Notes. In Settings I confirmed my iCloud account is logged in. I feel like this is more of a bug than anything else. Can I reset Notes or reinstall Notes? The computer is an older Mac Pro and has gone through many software updates...
45 minutes ago I went to check my mail on my computer and my inbox is empty! There was mail in it an hour ago, and then it just disappeared. I didn't change or move anything, the inbox was just empty. I then checked my sent box and all my sent emails were there, checked back 5 minutes later and their gone! The emails in my deleted and junk folders are still there. I checked online through icloud.com and Inbox and sent mail are empty there too, as well as my phone.Â
I say again, I didn't delete, move or change anything in my mail, it was there and then it was gone. Where did my mail go? I am running a intel Mac Pro tower with Lion 10.7.2 and a iphone 4 with IOS 5.1
Running mail with 2 email accounts, one old one that I could still receive emails from but not send any; the other is the main email that I use. I deleted the old account then could not send any emails. I spoke to my ISP and have fixed the sending problem, but now I seem to have lost a heap of emails, possibly all the ones that had been sent to the old account but also a long one that my wife had just written that was in drafts as it was unable to send. Essentially we want to recover the emails we received, and the one that was in drafts.
I setup my macbook air 11" with a folder within the inbox in Apple mail. I set up a rule so that any email with a certain address [URL] went into that folder. However all my mail went into that folder for that particular email address.Â
Here this adds to my problem:Â
Having had issues I exchanged my 11" air for a 13" and apple moved everything across. The mail coming in from [URL] etc is still going into the folder but so is everything else for that mailbox - however when I go to preference > Rules there is only one listed called Apple (a default I think)Â
So how can I get my mail going back to the main inbox an then segregating the mail for the info@ into the networking folder? I am using Lion 10.7.4 13" air 1.8ghz intel core i7
MacMail in OS X Yosemite has the spam folder in the same mailbox as my inbox, so each time I get spam, MacMail is telling me I have new mail. How can I change it so only valid email is marked as unread, and spam is just filtered as spam? I tried moving the spam folder out of the main inbox folder but no joy.