OS X Yosemite :: Can't Read Full Note In Notes App
Dec 11, 2014
I have clean installed the OS X Yosemite to the new hdd due to problems with the old one and the only trouble I've got is the Notes.app doesn't show the notes themselves.
I can see the notes list synced from iCloud, but when I choose the note in the list the app doesn't show the contents of the selected note.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 6, 2012
Everytime I modify a note in the 'Notes'mailbox iun Mail, an email appears in my inbox. Is there anyway to remove the email without removing the note from 'Notes'?
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May 22, 2012
after updating my macbook email starting putting new notes into my notes and my inbox folder, if i delete it from the inbox then it is gone from my note folder. how to stop it?
MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 28, 2014
I am trying to find a deleted note from the Apple Notes app.
When I look in Time Machine I cannot find the folder: ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.Notes/Data/Library/CoreData
Is there somewhere else it might be? Can I check iCloud backups somehow?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 8, 2014
I'm on a macbook Pro and I've been having trouble with "Notes" ever since I upgraded to Yosemite. At first notes wasn't syncing properly from MacBook to iPhone, then it looked like sync was happening properly. But now I've noticed that one, important, long-running "Note" has disappeared from both devices. I don't use "Time Machine," but I do do weekly back-ups to a hard drive using SuperDuper. Those back-ups are set to not delete information, so I'm hoping this missing "Note" and/or its data is somewhere on my back-up drive? I've been trying to look through my library, etc., but I can't seem to find it. I opened the Notes app from the back-up and the Note was still missing.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 30, 2012
when i create a note in mail it adds it to my inbox-why?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 11, 2014
Why do notes disappear when connected to the internet? I can restore from time machine, if disconnected, but on reconnection, they disappear again.
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Dec 11, 2014
Had to switch to a new machine and lost all application data..I have a backup on external HD but it is Mavericks and I am Yosemite. All I want is the info from the Notes application on my backup.Any way I can connect external HD and just grab the data stored within Notes application on the backup?
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Sep 14, 2007
can anyone suggest an mac os x app (or mac os x-supported software like OpenOffice et cet.) that will allow me to create marginal or anchored notes in a text document?
i am not interested in MS WORD, not out of any ideological dislike of gates or ms word, et cet. (although i do not like word), but i am tired of paying steep prices for it and upgrades and wish a simpler program for someone who writes, period. i do not need 90% of word's features (although it, and openoffice alternative, does have the "insert note" on reviewing toolbar i like - see below)
if anyone is familiar with what is called "critical apparatus", it would allow me to add what are essentially footnotes in a visible (Jer's Novel Writer) or invisible (WORD and OpenOffice) notes to the text. (btw: here is what i mean: [URL] and click on screenshot at bottom right of screen)
such a feature would be immensely helpful for some translation projects i am doing as well "to check" reminders within creative projects, from essays to novels.
i may be wrong but i don't think bookmarks are what i want and i prefer to avoid footnotes or endnotes (yes - i am selfish. i want it all) although a footnote is not so terrible a work-around.
i have looked at following options in respective apps:
postit/stickies type note - openoffice has a WORD type feature (like the critical apparatus popup window in url above) which is accessible but i would love to have a smaller simpler program to do this
marginal notes - i love Jer's Novel Writer for this but if you write a long note or lots of notes anchored to the same small stretch of text, these marginal notes become cumbersome and piled on top of each other in the margin, unless there is a way to do this i am doing wrong. (am open to suggestions how to use JNW better. i have not written to Jer - maybe i'll do this)
flags: supernotecard has flags but limits them to one per card where a card is funtionally synonomous with a paragraph. thus one can not annotate multiple words in same paragraph with individual markers
links: i am using DEVONthink more and more as a word processor with its multiple windows, database/search/concordance capabilities and extremely rewarding flexibility. i could use their links to separate windows but don't like this as much.similarly voodoopad does this well but same objection
separate windows: many programs facilitate a new window that could hold my notes. they are not anchored or easily tied to the text in question without altering the text, e.g., DEVONthink, Smultron, et cet.
i think i have looked at almost everything, i think, e.g., supernotecard, notemind, nova mind, tinderbox, notetaker (which i love), ulysses, avenir, z-writer, scrivener, smultron, textwrangler, subethaedit, mi, copywrite, bean, textmate (a great "project format" for composite documents like journal or book with chapters), mellel, mariner, JNW (which i also love), nisus, tex-edit plus, all the omnigroup apps, journler, storyist, writeroom, abiword, but may have missed something. programs like curio (which i like, along with omnigrapple pro) and mindburn are not really what i need either.
i guess if i knew enough i could write an applescript within some of these programs. but i am not very facile with scripting and do not want to take the time to become so. i do not think TeX et al. are the way to go and the same comment about time versus learning curve applies.
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Dec 11, 2014
can't write to FTP drives via finder. But I'm having a lot of difficulty connect to FTP drives via finder. Despite using the correct log in details and FTP paths just like I do in Fileziller, Finder constantly rejects and when I do get on using the master file hosting log in details I can't write to the drive only read.
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 11, 2014
On mavericks my mac would read it no problem but since upgrading to Yosemite the usb will not show up in utilities or in finder.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1.2
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Nov 11, 2009
Been a Mac convert now for about a year and haven't really looked back. So far the only thing keeping me from going straight Mac is Quicken. Hopefully this spring Intuit will get the latest Quicken for Mac right, but I digress. I am currently running VM3 to boot into Windows 7 in order to use Quicken, and a few other things from time to time. But this new Modern Warfare 2 game kinda has me thinking I might need to install Windows 7 via Boot Camp in order to give it a try. With that said, if I install W7 via BC I'm I able to access the data on my Mac partition, and with full read/write access? Furthermore, do I understand correctly that VM will then allow me to access my BC install from within it, thereby having the best of both?
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Dec 7, 2014
my question is simple. I want my Mac to read text both in spanish and english.
I installed the OS in spanish and when the Mac reads text in spanish it is all fine, but of course when reading text in english it sounds terribly as it reads it as if it were a spanish text.
Is there any way to make the Mac read well in both languages?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Dec 3, 2014
I just converted a few of my Bluehost-hosted email accounts from POP to IMAP. These accounts and Apple Mail, itself, is on my hard drive (not in iCloud). For some reason, after about five minutes of sitting untouched in my Yosemite Apple Mail inbox, emails sent to these three addresses appear to be "read." The blue dots disappear, even though I haven't clicked on them. Seriously, they haven't been touched. That's not true of the email accounts I have with two other providers (CoreComm and GoDaddy) that I left as POP accounts. They stay marked as unread until I actually click on them. What could be causing this to happen?
iPhone 5, iOS 8.1.1, Mac OS 10.10.1
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Dec 2, 2014
When using certain apps in fullscreen hovering the mouse over the top of the screen produces the menu bar, AND a title bar which is interfering with screen real estate.
How do I remove it?
The screenshot below is with a youtube video playing in fullscreen, and the menu bar popped down.
The title bar saying "Safari" and with the green button is the one I want removed. This title bar seems to pop down in Java and Flash apps, and it's particularly irritating when the pop-down steals screen real-estate (photoshop, bitwig, Flas-player, etc.). Ideally I would like to stop the menu bar from popping down as well but it doesn't seem possible.
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Nov 30, 2014
Where is the system-level setting to ensure that, even when I maximize an application, the menu bar is still visible. I don't like having to move the mouse to see the battery life, wifi signal, date etc. I'm on Yosemite, if it matters. To be clear, I'm not looking for a workaround that will provide these various bits of information elsewhere. I want to know how to mandate the menu bar stay visible.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 9, 2014
By the time OS X displays the startup disk full message, you computer is already useless. Is there a way to get this warning at 5GB free space?
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Dec 7, 2014
iMac 27 locking up after sleep mode requiring full power shut down and rebooting in safe mode then shutting down and rebooting normally.. Permissions and this check show no errors, the only error sleep mode failure. Boot up is very slow as well as wake up when possible is slow. Yosemite seems to need a new release in order to correct the boot problems. System operates more like a Windows machine than Apple machine what's going on?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 31, 2007
I have a client who has been running Microsoft One Note on his Tablet PC for years and really likes it. The employer is switching over to all Macintosh. We are trying to find a solution. Is there a program similar to one note for Mac? Or is there a way for us to reliably run Microsoft Office on the Mac?
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Jul 27, 2009
When one is finished with a sticky note, how do you delete it? I can quit the application but what if I want to delete just one sticky note?
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Feb 5, 2008
Recently found out that there is a really cool feature when reading pdf files in preview. You can add notes, that show in a side column. in the file itself, it shows just a little yellow square that looks like a dialogue box from a cartoon, but yellow in side with lines (ie: a reminder that there is a note attached) To me, when reading professional articles I've downloaded, it's a great feature. It's just like making notes in an article, or on sticky notes, but it's all stored in one place, with the article's pdf file. My question (and perhaps there will turn out to be a simple answer I've overlooked) is: How do you delete one of these notes if you don't want it anymore? I've tried everything I can think of, and can't figure it out.
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May 23, 2009
How do I delete a sticky note?
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Sep 10, 2009
I'm in my first year of college, this is my first MacBook. And I'm looking for an application that others would recommend for note taking.
I tried a trial version of Notebook, and I like the set up, but I can't figure out how to skip lines with it. It's frustrating. I want something that is a little more than just taking notes in Pages or TextEditor.
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Aug 22, 2010
after my third Windows laptop in 4 years crashed. I need some help finding an app/program that I can use for note taking. All of my professors teach using Power Points that they post before class, so that we can take notes on them. I don't like to have to individually save a million ppts, so I was using One Note on my previous computer and importing the ppt files into "notebooks"- and then taking notes on the same page as the ppt next to each slide. I really prefer to study this way- it's much easier than having 20 ppts open on the computer. Does anyone know of something that could do this for me in a "notebook" type format
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May 25, 2009
cannot open a new stickie note..stickies are opened but when I click
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Jan 3, 2011
so I just got a new MBP... I've been a PC user up to this point. I am in law school. All of my outlines until now have been done on microsoft word which is rather tedious and tends to be rather difficult to work with (sometimes MS word formatting has a mind of its own). I have word on my mac and I have seen the note taking template. What I would like to know if there is an application that would be more productive for lengthy outlines. I like to be able to customize the layout of the outline levels (i.e. "I." "A." "1." "a." "i." etc.). My outlines generally run about 40-50 pages.
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Jan 6, 2009
Can anyone recommend good software for doing various forms of research? I would like something which can take notes, excerpt stuff from web pages, track URLs, and hold other research-relevant information. I am talking about all kinds of research, such as:Researching reviews, prices, and vendors to buy a new appliance Researching where to go on a vacation, also where to stay, and how to get there (understanding that each factor interplays with each other) Researching air quality reports in various regions, including tracking data from disparate sources Ya know... all the various kinds of research one might do in the course of living life.
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Sep 3, 2009
At "Apple's Snow Leopard Refined" site, you can find shortly after the middle the paragraph "The right service at the right time" with an illustration: A contextual menu (Service) of a selected text in Safari, "New Note With Selection". This automatic instantly produces a brand new and screaming yellow mail note containing the selected text, neatly filled out with subject (beginning of the text), sender, date and time. You can access services with a right click of your mouse or Control-click of your trackpad. Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to have this very practical contextual menue entry that should work with any program where you can select text: Open the app "Automator" and choose "Service". Select in the left column "Library" (should be by default), then "Copy to Clipboard" in the right column and move it into the empty main space. Then put the list entry "Run AppleScript" below the first item in the space....
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Oct 16, 2009
I'm trying to find the best software to use to take notes in college. I've searched google but I couldn't neccesarily find one that allows me to download PDF lecture slides and to be able to edit them and write notes on them. Anyone have any suggestions on what application can accomplish this? I've heard that Evernote, Devonthink, Omnioutliner etc are good but I'm not sure if they allow you to edit PDF lectures slide files as if a word document lecture file would allow. example--I currently use word to take notes in class but my professor puts up PDF files of lectures slides (the ones that have 3 slides on a page along with lines next to the slides) so I was looking for a way to just write on those lines next to the slides(on the pdf file) instead of opening up word to write whats on the slide plus my extra clarification/ notes.
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Oct 31, 2009
I am writing a doctorate, mostly based on archival sources (being a historian), and recently noticed how the inefficiency of my notetaking seems to have at least some degree of negative impact on my research. In previous years, writing shorter papers and articles, I mostly replicated the structure of sources in my notes - thus documents were described under archival units etc. Why perhaps not efficient, it was nonetheless perfectly acceptable. However, this time, having read a few thousand pages and noted down a few hundred of documents and sources, I find the old system completely inadequate - since the archival structure is itself semi-formal and the division not perfect, looking for information within my notes is getting almost as tedious as reading the sources itself.
I would therefore love to get a decent application that would allow me to take notes (mostly text, but graphics, pdfs, links etc would be appreciated as well), and tag them accordingly. This would allow for easy access to information. A welcome feature would be syncing between my imac and macbook - right now I am forced to only use the latter, as updating the ever changing 'academia' folder manually every single time got old fast. So, would you have any suggestions? I realise no freeware will do this and I'm willing to pay good money for the described feature set (provided a single licence would allow me to use it on multiple computers). I am also interested in good writing software, as Pages will only get you so far once the document grows over a certain number of chapters, pages and footnotes, but note taking takes priority.
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