MacBook Pro :: Create A Note Which Automatically Syncs With Icloud?
Jun 28, 2012
When I create a note on my mac, it is just 'on my mac'. How can I create notes which automatically syn with Icloud? To get it to sync I have to copy the note to Icloud which means I end up with two identical notes on my mac.
I've been searching for a note taking app that does what I want, but I couldn't really find anything. Before you start to suggest Evernote, don't. I don't like it. What I need is a simple note taking app without all the fuzz, much like Mac OS X's built in notes (Mail) that syncs to my iPad and iPhone. I should be able to create multiple notes, and I need to attach pictures to the notes (or embed them). That's really all I am asking for. The only reason I am not using Mac OS X's own notes app is that the notes have a size limit. As soon as I attach 2-3 pictures, the notes are being truncated on the iPhone and iPad (e.g. I only see part of the note, the rest is missing).
At "Apple's Snow Leopard Refined" site, you can find shortly after the middle the paragraph "The right service at the right time" with an illustration: A contextual menu (Service) of a selected text in Safari, "New Note With Selection". This automatic instantly produces a brand new and screaming yellow mail note containing the selected text, neatly filled out with subject (beginning of the text), sender, date and time. You can access services with a right click of your mouse or Control-click of your trackpad. Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to have this very practical contextual menue entry that should work with any program where you can select text: Open the app "Automator" and choose "Service". Select in the left column "Library" (should be by default), then "Copy to Clipboard" in the right column and move it into the empty main space. Then put the list entry "Run AppleScript" below the first item in the space....
She has 3502 contacts in her Address Book on her OS X Lion 10.7.4 MacBook Air. She has two iPhones. They're both running iOS 5.1.1. She has enabled iCloud on ALL these three devices, using her identity and appropriate password. She updates Address Book contacts ONLY on her MBA - for sync'ing to her phones - and she does NOT update any Contacts info on her phones in order to have them transferred BACK to her Mac. That's how she prefers to work.Â
The only way that her Address Book contacts will sync UP to iCloud from the Mac appears to be to select 'All on My Mac' within Address Book, and to Export as vcards to a file on her Mac, and then, in the online iCloud Contacts webpage, to Import that file of vcards. All well and good, but that seems to ignore all her various Groups; everything ends up bundled all into one group. (Perhaps each Group in her Mac's Address Book needs to be separately Exported and then Imported, but surely it shouldn't be as long-winded as that.) Â
(About 402 of these contacts are not accepted by the online iCloud Contacts, although they seem to fall within the requirements of not being too many, not being too large, etc. But that's a separate problem which I'm still investigating ..maybe the names are formatted incorrectly; I'll keep working on that separately..)Â
Anyhow: by explicitly Importing all those Address Book contacts into the iCloud Contacts, they then immediately start to get distributed - correctly! - to her iPhones ..but also back into the Address Book on her Mac, thereby DUPLICATING them all in Address Book! (They CAN be seen as SINGLE entries by choosing 'All iCloud'.)Â
I cannot understand the opaque instructions in all of the iCloud documentation. NONE of the documentation which I've studiously read (online, in System Prefs, in every Help file I can find) seems to indicate a DIRECTION for this iCloud sync'ing. WHERE - if there is such a place - does one specify that contacts should go only UP FROM the Mac, and not BACK DOWN to the Mac?Â
There seem to be options only to turn ON sync'ing (or off), but not the DIRECTION of sync'ing, or which device(s) take precedence. (..In iTunes - when sync'ing phones to a Mac with a cable - there's a preference to over-write EITHER the host Mac with data FROM a phone, or to over-write an iPhone's data with data FROM the Mac..)Â
(a) Can one specify a DIRECTION when turning on sync'ing for a device?
(b) With iCloud sync'ing turned ON on a Mac, is there any known reason why Address Book contacts should not send themselves UP to the iCould, instead of having to be manually Imported?
(c) Does one Export Groups individually? ..But what if a name is in more than one Group ..does it get duplicated online in iCloud?
(d) Is there not the intelligence within the iCloud facility for the system to NOT distribute back, or duplicate, contacts to the device which is the SOURCE of those contacts? Should it not do a comparison between iCloud and a device, and then recognise that those contacts already exist on the remote device, and therefore NOT distribute them BACK again to the SOURCE? (..Or am I having too high expectations?..)Â
Info: G3,4,5, Intel mini, late'08 MBP; iPad, iPhone4, iMovie 2 to 9; FCE HD, FCP HD;, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Sony, Canon, Panny HD cams; FW drives, iPods, TV
after updating my macbook email starting putting new notes into my notes and my inbox folder, if i delete it from the inbox then it is gone from my note folder. how to stop it?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I don't know if it's even possible to sync to iPhones with a single application, but I'm looking for a simple financial application that does this.
I want to be able to use two iPhones to record information about daily transactions and then sync that information with a 'mother' app on the mac, spreading and updating information between the iPhones.
When I sync my iPhone everything syncs normally but about 120 songs keep syncing over and over. I did a little research and it appears that it's the ID3 tags need re-doing to fix it. The problem is it scrolls thru it so fast it's next to impossible to get the songs with the problem.Â
Info: iMac 27, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.8Ghz Intel Quad Core i7 / 8GB / 1TB
I have heard that .mac and mobileme were supposed to be some unworkable system.But so far iCloud seems to be a practical joke, or a way around dropping the service entirely.There appears to be no way to create a document using the applications in iWork, on a Mac, and "share" them using the "Cloud", except for "iWork", which Apple is killing this summer. On an iPad, though, the only documents that can be accessed are copies from iTunes, iDisk (which I think dies this summer too) and webDav? So already, the supposed way of seamlessly syncing my documents depends on separate and apparently conflicting methods. Yet, all of Apple's literature would have me believe that all these apps are compatible, and use, this vaporware called "iCloud".
I would really prefer Apple saying they can't make it work.I can start using Microsoft Office 11 and set up something that approximates a webDav, but then will apple kill that on the iPads? This is starting to look like a worse mess than it was before. If you can edit a photograph, how much harder can it be to edit text?
I've been married for over 5 years but my Apple ID is my maiden name. Can I create an Apple ID with my married name and somehow transfer all the information from my first account over to the new one? I don't understand why I can't create a new account and merge the two, erasing the first one.
I've been looking for a homework planner application for a long time. Right now I'm giving Things a try, because it has a Mac app and a iPhone app that syncs. But it's not specifically for homework so I'm still looking for other apps. I like Schoolhouse, but it's only for Mac (no iPhone app). I really loved iProcrastinate and it DOES have an iPhone app to go with it but it doesn't offer syncing and the author has been promising sync for more than a year and I'm tired of waiting. I've tried a ton and really have been impressed. My favorite by far was iStudiez Pro, but I was heartbroken to find it ONLY was an iPhone app, no Mac app to sync with :-(. My school has an A Day/B Day schedule and I really like the applications that let you put in the schedule for your classes along with times (like iStudiez Pro). I think Schoolhouse used to be able to do that but the newest update took that out in the redesign.
I'm looking for something to help me stay on task, and I'd like to try a good todo program. I primarily use Toodledo synced to my iPhone w/ Appigo's Todo. I'd like a program on my Mac that would pop-up reminders of todos.
I'm writing a long document in Pages, and I'm storing it in iCloud so I can edit it on my iPad. Do I have to manually download from when I start writing on my mac and re-upload to when I'm finished? It's automatic on Dropbox. I think it's automatic on iCloud, too, but Zi don't see how to do it.Â
My wife has a MacBook running the latest version of Lion.In the last few days somehow Mac Mail has started to move many incoming messages into the trash, automatically.There are no rules set. I will move the emails back into the inbox, but then they get moved back.I have rebuilt the mailbox. Reset permissions. The computer is completely up to date.There are no settings in her iPhone that I can see that would cause this, and she doesn't access her iCloud email from other computers.
Will the software automatically update to Icloud from MobileMe. I do not have an account in mobileme but every time I try to sync my photos onto my mac (OSX Lion), the program asks me for my mobileme account information. If I input the Icloud info. It states I do not have a mobileme account. This has happened even if I try to get a mobileme account. How can I set this up for Icloud to work?
I must have done something to my installation of OS X. When I go to create a new folder, it automatically creates the folder with the name "untitled folder". The problem is, the name isn't selected. Normally, when you create a new folder, you can just type the name immediately. For me, I have to create the new folder, then click on the name to select the text and then type it. Also, when I do go to type in the new name, the text "untitled folder" doesn't disappear. I just type over it.Â
Apple tells me because of their move to iCloud the iWeb function on my MacBook will no longer be able to publish my website. I can create a site with iWeb but not publish it. I will need a third party. I like managing my website myself. What are people doing in my situation? I haven't moved to iCloud yet but am told I will have to by June 30. All I'm seeing in the forums is how much trouble people are having with iCloud.
I have a e-mail and when I got my mAC, a friend helped set up 3 others. When I send an e-mail, I use the drop down menu to select which e-mail to have it come from. I do not recall how he set it up. I need to create another one. and I am at a loss.Â
i have recently switched from safari to firefox. it seemed a little bit faster, and it easily syncs the bookmarks across all my computers using a google plugin. one thing i miss though...the method that safari viewed rss feeds.easily saved a rss feed i wanted to a folder.. and then to view them all l i just 'viewed all rss feeds'
I have an IPad2..I run a Windows under XP for work..My Exchange account at work is synchronised with Mail, iCal and Contacts...So i receive Mail without any problems, and my work calendar appears on my iCal. It works fine both mays.The problem is when I create an event directly on iCal, it does not show on iCloud, as when I create it on iCloud, it shows on iCal without any problem.And even tough it appears on iCal, when created by iCloud, it does not show on my work PC (I understand that it does not come directly from iCal so it's normal, I think, that it does not show at work).The exact same thing happens with contacts.So despite the fact that everything is under IOS 5 or Lion, and everything is selected regarding iCloud, absolutly nothing shows on iCloud, except my own adress in Contacts.
I have just uploaded with iMovie in theater on an iMac to iCloud. I can now open on MY iPad. But can I create a shared Stream on iCloud for my Videos. Running latest OS and iMovie.
Everytime I modify a note in the 'Notes'mailbox iun Mail, an email appears in my inbox. Is there anyway to remove the email without removing the note from 'Notes'?
I'm on a macbook Pro and I've been having trouble with "Notes" ever since I upgraded to Yosemite. At first notes wasn't syncing properly from MacBook to iPhone, then it looked like sync was happening properly. But now I've noticed that one, important, long-running "Note" has disappeared from both devices. I don't use "Time Machine," but I do do weekly back-ups to a hard drive using SuperDuper. Those back-ups are set to not delete information, so I'm hoping this missing "Note" and/or its data is somewhere on my back-up drive? I've been trying to look through my library, etc., but I can't seem to find it. I opened the Notes app from the back-up and the Note was still missing.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I find it really inconvenient to have to manually drag Microsoft Office Documents to iCloud's website. It is possible to set up an iCloud folder or something like to save to automatically?