Get Files From Pc To New Macbook Pro / Stuck On 'inspecting Your Computer'
Apr 29, 2012
I have just purchased my first mac book pro, I am trying to transfer folders that are on my old laptop, I have migration assistant on and both lap tops have seen each other, it is stuck with "inspecting your computer" been like this for 55 minutes, any help available?
I recently got a MacBook from my school. Last night it was freezing quite a bit so I shut it down. This morning when I boot it up I get a screen saying 'you need to restart you computer. Hold down the power button until it turns off, then press the power button again'. Each time I do this though I get the same screen. I think the start up disk for the computer is at my school. is there anyway I can get it working just for today? I have also tried holding down F8 as I start it.
Turn on computer gets to login in screen. Put in password. Stuck on white screen. Upon logging in. It says we need to delete files. We can't delete files because stuck on white screen.
I was using my Mac (Macbook Pro 15" screen) and tried opening a file in GarageBand, at which point a warning message came up saying something about a midi file and something not being allowed, and then froze, resulting in me having to switch the computer off from the power button and restarting (Sadly I didnt realise that this would be the start of a whole host of problems and didnt make a note of the warning message). After rebooting I got the 'stuck on the blue screen with the Apple logo and infinitly spinning wheel' problem that i've seen in a few posts. having tried numerous suggestions posted with no change I ended up taking it to the genius section of an Apple store. When i got it back they said that it may have been a corrupted file, and that they re-installed and reset the starting programs (Something along those lines, I cant quite remember). I can now get onto the computer and use it, though some new problems have arisen.......
A bit of a backstory: Recently my mid-2008 MacBook Pro stopped working. When I try to boot it up, the screen just stays black and the idle light flashes perpetually. I've reset the NVRAM and SMC, even attached it to an external monitor, but nothing works. After a lot of research, I'm pretty sure it's a problem with the hall effect switch. But I digress; I don't actually need this computer repaired, as I have a second (newer) MacBook Pro I can use. However, there are some files on the old one that I'd like to retrieve. And yes, I've tried booting into target disk mode, which unfortunately doesn't work for reasons listed above. Essentially what I'm asking is, is there a way I could transfer the files off the old computer to the new one? I know, I should take it to the Apple store, but that's not really an option right now due to personal reasons.
So I have a MacBook Air, 2008 I believe, running Mavericks....Â
Today it decided to get stuck on the gray startup screen with the Apple and never ending rotating circle. I have sifted through TONS of articles and discussions and tried various things including:Â
- Holding Shift+cmd+V to do a safe boot while seeing the progress and a disk0s2: i/0 error is at the bottom.
- Holding down Cmd+R on start, then Reinstalling OS X Mavericks: would act like it was working, then would just revert back to main OS X Utilities window.
- Repair disk: cannot repair, instructs me to backup my files, reformat the disk and restore.Â
Well I have tried duplicating the main disk image with an external hard drive, and that won't work because it says the disk won't unmount.Â
I cannot find any way to backup my files before I resort to erasing the disk. The disk cannot be repaired, nor will it unmount. I unfortunately don't have an old backup to restore it to. Any way to backup my disk in its current state, then enabling me to erase and restore the disk? Or any other options that would work?Â
I have had problems with 2 different Macbooks this last 2 weeks. 1 Macbook 2,4Ghz latest release and 1 Macbook pro that I cant remember specs on (the aluminum one without any black around display) etc. They say that they did some updates and restarted computer. When the mac starts up it comes all the way to login screen but when I click the user to login with there is only a blue screen with mouse arrow displayed.
I have tried a couple of things: Hold shift on boot Hold apple+p+r on boot Boot on install disk and repaired diskpermissions Other (brand new) RAM in both slots Diskwarrior Put disk in another macbook (exact same version)
Nothing of the above helped so I installed a new disk in the macbook install fresh OS and used the guide to clone everything from the original disk in a firewire case. When I did this it worked for a while but after a couple of restarts it was back at the bluescreen again. So to fix this I finally did a new OS install and copied files by hand. desktop, documents, movies and that kind of stuff. Not any library files, preferences and stuff. So now it works but since I got another with the same problem today. Anyone heard of bad firmware or updates released last couple of weeks or have any other ideas? No external devices attached.
I tried uploading pictures with my s.card and then I plugged in my back up storage disk to transfer pictures and then my computer stopped working as if it was overloaded or something.... I tried forcing quit but that didn't help any. So I just shut it down in hopes that when it restarted it would work but now when it restarts the login screen comes up and after I type my password it just stays on snow leopard default screen(purple sky) and stays there.
I have a colleague who is still running 10.2 (yea I know, time to upgrade, but they haven't felt the need for it yet I guess). Anyway, someone changed and forgot, or someone did it to be a jerk, either way they are unable to update any software or even log in. Just wondering how to rest the password. The computer is stuck on the log in screen currently and they can't access anything.
a few days ago i installed a virus program on my mac computer i think it was called macaroni . but since then when i turn my computer on it loads up but not completely. the blue tooth application is stuck open and the suitcase will not open. also in the bar on the top of the screen the clock or nothing on the right side will appear and the computer freezes nothing will open?? your help would greatly be appreciated because i use my computer for college.thank you
my friend and I work on projects together, but he uses a Macbook Pro and I use the iMac. I like to work on projects in final cut pro and he likes iMovie. Â For some reason, iMovie on the Macbook Pro doesn't not take .mov files. So I have been converting them to MPEG4. But the quality isn't the same. When we put it together. Â
Im having some problem with users who connect to windows server using smb..if someone opens a file using his mac other users can't open files because its locked by him even after restarting the mac it's still says that the file is locked by him..we are using several diffrent types to mac ( imac mac pro air ) but 99% are using the latest version of OSX
My Macbook is currently stuck booting up in windows 7. My shift key also appears to be stuck so holding the Option key when booting up to choose a start up disk isn't an option (it doesn't work). I do not currently have access to an external keyboard. I do have the startup disk. I'm wondering if I can use the startup disk to reset the systems startup disk? Are there other options?
So it seems that after a few months our computers, yes even our macs, slow down a bit. I just purchased a new macbook pro and am wondering on the best route to take as I transfer files from my old macbook to the new pro. I've read about doing it from a TimeMachine backup as well as just using the migration assistant. But, will moving my files slow down my new computer and make it act like an "old computer" since it will have basically all of the old files?
Here is what I have: Macbook Pro - utilizing around 80GB of HDD. I have a large iTunes library, a small amount of Word and Excel files, very few applications (VLC, Microsoft Office, Transmission, Toast, etc.), and a large iPhoto library. I have everything backed up on a Western Digital external hard drive using Time Machine. Over the past two years, I have accumulated a lot of files and extensions that I don't need or want. I am soon going to trade for either a 15-inch MBP or an iMac. Rather than restore everything on the new machine using my Time Machine back up, I just want to start with a brand new computer. How do I get single applications from my external hard drive to the new computer? For example, I want MS Office on the new one. How do I get it over without reinstalling with the disc?
I would like to remove duplicate files that are on my computer and I believe that there is an application for this? Also, I want to remove Parallels desktop and all its associated files and programs. Basically, I am cleaning up so I can add photos and music. I want to make sure that when a program is removed all it "hidden" files are also removed.
My computer won't automatically download pdf files from the internet anymore. My instructors post lecture notes in pdf format on our online learning site and they won't download when I click on the link. Now I have to physically go in and save them to the computer in order to view them. This just started happening this morning.
My flash drive on my MacBook Air is almost full but I only see 69GB used of 250 GB worth of space- how can this be? I need to locate these files that are taking up space.
I just purchased a new MacBook Pro as an upgrade from my MacBook Black Intel Core Duo. Is it better to set-up the new computer with my old files by connecting a FireWire between both computers or should I simply hook up my external hard drive with all my Time Machine Back-ups as the source for the new info?
My computer had a spinning wheel yesterday that would not go away, so I forced a shutdown (had done it before with no problems). However, now my computer goes straight to the diagnostic tool, and when I try to repair disk0s2, it cannot be repaired. I didn't have Time Machine automatically running, and my most recent backup is too old and I don't want to lose all of our pictures. is there any other way to recover files off of this disk?Â
My mac storage shows that I have 7.55 GB of movies on my computer, but I cannot find these movies anywhere. When I search ".mov" on my computer, it shows that there are movies and it looks like they are in iPhoto. When I open the iPhoto application, though, I do not see the movie files in there. So, I'm confused as to where exactly the files are and how to delete them off my computer to free up the 7.55 GB of space. How I can find and delete these files?