OS X :: Computer Stuck At Blue Screen After Updates
Mar 31, 2009
I have had problems with 2 different Macbooks this last 2 weeks. 1 Macbook 2,4Ghz latest release and 1 Macbook pro that I cant remember specs on (the aluminum one without any black around display) etc. They say that they did some updates and restarted computer. When the mac starts up it comes all the way to login screen but when I click the user to login with there is only a blue screen with mouse arrow displayed.
I have tried a couple of things:
Hold shift on boot
Hold apple+p+r on boot
Boot on install disk and repaired diskpermissions
Other (brand new) RAM in both slots
Put disk in another macbook (exact same version)
Nothing of the above helped so I installed a new disk in the macbook install fresh OS and used the guide to clone everything from the original disk in a firewire case. When I did this it worked for a while but after a couple of restarts it was back at the bluescreen again. So to fix this I finally did a new OS install and copied files by hand. desktop, documents, movies and that kind of stuff. Not any library files, preferences and stuff. So now it works but since I got another with the same problem today. Anyone heard of bad firmware or updates released last couple of weeks or have any other ideas? No external devices attached.
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Dec 14, 2010
I was using my Mac (Macbook Pro 15" screen) and tried opening a file in GarageBand, at which point a warning message came up saying something about a midi file and something not being allowed, and then froze, resulting in me having to switch the computer off from the power button and restarting (Sadly I didnt realise that this would be the start of a whole host of problems and didnt make a note of the warning message). After rebooting I got the 'stuck on the blue screen with the Apple logo and infinitly spinning wheel' problem that i've seen in a few posts. having tried numerous suggestions posted with no change I ended up taking it to the genius section of an Apple store. When i got it back they said that it may have been a corrupted file, and that they re-installed and reset the starting programs (Something along those lines, I cant quite remember). I can now get onto the computer and use it, though some new problems have arisen.......
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Oct 3, 2009
I'm using Macbook Pro Unibody (late 2008). 2.4GHz, 2GB Ram. Mac OS X. So I'm in the library right now and tried to start my computer, and it is just stuck on the blue screen. It worked fine like an hour ago, I don't know what happened. So I hear the chime, and the white screen with apple logo. And then, blue screen and I see that little circle thing going around and around on and off, but nothing. I do hear the fan and hardware. I tried to do PRAM reset, but it doesn't work? I tried to look for other posts with similar symptoms, but couldn't find anything.
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Sep 12, 2014
i was was using my computer when the screen went brown and striped. I **** down and restarted and the screen is now stuck on blue. I don't have the original software disc and my disc drive is broken. What can I do?
PowerBook g4, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Sep 21, 2010
i have the 13 in unibody macbook pro. 10.6 snow leopardd
all of a suddden my computer froze and i turned it off with the button. when i tried to restart it would load but would stay stuck in the blue screen. i tried out the disk snow leopard disk and when i press "c" a multi languege pop up tells me i have to "hold power button untill shut down and resart in" blah blah blah
i did a hardware test and it said everything was fine..
i dont care about this on my hard drive i just wanna get it running again
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Dec 8, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro, have had it for about a couple of years now. Monday of this week, the computer was acting a little sluggish, so I decided to shut down the computer, let it cool down for a couple of hours, then turn it back on later. Well, once I decided to do that, I noticed after the grey screen & Apple logo screen appeared, the screen showed about 2 different versions of blue & stayed on the blue screen. After 3-5 minutes I knew something was wrong, so I just tried restarting, nothing worked. So I google up similar problems, none have a conclusive ending. I didn't recently install any new hardware, all I did recently was sync new photos from a trip to NYC. I've tried a PRAM Reset, SMC Reset. Boot from Snow Leopard CD, ran Disk Utility, repair disk permissions and repaired the disk, tried a reinstall of Snow Leopard, Install failed.
I checked the log, it says:
Failed to load (or something along the lines of that).
So, I went and got the Leopard disk that came with the computer and tried an archive and install, 15 mins later Install failed once again, yet it used about 4 GB in the process, so I went from 82 GB to 78 GB of space available. So I put in the SL disk once again and tried to see if I still had the files on my HD still there by goign all of the way to the section where it asks you to accept the license agreement and if you want to save it. I clicked save to search my files, and they're still there, but I can't access them. I'm currently stuck at Purdue in the middle of Indiana and the nearest Apple Store is over an hour away. I really need to get my files off of that MBPro. If I can't even login, how can I go about doing so if I have a iMac with over 800GB of space & an ethernet cable?
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Feb 17, 2009
Was listening to a CD and closed the iBook G4 with the CD in it. 10mins later remembered I had left it in. When I opened the iBook for around 2hrs there was a loud fan sound coming from the bottom of the computer. The iBook wouldnt turn on or do anything for around 8hrs and now all I get is a blue screen with the CD still stuck in it.
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Aug 31, 2010
My Mac OS x is stuck on the blue login screen. I have tried unplugging, cmd-alt-p-r which still takes me to the login screen, held down until I heard the chime three times as suggested but went to login screen. Tried going in to safe mode by holding down shift key at start up still took me to login screen. Tried to fix with boot disc and nothing comes up. By the way I wasn't really doing anything. Was checking my emails but hadn't even clicked on one when the screen totally froze. When I powered down it came back to email page. I had to force a shutdown several times and no can't get past login screen.
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Apr 18, 2012
I emptied my cache on Safari and my computer stayed frozen for a few minutes. I decided to re-boot, but every time I do so, it goes from the gray Apple screen to a blue screen and stops right there. I don't get the spinning wheel, but rather the black arrow that I can move about the blue screen, but nothing else.
Here's what I've tried with no success.
1. Re-booting via Safe Mode (Command-Shift). Instead of freezing on the blue screen, it asks for my password and after a few seconds it stops on the Snow Leopard Pink/Black Stars background. Same result, only the background is different
2. Resetting PRAM - No luck
3. Re-booting with the Snow Leopard DVD and using Disk Utility. I follow the necessary steps online. No luck
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Sep 1, 2007
When I press the power button on my eMac, it takes extra long on the gray screen with the Apple logo and the spinning gif, then takes about two minutes on the blue screen with just the spinning gif, then goes to a solid blue background, with a functional cursor, but no OSX. I've tried trying to eject the CD tray at all points in the startup process to put in the Mac OSX re-install discs, but it doesn't respond. What should I try before sending it in to an Apple store or Cupertino?
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Sep 28, 2007
I software updated my iMac g5 (powerPC 1.6 OR 1.9GHz), with the mac OSX updated(170mb), and it never fully completed the download, said it had problems with the package. So I restarted it, and now its just stuck on the blue screen with the grey box (where it loads the IP extension, etc).
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May 18, 2012
My iMac has a blue screen and will not do anything at all!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
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May 31, 2012
Original MacBook Pro is stuck on blue screen. Restarted, then went to gray background with the apple logo....now on to a plain blus screen......isn't moving off of that.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Original MacBook Pro w/ core duo
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Nov 24, 2010
I've restarted my computer to factory settings, but for wahtever reason, it has been stuck on the blue screen (similar to what you see when you turn on a mac) and refuses to go beyond that. Does anybody know why this mite be happening??? did i do something to mess it up??? (earlier i restarted it when it first hit the blue screen because i thought it froze or something). Is there something i can do to fix this problem?
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Mar 30, 2009
Everything was fine until this morning when i came into work, started up my Macbook as usual from sleep mode. was able to use OS X for a little while, had to leave to go onsite so i locked my screen (i use sizzle keys and made Command + L to lock my screen to the log on prompt). as soon as the cube spins to the logon screen, BOOM, all i see is the solid light blue screen just sit there. i walk away and 5 minutes later, it's still on there, can't recover or go back to my desktop, so i force shut down (hit the power button, and attempt to reboot the OS X. then thats when it all gets bad. Everytime i boot into OS X it just sits there with the blue screen and flickers back and forth with the gray gear wheel spinning and so forth.
Ok, so next check, i go to boot into my Boot Camp partition into Vista. no problems, was able to boot in my boot camp partition without any problems (im typing this in boot camp at this moment.)
So far i've been able to boot into my Boot Camp and the OS X Restore Disc without any problems.
I booted into the OS X boot disc, and ran Disk Utility, ran the perrmissions check and the disk check and both fixed problems aparently on my OS X partition. went to boot back into OS X, blue screen.
So now i do the PRAM and NVRAM reset doing Command+Option+P+R and again booted into OS X. blue screen.
Booted into Safe Mode (Safe Boot) took awhile, but again. stuck at blue screen and if i press any keys or move the mouse, the grey gear spins for like 10 seconds and just goes back to the blue screen. and the process goes over and over again.
(later on this afternoon) I even ran FSCK to check the volume for problems. "it appears to be OK"
The good thing atleast in this situation is that i can access my OS X partition in Vista (via MacDrive) without any problems, so if having to reload my previous Time Machine backup (which stupid me forgot to back up my system over 60 days ago ) or having to just Archive my OS X and reinstall it, that will have to be my final choice. But i don't REALLY want to have to do this all over again if at all possiable.
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Nov 9, 2009
OS: Snow Leopard Bootcamp Win 7, Ubuntu 9.10.Problem: I felt I would be nice to the iMac and shut it down after a hard days work. I woke up the next morning, turned it on, and it loads up past the gray screen, then goes to the dark blue snow leopard screen. From there I DO NOT get a mouse pointer. I get zip, zilch, nothing.I have let it sit over night just to make sure it wouldn't surprise me. Remedies tried:Booting to safe mode. Boots fine but when it gets to the blue screen it doesn't do anything else.Booting to single user mode. From there I renamed the com.apple.loginwindow and the com.apple.startup file. Didn't do anything.Resetting PRAM, VRAM, ram, jingle bell, any key, * key, I've tried resetting everything possible and not possible. WHY computer gods? WHY?
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Nov 30, 2010
I tried fsck -f fsck -y multiple times, booting in safe mode, zaping the pram and all that stuff, nothing as worked. I don't really care about how to fix it but I care more about, Is there any possible way I can get files off of the macbook even though it wont boot. Like is there a way for another computer (windows or mac) to pick it up so I can transfer files? What accessories will I need?
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Mar 22, 2012
I have a 2.0 GHz early 2005 Power Mac G5 (7,3) that won't get past the light blue screen at start-up. I've tried everything - reset the PRAM, Apple Hardware Check (on overnight loops, everything came back OK), fsck (all OK), repaired my HD and permissions on it, and then erased the drive using Target Disk Mode and another Mac, and attempted to reinstall OSX from the install disk that came with it (with OSX Tiger). I've tried switching out the RAM with no luck.
The only thing I haven't tried is a new video card (the installed one is an ATI Radeon 9600). Here's what it does: powers on with the usual chime, then moves on to the white Apple screen, the wheel spins, then it moves on to a darker blue screen, then it finally moves on to a lighter blue screen with an arrow, and it just stays there. It will boot into safe mode (pressing shift), but I can't even upgrade to Leopard in safe mode, much less figure out what's wrong.
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Jul 5, 2012
I tried uploading pictures with my s.card and then I plugged in my back up storage disk to transfer pictures and then my computer stopped working as if it was overloaded or something.... I tried forcing quit but that didn't help any. So I just shut it down in hopes that when it restarted it would work but now when it restarts the login screen comes up and after I type my password it just stays on snow leopard default screen(purple sky) and stays there.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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Dec 31, 2008
I have just updated my iMac G5 to 10.5.6. When I restart, it hangs on the blue screen before log in. I have restarted in Safe Mode (no problem there) and removed the APE files in the library folder, as suggested on support.apple.com. I have also repaired permissions and verified the drive. Still no luck.
Is it really possible that the computer needs hours to restart after the update? And would it be better for me to restore using Time Machine or do an Archive & Install with the Leopard discs? The computer was acting a little funky before I updated to 10.5.6 (iTunes was sluggish), but I never had a problem rebooting.
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Apr 20, 2012
When i turn on my computer it goes to the regular white screen with the apple with the pinwheel. Then i goes to a blue screen and it changes to a different shade of blue and the pin wheel shows up. The two blue screens just alternate untill i hit the power button the shut it off.
MacBook Pro
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May 2, 2012
My MacBook Pro is out of space and I am trying to unload files to an external drive. However, when I try to boot, I get the blue screen. When I boot in safe mode, it asks for my password, then freezes. Is there a way to move forward?
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Sep 16, 2010
My Macbook restarts itself after it hits the blue screen (just right before the login screen loads) sometimes it restarts, sometimes it shuts down.
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Mar 8, 2009
I have a problem with my windows partition. Every time it boots the blue beam stops in the middle and a blue screen appears, which I can't read because it disappears too fast. And than the computer restarts again. I also tried the safe mode but it didn't help either. So my question is: Can I fix windows from my mac partition?
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Mar 23, 2012
My MacBook pro starts up then goes to the white apple screen but after that the whole screen turns blue and has a round loading thing that does not stop spinning and thats all it does. The computer does not turn on past the blue screen?
MacBook Pro
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Mar 29, 2012
I have iMac 27 and screen problem on start up i have blue vertical lines, when it start i have a lot of blue dots and nothing else. when I connect outside monitor its showing the same.
Just installed lion and still the same problem when it starts blue dots, when startup in safe mode loads of blue lines and dots on the screen.
iMovie (iOS), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 8, 2009
Everytime I turn it on I get a black box asking to shut down or restart the mac. I have managed to get it to turn on to powersave and managed to update the software. Thought it might help but just made it worse - it won't boot up at all now past an apple symbol with a little swirly thingy underneath (I apologise now for my lack of intelligence when it comes to computers/knowledge/names of things!) The first time I managed to boot the computer up it came up with the grey screen and a little folder flashing between a face and a question mark which I assume meant it couldn't find anything but that appears to have gone away now. I bought this computer new from Apple about 2 - 3 years ago and no disks were provided with it.
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Feb 19, 2009
Everytime I start skype while in windows, the computer crashes and I get the blue screen... I think it has to do with the sound drivers, because when I'm using msn messenger also in windows suddenly the microphone mutes itself.
I tryed updating the realtek drivers with no help, updated skype, no help, I uninstalled the realtek drivers and the laptop did not crash anymore but I had no sound, any advice like for example how to get the microsoft drivers to work on the laptop without using realtek??
For whatever reason with the microsoft drivers,I think the sound is trying to come out of the digital outlet, I can see the ligth inside the jack, but nothing comes out of the laptop's speakers...
By the way, the vista version is Home basic.
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Mar 13, 2012
Computer begins start up, but screen is blue and white instead of usual backround. Get spinning mouse icon for awhile, then it stops.
iMac, iOS 4.3, fan runs a lot
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Apr 14, 2012
I have a 4 month old mac desktop that is stuck on a white screen.I already unplugged etc. and it does nothing. What do I do?
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