Windows On Mac :: Using BBC IPlayer And Channel 4OD?
Apr 1, 2008
I am about to plunge into the Mac world - can't wait and just want to know if I will be missing out on anything. At the moment I use BBC iPlayer and Channel 4OD a lot on my PC. I know that these do not wok on a Mac due to DRM issues, but I am hoping that they will work on a Mac if I run Vista and Parallels. Has anyone tried this?
I know many say that the sheer volume of 16gb outweighs the speed difference between the two channel settings, but I'm wondering how 32-bit programs (mostly audio applications) will address the RAM best?
Has anyone managed to find any HD content on the site yet? The press release said it supported OS X but nothing there yet via Safari. Will check on Vista later i think
I'm considering purchasing a MacBook Air and would like to know if anyone out there is happily running Parallels 2.5 (Build 3214) on their Air. Up to now that version of Parallels has done everything I needed so I saw no need to upgrade the software.
Also are there any UK owners who can report their experiences using the BBC iPlayer (in OS X) on the MBA.
I have recently had problems with the iplayer grabber programme that some of you may know about. Anyway it stopped working and I downloaded the newer version two weeks ago and although ithe application loads ok it does not work, if I pick something to download, it opens an mpeg4 file on my desktop but never progresses beyond that.
I downloaded it along with adobe air and it works fine, but then if I download a programme,watch a bit and then close the app and go back to it a couple of hours later then the downloaded programmes don't work(it says there was a prolem with the download)
I am not able to download BBC iPlayer, nor ITV player, on my Mac OSX 10.3.9 computer. I heard an ugly rumour that the problem is my OS. What can I do about
I've got an ongoing issue with the embedded BBC iPlayer on my iMac. For a while now all I get is the loading screen but no video. The iPlayer itself is fine as is any other Flash content but the embedded news articles don't work. I've tried uninstalling Flash and re-installing as described elsewhere on this site but to no avail. I have the latest Flashplayer installed and it's the version recommended by Adobe.
bbc iplayer does not work, using the latest player, no lists of downloaded programmes and all the other options are blank just downloaded latest adobe air, still the same problems
When I log into my user and go on the BBC iPlayer website and click on any video, it loads perfectly fine. However, when my mum logs onto her user account she cant play any videos. The message that comes up for ANY video is 'This content doesnt seem to be working. Try again later' This message never shows up on my side of the computer. We have an iMac 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM,Mac OS X Lion Version 10.7.4, The newest version of Flash installed (obviously because it works on my side)The newest version of Safari installed  I have tried removing Flash from the computer then reinstaling it. I also tried repairing disk permissions through Disk Utility. I even tried deleting the Safari preferences in Library. I tried reinstalling Safari I tried installing 'click to flash' to see if it would convert it to HTML5 but that didnt work. So I deleted the extension.It will load fine in Chrome & Firefox. So we can assume with this that its a problem with my mums Safari. Â
I've just bought my first mac and loving it except one major problem. I'm using it as a media centre to play music, photos, movies etc and most importantly to watch catch up tv. Unfortunately I can't watch bbc iplayer, itv or channel four on demand. Each time I load a video it simply stalls at the beginning (except itv which just rotates through adverts). Now, I'm sure you need some info. I've installed the latest version of flash and it seems to be working, I'm using safari and this is a mac os x 10.5.8. I've been trying to fix it for over 3 hours now and I'm losing the lot.
I'm trying to download the following video from the BBC website:
It doesn't seem to appear in the iPlayer, so the usual applications (Beeb Downloader, Fader, iPlayer Downloader) don't work.Does anyone know a way around this, or a way I can download it before the BBC take it down
I cannot get right channel out from either the built-in line out jack on the rear of my mac, or the front headphone jack. On the system preferences panel when I slide the balance to the right everything goes out. I first thought it was just an itunes issue, but the sound problem carries over with DVD playback.
All channels are jammed where I live and channel 14 is the one with the less overlapping. It is enabled on my AP but not on my airport card, how can I turn it on? I bought my Mac in Canada but I know live in Japan where channel 14 can be used.
I have a Blu-ray file (one I own and wanted on hdd for easy transport) on my computer. I want it to play on my Xbox 360 and it won't because it has 5.1 surround sound. Inside the file is the 2.0 audio track separate with instructions on how to merge/change it using a program called Yamb. The only problem is that it's Windows only. Do any of you know a program (preferably free) that can do this for Mac?
I have Toast Titanium 10 and toyed with it for awhile but couldn't figure it out.
When I start importing video into iMovie '06 from my DV camcorder, the sound changes to one channel only (I know the audio on the tape is stereo), and stays that way perpetually, even after I quit iMovie, restart, zap the PRAM, and even do an "Archive and Install". I had to do an "Erase and Install" for it to return to two channels. But the second I start importing video in iMovie, it's back to one channel. I checked the Sound control panel and Audio MIDI Setup, and everything looks fine.
We had a mixup in either our sound board or our camera and recorded some video only in the left channel. I thought I could just duplicate the traci in garage band, then swap the channel on the duplicate track so we could get audio from both sides. I've duplicated the track, but can't seem to figure out how to swap the audio over to the right side.
I have a 12" 1.5 Powerbook which I purchased about two years ago. I never used headphones with the laptop until recently and I noticed that only one channel comes through.
Strangely some of the radio channel in itunes don t load... they just keep in showing the loading message.others times they just work properly is the proplem from my pc or is it from the channel themselves..?
I own an AirPort Extreme (Dual-Band) and a MBP (2.2 SR). When I hold option down and click the AirPort icon in the menu bar, it shows the transmit rate and the channel its on. Mine says it's connected to channel 2 and I'm getting 104 TR. Why am I not connecting to the 149 channel?
When I plug my MacBook into an external audio source via the headphone-jack using the red and white cables (do not know the technical name), I only receive sound out of one speaker. At first I thought one of my stereo speakers had blown out, but I plugged my computer into another stereo using another cord and it still only plays one speaker. Also, when I plug in any set of headphones I only still receive sound through one speaker (the left one). My computers speakers still work, and when nothing is plugged in it still says under the output type that it's Built-in Output. I also noticed that sometimes (but not every time) when I unplug something from the headphone jack that a red light flashes around two times, but it does not stay lit when there is nothing plugged in.
**Another note: The sound is not in mono in one speaker, it is just like one speaker is turned off.
I upgraded my late '09 13" MBP to 4gb, but one of the sticks apparently died. I'm about to replace it with my old 1gb stick so then I'll have 3gb total ram.
Is there anything I can do with software to get my headphone jack to play in both ears. The jack plays in one ear. I cant figure how to play it in mono.
So far this is my set up. M- Audio Fast Track connected to my Heil PR40 via usb. This is what I use for podcasting with GB and all is well on that front. In iMovie however, my VO only records on the left track and not in stereo. It sounds ok for being on one channel but I would like to have it stereo.
In the update 5.0.322.2, the pin tabs option is gone. I use this feature all of the time. I right click and the pin tab option is no longer there. Is there a way to enable this? I remember reading that they got rid of this in the Linux version as well in the previous version.