Applications :: Unable To Use Iplayer Grabber

Dec 16, 2010

I have recently had problems with the iplayer grabber programme that some of you may know about. Anyway it stopped working and I downloaded the newer version two weeks ago and although ithe application loads ok it does not work, if I pick something to download, it opens an mpeg4 file on my desktop but never progresses beyond that.

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Applications :: Unable To Use ITube Grabber

Mar 13, 2010

I keep getting an error occurred message when i try to grab anything from youtube.

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Software :: Unable To Download BBC IPlayer?

Mar 10, 2010

I am not able to download BBC iPlayer, nor ITV player, on my Mac OSX 10.3.9 computer. I heard an ugly rumour that the problem is my OS. What can I do about

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Applications :: Picture Grabber From Websites?

Mar 20, 2010

a list the app they use for grabbing pictures off of websites?

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Applications :: Finding A Webimage Grabber / Downloader?

Nov 11, 2009

Basically I need an app that will allow me to download multiple images in one go from a single webpage.

wather then having to do a whole grab of the page then crop it up or individually select each image.

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Applications :: Using BBC IPlayer HD?

Apr 17, 2009

Has anyone managed to find any HD content on the site yet? The press release said it supported OS X but nothing there yet via Safari. Will check on Vista later i think

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Applications :: Watching BBC IPlayer In The USA?

Nov 9, 2010

Does anyone know how I can watch iplayer on my macbook pro in the USA...?

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Applications :: Finding And Using BBC Iplayer Desktop?

Dec 20, 2010

Anyone know much about the BBC iplayer desktop.

I downloaded it along with adobe air and it works fine, but then if I download a programme,watch a bit and then close the app and go back to it a couple of hours later then the downloaded programmes don't work(it says there was a prolem with the download)

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Applications :: Download BBC Flash Videos / Video Not Appearing In Iplayer

Jan 27, 2010

I'm trying to download the following video from the BBC website:


It doesn't seem to appear in the iPlayer, so the usual applications (Beeb Downloader, Fader, iPlayer Downloader) don't work.Does anyone know a way around this, or a way I can download it before the BBC take it down

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Windows On Mac :: Using BBC IPlayer And Channel 4OD?

Apr 1, 2008

I am about to plunge into the Mac world - can't wait and just want to know if I will be missing out on anything. At the moment I use BBC iPlayer and Channel 4OD a lot on my PC. I know that these do not wok on a Mac due to DRM issues, but I am hoping that they will work on a Mac if I run Vista and Parallels. Has anyone tried this?

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MacBook Air :: Using Parallels 2.5 / BBC IPlayer?

Jun 15, 2008

I'm considering purchasing a MacBook Air and would like to know if anyone out there is happily running Parallels 2.5 (Build 3214) on their Air. Up to now that version of Parallels has done everything I needed so I saw no need to upgrade the software.

Also are there any UK owners who can report their experiences using the BBC iPlayer (in OS X) on the MBA.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 10.7.3 Upgrade - BBC IPlayer?

Feb 5, 2012

Since updating to OS 10.7.3 (last night), my BBC iPlayer Desktop won't show in full screen mode?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Safari :: Embedded BBC IPlayer Not Running

Mar 18, 2012

I've got an ongoing issue with the embedded BBC iPlayer on my iMac. For a while now all I get is the loading screen but no video. The iPlayer itself is fine as is any other Flash content but the embedded news articles don't work. I've tried uninstalling Flash and re-installing as described elsewhere on this site but to no avail. I have the latest Flashplayer installed and it's the version recommended by Adobe.

I have:

3.06 GHz iMac

OS X 10.7.3

Flashplayer: 11,1,102,64

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Bbc Iplayer Does Not Work

Jun 9, 2012

bbc iplayer does not work, using the latest player, no lists of downloaded programmes and all the other options are blank just downloaded latest adobe air, still the same problems

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Safari :: BBC IPlayer - This Content Doesn't Seem To Be Working

May 30, 2012

When I log into my user and go on the BBC iPlayer website and click on any video, it loads perfectly fine. However, when my mum logs onto her user account she cant play any videos. The message that comes up for ANY video is 'This content doesnt seem to be working. Try again later' This message never shows up on my side of the computer. We have an iMac 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM,Mac OS X Lion Version 10.7.4, The newest version of Flash installed (obviously because it works on my side)The newest version of Safari installed  I have tried removing Flash from the computer then reinstaling it. I also tried repairing disk permissions through Disk Utility. I even tried deleting the Safari preferences in Library. I tried reinstalling Safari I tried installing 'click to flash' to see if it would convert it to HTML5 but that didnt work. So I deleted the extension.It will load fine in Chrome & Firefox. So we can assume with this that its a problem with my mums Safari.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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IMac :: Cannot Watch IPlayer Video - Stalls At Beginning

Sep 10, 2009

I've just bought my first mac and loving it except one major problem. I'm using it as a media centre to play music, photos, movies etc and most importantly to watch catch up tv. Unfortunately I can't watch bbc iplayer, itv or channel four on demand. Each time I load a video it simply stalls at the beginning (except itv which just rotates through adverts). Now, I'm sure you need some info. I've installed the latest version of flash and it seems to be working, I'm using safari and this is a mac os x 10.5.8. I've been trying to fix it for over 3 hours now and I'm losing the lot.

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Applications :: Unable To Edit Project In IMovie / Edit And File Tabs Were Unable To Be Clicked

Jun 2, 2010

I have been working on a project in iMovie for a few days, and it has been working perfectly. Today, I opened up my project and I could not play the project (the red line would move, but no picture would show up in the upper right hand corner box) and ALL of the options in the "share" tab were gray and unable to click them. Many options in the "edit" and "file" tabs were unable to be clicked as well.

Another project i completed months ago is working perfectly. The clips in the events play/show up on the window in the upper right hand corner

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Applications :: Unable To Use Product Key?

Sep 30, 2010

During re install, Office Mac 2008 asks for 25 character product key but my key only has 20 characters. On my disc it says : xxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx.

The program will only take 5 characters and automatically puts in hyphens What gives? Program has been running on three macs for years perfectly.

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Applications :: Unable To Use Firefox

Oct 28, 2010

notice the studdery video and scrolling in firefox? I searched on google a while back and found a thread that said it was firefox saving the tabs every 5 seconds that caused the lag. So I set firefox to save them every 5mins or something and that worked for a while but now the problem has returned.

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Applications :: Unable To Get Multiclutch?

Nov 24, 2008

I need help with Multiclutch. How can I find out what the keyboard commands are for things I want to do? I know that some of them show up in the menus at the top, but not everything does, or at least I am not seeing it.

The one I am specifically looking for right now is switching between tabs in Firefox. What key combo would I use for that? Another one I am looking for is undo close tab.

Are there any other key combos you can think of that might not be obvious, but might be something someone would want to know about?

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OS X :: Unable To Launch Applications On Mac 10.4

Apr 25, 2009

Background: A day or two after plugging a USB that had been plugged into a virus ridden PC into my Mac, the internet went berserk. My father told me that he thought it was the USB that had messed the internet up. A few days later, he said that the USB was fine, it was just that Apple came out with a Security Update that changed our router access password (we cannot access our own internet because our password was being changed by a "Security Update"). So, in a kind effort to provide internet for me, he went into my Account Settings and changed my permissions so I was able to access the Application "Internet Connect". Well, I was able to run the application and connect to our internet, but I couldn't launch any applications that didn't either: a.)Come with the machine or b.)Need the administrator password to install.

The Problem: I cannot launch any applications that didn't need the administrator password or come with the system. I AM able to run Apps such as iChat, iTunes, Ventrilo(required administrator password) and Quicktime. I AM NOT able to run any of the games that I have downloaded, teamspeak, transmission, teamviewer, or any .dmg file. After two weeks of looking for possible causes and trying everything in our power, my dad and I can't find the cause of this. He has taken off all parental control and given me control of everything on my account, but still I can't launch anything.

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Applications :: Unable To Use Transmission

Sep 27, 2009

I'm using Transmission 1.75, Leopard 10.5.8, BT Home Hub with UPnP enabled and I've tested that it's working (my PS3 had no problems getting online and playing games).

I'm having trouble seeding. It seems that people aren't able to see/connect to my computer. I've set my firewall to allow connections to Transmission (I've also tried using other clients), I've set my router and Transmission to UPnP, I've also tried using a static IP but that knocked me offline, I've tried port forwarding but that didn't work either. I'm not sure what else to try. Has anyone had a similar problem, if so how did you fix it?

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Applications :: Unable To Use Safari New Tab

Oct 11, 2009

Occasionally when opening a new tab I get this gap in the tab bar.

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Applications :: MSN Messenger - Unable To Log On

Oct 17, 2009

New Macbook Pro owner.Been using PCs for years.Along with this I have a 10 year old MSN Messenger account.I see Mac for Messenger automatically came with the Mac or Leopard.

In any event I have, over the past 3 days, tried signing into to my MSN Messenger numerous times and each time am told my password or user name is incorrect althogh I have double checked and triple checked many times.So it wont let me on BUT I can sign into Windows Live using the same password.ID info.

I have taken down my firewall, put it back up, thinking maybe that was the problem to no avail.

I have even changed my password twice waiting up to 24 hours to try again and just now for the 5th day in a row it tells me it is wrong when it ISNT. I really do need to get online with it now after being off for several days with this.I just checked yet again and see now that I still cannot log on but can on the web in Windows Live alhtough I sign out of that so it wont interfere.

I AM STUMPED and no longer know what to do next short of just getting a whole new identity but I have used this for 10 years with no problem up until now so a name/password change but I would rather not have to get a new one but just want to be able to log on to Mac Messenger ASAP.

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Applications :: Unable To Know Diskwarrior 4?

Nov 24, 2009

Can anyone tell me about their experiences with this app and recovering info from a filevault protected failing hard drive.

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Applications :: Unable To Play Wmv?

Jan 27, 2010

I have quicktime and flip4mac and when i download wmv files and try to open them Im prompted with a message that says it is not a movie file. Am I a complete idiot and missing something really simple?

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Applications :: Unable To Use Garageband 09?

May 23, 2010

I'm having Trouble when i connect my guitar to my imac I'm using the midi guitar cable that i bought from the Apple shop along with my imac a few years back.

I'm just about to start recording some of my own music Bass,Drum,guitar. Everything is pretty much sorted but since i started to use garageband 09 i keep getting this message pop up (Below).

It's getting to the point of frustration because no matter what option i select it will still pop up. Please can anyone shed any light on this for me and help please.

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Applications :: Unable To Use Safari?

Jun 8, 2010

I originally thought this was a side effect of my 8600M GT failing, but the video card has been replaced and this problem is still occurring.

I attached a screenshot of what top sites looks like for me whenever i open a new tab while the current tab is zooming in to a top site after i click on one.

if i wait for the end of the zoom in graphic effect, then i don't have any problems.

After replacing the whole logic board, the genius bar reps have come to the conclusion that this must be a software issue.

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Applications :: Unable To Add MacCleaner To Machine?

Aug 24, 2010

I used to have this program, MacCleaner, installed on my old Mac. I was going to add it to my new machine but I am not able to find it Anybody has it and can share it? [URL]

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Applications :: Unable To Use Camouflage With Geektool?

Sep 9, 2010

just found Geektool and it's great. It's so useful, however i found that i cannot use Camouflage with it. Is there other way to do it? Or perhaps is there a way to double click the destop to open a finder window? Either are good solutions for me.

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