Applications :: Finding And Using BBC Iplayer Desktop?

Dec 20, 2010

Anyone know much about the BBC iplayer desktop.

I downloaded it along with adobe air and it works fine, but then if I download a programme,watch a bit and then close the app and go back to it a couple of hours later then the downloaded programmes don't work(it says there was a prolem with the download)

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Applications :: Using BBC IPlayer HD?

Apr 17, 2009

Has anyone managed to find any HD content on the site yet? The press release said it supported OS X but nothing there yet via Safari. Will check on Vista later i think

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Applications :: Watching BBC IPlayer In The USA?

Nov 9, 2010

Does anyone know how I can watch iplayer on my macbook pro in the USA...?

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Applications :: Unable To Use Iplayer Grabber

Dec 16, 2010

I have recently had problems with the iplayer grabber programme that some of you may know about. Anyway it stopped working and I downloaded the newer version two weeks ago and although ithe application loads ok it does not work, if I pick something to download, it opens an mpeg4 file on my desktop but never progresses beyond that.

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Applications :: Download BBC Flash Videos / Video Not Appearing In Iplayer

Jan 27, 2010

I'm trying to download the following video from the BBC website:


It doesn't seem to appear in the iPlayer, so the usual applications (Beeb Downloader, Fader, iPlayer Downloader) don't work.Does anyone know a way around this, or a way I can download it before the BBC take it down

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Applications :: Finding Desktop To-do List?

Apr 13, 2007

I'm looking for any application that allows you to compile your To-do list, and have it on your desktop..

Google has suggested iCal, but I hardly use that...
And also I don't like the one where its housed on the toolbar (you have to click to view the list)
I like my list apparent so I know what to do (or else I'll pretend I didn't see it and not do..)

Something like Rainlender [URL] for XP...

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Applications :: Finding Desktop Twitter Client

Dec 6, 2009

New to mac and wondering what is the best desktop twitter client?

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Applications :: Finding Adium-like Twitter Client On The Desktop?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm looking for a simple twitter client that you can customise like Adium. Where you can have the window transparent on the desktop. I've attached a quick mock up of what I'd like, but I can't find an app like this. Does anything like it exist?

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Windows On Mac :: Using BBC IPlayer And Channel 4OD?

Apr 1, 2008

I am about to plunge into the Mac world - can't wait and just want to know if I will be missing out on anything. At the moment I use BBC iPlayer and Channel 4OD a lot on my PC. I know that these do not wok on a Mac due to DRM issues, but I am hoping that they will work on a Mac if I run Vista and Parallels. Has anyone tried this?

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MacBook Air :: Using Parallels 2.5 / BBC IPlayer?

Jun 15, 2008

I'm considering purchasing a MacBook Air and would like to know if anyone out there is happily running Parallels 2.5 (Build 3214) on their Air. Up to now that version of Parallels has done everything I needed so I saw no need to upgrade the software.

Also are there any UK owners who can report their experiences using the BBC iPlayer (in OS X) on the MBA.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 10.7.3 Upgrade - BBC IPlayer?

Feb 5, 2012

Since updating to OS 10.7.3 (last night), my BBC iPlayer Desktop won't show in full screen mode?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: Unable To Download BBC IPlayer?

Mar 10, 2010

I am not able to download BBC iPlayer, nor ITV player, on my Mac OSX 10.3.9 computer. I heard an ugly rumour that the problem is my OS. What can I do about

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Safari :: Embedded BBC IPlayer Not Running

Mar 18, 2012

I've got an ongoing issue with the embedded BBC iPlayer on my iMac. For a while now all I get is the loading screen but no video. The iPlayer itself is fine as is any other Flash content but the embedded news articles don't work. I've tried uninstalling Flash and re-installing as described elsewhere on this site but to no avail. I have the latest Flashplayer installed and it's the version recommended by Adobe.

I have:

3.06 GHz iMac

OS X 10.7.3

Flashplayer: 11,1,102,64

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Bbc Iplayer Does Not Work

Jun 9, 2012

bbc iplayer does not work, using the latest player, no lists of downloaded programmes and all the other options are blank just downloaded latest adobe air, still the same problems

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Safari :: BBC IPlayer - This Content Doesn't Seem To Be Working

May 30, 2012

When I log into my user and go on the BBC iPlayer website and click on any video, it loads perfectly fine. However, when my mum logs onto her user account she cant play any videos. The message that comes up for ANY video is 'This content doesnt seem to be working. Try again later' This message never shows up on my side of the computer. We have an iMac 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM,Mac OS X Lion Version 10.7.4, The newest version of Flash installed (obviously because it works on my side)The newest version of Safari installed  I have tried removing Flash from the computer then reinstaling it. I also tried repairing disk permissions through Disk Utility. I even tried deleting the Safari preferences in Library. I tried reinstalling Safari I tried installing 'click to flash' to see if it would convert it to HTML5 but that didnt work. So I deleted the extension.It will load fine in Chrome & Firefox. So we can assume with this that its a problem with my mums Safari.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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IMac :: Cannot Watch IPlayer Video - Stalls At Beginning

Sep 10, 2009

I've just bought my first mac and loving it except one major problem. I'm using it as a media centre to play music, photos, movies etc and most importantly to watch catch up tv. Unfortunately I can't watch bbc iplayer, itv or channel four on demand. Each time I load a video it simply stalls at the beginning (except itv which just rotates through adverts). Now, I'm sure you need some info. I've installed the latest version of flash and it seems to be working, I'm using safari and this is a mac os x 10.5.8. I've been trying to fix it for over 3 hours now and I'm losing the lot.

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OS X :: Clean Desktop - Finding Best App

Mar 23, 2009

My problem is that I have a few documents and a few Programs on the desktop and I want them to go away - without deleting them.

And not to the, sidebar. What do I do, they're not just shortcuts. I tried removing a program that I already have in the sidebar to dissapear from the desktop but I was unsuccesfull. I also want the Hard Drive to go away without deleting it ofcourse

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OS X :: Finding Best Way To Clean Desktop

Aug 20, 2009

Are there any programs that a) cleans mt desktop putting files in certain places, and b) have it so that nothing ever get's on the desktop?

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OS X :: Finding Open Files On The Desktop?

Aug 25, 2009

I'm new on the mac. Suppose I have a bunch of files open on the desktop. Is there a way to get a list of the files so I can bring a given file to the surface?

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Hardware :: Finding External Desktop Hdd - 1TB

Sep 16, 2009

Can anyone recommend a good Mac friendly external HDD.. I am thinking around 1TB. I want to hook it up to my Mini and store my itunes library on it.. also use it as backup for photos etc..

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Remote Desktop Connection App

Nov 16, 2010

the app "Remote Desktop Connection" installed itself when I was installing Office 2011 on my Mac.
How do I use this to access my Windows PC?

I've followed all the instructions exactly as they are written and it still fails to connect every time, I'm trying to connect by typing my PC's full name into the space.

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OS X :: Finding Hdd Icon Location On Desktop After HDD Upgrade?

Jan 9, 2011

I upgraded the internal hard drive in my MacBook Pro and cloned it from my old one via SuperDuper! after a Time Machine restore failed to boot. However, now the new hard drive's icon no longer sits in the top right corner of the desktop, despite it being selected as the startup disk. Instead there's just a huge gaping hole. If I move it there and then "clean up" the selection it shoots off down the other end of the desktop.

How can I permanently have the HD icon back where it used to be? I've tried repairing permissions and deselecting and reselecting the display of HDs in the finder prefs but neither worked.

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Remote Desktop Client For Mac

Apr 7, 2009

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to connect from my mac with remote desktop client on it to my windows computer at my moms house over the internet.

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OS X :: Finding Boot Into Desktop From Single User Mode

Aug 8, 2010

Is there a way to boot directly into the desktop from single user mode (without having to re-authenticate as root).

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Applications :: Finding Application That Deletes Files/folders From Other Uninstalled Applications?

Oct 21, 2010

I recently went through my Applications folder and uninstalled some applications. Now and then, I'll find a file or a folder or a bunch of files and folders from an uninstalled application. Does anyone know of an application that can delete these files that I no longer need?

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Applications :: Disc Image Appear On Desktop When Open Applications That Downloaded?

Nov 15, 2009

how to not have the disc image appear on my desktop when I open applications that I downloaded. For example I downloaded wondershare dvd ripper and everytime I open it the disc image shows up on my desktop and I cant eject it without quitting the application. This is now happening with every application I open and it never happened before.

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Applications :: Finding Free Adobe Photoshop CS4 And Other Applications Licenses ?

May 10, 2009

I have both a mac and a pc

now with my student ID i could get programs for a decent price

however it seems that there is a mac edition and a pc edition license for each program.

i was wondering if there is a way where i can pay once and use both versions. or do i have to buy for both versions

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Applications :: Finding And Removing Unused Applications?

Dec 26, 2010

I've just used my time machine to migrate my old macbook's contents to my brand new macbook air. While I was watching it restore 803,678 files to the new machine, I was wondering how many of them are unused applications. I've stupidly never set up separate user accounts before this, and I'm sure there are any number of applications that were placed on my old machine by my kids, my husband, and various visitors to our house. Since I'm using time machine instead of starting fresh, I know those have been transferred to the new machine. I've never worried too much about this situation before now, as about every three years I've bought a new machine, migrated the files I need to the new machine, wiped the old one clean, and handed it down to one or the other of my kids.

But now I'm realizing that with time machine, everything on my computer is now forever...everything anyone has ever put on it has been transferred to time machine and now to my new machine. I don't want to be operating with years-old versions of kid's games and apps on every machine I set up from now on for the rest of my life. Is there anything out there that specifically looks for stuff that hasn't been used for a specified number of years and asks something like, "Barney & Friends was installed 1/16/2003 and was last used 10/18/2005. Delete Barney & Friends and all associated files, yes or no?"

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Applications :: Finding Choice For Category Of Applications

Feb 2, 2010

I'm looking for an advanced notepad for editing HTML/CSS. I'm also wondering whether there's a notepad that has good note-taking functionality as I'm going to use my MBP at University next year.

I also need a cleaner (CCleaner) type program that will keep my Mac in-tune. I'm wondering whether I actually need to keep it in-tune seeing as it's running probably the best operating system in the world which doesn't have all the crap entailed with it.

I'm going to maybe invest in Photoshop in the distant future but is there something that really has the power of PS in a nutshell? I really can't afford the prices they are charging so I'm wondering whether I can just nudge my way round it all and get another decent editor.

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Applications :: Finding Msn For Mac?

Mar 19, 2009

is there a good msn app for mac os x ? amsn seems to be the best but no audio in video chat ?

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