Windows On Mac :: Ubuntu Block Out (Installed On External Drive)
Sep 6, 2009
I tried to install Ubuntu 9.04 on 500 GB external drive and it will now no longer boot Ubuntu nor Mac. I need to know how to fix this. Things already tried:
*Backing up harddrive and installing Snow Leopard (10.5.4 is what it is)
*Deleting the external harddrive and reformatting it.
I want to be able to keep all my mac files. The file with a ? appears when the Ubuntu livecd is not in. (that is the only thing that boots).
I know this has been discussed before but I am completely confused. I've got some GPS maps that I want to load onto my system using the Windows side...but I want to put the maps onto my external hard drive. The hard drive has been formatted to mac
I got this weird issue with my 4 GB flash/thumb drive. Basically, in OS X it seems to work perfectly fine. I formatted it to HFS+ and transferred files to it, ejected it, then put it back in, the file is still there, I transferred it back to the computer, and it opens fine. However, when I put it in any machine running Windows, it'll only recognize 48 MB or something. It refuses to format the whole 4 GB.
When I plug it into an Ubuntu machine, it would recognize a "4 GB filesystem", but would throw up errors anytime I try to interact with it. And when I tried to format it with Ubuntu, it would invariably fail. From Windows and Ubuntu's views, the flash drive is no good. But then why does it *seem* to work fine in OS X? Yes, I have formatted the drive with MS-DOS (FAT) in OS X, same results in Windows and Ubuntu.
I know this isn't "Windows" per say, but I couldn't really find a closer forum to post in. I installed Ubuntu following their online guide using Bootcamp and such because I was curious. Now, it's not really working as much as I would like it to, and I'd like to remove the 90 or so Gigabytes I gave to Ubuntu in my partition.
I tried using the Disk Utility, and it always gets stuck on "preparing to remove partition". I waited for an hour and a half once, and it still had not progressed. I also tried using the Disk Utility off of my Mac OS X installation disk and saw the same failures and results. What can I do to remove this plaguing Ubuntu partition off of my hard drive for good?
Installed a new 750GB drive into my MacBookPro 5.1 Couldn't get Winclone to make image so I was forced to start from scratch with a new XP installation.
My MBP is partitioned 25%Mac & 75%XP with bootcamp and I have the old drive in a enclosure connected with a firewire. So all of old files are on the external drive now.
After installing XP I have no internet connection, drivers etc... However if I boot up on the mac side everything works fine. (I cloned the mac os already with Carbon copy).
So can I just copy all my old drivers over to the new drive? If yes how and if no how do I get them installed on the new harddrive. The MBP came with everything preinstalled.
I've been trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on VirtualBox. However, when I try, even in full screen, it only shows a part of the screen. I know how to change the res if I could access the menu, but I can't. Can someone help? BTW I can't finish the installation until res is better so the set up window is still in the middle.
Ok here's the situation. I'm trying to fix my brothers laptop at the moment and reinstall Leopard. He installed ubuntu and it seems to have deleted the Master Boot record. I've managed to get Leopard to install but the mouse clicker doesn't work. I've managed to narrow down the problem to the MBR, the master boot record.
In terminal I've typed in sudo fdisk -u /dev/rdisk0 This has come up with the error "master boot record not found". I'm now trying to find a way to put the Master boot record back.
I have no id� whats wrong, I want to install Snow Leopard(from the external) on my Core2duo Macbook pro, which is running Leopard at the moment.
I have a Snow Leopard image, and I have used Disc utility to partition the external hard drive (GUID), and I assume the partition and install went well on the external, because in Disc start the external appears as OSX 10.6.
Then the problem: The macbook wont boot from the newly made external it just gives me this sign (of course without the colours).
I have tried to start the macbook normal, and with the option key held down were the external pops up.
I have also tried to chose the external in disc start and reboot with no luck.
I have tried to start the Snow Leopard install(external) within Leopard where the install start fine, but when it reboots and wants to continue the install, the sign appears.
The external harddrive is a 5400rpm 40gb 2,5" which is only powered by the usb port maybe thats the problem?
Running a 2010 MBP Core i5 2.4GHz. I had Windows 7 originally installed. Gave me wireless problems and I gave up. Erased the partition. Installed Windows XP and everything was fine.
I got a new copy of W7 Professional x64. I installed it "over" the existing XP, though it erased the partition anyways (I don't care about that).The new 7 install has been giving me the same wireless problems. I downloaded and installed the Broadcom driver. Gave me a BSOD and restarted the computer. Now I have a BSOD on start up, too. On the OSX side of things, it no longer shows any Boot Camp hard drive. It doesn't recognize it at all. Though when I hold the option key on boot, it still shows the Windows install.
1. How do I fix the BSOD problem? (All caused by installing the driver)
2. Where the heck is the Boot Camp hard drive/partition?
Everywhere i look i just cant seem to find 6.04 for ubuntu!! I have a cd to burn it to, but i can't find the .iso file download! Can someone help?Winni, your file is about 7MB too big for my cd. i need this file as a 699MB file or less, as my cd is only 700MB
I had a Windows based PC a couple of years ago that had crashed. So recently i tried to put the files from my old hard drive from my Windows computer to my Mac. In order to keep track of what i have copied and what I haven't i thought it would be good to delete the stuff of my windows hard drive once it was copied. However, it doesn't let me delete anything of the Windows drive since it is set to read only. Is there a way around this? i've tried everything i can think of, but haven't found a soluti
I'm running VMware Fusion 2.0.5 and am trying to install VMware Tools in Ubuntu 9.04. I have found several sets of instructions, but they all seem out dated and I can't get any to work.
Is there any way without creating a usb bootable install cd that I can install windows XP onto my USB Hard Drive and boot from it in mac? If I can download a already bootable version of XP, please show me a link (please tell me if thats not allowed). Also, my H.D. doesn't show up when I boot up and hold option. Thanks In Advance
Im running on a UMP 13" base model + 4GB Ram, I want to know whats the best way to install widows on an external hard drive on my macbook ? do i need anti virus as well ?
I'm having some huge problems. I have an .iso of Windows 7 Ultimate but my whole problem is that my macbooks dvd-rom drive crapped out on me a year ago so no burning no reading and Disc Utility wont let me restore the iso onto an external hard drive.
Does anyone have any idea what I could do to fix this? Is there a way I can put the image onto the hard drive at all?
I have an external hard drive which I have successfully installed Windows XP SP3 onto. It was a long and painful process but I finally was able to get a modified XP install disc ready and from a Dell PC running Windows was able to install onto the external hard drive and I'm able to boot from it and everything. I did this on a PC because I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to boot correctly from an external drive in Mac.
Anyway, the hardest part is in the past and now my only problem is how to boot this external hard drive from my macbook, which is primarily what I want to use it on. I currently have a Macbook with three operating systems on it: Mac OS 10.5.8, Ubuntu Linux, and Windows XP SP3. I use rEFIt to boot into these operating systems. I tried using rEFIt to boot into XP on the external hard drive but it just gives me the legacy error messages saying that it couldn't load and noting the booting legacy os is not well supported by mac.
I was looking for a remote desktop solution that would allow me to access my OS X iMac from my PC laptop that can run either Windows 7 or Ubuntu. I would prefer the solution to be free but I am open to every software idea and I have no preference between accessing OS X from Windows 7 or Ubuntu.
I'm trying to install ubuntu from a thumb drive. Basically, I'm converting the .iso to an .img, and restore the thumb drive from the .img, trying to make it bootable. I'm following the procedure form the ubuntu website. Drag and Drop a file from Finder to Terminal to 'paste' the full path without typing and risking type errors.
Download the desired file Open the Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities/ or query Terminal in Spotlight) Convert the .iso file to .img using the convert option of hdiutil (e.g., hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso) Note: OS X tends to put the .dmg ending on the output file automatically. Run diskutil list to get the current list of devices Insert your flash media Run diskutil list again and determine the device node assigned to your flash media (e.g. /dev/disk2) Run diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN (replace N with the disk number from the last command; in the previous example, N would be 2) Execute sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m (replace /path/to/downloaded.img with the path where the image file is located; for example, ./ubuntu.img or ./ubuntu.dmg). Using /dev/rdisk instead of /dev/disk may be faster. If you see the error dd: Invalid number '1m', you are using GNU dd. Use the same command but replace bs=1m with bs=1M. If you see the error dd: /dev/diskN: Resource busy, make sure the disk is not in use. Start the 'Disk' and unmount (don't eject) the drive. Run diskutil eject/dev/diskN and remove your flash media when the command completes Restart your Mac and press alt while the Mac is restarting to choose the USB-Stick
Everything goes through fine, except, when I restart my mac to see the boot options. All I see is Macintosh HD
I have created a bootable USB flash drive to install ubuntu on my mac. Is it possible to restore that drive and clear it of everything, so that I can use it to store data again. It is quite a large capacity USB, so I would like to use it further. I have tried to drag the files into my trash, but it doesn't allow me too. If this is of any help, I used this tutorial on the ubuntu website to create the bootable drive via terminal: Ubuntu Server Guide ^ Click USB, Mac option.
My Mac Mini cannot identify USB drives (flash drive) when starting / restarting, I have to unplug and then replug the flash USB drive to make my Mac to identify itSame USB drive from same Mac machine from the same USB port is properly identified by Ubuntu (12.04 LTS) installed in a didderent partition!I have all software updated to the latest available version.I have another problem (with widescreed, Ubuntu does well here as well) which may be in the same nature is in a seperate thread: url...
first I know this isn't a Linux form, and there is not a linux forum, but thought this would be the best place to put this, because I supose it applies to windows as well.
Anyway, I have a CD rev A Macbook, that I just installed Ubuntu with. I love it, but I am afraid one day it will overheat and cause my processor to melt. Is that possible? I have heard that if it gets to hot, that the thing will just shut off, but I don't want to take any chances.