OS X :: Master Boot Record Not Found / Installed Ubuntu?

Aug 12, 2009

Ok here's the situation. I'm trying to fix my brothers laptop at the moment and reinstall Leopard. He installed ubuntu and it seems to have deleted the Master Boot record. I've managed to get Leopard to install but the mouse clicker doesn't work. I've managed to narrow down the problem to the MBR, the master boot record.

In terminal I've typed in sudo fdisk -u /dev/rdisk0 This has come up with the error "master boot record not found". I'm now trying to find a way to put the Master boot record back.

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OS X :: Master Boot Record Not Found / Put It Back?

Jan 30, 2010

Ok here's the situation. I'm trying to fix my brothers laptop at the moment and reinstall Leopard. He installed ubuntu and it seems to have deleted the Master Boot record. I've managed to get Leopard to install but the mouse clicker doesn't work. I've managed to narrow down the problem to the MBR, the master boot record.

In terminal I've typed in sudo fdisk -u /dev/rdisk0

This has come up with the error "master boot record not found". I'm now trying to find a way to put the Master boot record back.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?

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OS X :: Mac PC - Changing Master Boot Record?

Mar 18, 2009

I am looking for a used Mac for my folks, and someone has posted an imac that they have converted to a PC, having change the master boot record. They say I have to take it to the apple store to get it changed back, but couldn't I just start it up in target disk mode, and reformat the internal drive use carbon copy cloner or something like that?

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OS X :: Editing Master Boot Record Partition Scheme Map

Mar 1, 2010

I want to delete a partition and create a new one, but I need to be able to click option in able to do this. For whatever reason, disk utility will not let me edit my external in any way without deleting the whole thing which I do not want to do.

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OS X :: Unable To Delete Partition / Edit Master Boot Record?

Oct 25, 2010

I am having problems. I want to delete a partition and create a new one, but I need to be able to click option in able to do this. For whatever reason, disk utility will not let me edit my external in any way without deleting the whole thing which I do not want to do.

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OS X :: Changing Master Boot Record / Reformat Internal Drive?

Aug 28, 2009

I am looking for a used Mac for my folks, and someone has posted an imac that they have converted to a PC, having change the master boot record. They say I have to take it to the apple store to get it changed back, but couldn't I just start it up in target disk mode, and reformat the internal drive use carbon copy cloner or something like that?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Change From Master Boot Record To GUID Scheme?

Jun 6, 2012

I've downloaded Lion and the first "complaint" the installation software has is that neither my Mac hard drive nor Time Machine drive uses the GUID partition scheme. The software instructs me to use Disk Utility to select the appropriate format but Disk Utility states that I can't re-size the partition because it uses the Master Boot Record scheme. Further, it tells me that the drive can't be erased because it's the start-up disk.

I have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 installed on my MacBook (Core 2 Duo, 4 GB). The Mac HD has 220GB available.I waited for Lion to be reasonably fault-free and carefully looked at Lion's requirements only to find out too late about this GUID scheme business. I haven't seen anything about this requirement until I tried to install. I have great fear of re-formatting the drive as that always seems to be the beginning of many problems that take months to resolve. Maybe the choices are to forget Lion or get a new drive and format it to GUID before restoring from my Time Machine

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Installed Ubuntu But After Restart Not Shown Up

Feb 24, 2009

I installed ubuntu 7.04 on my mac OS X tiger. But when I restart my computer and hold down the option key. Ubuntu doesn't show up.

My Computer.
Power Mac 2.2
450 MHz PowerPC 750 (83.2) G3
Memory 512 MB SDRAM

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Applications :: Ubuntu Installed On VirtualBox - Resolution Setup

Oct 15, 2010

I've been trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on VirtualBox. However, when I try, even in full screen, it only shows a part of the screen. I know how to change the res if I could access the menu, but I can't. Can someone help? BTW I can't finish the installation until res is better so the set up window is still in the middle.

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Windows On Mac :: Ubuntu Block Out (Installed On External Drive)

Sep 6, 2009

I tried to install Ubuntu 9.04 on 500 GB external drive and it will now no longer boot Ubuntu nor Mac. I need to know how to fix this. Things already tried:

*Backing up harddrive and installing Snow Leopard (10.5.4 is what it is)
*Deleting the external harddrive and reformatting it.

I want to be able to keep all my mac files. The file with a ? appears when the Ubuntu livecd is not in. (that is the only thing that boots).

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OS X :: Cannot Boot Into Ubuntu CD

Feb 13, 2009

I am having trouble booting into an Ubuntu CD. Sorry about posting it here, but I thought that a Mac community would better suit it. When I first got this machine (was second hand) it came preloaded with OS 9. Immediately I wiped the HD and install a copy of Ubuntu 8.04. The CD was put away and not touched since today. Since then I have install OS X (best OS ever!) and recently I got my hands on a new HD, so I decided to install Ubuntu on it. My only problem is that it won't boot up from the CD.

Again, as I said before, this CD has not been touched since I booted up and installed from it, so long ago. The only possible difference in my computer is the new HD. As soon as I hold down 'C', it shows a white screen and that is it. I have also tried holding option and selecting the CD, but as soon as I hit the arrow, it just displays the same screen again. I will also say that I have no trouble in booting from the Mac OS X install DVD. It was the Live CD that I used last time, but I also have both the live and alternate install disks of the same version.

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FaceTime :: Bought And Downloaded And Installed The App But It Is No Where To Be Found?

May 15, 2012

I bought a Facetime app, downloaded it; not found in the folder that downloads go to. In the app store app it says it is installed but unable to find the facetime app. in applications folder.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Power Mac G5 :: Boot From Slave Or Master - Performance Options

Oct 25, 2007

I have a 1.8 duel G5, 3 gig of ram, and 2 internal hard drives, a 120 gig and an 80 gig. My question: does anyone know if it makes a difference (performance wise) which drive I boot from? The 80 was the original boot drive, but due to space problems, now I boot from the 120. I've run every diagnistic imaginable, including Diskwarrior. I have the identical machine at work, and that one just seems snappier. I maintain both machines the same, cocktail, MacJanitor etc. There is plenty of room on both drives. So the last thing I can think of is the master/slave thing.

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Mac Mini :: Can Boot It From Old G5 Master Drive If In An External Enclosure

Mar 22, 2012

My G5 2.5 has sprung a leak and is now kaput (no parts, no one can service). What I's like to do is pull the drive with some legacy stuff I need (Quickbooks and years of business stuff) and boot a new mac mini or imac from this drive. I've given up waiting for a new desktop and they are priced out of this word.

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OS X :: Ubuntu Live CD - Gives Error When Trying To Boot

Nov 21, 2008

I have bought a book in which an Ubuntu Live CD is included. It is a custom copy, to be able to follow the book's tutorials. The case is that when I try to boot it, it gives me the error "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off". I really need this particular copy of Ubuntu to work. Does somebody know of a fix? Btw, I am a total beginner when it comes to Linux & the console. The machine I am trying to get it working is a MacBook 2.4Gh bought in Aug 2008.

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MacBook Pro :: Wanting To Triple-boot OSX, XP And Ubuntu?

Jul 1, 2009

Well, my MacBook Pro arrives in a few days and I wanting to triple-boot OSX, XP and Ubuntu. It's got a 500GB hard drive so I'm wanting to split the partitions up into 250GB, 200GB, and 50GB. I need to have all 3 on the same computer.I'm following this short tutorial:Quote:# Make sure you use Leopard and have it updated (10.5.2).

#Start BootCamp and create a partition for Windows XP (15G is enough).# Don't install it through Bootcamp.# Insert Windows CD and reboot holding C when you hear the beeping sound.# Windows installation should start, follow the usual installation process of Windows.# If it reboots during installation, you press ALT during reboot so that you can pick Windows installation.# After Windows is installed, insert your Leopard DVD and it should install all your Apple drivers and stuff.# Update your Apple Software (there will be an option on the start menu to do so).

# Updte Windows XP.# Now that Windows is installed, get back to MacOS, we are going to install Linux now.# Start Disk Utility and create a new partition on Machintosh HD, name it Linux# Insert Linux CD and reboot holding C# On Linux installation, delete the partition you created (Linux) because its HFS, and set it as ext3 and mount /. Don't create swap (I know its going to warn you, but ignore it).# At the last step of setup, click advanced because you need to change where GRUB is going to be installed, choose sdaX (which X is your Linux partition).# Let it install Ubuntu.# Get back to MacOS, install rEFIt, reboot and run the partition manager of rEFIt, which should take care of every detail of booting for each OS.

#If XP was installed before the partition change, it will need boot.ini to be edited to change its partition from 3 to 4.# Reboot and that's it.Has anyone else done this? And is there an easier way? What problems have those of you that did this run into?

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OS X :: How To Dual Boot Ubuntu 9.10 With Snow Leopard

Nov 12, 2009

I have a MacBook Pro 5,5 running snow leopard and I would really like to dual boot it with ubuntu 9.10 does anyone know the best way to do this or if ubuntu is compatible with the mac hardware?

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OS X :: Dual Boot Ubuntu And Snow Leopard On G5

Dec 2, 2009

I'm wondering how to do a dual boot on my macbook g5 with ubuntu and snow leopard. I've tried using refit but it made my mac act all funny and it wouldn't run properly so I am wondering is there any other way of making this dual boot happen?

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OS X :: Using Terminal (Syntax) To Make Ubuntu Boot USB

Mar 20, 2010

I have a Mini 9 that needs to have ubuntu installed and I'm using a Mac Pro. Following the instructions here but stuck at the end. If someone could look at my Command and tell me what syntax I need. I have successfully created the disk image on my Desktop (pic 1) but for some reason can't locate it? I have tried numerous ways (pic 2 and 3).

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Boot Ubuntu From Flash Drive

Jul 8, 2010

I have a cd copy of ubuntu that works fine but is really slow.

I installed to a usb drive multiple times and keep running into the same problem: The flash drive shows up as "Legacy OS" in rEFIT and boots into my windows partition when I select it. It doesnt show up when I hold alt/option on startup. It also doesnt show up in the startup disc menu in system preferences even though its on the desktop.

I have used different usb drives and, like I said, have installed it multiple times. Every site I have gone to uses the same installation method (using ubuntu from a cd) and I dont understand why it wont work.

I have posted this probably in other sections and no one ever responds so Im hoping this will change.

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PowerPC :: AirPort Card Installed - Trusted Network Cannot Be Found

Aug 9, 2007

I have an Airport card installed in my Cube. Whenever I turn it on it says "none of your trusted networks can be found. would you like to join the network named default?" default being the name of the network in our house. none of my other computers do this, they all join automatically. how can I fix this?

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OS X :: Want To Load The Latest Ubuntu With It For A Triple Boot By Redoing?

Oct 16, 2010

I love osx dont get me wrong but i have some programs i need windows for. I want to know i want to load the latest ubuntu with it for a triple boot by redoing the windows partition will it get its own icon when you hold option to choose your hd or when you choose windows it will show grub or lilo the boot loaders for ubuntu

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Applications :: Won't Work With HD / Can't Boot From Ubuntu Knoppix Disk

Nov 30, 2010

I have a 2.33ghz intel Macbook Pro from 2006, version 2.2 I believe, formally running snow leopard. So yesterday my HD crashed, so I am attempting to use a Ubuntu Live Cd (I also have Knoppix too) to just see the HD and attempt to pull a few key files off the drive. The problem I'm having is that I put in the CD/DVD (I've tried both the Ubuntu CD and the DVD one found here, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/, and Knoppix 6.2.1 CD)
Boot, Immediately press "C" or "Option/Alt", and it does NOT see a CD/DVD.
I tried inserting the snow leopard disk, and it will "see" that, (I am able to use disk utiltiy ect, off the disk), so I know that the DVD drive is working, and that I am at least doing the process of getting the computer to boot of a CD/DVD correctly.
However when ever I put any of the ISO burnt CD/DVD operating systems I have tried it doesnt "see" anything.

(I have tried a knoppix 6.3.1 CD, burnt off a windows machine, a Ubuntu live CD, burnt off a windows machine, and the same Ubuntu live CD, burnt off a mac, and now I'm downloading a Ubuntu Live DVD, and will burn it on a windows machine)

So my question is does anyone have any idea why its not recognizing any of these ISO burnt CD/DVD operating systems?

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MacBook :: Ubuntu V8.10 Install On Partition For Dual Boot

Feb 21, 2009

I am new to Mac. I bought a new MB Unibody. I have been learning little by little day by day. I wanted to see if I could install Ubuntu v8.10 on a partition and go dual boot with it. I only used a 5 gb partition. Now when I start up t goes right to Ubuntu. I have been hitting the C button to change back to OSX. My Question is, Did I screw up and not install it right? Can I go back to default settings? Is it just a button i am missing to go back to OSX? I would love to go back to OSX. I just wanted it as a dual boot.

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Boot Camp Drivers For Linux (ubuntu)?

May 24, 2009

I have recently bought a macbook, and i have used boot camp with windwos xp and 7, and drivers worked perfectly, but i need this drivers for linux, like key functions, camera, key ilumination, etc. So i was wondering if its possible before i install linux in my mac.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Boot Camp 'installer Disc Could Not Be Found'

Mar 25, 2012

i'm attempting to load win7 onto my MAC. Thus far i have downloaded the .iso image off MSDN (throught my university, for all intents and purposes should be as legitimate as an off the shelf copy)  and burned it to DVD as a bootable disc image. however for some reason when using Boot Camp im told "The installer disc could not be found".There is data on the disc however when i go into the disc via finder it appears empty (no icons)... even though it is not (get info > xyzMB used).

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Installation - No Bootable Device Found?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm trying to install windows xp professional sp3 from an iso I torrented. I burned it to a disc, but my computer can't find the disc during the start of installation ("No bootable device, press any key").

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Windows On Mac :: No Audio Devices Found In Boot Camp Vista On New Mini

Jun 29, 2010

i'm a HUGE gamer, so the first thing I did once I loaded this new computer up was install my copy of Windows Vista on it using Boot Camp Assistant. The installation went completely smoothly, so I then proceeded to install the Boot Camp Drivers onto my new and fresh and clean Windows Installation.

I restarted the computer and everything seemed to be in working order...but there are two relatively MAJOR problems:

One, the one that is the most pressing, is the sound. When I started up after installing all of the boot camp drivers, I couldn't get a single audio device to get recognized by my Vista Home Premium installation. I tried disabling and re-disabling other drivers in the Device Manager, and when I try to download new drivers for the one audio device that has an error sign next to it, Vista claims that it is already updated to the latest drivers, so it will not install new ones. I even went onto cirrus' website to download their official drivers, and the same thing happened.

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MacBook Pro :: No Bootable Device Found / Insert Boot Disk And Press Any Key

Sep 1, 2014

Not only will holding Option while booting not work, but all of the other boot tricks (safe mode, single user mode, etc), will not work. I am at a loss. I also don't have an optical drive in this particular MBP. I have an SSD where it once was.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Power Mac G5 :: Installed New HD - Trying To Boot Up

Nov 10, 2007

I installed a new hard drive on my G5. Trying to boot up from my leopard install CD. I get a blue screen with two arrows and the install cd icon. Plus the "clock" going around. It's been doing that for 30 min. What is that? Just when I was starting to feel confident in my HD installing capabilities.

Power Mac G5 1.6 ghz
Mac OS X (10.3.x)

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