Windows On Mac :: Clone Bootcamp/move To New Drive?
Jul 3, 2010
I have XP on a 1 TB HDD (only about 80 GB is used) and I want to move it to a 120 GB partition on an SSD and boot from there.
This would be trivial in OSX - just use carbon copy. But, I can't get it done using Acronis True Image 2010 or any other utility I've tried while in XP. Everything wants to clone the entire 1 TB and not simply the 80ish GB of files.
What should I use to accomplish my goal (or what must I do different with Acronis)?
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Jan 3, 2010
I've done a byte to byte clone of my original 320GB bootcamp drive to a 750GB drive (connected via USB). So I remove the 320GB from bay 4 (MacPro) and slot in the 750GB into bay 4. I fire up my MacPro hit the Option key during power up and all I get is an option to select my Mac drive not my new 750GB Windows drive.
So I boot into OSX (since I have no other option) and I can see my "Untitled" Windows drive on my desktop. I can select it and browse it and I see all my Windows files. Also, under System Preferences - Startup Disk, I can see my "Windows on Untitled" listed.
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Sep 20, 2010
I have a win 7 installation on its own drive in my mac pro. I now need to move it to a new hard drive.
In mac I would use super duper or carbon copy cloner to just copy the lot onto another drive whilst making it bootable. How would I do this with the windows drive?
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Jan 4, 2010
I currently have XP installed on a Bootcamp partition on my main iMac hard drive. I've got a new external USB 2.0 SATA hard drive enclosure on the way that I plan to install a couple of spare SATA drives into. I was wondering about somehow moving my current Bootcamp partition off the main iMac drive and onto the spare WD Raptor drive that I've got without having to reinstall everything all over again. My second question would be - if I am able to switch the Bootcamp partition location, would the USB 2.0 transfer speed be fast enough for when I run windows? I typically use Windows for gaming only and very little else.
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Oct 20, 2009
So, I've got an old windows laptop running XP that has a few programs on it that I occasionally need to use and the 17" MBP in my signature line. Here's what I want to do. Set up a Bootcamp partition on the MBP's hard drive and then clone the older windows laptop's hard drive to that partition. Is this possible? The thought is that my Windows software is already installed and set up and thus cloning would be the easiest way to make a smooth transfer as opposed to setting up Bootcamp and essentially starting over with having to install everything I would need.
I don't know anything about cloning software on the PC side, but have used Carbon Copy Cloner for my mac cloning needs in the past. My windows laptop does not have firewire, only USB and removing the HD from the laptop is not an option. I was hoping I could clone the windows drive to an external and then use that external to clone to the Bootcamp partition.
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Jul 19, 2009
I have a Macbook (about a year and a half old) with 250 G hard drive which is partitioned in half. One half has Mac Os (leopard) and the other bootcamp partition is Windoze xp. I use both equally. I am planning to get a 500-750 G 2.5 inch hard drive and clone my entire hard drive to it so I will have more room (and also a good backup if the need ever arises). Since my drive has BOTH the Mac os and the bootcamp partiton with windoze on it, I need to clone them both over to the new drive. I believe superduper just clones the OS portion and I really don't want to re-install the windows stuff unless i have to! I read that winclone can clone the windoze partitian. SO THIS IS MY PLAN. I AM NOT SURE IF THIS WILL WORK. Is this right? Did I leave anything out? Is there a better way?
1. Get new larger drive and put in a separate powered enclosure
2. Connect to my macbook with usb connector
3. Use superduper to clone the Mac Os to the new drive.
4. Use Winclone to clone the bootcamp (windoze) partition to the new drive
5. Replace the old smaller drive with the new drive.
I think this would work, but am not sure how or when i have to partition the new drive to work with winclone. or does winclone do this automatically?
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Jul 4, 2012
I have a 13 inch Aluminum Late 2008 MacBook. Processor 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53). Currently I have a 160 GB SATA disk as my hard drive a d 4 GB of memory. (Is it time to upgrade or what?) I recently bought a Western Digital 1 TB internal hard drive to replace my exisiting internal hard drive. I spent a lot of time last night trying to first- connect this new hard drive to my computer so that I can then clone the existing hard drive and then hoping that I would get that done so I could install the new hard drive. No such luck.
My current hard drive is partitioned as follows:
Name: Macintosh HD
Format: Mac OS Extended (journaled)
Size: 132.5 GB
Format: Windows NT File System (NTFS)
Size: 26.69 GB
When I was partitioning the new drive I did so as follows:
Name: Macintosh HD
Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
Size: 973.51 GB
Format: MS-DOS (FAT) --- This was the only option that I was given that I thought would work. I did not have the option of "Windows NT File System (NTFS) to choose from. Question # 1: is that going to be a problem? I only run 1 program on Windows and that is the only reason I have BOOTCAMP on there at all. However, I do HAVE to have that program. Like I said it didn't give me the option to choose Windows so I didn't know where to go with this. Any help with that would be awesome.
Size: 26.34 GB (I just used the same size that was current, or close to it.) I connected the Western Digital 1 TB through an external device, partitioned it as stated above, and then used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the drives. The first one went through fine. (It took 2 hours and I went to bed before it finished.) This morning I woke to see that it had gone through well. I then started the process with the BOOTCAMP drives. However, before I started it gave me errors stating that I wouldn't be able to run Windows off of the Cloned BOOTCAMP drive. Question #2: Is it because of the Format type I chose when partitioning?
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 23, 2010
I use carbon copy clone for my mac to copy boot drives, what do I use for the windows boot drives/partions to move to a different drive?
I've got Mac OSX on one drive and Windows 7 on another and will be installing a 160gb SSD drive for boot drive this weekend. I just want to copy the windows boot drive to the SSD drive partion I've created for windows.
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Jul 22, 2009
This is a tutorial for people looking to clone their internal hard drive and install it into their macbook (usually because you've upgraded to a larger hdd). I have also included an installation of windows vis a vis boot camp style. Ive been battling this for the past 3 days, so hopefully this tutorial will answer some questions and save you some time.
1. Firstly get your external drive (clone) ready. Go to applications---->utilities---->disk utility. Click on your external drive and then partition it. I used 2 partitions, one for mac (200 GB) and one for windows (40 GB). For now partition in GUID partition format (found in options). This is important. You can check whether it actually as in GUID at the end of the format when you click on the drive and on the bottom part of the screen it will give you all the drive information. (NOTE: if you have a standard windows installation you can have 1 partition at this stage and then later let boot camp create a partition for you. Boot camp will only format in FAT, so all windows using NTFS are out of luck)..............
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a Santa Rosa MBP with a broken Superdrive, and I need to get Windows 7 installed on Bootcamp. I had a copy of Parallels laying around so I install W7 on that, but now I need a way to image that over to my Bootcamp partition. Is this possible? No amount of Googling is turning anything up.
Alternatively, if anyone knows other ways for me to get W7 on my laptop, that would be just as appreciated. I have tried imaging my flash drive with W7, and unfortunately I get an error on rEFIt that external hard drives are not well-supported by Apple's firmware for legacy OS booting.
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Sep 4, 2014
I have a Windows 7 Virtual Machine on Fusion 5 installed on OS X Mavericks. How can it be moved to BootCamp?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 8GB 1333 MHz DDR3
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Oct 2, 2010
I recently had to wipe my entire hard drive. I made a clone of my Windows 7 partition before doing so, but am now unsure about how to restore it. Is it possible to restore without first installing Win 7 from scratch, i.e., is there any chance I could partition the drive using the Boot Camp utility then simply copy the entire file system over?
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Jul 19, 2008
I purchased a new hard drive, my second Samsung 750 GB. My first one is partitioned, half for OSX half for Vista. Ultimately, I want to have a hard drive per operating system.
At first I thought the way to go for this, based on some stuff I read here on Mac Rumors was to use winclone to clone the windows partition,restore it to the new drive, and then I don't know what.I did the restore, there were errors in the log though..something about the wrong kind of partition. Basically it's become a pain in the ass, and I'm thinking there has to be an easier way.
It occurred to me, I might be able to use "Install and Archive" to move the boot volume to the new disk, moving the user files and network settings with it. If I did this would I be able to expand the windows partition using winclone utilizing the full hard drive? Or could moving the boot volume to the new disk mess up my Windows partition?
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May 18, 2010
I am looking for a way to clone my HDD that has Leopard and BootCamp XP Partition all in one shot without having to do 2 seperate backups.
Also after I have the image, I would like to deploy to around 150 Mac Minis not at the same time atleast 2 or 3 at a time.
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Nov 10, 2009
perhaps I am doing something wrong? I wanted to install Windows XP on my iMac. I previously had partitioned my Mac drives. I backed everything on these drives to my external and blew the partitions away creating my one Mac drive again.
I then ran Bootcamp, created a partition and installed XP. Everything was fine. I then partitioned my main drive and got the warning message about Bootcamp maybe not working afterwards. So I finished partitioning my Mac drive as I wanted and now I don't have the option of booting into XP through Bootcamp. When I try it just shows the Mac drive as my only boot option. I see the XP Bootcamp drive in the System Preferences startup disk area, but I assume I did something to the partition once I partitioned my Mac drives
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Oct 14, 2010
I currently have 2 drives installed in my MBP 15" i7, via Optibay kit. I have OSX on the main drive, and Windows 7 on the optibay drive. I'm attempting to upgrade/replace the optibay drive.So, I've used Winclone to clone the optibay drive, I have restored it on my new drive, and installed the new drive in place of the old one in the optibay.When I boot OSX, I can see the new bootcamp drive and all its contents. But when I attempt to boot windows, I just get a black screen with a blinking white cursor in the upper left corner
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Oct 5, 2010
I have an i7 iMac and I installed Windows 7 on it and was wondering down the road when I move onto a new machine, how to I take that partition with me? For example, I use time machine to back up my Mac files so at any time I'll be ready to start anew, I can I do this for my windows partition? BTW, the partition is 500GB on a 2 TB drive.
I'm hoping there's a way to give the partition it's own hard drive when I get a computer that can handle multiple hard drives.
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Nov 11, 2010
if I add another internal drive in my Mac Pro can I assume I can install Bootcamp upon itand then run PC based games and stuff.Do I have have to install Winblows to be able to do this ?Not having been involved in this before, is there an idiots guide for setting all this up anywhere ?
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Aug 20, 2007
I'd like to install BootCamp & Win XP Home OEM on a dedicated drive in my MP. Depending on what the next MP specs are I may or may not upgrade in the next 6 months, or whenever the next MP is released. Could I take the BootCamp/Win XP drive and pop it in the new machine or does it have to live and die in the originally installed machine? I know you can't do this w/ Vista, but not sure what XP will do?
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Jul 10, 2009
I just installed windows 7 rc1 beta(32 bit) on my new june-2009 unibody 15'' mbp. Everything works great and I have parallels installed on my mac side so I can run both (and use bootcamp). Only problem is the windows drive shows up in osx as BootCamp so I tried changing the name from the windows side into something less obtrusive such as Windows 7. Problem is windows won't let me change the c drive title from BOOTCAMP to Windows 7. Everytime I type it in, it says "you require administrator privileges to confirm" so I click confirm but it just reverts back. Also, the audio levels in windows seem to be lower on max volume than in osx. How do I make them louder? Do I reinstall drivers?
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Sep 25, 2009
I set up a boot camp Windows partition. Once in Windows, Partition Magic will not work in partitioning the boot camp drive. I tried from Disk Utility in OS X as well and that doesn't even let me partition the drive. Is it not possible to do? I am creating this to try to play a PC game and Fusion won't cut it. I would like to create normal partitions like I always do in Windows if possible.
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Nov 22, 2009
have partitioned my drive and it restarts my machine once I've inserted my windows 7 disc. It then reboots but stalls on black screen saying no bootable data???
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Sep 12, 2010
So this is what i need help eith i did it all apart from this bit, i am so close any help would be amazing i am using VMware fusion 2, might i have to have version 1? link to thread [HTML] [URL] Code: I opened up the settings for the newly created virtual machine, and changed the disc to point to my Windows 7 ISO file.
Code: 'm working on installing Windows 7 without a DVD (broken SuperDrive here) using VMWare Fusion and the instructions provided by melchior....................
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Dec 5, 2010
Can I put boot camp onto a portable/external HDD and change boot options to run the HDD on start up? I have a very new macbook (its my first mac), so don't want to start messing around with partitions etc., as I am very new to macs...
I'm also wondering if there is a Linux/Ubuntu emulator available for the mac? And if there is one, would it be possible to partition an external hardrive into three segments, one for Bootcamp, one for Linux, and one for time capsule?
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Dec 24, 2010
I recently swapped the 500Gb WD drive out of my Macbook Pro for a 500Gb Seagate Momentus XT drive. OSX transferred across without any trouble, but despite using WinClone to backup the Bootcamp partition (running Windows 7 64-bit) I haven't been able to restore it successfully. What happens is that it appears to restore, and I get the dual boot screen when I hold down the Alt key, but on selecting Windows I end up getting a screen saying that some component or other is missing. I might choose simply to use Windows 7 under Parallels on this machine if I am faced with a full restore, since that way I can more easily backup the Windows side, and since it's running (MUCH) better since swapping drives. However, IDEALLY I'd prefer to restore my existing partition...
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Jan 13, 2011
Last time I did this I ended up reinstalling my whole computer because I took out the Cd under the installation. And it don't seems like that I partitioned it or what it's called. I have done it now but I did go back and I shut down BootCamp assistant and now I have 2 hard drives Macintosh Hd and BootCamp but what I was wondering about is that if I going to install will the install be made on the BootCamp hard drive automatically?
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Apr 5, 2006
Can I put the bootcamp xp pro partition on an external drive? i only have 8 or so gb left on my internal, but have about 80gb on my external would that work? or do they have to be on the same drive
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Nov 16, 2008
I have an iso from my university and a new Macbook with a broken superdrive.
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Feb 28, 2009
I'm wanting to create a bootable clone of my windows bootcamp partition. The idea is to copy it to an external harddrive, then onto my new internal hard drive, and be able to boot it from there. I downloaded Carbon Copy Cloner, but it wont let me clone my windows drive, just my mac one. Is there any way I can do this (preferable for free).
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May 14, 2009
I had windows in a bootcamp partition for a while, and today, i decided to erase the partition and make a new, bigger one. I erased it just fine, but I can't make another one, it just gives me this error: Verification failed: this disk could not be partitioned. Use disk utility to repair this disk. I went to disk utility and i clicked verify disk (repair disk was not highlighted) and it gave me another error: filesystem verify or repair failed. I also repaired disk permissions with no such luck.
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