OS X :: What To Use To Clone Windows Boot Drive?

Feb 23, 2010

I use carbon copy clone for my mac to copy boot drives, what do I use for the windows boot drives/partions to move to a different drive?

I've got Mac OSX on one drive and Windows 7 on another and will be installing a 160gb SSD drive for boot drive this weekend. I just want to copy the windows boot drive to the SSD drive partion I've created for windows.

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Windows On Mac :: Clone Old Pc Hd To Boot Camp Options

Apr 25, 2010

I want to clone my old pc's hard drive so I can boot it up on my iMac via Boot Camp and it will be identical to my PC - is this possible?How would I go about creating a disk image of my PC hard drive and then loading it up in bootcamp?Bootcamp will provide all the drivers I need but what about the old drivers installed for the PC hardware?

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MacBook Air :: Clone To 64 GB Flash Drive As A Boot Rescue Drive?

Nov 15, 2010

When I travel I would generally take a small travel drive that is clone of my white MacBook as a rescue drive.Now that I have the MBA I am wondering if I could just clone my 11.6 MBA to a 64 GB flash drive and then if the worst happened I could reverse clone from the flash drive to the MBA.

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Mac Pro :: How To Clone A Boot Drive On A RAID0?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm planning to replace my boot hard drive with a pair of RAID0ed SSDs. In order to familiarize myself with certain techniques I have build a software RAID0 from two 160 GB Maxtor SATA I hard disks. That went pretty much without problems. The two HDs are now sitting in position 1 and 2 in my Mac Pro.

The problem arises when I try to clone my boot drive onto the new RAID 0 drive. I was using disk utility and got an error message. Then I thought my fault was using disk utility from the HD which I wanted to clone and booted from the Leopard install disk. I then used disdk utility from that source to clone the HD boot drive to the RAID. Again I got the error.

What is going wrong? Do I have to approach this completely different?

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MacBook Pro :: Is There A Way To Clone A Dual-boot Hard Drive?

Nov 23, 2010

I recently bought a Macbook Pro with a 200gb hard drive. Right now I am running bootcamp dual-booting OSX 10.6.5 and Windows7 100gb partitions each. I just got done configuring everything and then my friend offered me a 500gb hard drive for $50 so of course I had to buy it.

I am wondering if it is possible for me to clone the hard drive I currently have to the new 500gb hard drive and then extend the partition sizes so I don't have to go through and reinstall everything on the Windows side again.

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MacBook :: Hard Drive Clone With Boot Camp?

Mar 28, 2009

I recently installed Boot Camp with Windows Vista. i partitioned the drive 50-50 and now i am running out of room on both partitions.

I am familiar with Ghost on the PC side but is there a software that will CLONE my Mac partition and Windows partition all in the same process? When i go to Disk Mangement in Vista, it recognizes four partitions. 1 for vista and the other 3 for Mac.

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Mac Pro :: Clone Primary Boot Drive To Spare Partition?

Jun 1, 2012

Getting OCZ SSD to install on MacPro 08 in second optical bay.  Must have User files on separate drive due to SSD will barely hold system.  I figured I'd have to clone my primary boot drive to spare partition, boot from clone, setup it up with User in other location from SysPrefs > Users > control click current user > advanced options, restart then dump items form User in order to have the drive sized for the SSD.  Once the intermmediate tranfer drive was set up, clone it to the SSD and use as boot.

I tested clone before actuall data transfers.  Problem is after switching User file location from the booted clone, restarting, but re-booting looks like clean install. No preferences showed up, missing all but stock apps in dock, desktop image back to clean install, printer needing registration.Tried advanced options again to locate User on same original boot drive, restart, same thing.  I did not remove User files yet from the cloned drive which I was booting.  Just switched location.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), MacPro '08, 2.8 Octo, 12GB, 5TB

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Windows On Mac :: Clone Bootcamp/move To New Drive?

Jul 3, 2010

I have XP on a 1 TB HDD (only about 80 GB is used) and I want to move it to a 120 GB partition on an SSD and boot from there.

This would be trivial in OSX - just use carbon copy. But, I can't get it done using Acronis True Image 2010 or any other utility I've tried while in XP. Everything wants to clone the entire 1 TB and not simply the 80ish GB of files.

What should I use to accomplish my goal (or what must I do different with Acronis)?

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OS X :: Clone & Install New Hard Drive (hdd) & Windows (NTFS - FAT)

Jul 22, 2009

This is a tutorial for people looking to clone their internal hard drive and install it into their macbook (usually because you've upgraded to a larger hdd). I have also included an installation of windows vis a vis boot camp style. Ive been battling this for the past 3 days, so hopefully this tutorial will answer some questions and save you some time.

1. Firstly get your external drive (clone) ready. Go to applications---->utilities---->disk utility. Click on your external drive and then partition it. I used 2 partitions, one for mac (200 GB) and one for windows (40 GB). For now partition in GUID partition format (found in options). This is important. You can check whether it actually as in GUID at the end of the format when you click on the drive and on the bottom part of the screen it will give you all the drive information. (NOTE: if you have a standard windows installation you can have 1 partition at this stage and then later let boot camp create a partition for you. Boot camp will only format in FAT, so all windows using NTFS are out of luck)..............

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Windows On Mac :: Clone Bootcamp Drive But No Longer Shows Up?

Jan 3, 2010

I've done a byte to byte clone of my original 320GB bootcamp drive to a 750GB drive (connected via USB). So I remove the 320GB from bay 4 (MacPro) and slot in the 750GB into bay 4. I fire up my MacPro hit the Option key during power up and all I get is an option to select my Mac drive not my new 750GB Windows drive.

So I boot into OSX (since I have no other option) and I can see my "Untitled" Windows drive on my desktop. I can select it and browse it and I see all my Windows files. Also, under System Preferences - Startup Disk, I can see my "Windows on Untitled" listed.

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Windows On Mac :: Restore 7 From Clone After Wiping Hard Drive (without 7 Disc)?

Oct 2, 2010

I recently had to wipe my entire hard drive. I made a clone of my Windows 7 partition before doing so, but am now unsure about how to restore it. Is it possible to restore without first installing Win 7 from scratch, i.e., is there any chance I could partition the drive using the Boot Camp utility then simply copy the entire file system over?

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Can't Boot To OS, But Clone Of HD Will Boot On Another Mac?

Oct 17, 2010

Got a Powerbook G4 with a "messed up" HD. Couldn't fix it, so got a firewire drive and ran a bunch of utilities from my newer intel iMac. Cloned the Powerbook's drive to a USB hard drive, did all repairs on the USB drive, formatted the Powerbook, cloned the USB drive BACK to the Powerbook, but it just gives me the flashing question mark when I try to boot.

What is REALLY weird is I can boot my iMac FROM THE CLONE ON THE USB DRIVE and it works fine.In Drive Genius the Powerbook drive (in TDM) shows as a single drive, but if I go to "Repartition" then it shows 3 smaller partitions on the drive; I believe they're called "Apple Free Space" or something like that (can't check right now, I'm running Repair on it AGAIN at the moment).

I feel like I'm missing something simple, like the machine just doesn't see one thing that tells it "Oh, yeah! There's an operating system on this drive!" I have tried partitioning from Drive Genius and Disk Utility. Have done clones back and forth with Drive Genius, Disk Utility, and Carbon Copy Cloner. Same results each time.

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OS X :: Intel And PPC Boot Disc Clone?

Nov 27, 2010

i don't have a backup of my macbook - 10.5.8am also in process of reassembling my old iMac G5 ALS - 10.5.8 also.Appreciate that from a boot disk perspective then the intel is a guid format and ppc is on apm.Is there anyway to have a single external disc to backup both.

ideally i'd just plug it into the firewire port and use carbon copy cloner on a regular basis.

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Windows On Mac :: Install Windows 7 And Can't Get The Boot Camp Assistant To Partition My Drive?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm trying to install Windows 7 and can't get the boot camp assistant to partition my drive. The drive in question is 500GB with over 200GB free space. I want a Windows partition of 35-40GB.On first attempt I kept getting the cannot move files error when trying to partition. I read up on the error online, and most people suggested issues with parallels or needing to use idefrag. I had parallels on my machine at one point, but am not sure if there are any problem folders still hiding somewhere. Any tips on that part?I ran idefrag overnight last night. When I booted the machine up this morning, I launched it again to verify that the disk was defraged. Boot camp still doesn't want to play.

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MacBook Pro :: Internal HDD Crunchy, Can't Boot From External Clone

May 25, 2012

My internal HD failed.  I have a recent Super Duper bootable Clone connected with FW800. The option key at startup doesn't allow me to access the clone drive.  I press the start key, wait for the "bong," hold down the option key and nothing happens - just whiring, some crunchy sounds and a solid blue screen. I was able to reset the PRAM using the command-opt-P-R keys and got the 2nd "bong", but that hasn't helped the problem. It's a 2008-9? MBP running 10.6.? I've order a replacement internal drive.  I was hoping to be able to boot to the clone and work in the meantime. 

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Windows XP From External USB Hard Drive?

Jul 10, 2009

Is there any way without creating a usb bootable install cd that I can install windows XP onto my USB Hard Drive and boot from it in mac? If I can download a already bootable version of XP, please show me a link (please tell me if thats not allowed). Also, my H.D. doesn't show up when I boot up and hold option.
Thanks In Advance

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Mac Pro :: Can Clone Hard Drive To A New And Bigger Drive?

Sep 13, 2009

I just cloned my hard drive to a new and bigger drive. I did the OSX 10.5.8 update on the old western digital drive as a safety precaution, so that if it screwed up I would still have a good copy on my new Seagate barracuda. The update looks to have gone well and I will be waiting for a couple of trial days before backing the drive up again. My question is, when I clone the drive again(to the new seagate) how will that work? Should I erase the existing disk image(10.5.7) on that drive or will it overwrite the existing image with the new 10.5.8 one? This is the first time I have used carbon copy and don't really know all the in's and out's of it.

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OS X :: Is It Possible To Clone My Macbook HDD Osx And Windows Partitions

May 27, 2009

If it is whats the best and "freeest" way to do it? I know how to do normal osx clones I use SuperDuper!. But now i have a vista partition. If i cant clone the complete drive is there any other way to do it?

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Windows On Mac :: Multiple Same PC's - Clone System?

Aug 3, 2010

i'm about to install new computer setup at work with multiple of the same PC desktop's and laptop's. This would be a piece of cake with MAC, using target disc mode and clone each stations with same setup. BUT how to do this in the Windows environment? I really don't want to install each individually = huge waste of time.

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OS X :: Option To Clone Install Disk, Don't Need To Clone?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a Macbook running on snow leopard and I wanna upgrade my internal hard drive as it is currently too small. I downloaded Carbon Copy Cloner and cloned my entire hard drive to an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. Now, I have that new internal hard drive from wester digital. What do I do with it? replace the current internal hard drive with the new harddrive and then how do I get the data from the external hard drive with my cloned data to the fresh western digital? Do I boot first from external hard drive etc? I am not sure what to do now?when I was given the option which hard drive to clone (or which part of the hard drive to clone) there was also the option to clone "Install Disk". I don't need to clone that, right?

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Without A CD Drive?

Dec 31, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro 17" (MacBookPro2,1 I believe) and it has a busted Superdrive that won't read or burn CDs and DVDs. However, I want to dual boot Windows 7—is this even possible?

I've already tried a bit of a long-winded solution. I used Parallels to install a virtual copy of Windows 7, then booted into that copy, used it and a Windows 7 ISO to make a bootable flash drive, installed rEFIt, and tried to boot from my flash drive. However, that doesn't seem to work as rEFIt just errors out and then prompts you to restart, saying that the firmware refuses to boot, and that support for booting legacy OSes from external drives is rather shaky.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot From Usb Optical Drive?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm trying to install Windows 7 on Macbook 2,1 but my superdrive is faulty.


Anybody had been able to boot windows 7 using usb optical drive?

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Windows On Mac :: Clone Older HDD To New Bootcamp Partition

Oct 20, 2009

So, I've got an old windows laptop running XP that has a few programs on it that I occasionally need to use and the 17" MBP in my signature line. Here's what I want to do. Set up a Bootcamp partition on the MBP's hard drive and then clone the older windows laptop's hard drive to that partition. Is this possible? The thought is that my Windows software is already installed and set up and thus cloning would be the easiest way to make a smooth transfer as opposed to setting up Bootcamp and essentially starting over with having to install everything I would need.

I don't know anything about cloning software on the PC side, but have used Carbon Copy Cloner for my mac cloning needs in the past. My windows laptop does not have firewire, only USB and removing the HD from the laptop is not an option. I was hoping I could clone the windows drive to an external and then use that external to clone to the Bootcamp partition.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Clone A Drive/mac?

Sep 10, 2010

I had some problems with my 17" MacBook Pro and needed a replacement immediately. The Apple Store didn't have a 17" that met my requirements so I bought a 13" that I plan to give to my wife to replace her 13" non-pro.

So. I'm ordering a 17" over the Internet. When it arrives, I'd love to avoid ALL the configuration that I just went through to get this new 13" setup like my old 17". Is there any way to completely clone the drive in my 13" MBP completely and transfer the data to the new 17" MBP when it arrives?

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OS X :: Can I Clone My 10.6 DVD Onto A Flash Drive?

Aug 20, 2010

i hear its possible to make a install emergency disk using a flash drive, i purchased a HP USB 16GB flashdrive v 165w, [URL]

i formated the drive as a Guid Partition, ignored preferences and all the stuff i could find online to see to it that i did it right but no go,

can anyone tell me if this drive is incompatible or which one i should exchange it for?

i tried cloning my original OSX Leopard DVD and i get errors when from both CCC and Super Duper,

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Windows On Mac :: What Is The Best Way To Transfer Boot Camp To A New Drive

Aug 24, 2010

I have two 500GB data drives, one is split in half with Boot Camp getting 250GB.

The Boot Camp drive is starting to fail and needs to be replaced.

I ordered a 1TB drive and my plan is copy all data from the first drive on the 1TB, and then format the working 500GB and put Boot Camp onto it (this time filling the whole drive).

What is the best way to do this?

I'm thinking maybe - run Boot Camp Assistant, set up the partition, then clone the contents on the drive? Is this the best way?

What is the best software to use?

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Windows On Mac :: How To Replace Boot Camp Drive

May 31, 2008

I plan on replacing my Boot Camp Drive (not partition, separate drive) in my Mac Pro (320GB with Vista 64, NTFS) with a 750 GB drive.

How do I do this? Do I put in the new drive and clone the Boot Camp partition using Disk Utility, and then take the 320gb out of it's slot and put in the 750gb, and Vista will boot fine? Is there anything special I need to do?

Or am I going to have to re-setup everything and reinstall windows?

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Windows On Mac :: HDD Optibay - Un Mounting Drive On Boot

Jan 14, 2010

I installed a x25-m, of course, transfering the HDD to the optibay. Here is my problem: Whenever I shutdown, restart or hibernate, I hear, right as the fans shutoff, a loud, almost sharp click. It is obviously the HDD. As many of us know,(that have this set up, or have read the optibay thread) this "hard shutdown" is probably due to the lack of sudden motion sensor for the HDD in the optibay setup. What to do, what to do...especially considering the fact that I boot frequently between Win 7 and OS X. Well, after some research on the interwebs, I have come to the conclusion that ejecting the poor thing prior to shutdown, much like any external device, nets a happy HDD. In the process I came to the conclusion that there should be some automation to this, and sure enough, in terminal, you can augment the volume to not mount on boot. It is a beautifully simple process as noted in this post: [URL] This is all very good news, except that I've only found a solution for OSX. I was expecting to find an equally elegant process in windows. Lo and behold, the process, script and/or command are/is evading me. If anyone out there is on a similar path, could they be so bold as to link their findings? Possibly we could collaborate to right this terrible wrong. To specify, I am hoping to make it so that the drive in question is never "mounted" until chosen to do so, hopefully something similar to the approach in OSX.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Keeps Creating An 'F' Drive In XP?

Aug 14, 2010

I have loaded XP with boot camp on about 20 IMAC's over the last 6 months at my work. Everything has gone fine until about 1 month ago. When finished instaaling the Mac drivers and when rebooted, in XP, boot camp creates not only the 'C' drive labelled "Boot Camp", but also creates and mounts permemently a 'F' drive on the Windows computer. The 'F' drive is no longer mapable on the XP. I can't have an 'F' drive because other softwatre on the XP need to map a 'F' drive.

Why is it creating an 'F' drive and how do I get it to stop, like the other 20 installs that went fine.

Some details, - yes the Windows partition is very large, usually 500gb

No, I keep it from connecting to the internet - some one said that might be the reason.

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Software :: How To Clone/Ghost A Drive?

Aug 10, 2009

trying to help my mat out with his laptop. Disk is small and full. Sadly I used to using Linux and Windows and not Mac Os. I have mounted the new drive in a caddy and conncted it. Now jsut need to kow a good way to copy the entire thing to the new drive and make it bootable.

IF it was Linux I would jsut dump the file system and in windows I would use symnatec but I have been told this isn't good for Mac's.

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