Windows On Mac :: Install Bootcamp Without Using The Super Drive
Sep 12, 2010
So this is what i need help eith i did it all apart from this bit, i am so close any help would be amazing i am using VMware fusion 2, might i have to have version 1? link to thread [HTML] [URL] Code: I opened up the settings for the newly created virtual machine, and changed the disc to point to my Windows 7 ISO file.
Code: 'm working on installing Windows 7 without a DVD (broken SuperDrive here) using VMWare Fusion and the instructions provided by melchior....................
I dual-boot OS X with Windows 7 (Home Premium) on my MacBook Air and the trackpad is super sensitive in Bootcamp. It's not the cursor speed, but the accidental "mouse clicks" while moving the cursor across the screen that have become troublesome (I daytrade securities in Windows, and a rogue mouse can be an absolute back-breaker). The only resolution has been to disable "tap to click" in the Bootcamp Control Panel. I've seen dozens of aged threads across the web regarding the issue that unfortunately provide no real solution for this. Do you have any solutions of your own?
Last time I did this I ended up reinstalling my whole computer because I took out the Cd under the installation. And it don't seems like that I partitioned it or what it's called. I have done it now but I did go back and I shut down BootCamp assistant and now I have 2 hard drives Macintosh Hd and BootCamp but what I was wondering about is that if I going to install will the install be made on the BootCamp hard drive automatically?
I am trying to install windows 7 to my bootcamp partition from a USB flash drive. I looked up some other forums that talk about how to do this but they started throwing in all kinds of fancy computer terms that I don't understand.
I need some softwares for my work (modelsim, altera, ltspices etc) but some of them only supports windows. New MBP doesnt seem to have a cd driver.How do I install windows using bootcamp without cd drivers?
I have a MacbookPro6,2 (mid 2010). I replaced my optical drive with an OptiBay 500GB hard drive before I realized I wanted to do bootcamp. So, I did a lot of searching and found that I would be able to install windows 7 onto my bootcamp partition using Parallels 6 (from an image of the retail windows 7 disk). The install from parallels was successful so I used parallels to install the bootcamp drivers to the windows partition.
However, when I try to boot to the windows partition, it starts up, displays the 'starting windows' message w/ the windows icon then BAM--Blue Screen of Death flashes on for less than a second and the machine restarts. I can't even read what the error is, thats how quickly it restarts. I also searched the partition looking for the BSOD error log but no log was generated.
My bootable drive is a JBOD (concatenated array) of two internal disks. Therefore I cannot use Bootcamp. I have placed a third blank drive in the third hard drive bay. I have my download of the Windows 7 beta, which I burned to a bootable disk using Disk Utility (.cdr file). Now, might any of you in the audience be able to inform me of what I should do to get the Windows OS from the bootable disk onto the completely blank internal drive?
I have the Windows 7 .iso from Microsoft, but I can't burn it to a DVD as it's too large. I do have a 1TB external HDD, though. Is there a way I can put the .iso on that, and when I go to set up windows it installs off the drive instead of a disk?
Would it be possible to install Windows (7) for BootCamp from a USB Flash Drive instead of burning it to a DVDROM?Installing Windows (Vista) from a Flash Drive [URL]is possible and potentially faster than installing from DVD or ethernet. I'm assuming this should work for Windows 7 as well.So the question that remains is if BootCamp can boot? install from? USB. (I've never tried BootCamp, so I'm not familiar with the process of even starting an install.)
I have VMWARE and Vista ultimate full edition and do NOT have a super drive. Any ideas on how to go about getting Vista to work in VMWARE because it is not recognizing the disc via "Remote Disc" feature
I do NOT have the superdrive and would like to install windows XP pro on my MBA with VMware Fusion. I've tried making .dmg, .iso, & .cdr images of the windows XP disc but i'm having NO luck with Fusion recognizing the disc image. When I create the new Virtual Machine I select "use disc image" and point to the appropriate disc image file. I keep getting a "no bootable device" error from fusion.
Can somebody who has successfully installed windows on an MBA without using a superdrive give me the step by step instructions you used...I'm getting pretty annoyed at this point.
I recently installed 64-bit Vista in a Boot Camp partition. Then Parallels and everything is perfect except...
When I insert a DVD now, Windows automatically takes control of the drive. The only way for me to view the contents of that drive is to shut down Vista in Parallels and then reinsert the disk. Then OS X sees it and fires it up.
Now Ive plugged in other devices like my external drive, and I get a little pop up which asks which system I want to use the device with. Is there a way to get that for DVDs as well?
I have several .pdf files that are two big to email to a PC user. I burned them in two folders to a disk on the Super Drive. Will she be able to open them on her PC using WIndows?
I searched for a while trying to find the answer but did not find it. I just installed Vista Business via Bootcamp. I am not able to access the internet or anything. If I read the help stuff right I need to use the OSX install disk to install the drivers. The problem is, I don't have the install disk. Is there any other way to get the drivers? Or am I just missing something easier?
I have a 2010 15" MacBook Pro 2.4 i5 that I am trying to install Windows 7 on using BootCamp. I have installed a partition using BootCamp of 45GB but once it prompts me to insert the Windows disk, I insert it but after a few seconds the machine ejects the disk without ever mounting or seemingly recognizing the disk.
I am trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit from a disk.
Can anyone offer any insight or help me figure out what the problem is? I have already tried rebooting and that doesn't work.
my parents iMac 20" Core Duo is having issues. After bootcamp restarts the system I get an error on start up, a folder with a question mark shows up aswell as that prohibition logo How can I install Windows 7 on that machine?
you cant use a windows xp sp1 disk to install windows xp onto your mac using bootcamp.What i wanted to know is if i partition my HD then format it to a recognizable format for windows installation disks, would i be able to install windows xp sp1 that way?or would the same principle apply as bootcamp and sp1 versions of xp are incapable of being installed on macs?
Well basically I tried to install Windows on Bootcamp, and long story short I have to completely reinstall OSX. When I put the Snow Leopard disc in, I try holding either Command-Option-Shift-Delete or just c, and neither methods work. It always tries to boot from the HD, in which case I just get the spinning circle for ever. Why wont it boot from the disc?!?!? I also tried plugging in an external dvd drive, and it still wont work....
I was trying to install Windows 7 via Bootcamp last night - all went well until Win7 started up - it wanted me to type a Username for the default user. However, I have a wireless keyboard & mouse, and these didn't appear to be recognised (I think I might have to pair them later??). I had to abort the installation by hard resetting. Any way around this, without buying a wired keyboard & mouse?!
I've installed Windows 7 64x on my Macbook, now when I insert the Mac OS X disc that came with my Macbook I can install the Bootcamp64 file but when I insert the Snow Leopard disk to install Bootcamp 3.0 I can't install the Bootcamp64 or the 32 bit Bootcamp file. I really want the 3.0 version so that I can have the read capability for the Mac partition in Windows. When I try to install the Bootcamp64 it comes up saying "This installation requires elevated privilages. Launch the installer through setup.exe" When I run it through setup.exe however it comes up with the message saying that it Bootcamp64 is unsupported on this model. The same message would come up when I use the Leopard disks but I was able to bypass this by instaling it through the Bootcamp64 file found in the Apple drivers folder.
Can someone help me out here I need to get Bootcamp 3.0 installed, I think there are some 3rd party apps that can give you HTFS read capability but I don't want use those, I've looked at some they are horrible so don't suggest it!! Also I'm not a 64x fanatic, I'm using Windows64x because you need it to use 4GB ram.
I am trying to install windows XP via bootcamp. But I am getting disk error right after first installation stage of windows XP. I was installing on Fat32 partition. Before this I was running windows 7 but I need to reinstall windows XP as I needed to use a software that only installs on windows XP.
Is it possible to install Boot Camp 3.0 or higher on Windows 7 64-bit when dual booting with Leopard? What I've been reading suggests I need the Snow Leopard disc for Boot Camp 3.0+ and Windows 7 compatibility, but I only have the Leopard OEM disc.
1. New 11" macbook air. Set up partition for Windows XP SP2 using bootcamp. Prior to the Windows install I made the bootcamp driver install DVD per the instructions.
2. Windows installed fine. In Windows, went to install the bootcamp drivers from DVD I made and get this message: "bootcamp requires that your computer is running windows 7" And then I can't install the drivers.