Software :: Folder Disappears In A Puff Of Smoke?

Oct 5, 2008

instead of clicking on my drive icon on the desktop in order to access my user folder (i.e. the folder called "nick smith" in the explorer window). what a wheeze it would be to have my user folder right on the desktop. Easy thinks I, so I drag the "nick The folder actually disappears in a puff of smoke, i mean really someone has animated that. But now its gone, "documents" is still on the dock and I can access everything in it, but now when I click my drive icon on the desktop, the new explorer window no longer has any folder called "nick smith"

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Software :: Folder Disappears When Trying To Open?

May 2, 2008

A folder with Excel Files disappears when I try to open it. I emailed the problem folder to a different Mac and it seems to work fine. I'm only having this problem with one Folder. I have a Powerbook Pro running Mac OS 4.11.

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OS X :: Applications Folder Link Disappears From Dock?

Aug 31, 2008

i have, or had, an applications folder next to the trash on my dock
but the link seems to have broken. when i click it now it just puts up
a big question mark.

i tried making an alias for the applications folder and putting that
on the dock in place of the broken one but that, while it works right
after i make it, soon breaks also.

what's this about and how do i get the applications folder back and

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OS X :: Applications Shortcut Went Up In Smoke?

Mar 3, 2007

I tried moving the applications shortcut from the left side fo the finder window to my dock so I can access my applications with one click, and it went up in smoke, gone, can't undo.

So I have 2 questions, first how do I get the Application icon back in my finder and how do I create a shortcut to it on my doc?

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IMac :: Screen Has Shadow / Cloud / Smoke / Milky Spots?

Jan 28, 2009

The thing is, that the machine is turned off on the images.

Before shooting the attached images I had just cleaned the screen using a damp cloth and afterwards wiped it with a dry microfiber cloth. Just to make sure it wasn't dust or fingermarks.

I also tried to see if it was just shadows from lamps in the room, but it wasnt.

The areas shown on the images only appears when turned off. Now when sitting in front af the machine they are not visible.

what it is, how to remove them, or know if this is a consideren an error worthy of a return.

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Intel Mac :: The Download Desktop Icon Went Up In Smoke On Desktop?

Jun 24, 2012

The download desktop icon went up in smoke and I can't get it back...before when I downloaded a file from email I could go on my tool bar and access the I can only get them in finder.  How can I get the download file icon back?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 1.5GB Of RAM Just Disappears?

Apr 29, 2012

i just started using dropbox to sync my files. i tried uploading a 1GB file and it worked. however, while i was uploading it somehow 1.5 GB of RAM or so became used. i checked in activity monitor and it doesn't say what's using so much RAM in the list. nothing has changed in terms of memory usage in activity monitor, but 1.5GB of ram of is still being used. 

Mac mini

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Safari :: Create A Folder Inside A Folder { Sub Folder } In Bookmarks?

Mar 27, 2012

I am wanting to create a Folder inside a Folder { Sub Folder } in Bookmarks.

How do I do this. I had started a Discussion about this here: [URL]

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OS X :: My Spell Checker Disappears?

Mar 2, 2009

I have an iMac, my wife and daughter have macbooks. All work OK except that my daughter is unable to have any application do spell checking.

How is spell checking set up? What should I tell my daughter to do to set it up, she is away at Uni so I have to be precise.

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OS X :: Added Keyboard Just Disappears

Sep 28, 2009

I just installed 10.5.8 and when I add any other language keyboard than English after restarting computer the only language keyboard I have is English, added keyboard just disappears what could be the problem?

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MacBook Pro :: Wallpaper Disappears On Mac Os 10.6?

Apr 20, 2012

every wallpaper i choose suddenly disappears and the desktop turns BLUE... The original wich cames with the notebook or some wallpapers that i've downloaded, it's the same, suddenly disappears?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: It Get CD Info Then CD Disappears?

May 10, 2012

OS 10.6.8 with iTunes 10 I have been importing my CD collection into iTunes for about the past month. i have already imported over 500 CD's with no problems.This morning I have a new problem, I insert the CD, iTunes accesses Gracenotes to get the CD info. If there's only one choice of CD info the CD immediately disappears from iTunes and the desktop. If there is more than one choice of CD info as soon as I pick one the CD disappears from iTunes and the desktop.

In either case I can eject the CD with the eject button on my keyboard and when I reinsert it it comes up in iTunes with all the CD and track info I previously selected and then I can import.Why does the CD disappear the first time? I have unchecked and checked preferences in iTunes to "show CD when inserted" as it has always been.One thing I should mention is that right before this behavior started happening I checked and repaired disc permissions for my HD, could this have anything to do with it?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Spaces And Secondary Display Disappears

Nov 17, 2008

I use spaces with a projector as my secondary display for meetings at work. Any time I use the birds eye to view all of my spaces, my secondary display disappears, making it obvious that I'm tinkering around in spaces. Is there anyway to keep the secondary display stationary (IE not blacking out when I use the bird's eye view)? My goal is to keep my secondary display's desktop up at all times. I know you can press +tab to switch between apps, but is there anyway to tweak this in spaces so that the secondary display's desktop remains omnipresent? it does the same thing when you use the birds eye view in expose too. it would really help from being distracting when I use this feature for meetings at work. This way my secondary desktop could just serve as a digital banner that's always up.

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Mac Pro :: Snow Leopard Loading Bar Disappears?

Aug 31, 2009

I got this circle spinning on boot as usual, but after I while there is progress bar which is really going slow. When it finishes it dissapears and OS is loading normally. What's that ?

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OS X :: PowerPoint Text Disappears When Hyperlinked?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm new to Mac and working on my existing powerpoint lectures that were originally created in Word on a PC. Recently, my hyperlinks make the linked text invisible--this is true on both my Mac desktop and my Macbook Pro. Both already existing hyperlinks and any new links I create disappear from the screen, though they can be clicked on and still function as links. I have tried changing the font color and the background color, but no luck. The text disappears whether I simply past in the link to a slide or add it as a hyperlink to text. I'm running Mac OS 10.5.6 and Office 2004.

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OS X :: Finder Will Not Relaunch - Desktop Disappears

Nov 10, 2009

Is it normal for the Finder to quit using the Cmd+ Q? I thought it needs to be force quit. But of late, sometimes, accidentally if I press Cmd+Q on a finder window, it quits, and does not relaunch either. So to speak, the Desktop disappears. I have to launch Downloads/Documents from the Dock to start the finder running once again. Doesn't seem Mac like. Something wrong, is it? And I recall this started happening after I ran an update for 10.6.1. It was running fine with 10.6.0

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MacBook Pro :: Cursor Disappears For Few Minutes Sometimes

May 19, 2010

I have noticed another weird MBP 2010 bug. I have the 15" i5. The cursor disappears for a few minutes sometimes. I haven't noticed what card is on and I've been doing just random stuff. I mouse around and click around and after a few minutes it comes back. The keyboard responds normally. Everything else is normal. The cursor just completely takes a vacation for a few minutes. The really weird thing is, is I've seen this several times in Windows XP SP3 in BootCamp as well! Maybe it's the crap NVIDIA driver.

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Cursor Disappears?

Jun 30, 2010

i have a 13 inch macbook pro running 10.6. Every so often (a few times a day) my mouse cursor will disappear off my screen. It still works because things are hilighted on the screen and I can still click things when i move the trackpad around with my finger, there is just no pointer on the screen. This only started happening this week and I have had this computer for about 7 months.

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MacBook Pro :: When Turn On It A Box Prompts Up And It Disappears Right Away?

Feb 17, 2012

a couple of days ago when I turn on my MacBook and log in, a window or box prompts up for about one second and then dissapears. I'm afraid that may be a virus or trojan that may be running behind the screen. How do I fix this? Are there any applications that I can run to detect what is happening to my computer.

PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: Cursor Disappears From One Monitor To The Other

Mar 14, 2012

brand new Mini 2011 with i5 chip. 

I have an Apple Cinema HD 23" ( HDMI port) and a 19" off brand (Thunderbolt port) hooked up to the Mini. It is most noticable using Photoshop but happens using other software or just using Safari.  

Moving cursor from one monitor to another it will disappear. does not happen all the time. clicking on desktop will make it come back. very inconsistant. I have applied all system and firmware updates. any solutions or are we still waiting for Apple to fix this.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), i5 chip with 8GB ram

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Safari :: Occasionally The Menu Bar Just Disappears?

Mar 30, 2012

When I'm using Safari, occasionally the menu bar just disappears. I'm running the latest version of Lion and the latest version of Safari. This is not a full screen app problem. I have multiple windows open. This happens all the time! Firefox is fine!

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Not enough room in this field!

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Finder Disappears On IMac?

Apr 6, 2012

Why do Finder pages disappear; how do you get them to stay available with other multiple windows open?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: My Update Window Disappears

Apr 13, 2012

When I run Softare Update (27' iMac, OSX 10.7.3), the application finds the needed updates and displays the usual updates available window.  However when I click on Install (whether ot not i open up the details window), the update window disappears, the application icon remains on the dock with the dot uderneath indicating and open application but nothing happens. 

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MacBook Pro :: Menu Bar At The Top Disappears Unless Hovering Over?

Apr 23, 2012

The menu bar at the top that disappears unless you are hovering over it. the one with file, edit, view. Also is there a full screen option besides dragging the window for ms word 2011 on mac os X

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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When Shutdown IMAC Network Disappears

May 4, 2012

I create a wi-fi network to use computer to computer. When I shutdown the IMAC the network disappears. When I go to ctreate again all the info is there for the network I created, but the network does not appear. If I name it again I can use it but then again it disappears when IMAC is shutdown. Is there anyway to save it? I have ude the apply button and reclosed the lock, but same results.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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ITunes :: Spinning Wheel Never Disappears?

May 4, 2012

Three seconds after iTunes starts, spinning wheel up and never disappear. We have thrownplist in preferences. We've reset the parameters (cmd + alt + p + r). We have reinstalled iTunes. The operating system is Leopard and iTunes is only used toplay songs and burning it. No iPhone synchronization.

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Safari :: Help Page Appears Then Disappears?

May 9, 2012

When using Safari (Safari is the foremost window) and selecting Safari Help from the Help menu of Safari, I see the help window start to fly up from the lifering icon in the dock, and then disappear behind the Safari window.  To see the help window, I have to select it form the dock. 

Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4GB RAM

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Safari :: Address Bar Disappears - Getting It Back?

May 17, 2012

everytime i open safari or open a new window the address bar and google search disappears and i tried recofiguring it but it hasnt worked and i was told to use ctrl and l to show it it worked but the the address bar disappears again whenever i open a new window

safari, Windows 7

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Intel Mac :: The Dock And Menubar Disappears

May 28, 2012

When Safari is active, the menubar and the dock disappears. I have chosen not to show/hide dock in system preferences, and whenever any other program than Safari is active, the dock and menubar stays put. My OS is 10.7 - P.S. I have not maximized the Safari-window.

What could cause this, and how do I get the dock and menubar to stay even when Safari is active?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Safari 5.1.7

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Mac Pro :: Downloaded Music Disappears / Can't Find It

May 30, 2012

I've downloaded a classical piece, which is played and downloaded, it seems, with the little bar in the middle of a white screen.It disappears. I can't find it in the directories, with spotlight, or anything. Why isn't there a way to track it down? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4GB Ram

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