MacBook Pro :: When Turn On It A Box Prompts Up And It Disappears Right Away?

Feb 17, 2012

a couple of days ago when I turn on my MacBook and log in, a window or box prompts up for about one second and then dissapears. I'm afraid that may be a virus or trojan that may be running behind the screen. How do I fix this? Are there any applications that I can run to detect what is happening to my computer.

PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Reset It To Factory Default But It Prompts A Message?

Jun 25, 2012

Just bought my MBP(late 2011 model) from a friend of mine and it is now registered under my apple id. I am trying to reset it to factory default but it prompts a message 'This apple ID has not purchased lion' when installing lion. Any idea how to resolve this?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7), factory default setting

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MacBook Air :: Randomly The Screen Gets Grey And A Sign Prompts To Restart?

May 6, 2012

I have a problem with my new 13" macbook air. Randomly the screen gets grey and a sign prompts me to restart.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Software :: IMail Prompts For Password?

Dec 2, 2010

iMail as I have been having issues w/ password prompts. I had found it works better w/ Chrome than Firefox, but am not using either currently due to other issues. I am using Safari. I get the password prompt when trying to send out an email. My Mac is a Macbook Pro mid-2009 model.My primary mail is Google.

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OS X :: Unable To Shutdown Using Terminal / Prompts For Password?

Jul 7, 2009

So, I want to be able to turn off my Mac using Terminal without it asking for a password. At the moment when i type: sudo shutdown -h now

I get prompted for a password. I need to add this to a Perl script that I'm writing for myself and need to know if there is anyway i can accomplish shutting down the Mac without having to provide my Password.

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Software :: Facetime Download - Security Prompts

Oct 26, 2010

i tried downloading the new facetime for mac, but when i tried to install the application the Security prompts that I need to update and install the Security Update 2010-05. I checked my mac and I already downloaded the security update. I already shut down and start my mac, but still I receive the same message.

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Hardware :: IPad Prompts Changes To Way Magazines Count Circulation?

Mar 16, 2010

Though it's yet to hit the market, Apple's iPad is already changing the rules of the games when it comes to how magazines quantify their readership and distribution, unlocking the potential for more lucrative advertising contracts with their sponsors.

According to the Associated Press, the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) -- a non-profit audit agency that assesses circulation, readership, and audience information for magazines and newspapers -- has altered its definition of a digital magazine to include the emerging class of tablet-style devices.This means that magazine publishers can design their article spreads to be accessed by applications on the iPad and count paid digital subscriptions to those apps as part of their overall circulation, given that they include the same content and advertisements as their print-based counterparts.

Had the ABC not instated the change, publishers would only be able to count digital editions of their magazines that existed as exact facsimiles of their print editions, according to the AP, affording them little leeway in customization for gadgets like the iPad. "Magazines need the change because they charge for ads based on the size of their so-called rate base, the circulation they guarantee to advertisers," the report explains. "By comparison, newspapers have had looser restrictions. Because they don't guarantee a rate base, they can count people who pay for access to their Web sites regardless of what ads run there."

There's one caveat, however: the ABC must approve each iPad app, and those for other tablet platforms, before its subscribers can be counted as part of the magazine's overall circulation. A version of Conde Nast's Wired magazine is said to be among the first apps to receive such approval. The publishing firm is also reportedly working on similar apps for its GQ, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair and Glamour offerings.

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OS X :: Leopard Firewall Continuously Prompts For IPhoto Permission?

Mar 3, 2008

Can someone help me figure out why every time I launch iPhoto, the Leopard firewall prompts me to choose whether or not I want to allow or deny access for this application to accept incoming network connections...regardless of the fact that every single time, I choose 'Allow'? Here's a screenshot of the exact prompt that appears:

I've checked the Leopard firewall configuration in the 'Security' preference pane (which is obviously configured to "Set Access for Specific Services and Applications", and sure enough, iPhoto appears in the list with the 'Allow Incoming Connections' setting chosen....but it still asks me every time if I want to allow or deny connections, and I can't figure out how to make it stop asking??

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OS X :: Unable To Setup Printer On Internet / Prompts For Password

Oct 31, 2010

Recently I purchased a Canon PIXMA MG5220 wireless printer. I have installed numerous printers, software, hardware etc on other comps as well as this one and have never had a problem... until now. I connected my printer to the internet access port (my home network) and everything went fine. But when I put in the canon disk to load the software and add the printer to my comp, I click on setup, it prompts me for my user pw to allow install. I do that and when I hit ok, nothing happens...

No other window loads or anything. It's like there is nothing on it after the pw prompt. I tried it on a diff comp (windows based PC) and it worked fine... why wont it load on my iMac? Very confused. Also, I turned off my firewall thinking that would help, but it did not... any help is appreciated.

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OS X :: Unable To Connect To Other Computer / Prompts For Blank Password

Dec 1, 2008

im trying to connect to my other computer via ssh and the account has a blank password and when prompted for the password it wont connect because it wont let me enter a blank passwprd it just keeps saying password over and over. what do i do

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ITunes :: Won't Let To Listen Song And Prompts To Authorize Compute

May 6, 2012

I have tried numerous times to authorize computer. It states that computer is already authorized but won't let me listen to song and prompts to authorize computer again.

iPod classic, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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ITunes :: Change The Blue Default Choice On Prompts?

May 25, 2012

I am in the process of deleting a few duplicate songs from iTunes, and when prompted to choose between keeping the file or moving it to trash, the default option is always 'Keep File'. Is there any way to change the default option to 'Move to Trash' so that I don't have to constantly click that option?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: OS X 10.9.2 - Keychain Prompts To Enter Password

Aug 31, 2014

I am running OSX 10.9.2 on a 2011 iMac.  For as long as I can remember it has relentlessly prompted me to enter my password for this keychain and that keychain.  How to do I disable this annoying feature?

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ITunes For Mac :: Won't Sync To New IPhone 6 Plus - Prompts To Authorize Computer

Dec 5, 2014

iTunes, Yosemite 10.10.1, New iPhone 6Plus and hours of sync attempt frustration! 

iTunes 12 just won't sync to the 6 Plus,  It keeps telling me that computer is not authorized.   

1.  I've gone through he de-auth and re-auth dozens of times, also deauth'd all devices and re-auth just this Macbook Pro.

2.  Gone through steps in the article iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases

3.  My old 5S still syncs fine.

4.  iTunes recognized the device plugged in but it is not seen in Manage Devices

5.  While plugged in iTunes recognizes the App updates I do on the device and changes them from Will Install to Remove status after the update.  Also was able to do an OS upset to 8.1.1 while plugged in so it knows how to communicate to the device but just can't sync. 

I did a restore of a saved 5S which only brought back abut 20% of my apps.  In looking at the Apps section when the device is plugged I see my other 100+ apps and screen configurations but hitting the sync results in the computer not authorized rejection dialog.  

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OS X Mavericks :: Keychain Repeated Prompts To Unlock Local Items?

Sep 4, 2014

My computers applications continuously ask me repeatedly throughout the day for access/use "login" keychain...

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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ITunes :: It Repeatedly Prompts To Authorize Computer To Play Store Purchases?

May 11, 2012

I tried everything on the link but I still can't get my MacBook Pro to play quite a few of my songs. I purchased all of the content that won't play from iTunes so I'm at a loss for what to do.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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ITunes For Mac :: Repeatedly Prompts To Authorize Computer To Play Store Purchases

Sep 4, 2014

I cant play certain songs that i purchased. it prompts me to authorize the computer, which already is. I did the trouble steps and deleted the SC folder and that didn't work. I only have one computer authorized.

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MacBook Pro :: When Turn It On, It Just Goes To A White Screen With A Flahing Grey Folder With A Question Mark And Will Not Turn On?

May 12, 2012

I've tried turning it ff and on via the power button several times, but it always goes back to the white screen.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)

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MacBook Pro :: Wallpaper Disappears On Mac Os 10.6?

Apr 20, 2012

every wallpaper i choose suddenly disappears and the desktop turns BLUE... The original wich cames with the notebook or some wallpapers that i've downloaded, it's the same, suddenly disappears?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Cursor Disappears For Few Minutes Sometimes

May 19, 2010

I have noticed another weird MBP 2010 bug. I have the 15" i5. The cursor disappears for a few minutes sometimes. I haven't noticed what card is on and I've been doing just random stuff. I mouse around and click around and after a few minutes it comes back. The keyboard responds normally. Everything else is normal. The cursor just completely takes a vacation for a few minutes. The really weird thing is, is I've seen this several times in Windows XP SP3 in BootCamp as well! Maybe it's the crap NVIDIA driver.

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Cursor Disappears?

Jun 30, 2010

i have a 13 inch macbook pro running 10.6. Every so often (a few times a day) my mouse cursor will disappear off my screen. It still works because things are hilighted on the screen and I can still click things when i move the trackpad around with my finger, there is just no pointer on the screen. This only started happening this week and I have had this computer for about 7 months.

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MacBook Pro :: Menu Bar At The Top Disappears Unless Hovering Over?

Apr 23, 2012

The menu bar at the top that disappears unless you are hovering over it. the one with file, edit, view. Also is there a full screen option besides dragging the window for ms word 2011 on mac os X

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Dock Disappears Unless Click On It

Dec 7, 2014

The dock on my Mac only appears when I click on it. I'm pretty sure I just accidentally pressed a keyboard shortcut, but I don't know how to reverse it.

I already tried Command+Option+D, but that's not the problem (it's not that my mouse has to hover over where the dock should be - I physically have to click in that space. As soon as I click on another application, the dock disappears again).

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Cursor Disappears When Connected To TV

Jun 22, 2014

I have a Macbook Pro, the cursor is going out and turning into a weird flashing slashed/dotted black line on my screen everytime I connect my Macbook to my TV with the mini display port adapter connected to a VGA cable. I use it to watch movies on my TV through my mac. I haven't had any problems at all with it, I was actually watching something today before it stopped working.

I've already made sure cables are plugged in properly, and displays are mirrored. The cursor is usable-- it can still click on things...I just can't see it. 


Macbook Pro 13" (2012)[] Running Maverick
OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
2.9 GHz Intel Core i7
8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3  

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Turn Off/turn On A Bluetooth?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a problem with my 17'' MBP unibody:

1) Bluetooth is ON:

I can't turn it off. The checkbox is inactive.

But I can turn it off, if I choose "Share my internet connection for other units". (I don't know, if this is the right text in english, because my OSX is in german)

2) Now Bluetooth is OFF:

But I can't turn it on, because the checkbox "ON" is inactive.

It turns only on, if I choose "New Unit"(?). Then there is a new window, that says, that this is only possible if Bluetooth turns on. If I say OK, bluetooth turns ON.

Back to 1)

What's the problem. Why is this f* checkbox for turning bluetooth on and off inactive?

This is not a hardware problem, because I can have stable bluetooth connections.

I did a smc and am pram reset. But it doesn't help.

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MacBook Air :: VM Fusion - Virtual Machine Disappears?

May 8, 2008

Windows XP on my MacBook Air for a few months. However, for the second time, my Windows XP Virtual machine has disappeared as if I never installed it. I recently ran a suggested Apple OS update. Could that be resetting VM and causing it to wipe out my VM? 60

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MacBook :: Webcam Disappears With Yahoo Messenger

Jan 19, 2009

I bought a MacBook a few months ago. I downloaded the Yahoo messenger just fine. I use the webcam when my boyfriend and I am iming. A few days ago, the messenger just "hangs." I just get that little circle and I can no longer view my webcame at the bottom of my screen. My BF says he gets my transmission from the webcam just fine as the messenger menu at the top still works. But it bugs me I can't see the image he sees. Also when I go to photobooth with the messenger on, the camera does not work. There is a camera icon with a line across it. When I sign out of the messenger, the still camera works just fine.

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MacBook Pro :: WiFi List Disappears Until Reboot

Jun 28, 2014

I have a Macbook Pro 2009 with Mavericks.I will be working happily on the internet then suddenly the wifi stops working. When I click the wifi icon, the list of wifi networks has disappeared.

The only fix I've found is reboot, then the list reappears, but only for a while then the wifi networks disappear again.

Could this be the Airport card needs replacing or something else? I'm guessing it is, but need to know if it could be something else first. Would a new airport card fix it?

I have a brand new macbook pro which doesn't experience this problem and works perfectly, so I guess it's not the router or Airport Extreme that I use.

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MacBook Air :: Finder Bar Disappears When Open Safari

Sep 3, 2014

My finder bar disappears when I open safari?

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MacBook Pro :: Magic Trackpad Mouse Cursor Disappears?

Mar 4, 2012

I have a Macbook Pro, running Snow Leopard and from time to time my mousecursor just disappears. It's not while I'm typing but when i just hover over the screen. This happens especially when using iPhoto and Safara but also with some other applications. The cursor usually appears again when I move it over the dock and back into the application but it's kind of annoying.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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