OS X :: PowerPoint Text Disappears When Hyperlinked?
Oct 27, 2009
I'm new to Mac and working on my existing powerpoint lectures that were originally created in Word on a PC. Recently, my hyperlinks make the linked text invisible--this is true on both my Mac desktop and my Macbook Pro. Both already existing hyperlinks and any new links I create disappear from the screen, though they can be clicked on and still function as links. I have tried changing the font color and the background color, but no luck. The text disappears whether I simply past in the link to a slide or add it as a hyperlink to text. I'm running Mac OS 10.5.6 and Office 2004.
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Nov 4, 2009
Can I insert hyperlinked text into Mail? In other words, if I want a specific word or phrase to be hyperlinked to a webpage, rather than pasting the link itself into the message, how would I do that?
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Nov 1, 2010
I am looking to delete a whole text box in Powerpoint MO11. I can only seem to delete word/letters.
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Apr 26, 2012
When I try to insert a text box on PowerPoint it won't let me type in it or if i try to click on it it just disappears.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 28, 2012
I am here to seek answer, what to do when im trying to open my powerpoint file and suddenly it goes straight to text edit. i am using macbook air.
Info:MacBook Air
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May 8, 2009
I'm sure most people suffer from this but here goes.
So I make a presentation on Mac Office powerpoint, everything is fine. I open it up at university on the PC, all is fine. I maybe change some text on a slide and save it again. Open the same file again on my Mac, and it won't open some silly error comes up saying trouble accessing file from mac HD.
Then luckily I have keynote, so I just open it in that and use that.
Point is why does this happen?? Whilst keynote is better, sometimes I have to edit things on a PC at work or uni and then it becomes a giant mess on my mac.
Is there a quick fix, or will I have to throw Mac Office into my growing pile of Microsoft related garbage.
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Jul 2, 2012
Mac screen resolution is getting higher and higher, which is nice, but the downside is that we seem to have lost "what you see is what you get." I have set the default document size of Text-Edit to about the size of an 8 1/2 x 11 document, which fits easily on the screen. I have what appears to be a single page of text. It all easily fits in the document window. The headline fits across the width of the page. But when I choose Print, the print preview shows that the text is going to spill out onto two sheets of paper.  I exit out of the print document and reduce the text size so that it all prints out on one sheet of paper. The problem is, the size of the text onscreen is now TINY! It looks like it's about 6 point while the printed text looks like it's about 12 point! No WYSIWYG!  When I revert the document to the way it was originally, where it was going to print out on two sheets of paper, and then hold my printed document up next to the screen, the printed size matches the onscreen size almost perfectly, even though, if printed out at this size, the text would spill out onto two pages and be huge. In other words, 18 point size text prints out at about 12 points and 12 pt text prints out at about 6pts, so there's about a 6pt difference in how text looks onscreen and how it prints out. Again, No WYSIWYG! My older Macs had much lower-resolution screens, but text printed out at about the same apparent size on screen. I know the original Macs had 72dpi screens so that they would closely match the printed size of text, and I like the fact that monitors keep getting better, but is there a way around this problem of printed text not matching the size of onscreen text?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 7, 2014
So I found the lost project in FCPX. It has a music tract, text and video. When I pulled the project down for editing, I am able to separate the music from the video, but the text bubbles do not appear above the video allowing me to change the misspelled words that need editing.I've searched all of my backup drives for the original footage in case I have to re-edit the whole thing, but I'm unable to find the original footage. Every event in my libraries appears as a finished project.
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
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Feb 21, 2012
Safari keeps changing the text field on input, do you know how to correct this issue?Â
Here is an example:
Let's say I load www.google.com, it appears in the safari window as usual.
Suppose I begin to type a search in the google search field at the top right of the safari window (not the one on the google page)
if when doing this the sentence is long for the search, at some point randomly, the rest of the text will be entered this time in the google search text field on the google page! (which is the very next text field) So when I hit enter it makes google search half of my request...
Safari changed the text field I was into with no warning. I want to say I do not press tab at any moment. This is annoying really, and this does not appear anywhere else than in Safari. It seems the issue is not systematic, but appears quite often.
I have no universal access setting except "enable access for assistive device" I had to check this box upon installing a software in the past but I can't remember what it was.Â
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May 17, 2009
I have designed a corporate letter head for a friend and it is still in jpeg format after using photoshop. Now I want to import it into a pages document so that I can give it to him in PC format so he can type over the watermark and put his letters onto his letterhead... now I can do that quite easily on my PC but not so on my Mac...
I can add the watermark image into the Pages document but for some reason I can't work out how to modify the text from then... i can see how you move the text formatting but if i wanted to add a word into a paragraph etc i can't select the text. It's as if the watermark layer is the only layer I can select and the text is not longer selectable.... can anybody help me out with this please? I just need to be able to select the text layer and modify the text..
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May 20, 2012
Is there a way to increase the size of the displayed mail, as you are creating it? I have mine set to 12 point text, but it is still difficult to read. The e-mail when received is fine, it's the creating that's "tiny"?
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Dec 29, 2008
I am trying to run a slideshow with a remote controller on the data projector. I am using Powerpoint for Mac X. I am running Mac OS X. I want to go to a previous slide during the show, and using the remote I hit the "right click" button, which works when the slideshow is driven by an XP machine. When I click the "right click" button on the remote during a slide show, I get a menu on the slideshow that lists the following options: help, next, previous, go, etc. I want the slideshow to immediately go to the previous slide and I don't know how/where to set it to do so.
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Apr 29, 2012
i just started using dropbox to sync my files. i tried uploading a 1GB file and it worked. however, while i was uploading it somehow 1.5 GB of RAM or so became used. i checked in activity monitor and it doesn't say what's using so much RAM in the list. nothing has changed in terms of memory usage in activity monitor, but 1.5GB of ram of is still being used.Â
Mac mini
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Mar 2, 2009
I have an iMac, my wife and daughter have macbooks. All work OK except that my daughter is unable to have any application do spell checking.
How is spell checking set up? What should I tell my daughter to do to set it up, she is away at Uni so I have to be precise.
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Sep 28, 2009
I just installed 10.5.8 and when I add any other language keyboard than English after restarting computer the only language keyboard I have is English, added keyboard just disappears what could be the problem?
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Apr 20, 2012
every wallpaper i choose suddenly disappears and the desktop turns BLUE... The original wich cames with the notebook or some wallpapers that i've downloaded, it's the same, suddenly disappears?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 10, 2012
OS 10.6.8 with iTunes 10 I have been importing my CD collection into iTunes for about the past month. i have already imported over 500 CD's with no problems.This morning I have a new problem, I insert the CD, iTunes accesses Gracenotes to get the CD info. If there's only one choice of CD info the CD immediately disappears from iTunes and the desktop. If there is more than one choice of CD info as soon as I pick one the CD disappears from iTunes and the desktop.
In either case I can eject the CD with the eject button on my keyboard and when I reinsert it it comes up in iTunes with all the CD and track info I previously selected and then I can import.Why does the CD disappear the first time? I have unchecked and checked preferences in iTunes to "show CD when inserted" as it has always been.One thing I should mention is that right before this behavior started happening I checked and repaired disc permissions for my HD, could this have anything to do with it?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 7, 2009
It even plays just fine when in presentation mode on my mac. The problem is when I hook up my mac and run the presentation over a projector. In this instance, the movie just won't run.
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Jan 22, 2009
I am using PowerPoint 2008 and Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. I am printing out 6 slides per page, however, there is no option to make these 6 slides bigger. There is a lot of "free" unused space. The slides would look better if I could use this free space. If I were on a Windows machine, there is a utility called pdf995 that will take advantage of this "free" space.
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Mar 30, 2009
I'm working on my project in PP, but i'm tired of having to set all the tables with the same style.
Is there a quick and easy way to save a current "look" of one table, save it as a certain style, then click on the other tables in the file and they will all look the same?
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May 7, 2009
I need Powerpoint for mac. I need to make PP that would work fine on PC.
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Oct 29, 2009
Let me start off by saying I am new I had a pc computer for years and 2 years ago, the whole family switched to macs and we love them and never looked back at pc.
I am making a powerpoint for school using the microsoft powerpoint. I did the first square with the title of the project. Now I have 75 pictures or so I need to upload. How do I do this? make new slides? each picture i want its own slide for. How do I do this?
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Nov 1, 2009
I once changed the file extension on a ppt presentation sent to me, and it finally opened. I read about it on here, but cant find the original forum thread and cant remember the extension: pxt or ptx or something similar.
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Dec 27, 2009
I can never hear music with Powerpoint files - using MSOffice 2004. Can someone tell me how to remedy this,
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Aug 28, 2006
i have Tiger OSX and Powerpoint.
i have a swf file(downloaded it from a site hqx)it plays on my version 7 flash player and also on SWF movie player i downloaded out of desperation.
it doesn't play on quicktime saying this:
QuickTime cannot open the file: "icecube.swf"
invalid media data was found in the movie (-2008)
i have tried desperately to embed it in my powerpoint. but it says it just doesn't recognize the format. i found a few sites on the web which has very good explanation on putting swf into windows point(swiffpoint player, visualbasic tool->more tools->insert flash object) but on most sites it says it should just work on Mac Powerpoint.
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Jun 24, 2012
Does any one know an easy way to set out powerpoint presentation.
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Jun 22, 2014
I printed a powerpoint presentation about a month ago and I'm trying to delete the file. When I try to empty my trash it says that "its still in use". I've tried restarting my mac already but no luck? How do I get rid of this file?Â
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Nov 17, 2008
I use spaces with a projector as my secondary display for meetings at work. Any time I use the birds eye to view all of my spaces, my secondary display disappears, making it obvious that I'm tinkering around in spaces. Is there anyway to keep the secondary display stationary (IE not blacking out when I use the bird's eye view)? My goal is to keep my secondary display's desktop up at all times. I know you can press +tab to switch between apps, but is there anyway to tweak this in spaces so that the secondary display's desktop remains omnipresent? it does the same thing when you use the birds eye view in expose too. it would really help from being distracting when I use this feature for meetings at work. This way my secondary desktop could just serve as a digital banner that's always up.
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Aug 31, 2009
I got this circle spinning on boot as usual, but after I while there is progress bar which is really going slow. When it finishes it dissapears and OS is loading normally. What's that ?
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Nov 10, 2009
Is it normal for the Finder to quit using the Cmd+ Q? I thought it needs to be force quit. But of late, sometimes, accidentally if I press Cmd+Q on a finder window, it quits, and does not relaunch either. So to speak, the Desktop disappears. I have to launch Downloads/Documents from the Dock to start the finder running once again. Doesn't seem Mac like. Something wrong, is it? And I recall this started happening after I ran an update for 10.6.1. It was running fine with 10.6.0
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