I have a 2007 MacBook, 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS 10.4.11 (which I got free of charge from a friend who didn't like dealing with the "unrecognized" battery).
I would like to know how to unghost the Spell Checker "learn" button, if that is possible. There does not appear to be an option in the preferences.
On my Macbook running Leopard, I mostly write in French. When the OS is set to French language, the built-in dictionary spell checker is also obviously set to French. But I prefer running the OS itself in English. Is there a way to have the English OS, but the spell checker in French ?
From some reason the spell checker doesn't work in certain apps anymore, specifically mac msn, skype and other IM programs. I'm running 10.5.6 and can't find a way to fix this.
I only want to use spell checker in certain programs like Safari, Pages, Ms Word. But in mac os x it is always on, how can i disable it or customise it ?
My wife's iMac. Upgraded from Tiger to SL. She tries to reply to email. Spell Checker wants to check every personal name in the original message. She starts telling it to ignore. it will move through first few, then go into Beach Ball and all is hanged up. only way out is to hold down the power switch!
Is there a spelling and grammar checking icon for the toolbar around that I can use in mac mail and iworks9? Neither of these programs provide one. The os is 10.6.2.
For some reason many of my typing includes double letters not wanted, like a double "i" (ii) as in "askiing". My spell checker does not pickk up on this all the time. Have I told the Mac to ignore double i's or something? I have it set to red-underline mis-spelled words as I type. It has underlined both 'askiing' and 'pickk' words above, but in emails it does not.
Just downloaded Snow Leopard and now my spell check only works in Word. Won't work in Safari or email. The red squiggly line comes up but when I right click,
I have Snow Leopard, I went to the Dictionary application and changed the preference to "British English (IPA)" but it still checks things like colour as misspelled. is there something I am missing? I went to System Preferences>International and under the Text tap changed spelling to "British English" but still it flags colour as wrong... am I missing something?
When opening Word 2011 I get a message coming up that spell checker is missing and as a result I can close the dialoge box and use the program. It has been working fine until today.
My 3yr old was playing a game and when she was done it appears that she was also playing with my Mactop. My spellcheck is not working right, it underlines the word but when I right click nothing happens. The folders on my desktop are all shrunk and I cannot find a way to make them bigger. Most of my Apps are gone from the doc, and when I put them back they are not there when I turn the computer back on. What did she do? Is there a way to 'lock' the computer when she is playinga game on it?
Anyone know of a Universal application like Mail Watch? I've used Mail Watch for years but it's a PPC app that doesn't work well with Leopard 10.5.4. Must work with POP accounts since Comcast doesn't have IMAP.
I was wondering if there is any application for Mac OS X that will check text for plagiarism. Im currently in college and I have like 5 essays to write for different classes and I would like to scan these papers before I turn them in. I want to be a 100% sure there is not plagiarism at all. I know this can be avoided but not copying anything exactly is it is online or in books but sometimes even if it not copied exactly the same it can be considered plagiarism.
When the Word Spelling & Grammar Checker identifies a word it does not recognise in a Word Document the option to "Add" that word to the Dictionary is not available as an option. (The key is there but the colour subdued and clicking on it has no effect).
Was just wondering if anyone else had tried the Malware checker by etresoft? It is posted here:[URL]..What kind of experience did you have?
I posted this: I downloaded and now have run your malware checker, and it asks me if I want to Delete or Keep a file::
Delete file 'com.apple.CSConfigDotMacCert-mynamehere(AT symbol here)me.comSharedServices.Agent.plist' that runs program '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/CSConfigD otMacCert'?
The first time I ran the checker and just chose Keep. It then asked a similar question and I chose Keep again. Then it checked programs, etc. I rebooted and ran it again, and go the same message. This time, I just did not answer and the script time ran out.
What does this mean? Do I have malware??[URL]...Has anyone else used this Malware checker/remover??
Info: mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66 GHz, 8 GB, 500 GB
I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I installed that freaking Google Notifier and I have been getting this message "The application GoogleUpdateChecker quit unexpectedly" every 30 minutes.I already uninstalled it and this message is still popping up.How can I delete this file so this message won't pop up again?
I use MacBook 13" Intel Core 2 Duo , OS 10.4.11, Safari 4.03 . I used to be able to check my e.mail for spellings in the past, but for some time now I have lost this facility. Every time I click on the spellings check it gives a message more,it seems, related to a desk top computer.
My topic basically says it all. I have a mac with word installed and would like to figure out how to spell check my documents in French. Anybody know how to do this?
when I write in German, I copy the text into Firefox and use the German spell checker, then copy my work back.Today I had a massive "duh" moment, when I realised that OSX has built in spell checking.Now, I am writing an email in German, and I would like to change the language of the email to German and have the spelling checked automatically instead of me having to go through each word and telling OSX that it's a German word
I have the latest unofficial MS Office 2011 and all the words in my documents that are in English are underlined with a red color telling me to spell check. When I right click on the word, it gives me the suggested words in Turkish. I went under tools/language and change it back to English but it automatically changes back to Turkish or sometimes to Portuguese. I had this issue on the MS Office 2008 as well and I was wondering if anyone has any idea how to fix this.