Software :: Creating Apple Mail Folders Within The Inbox?
Jun 18, 2009
I've used Apple Mail for years but struggled so long with the folder structure. I would love for my multiple "Mailboxes" (folders) to go under the Inbox like such: The reason being when I create new mailboxes they go to a completely separate heading under that e-mail address. So when my searches in Apple Mail are not comprehensive, as it'll often search the Inbox without searching the other Mailboxes. This is such a simple feature yet my web searches have proved fruitless. I've also contacted my ISP Host Gator but recommend that I ask Apple or search the internet.
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Dec 30, 2009
I've used Apple Mail for years but struggled so long with the folder structure. I would love for my multiple "Mailboxes" (folders) to go under the Inbox like such: The reason being when I create new mailboxes they go to a completely separate heading under that e-mail address. So when my searches in Apple Mail are not comprehensive, as it'll often search the Inbox without searching the other Mailboxes. This is such a simple feature yet my web searches have proved fruitless. I've also contacted my ISP Host Gator but recommend that I ask Apple or search the internet.
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May 22, 2009
I use gmail as my main email account. I have it synched to my iphone (IMAP) and (IMAP). This was all running smoothly until about a week ago when I turned on my mac and opened mail. It started downloading hundreds of emails.
I looked over them and it seems that all the mails that I have moved to sub folders have been copied to my inbox again and marked as unread.
I have not knowingly changed any settings on my iphone, mac or web based gmail.
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Mar 13, 2009
this is kind of an annoyance and I can't seem to find any answers online. My left column on Mail usually has 3 folders (inbox, sent, trash). That's how I like it. Every once in a while though, it creates a new folder under my email address. Why does this happen, and can I stop it? In case it helps, I only have 1 email address and it's a .me account. Also, I do send emails from my Mac, iPhone and occasionally [URL] from a work PC. I don't know if that's relevant, I just wanted to get as many facts out there as I can.
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Apr 23, 2012
Moved to my new Mac Book Pro from Linux 3 days ago. My first Apple computer.Wonderful machine and OS. Set up my G Mail account on Apple Mail with the wizard and was receiving e mails no problem. Today all of the mail from both my inbox and sent mail disappeared. I did notice that both my incoming mails and sent mails end up accessible in the folder G Mail/All Mail-- the messages from both inbox and sent mail that disappeared from their respective boxes are in there. In reviewing my various mail settings I notice that Apple Mail set the account up as IMAP rather than POP. I also noticed that there was no way to change this i.e. edit the account. I am not that well versed on differences between POP and IMAP. I also tried rebuilding the inbox after I noticed that the contents disappeared and it made no difference. It is essential that I keep copies of everything on my local machine as well as the server.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 2, 2014
Seems when Apple Mail checks for new mail (Mail provider is Google), it does show up in the All Mail folder that Google provides, but the new messages are not showing up in the Apple Mail inbox.
When I check this in the Google mail web client, mail appears as normal. Â
I'm missing messages, so this is something I'd like to figure out what's going on. Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), MBP 9,1 8gRam
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Aug 30, 2010
If something is marked as Junk in Apple Mail, I have it auto move it to the Junk section of the client. But, If I go there and hit "Not Junk" it doesn't move back to the inbox, and changes so it isnt brown or "junk", but it still sits in the "Junk" section. Is there a way to have it auto move back to the inbox once I have hit "Not Junk"?
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Sep 23, 2009
I would like to know how to consolidate my two inbox from gmail and apple mail? Because every time I get an email and read it in inbox it still shows as unread in gmail folder "All mail".
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Jan 6, 2010
So about a week ago, apple mail stopped sending emails from my gmail account. I figured it would work eventually so i just looked into gmail when i had to send. cause I still received gmail in apple mail. just now i decided to remove and put gmail back in. When i did this, my gmail inbox still had all the emails. when i turned apple mail off and back on, my inbox was empty!! yes they're still in the gmail page, but i want them back in apple mail! and no my outbox still isn't working. actually wait, isn't apple mail supposed to automatically load all my emails when i put a new email in?
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Jun 11, 2010
I've got two email accounts set up in Apple Mail. When I'm in the combined Inbox view, is it possible to have all of account 1's mail to be highlighted in one colour and all of account 2's mail to be highlighted in another?
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Aug 8, 2009
I use Outlook in my PC for checking work related e-mails. I like my Outlook Inbox to be viewed like this ---> View > Arranged by > From. I tried the same in my Apple Mail like this ---> View > Sort by > From. Also checked the "Organize by Thread" But it doesn't seem same like how Outlook arranged me mails.
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May 28, 2009
I use Apple's Mail program and also my school's webmail ( in conjuction to check my school email. However, for some strange reason, my inbox on will only hold up to 2 weeks of mail. My inbox in Mail will still be intact, yet for the life of me, I can't figure out why my webmail inbox is disappearing. I've checked every possible setting on to no avail. I've also checked Mail's settings, but haven't seen anything as far as deleting older mail. BTW, we're allowed 25 gigs on so they shouldn't be deleting them automatically.
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Sep 6, 2009
Since I upgraded to SL 2 days ago (very smooth), I've had the following 2 issues, I need help with one of them (item number one below);
1. in the Apple mail app, now my inbox shows the Notes (you know the yellow notes that appear on iphone also) also, how do i stop notes from showing ?
2. every-time a launch Zinio reader its gives a message that system wants to download rosetta... I keep on saying no. I though Rosetta was the compatibility between intel and PPC and getting rosetta on SL defeats the purpose of the smaller footprint of the operating system !
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Jun 25, 2012
I have a Macbook that is about 4 years old. The charger doesn't connect and charge properly - It works if I hold it on the computer. My question is - how can I tell if I need a new charger or if it is the charging dock in the computer. The magnetic connection does not seem to be clicking in the way it is suppose to. Any one else have experience with this who can offer some ideas?
MacBook (13-inch Early 2008)
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Aug 16, 2007
I just want to add a few folders to the actual "inbox" in Apple Mail. I've tried creating smart folders, new mailbox, nothing seems to allow me to move it into the mailbox, it just puts it underneath the sent icon in a new folder.
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Sep 9, 2008
how to access Outlook 2007 shared folders from Apple Mail?
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Jul 1, 2010
Any Users of Apple Mail with HUGE Gmail IMAP accounts? I'm switching to Apple Mail and am wondering if it will work with a Gmail IMAP account of 8 GIG and 80 folders? Is this even worth trying to setup or will it just crash? 1. Will it freak out during sync and give me the "too many simultaneous connections" error? 2. Is it fast enough with such a huge IMAP folder or does it crawl?
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Apr 11, 2008
I am having a very difficult time setting up my Google apps IMAP e-mail account to work correctly with Apple Mail 3.0, as well as with my Apple iPhone, and I was hoping that somebody could please help me get this figured out once and for all. I have followed all of the Google apps IMAP e-mail setup instructions to properly configure your IMAP e-mail clients, but despite this I am still having problems getting everything working properly. I'm currently using an iPhone with firmware version 1.1.4, and I have manually configured my Gmail account on my phone. I mention this because Google has clearly specified that there are different instructions for handling the proper deletion/archiving of e-mail messages depending on which version of the firmware you are using. My main problem has to do with properly mapping my IMAP labels, with the corresponding Apple Mail 3.0 folders and the folders on my iPhone. I havve searched for the answer to my questions repeatedly on the Internet, but most of the articles and blog posts that I have find that describe the the proper methods of setting things up correctly were either originally posted before the recent Gmail IMAP implementation, or before Gmail version 2.0 became available (or before things changed with version 1.1 .3 of the iPhone firmware). Needless to say, it's been difficult to find a relevant article that applies to the current scenario under which I am trying to set things up.......
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Dec 13, 2009
Ever since 10.6.2 I have noticed that my gmail account has been acting funny. I have had duplicate inbox/trash/sent/etc. folders below my "real" inbox on the top. This has really bugged me but never enough to try to fix it until tonight. I followed Gmail's instructions so I wouldn't mess anything up. I didn't want to feel to cocky going in to it. Well, this has been a disaster. I can't even see my messages anymore! I have now gone so far as to try entourage and thunderbird. All of them seem to have the same problem: My password is incorrect? Why is this. I have been messing with this for over an hour now and still have not gotten it sorted out. I have tried changing the password, changing it back, going to keychain access and deleting the passwords stored there so the new ones would be "fresh," but nothing I mean nothing seems to work. Something tells me it is on Gmail's end? As it sits now, iMap is enabled as well as POP. That is how it was when it was working earlier.
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Jul 11, 2010
I was having the low memory available error so I deleted all unused programs ( garage band etc) I moved pics on a flash drive then deleted them ( and emptied the trash) (but whats odd is I put 6+ GB on the flash drive but only recovered 2-3 GB ?) anyway I was looking to see where all my space is and I found the users folder that has a lot of folders that look like archives of my disk, the newest one has my recent desktop and photos etc, why are these here? they take up to 14 to 35 GB each! can I delete them? they have all the pics and movies I thought I deleted ( as well as garage ban app) so when I look at the info section they all say they where created on the same day- march 18th which is the day I stupidly re-named by home, I eventually put the old name back and copied the created archive back in home and I thought all was well. since then the only thing I have noticed is a slow start up ( after log in password. Is it looking for the folder that takes so long? I have file vault turned on. sorry this is long and confusing, I am new to this type of thing- I am off warranty also
here is pic of the user folders listed ( at the bottom that can't be seen is my home folder): [URL]
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Oct 7, 2009
I was in the organize bookmark place when i made the folder and i started dragging some bookmarks into the S folder, one at a time since it would not let me do more. Then, just as things were going according to plan, i had some bookmarks I could not drag into the folder no matter how many different ways i tried. and then to my surprise, this folder named "S" was not on the bookmark menu, even though that's where i created it to be. the folder still shows up when i go to organize but I want it to show up where all my other bookmarks are. I also want to be able to put those other links in the folder.
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Jan 24, 2010
Example: Command + Shift + A => App Folder
Question: Is it possible to create a keyboard shortcut to a specific folder you created WITHOUT using a script or script app to do so?
I have searched google and a few forum things, but nothing directly related to shortcuts to folders!
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm a mac newbie coming from linux. In order to not have all applications in the /Applications top folder, I create some empty folders in the /Applications folder and move apps there (to group apps).
It seems to be ok for me to create folders in /Applications that are owned by me without giving a password, which seems a little bit funny. (/Applications belong to the admin group as also I am in and admin group can write in /Applications. In Linux I have to to "sudo mkdir" to make folders in the corresponding folders).
Is there any problem with moving apps (owned by root) into these new folders that are owned by me?
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May 9, 2009
New to Mac, how do you create desktop shortcuts and rename folders? Also is there a way to add/remove items from the taskbar launcher thing on the bottom?
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Sep 11, 2010
Is There Any Possibility?
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Sep 22, 2009
three times today, and once yesterday, my iBook with 10.4.11 has been acting odd. More than normal.On Safari, the downloads window pops up, and says "Desktop-X" has downloaded. A small blank white rectangle icon in the Download window shows, called "Desktop-X", so I clear it. I have things from Safari to download to the Desktop, but it's not there.I find it, but it's not a file. It's now an empty folder, and it's sitting in my Home folder. There are three of them. "Desktop-1, Desktop-2, Desktop-3"
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Apr 30, 2012
After clicking on 'get mail' the download bar shows activity but no mail is downloaded to the inbox. Checked to see if for some reason mail is being downloaded to another box but not so.I know that mail is being sent because I can receive it on my iphone under same email address.Email was working ok until yesterday when this started happening. Not sure what to check or how to correct.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 28, 2012
This week my Mail sound started going off for all types, incessantly, including receipt of the much Junk filtered out of the Inbox into Junk. Formerly I received alert sounds only for new Inbox mail. I have unchecked the "Play sounds for other actions" in Mail Preferences which does no good.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.5), OSX10.6.7
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Apr 11, 2012
One IMAP account is intermittently losing all mail in inbox except for one message. After doing opening program the receive wheel spins for a long time, but at this point there are only 170 emails in the inbox because we moved all the rest to the on my mac inbox to try to solve this porblem. There are two accounts, both from the same provider, but one of them takes a long time to receive new mail.  The wheel spins for a long time - each time it gets mail.Â
Several times after finishing receive cycle, all the mail that was in the inbox disappears, except for one. I was able to get the emails to retrn by going into settings>accounts> and changing a random setting and then changing it back the way it was. All settings appear to be correct and match the other other account that is working correctly.Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 12, 2012
I am away from home, and the inbox of one of my mail accounts on my MBP (10.7.3) has lost all its information. When I get home I want to restore (most of) the lost data from my Time Machine backup.Â
However, I do not want to restore all the accounts and all the mailboxes, just the one that was lost.Â
How to I find the Inbox for that account, in order to use the older file in Time Machine to restore it with?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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