Software :: Restoring After HDD Change And Clean System Installation
Mar 9, 2009
I have just upgraded from a 60GB HD running OS X 10.4.11? to a 250GB drive.
Before changing HDs, I backed up the old HD onto an external FireWire drive using Retrospect Express 6.1.
I made a clean install of 10.5.6 onto the new HD, installed Retrospect Express.
I then restored my entire old HD to a *folder* on my new HD. There is room for it on the external FireWire disk also if that is better.
I expected wrongly to be able to use Migration Assistant to integrate my applications, e-mails, calendar, bookmarks, etc. into 10.5.6 but it did not allow me to select a folder to migrate from (I think it is looking preferably for another Mac attached via FireWire or at least an external disk, but I'm not sure what it's limits are).
I am also now concerned about Migration Assistant losing data (such as filed e-mails) as I have consulted with a tech friend who says it is problematic and I should restore by hand!Can you tell me the most efficient and reliable way to get out of my predicament? I'm crazy busy business-wise and I don't have time to lose wallowing & finding my own way, I can afford the time to do things right though :-) which is why I'm asking.
Obviously I am shut down now, I do not want to start doing "real work" on my computer until all my applications and files are in their proper places.
Applications (Quark, Adobe, Apple), all my Mail accounts, iCal, Fonts, Firefox + extensions & bookmarks are my mission-critical tools.
I want to do a clean install of Snow Leopard and I'm wondering if I can just make a copy (to my external HD) of my entire Music and Pictures folders, and then drag them to replace the new ones created in the clean install? If I do so, will my photos and music appear in iTunes/iPhoto as it should?
So my mom just bought an iMac from her friend's mother, and I'm trying to restore it to factory settings using the Installation disks that came with my MacBook Pro. I just inserted the discs and clicked "Install Mac OS X" and then it gives me a "Restart" button, but I cannot restart it without putting in the Password which I do not have. Is there another way to do this?
I am doing a clean install on my Mac Pro and want to bring in my user directory onto a 2nd drive (where it was originally).During the install, should I point to an external drive where I know have my user directory cloned and allow OS X to restore it?Should I just copy my user directory to the 2nd drive after doing the install?
Other caveats? I can foresee all sorts of potential problems. Anybody have any experience with this?I know that I will lose my apps in the process.
I have wiped my hard disk clean and reinstalled Lion. I don't want to restore the whole shebang from my Time Machine backup because I want my apps to be installed clean. So my first question is about restoring my mail. I understand that I should make Mail my current application, then click on "Enter Time Machine."When I do that, I see "Today" which is my current setup - nothing much on my computer. I try to go back in time, but I can't because Time Machine thinks "Today" is the only existing backup. How can I get Time Machine to restore Mail from my hard drive before it was wiped clean?Â
Like everyone else, my super drive is bad. Need to clean install Mac OSX Snow Leopard remotely, though I want to do a clean install.Similar to the way Apple has enabled remote OSX Install using a different computers drive for the Macbook Air, I need to enable it on my Macbook Pro. When holding down the option key and booting into the selection menu, there is no option to connect to a network (via the dropdown like the Macbook Air). Does anyone know the terminal command to enable this sort of behavior? I already have the commands to enable remote disc on a macbook pro, which are here (from terminal):
defaults write EnableODiskBrowsing -bool truedefaults write ODSSupported -bool trueIn Lehman's terms, I need to be able to connect to my wireless or wired network to utilize a different mac's optical drive from a Macbook Pro (as opposed to an Air, which has this feature enabled). I am almost certain there is a terminal command that will enable it, but have been unable to find the proper documentation.
I have my 15" MacBook Pro, Mid-2010 model, which had Snow Leapord and then from the AppStore I had upgraded the OS to Lion.Now I'd like to have a clean installation of Lion. I have few constraints and have already tried few options but without luck. From the AppStore I downloaded the OS Lion (from Purchases) and I saw a note about create a bootable DVD and have created one. I tried the following...Â
Problem #1 : My MBP wouldn't boot off the DVD. It just keeps spinning.
Problem #2 : I then tried restarting and then choosing "Options" while coming up to choose the Disk. Again it just spins.
Problem #3 : I chose "Command R" for recovery mode but it again tries to download OS Lion afresh and that's not an option for me right now (I'm not in USA now, but in India. No high bandwidth connection)Â How can I do a fresh installation of Lion?Â
The installer script for OS X 10.5 crashed during the last part of a clean installation on my G5 (see sig.) and left some folders and aliases to folders visible, that I am sure should be invisible. Updated to 10.5.8 same situation. Running DU to repair permissions does not fix this, nor can I set the folders to invisible using Cmnd+I. The system runs just fine, but the folders and aliases listed below should not be visible. Folders Aliases (the folders these point to are also visible). bin etc cores tmp private var sbin usr Volumes
I'm going to update my MacPro Quad Core 3.2 installing Snow Leopard.The machine has a RAID 5 already installed and working perfectly.I'm wondering how the correct procedure is to rebuilt the RAID and install Snow Leopard on it.I don't want to install the update, I want to inizialise all the disks and get a fresh and clean installation.Do I have to use Disk Utility or RADI Utility?
I've had with my mac in a few years of smooth sailing. I'll take that as a good thing.Anyway, my Mac Mini (PPC, 10.4.11) always just recognized the exact model/native resolution for my display... One day booting up it decided to boot into 800x600 for some reason. When trying to switch back in the system pref the native 1440x900 had DISAPPEARED from the list.
Question: I already have snow leopard installed on my iMac. But can I still do a CLEAN snow leopard installation onto my imac even though snow leopard is already installed?
I tried it just now like twice but I got the spinning wheel of death. It wouldn't go pass the apple sign and spinning wheel.
I upgraded my mac, to the latest version of the OS. Half way through the update, the power went, and my whole system, is messed up.
I thought, its ok, ill re install it from the disk, ill only lose software that i have installed, all my data is backed up, its fine. After 1 hour of installing mac OSX.5 the loaded, fine... but a few problems.
The software that came on the mac, is not there now. My mac keeps restarting my Airport.
My question, if i use the disks that came with my mac, can i have the software back on OSX.4 and then upgrade it like when OSX.5 came out? Would i have hte software back?
I accidentally deleted the "chirp" noise that goes every time you adjust the volume on the keyboard when I was messing with an iTunes plugin. Does anyone know the file name and where it goes?
I've just got a new MBP13 yesterday and was too engrossed in putting every documents and installing every programs that I have into my new MBP13. Until this morning, I just realized that I am hit by this pretty common issue of having a 'wobbly' MBP. Its like, it doesn't seat flat on the flat surface. I've tried a few surfaces from wooden table to glass tops, its still the same.
So, I've called Apple after sales and they are kind enough to do a 1 to 1 replacement, but I have to wait for 4 days without my MBP for them to turn it around. Seems abit long for me to be frank, but AppleCare starts afresh. Alright, long story aside, as I am too lazy to reinstall and putting all my important documents back to the even newer MBP13 that is coming, is it possible for me to do a Time Machine backup from here, then just restore everything to the new MBP13 without any problems? Specs wise its 100% the same.
I inherited a 2012 MacBook pro and I went to restore to factory settings but I get the a message saying disk1s2 is locked. I am new to mac so & all I have is the MacBook os disc.
I was wondering how would I do a system restore on my Leopard upgraded (from a Tiger OS) iMac? I have done several google searches and i keep getting various answers (which there are different ways but I just want to restore my iMac to factory setting) Would I use my leopard or tiger disk, and how would I go about doing a system restore? What I wanted to do was do a system restore on my mac and upgrade to Snow Leopard. There are alot of scattered unimportant photos, movies, and games on my mac and it feels like a system restore would save me alot of time.
i need to return my iMac to service so it's time for me do a latest backup and my question, is there a way to do backup of whole disk but when restoring only the content without the system because this is a great opportunity to do a fresh install of snow leo.
I migrated my old MBP to my new one last night. Everything was good except that I could not log onto my schools network. I have had this problem since my old MBP. I figured that by migrating my 'Preferences' I migrated the problem along with. After many attempts at many work-arounds, I decided that I will just start fresh.
Here is what I have done: 1) I popped in the factory disc and held 'C' 2) Utility ->Disk Utility ->Erase. I selected the Hard drive. The one in the top of the hierarchy. This also cleared the name of 'Macintosh HD' to 'Untitled'.
Now I did not realize that I was supposed to rename my hard drive "before" clicking erase. This is not a big deal, but was just wondering if I will be able to change that later? Do you think that when I go to use migration assistant this next time, if I only opt to migrate "Files and Folders" and "Applications" this will most likely solve my network configurations problem? That is, it will leave my network settings at the factory defaults so I start fresh?
I had to restore my system due to the Trojan virus and seem to be up and running. The only problem I still have is not being able to restore my itunes to the last playlist. I keep getting the list I loaded in May of 2011 when I put this computer in service. Where I can find the list I had before dumping and reloading?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5,owc 500 GB ex
All emails from my iCloud account (previously .mac and then .me) inbox older than one week just disappeared. They had been in my inbox for years. Why did this happen now and are they recoverable? I have Time Machine backups on my iMac. Will restoring my system or a particular folder recover the lost emails or were they only on the server?
i am downloading a lot of stuff (movies and music) from rapidshare and other file-hosting sites. Do i need a virus scanner or smthing like clean my mac ?? is it ok from downloading and not getting anything from them (trojans..etc)
i'm planning to format my mac book pro, as in, reinstalling leopard and erasing all the files and applications since my mac is getting really slow. I was wondering if the applications ( adobe photoshop, illustrator, final cut etc.) that i backed-up in my time machine will still work on a formatted mac.
I changed my HD in my MacBook Pro to a bigger one and then wanted to Restore the System via Time Machine onto that new HD. Sadly I dont have the Snow Leopard DVD that was coming with the MacBook. Though I have another Snow Leopard DVD, that I purchased earlier for my older Mac. Now the Problem:When I try to Boot the Macbook Pro from the older Snow Leopard DVD it always freezes and says: "You have to restart your Macbook. Press the power button until it switches off and then press the button again". But iwill not boot from the DVD.Is there another possibility to Restore my System from my Time Machine Backup to the new HD?