OS X :: System Restoring IMac - Use Leopard / Tiger Disc?
Nov 27, 2010
I was wondering how would I do a system restore on my Leopard upgraded (from a Tiger OS) iMac? I have done several google searches and i keep getting various answers (which there are different ways but I just want to restore my iMac to factory setting) Would I use my leopard or tiger disk, and how would I go about doing a system restore? What I wanted to do was do a system restore on my mac and upgrade to Snow Leopard. There are alot of scattered unimportant photos, movies, and games on my mac and it feels like a system restore would save me alot of time.
I'll finally be selling my circa-2005 iMac to my sister and buying one of the new ones. But I was wondering if anybody could point me to a really simple tutorial on how to restore/clean install my computer. I know how to get all my stuff off of my iMac and onto the new one. But I cannot locate the Tiger disc and only have the iMac install discs. Can I do a clean install with just these discs?
Now that it's been out for awhile, I was curious what people's success rates have been with just getting the Snow Leopard disc and not the box set to upgrade Tiger? Or is it still recommended to get the Box Set? I honestly rarely use either the iLife or iWork suites, so that's why I was wondering.
Though users of older Intel-based Macs were led to believe they would have to spend $169 to migrate from Tiger to Snow Leopard, new reports state the $29 upgrade disc will work just fine.
In his review of Snow Leopard, Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, Mossberg reveals that those who have been hesitant to upgrade their Mac will be able to take advantage of Snow Leopard's bargain price, without the need to install the intermediate Leopard operating system first.
"For owners of Intel-based Macs who are still using the older Tiger version of the Mac OS, Apple is officially making Snow Leopard available only in a "boxed set" that includes other software and costs $169," Mossberg said. "The reasoning is that these folks never paid the $129 back in 2007 to upgrade to Leopard. But here's a tip: Apple concedes that the $29 Snow Leopard upgrade will work properly on these Tiger-equipped Macs, so you can save the extra $140."
Wired also confirmed that they were able to upgrade a system directly from Tiger to Snow Leopard. In addition, it is possible to completely erase a hard drive and install Snow Leopard without a pre-existing operating system in place, enabling users to bypass the possible headaches of an upgrade and go with a clean install instead. Wired said many users upgrading from Tiger should probably consider backing up their files from Tiger and doing a clean install instead.
"Of course, the transition isn't guaranteed to be as smooth as it would be from Leopard to Snow Leopard," the report said of the Tiger to Snow Leopard upgrade, "and that's because some older, Tiger-only third-party applications need to be upgraded to newer versions that work with Leopard or Snow Leopard."
Originally released in April 2005, Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is more than a little long in the tooth at this point, especially considering the astounding success of its follow-up, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
I had to restore my system due to the Trojan virus and seem to be up and running. The only problem I still have is not being able to restore my itunes to the last playlist. I keep getting the list I loaded in May of 2011 when I put this computer in service. Where I can find the list I had before dumping and reloading?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5,owc 500 GB ex
I changed my HD in my MacBook Pro to a bigger one and then wanted to Restore the System via Time Machine onto that new HD. Sadly I dont have the Snow Leopard DVD that was coming with the MacBook. Though I have another Snow Leopard DVD, that I purchased earlier for my older Mac. Now the Problem:When I try to Boot the Macbook Pro from the older Snow Leopard DVD it always freezes and says: "You have to restart your Macbook. Press the power button until it switches off and then press the button again". But iwill not boot from the DVD.Is there another possibility to Restore my System from my Time Machine Backup to the new HD?
For my back up strategy I use chronosync to backup my movies and music to my time capsule so I can access them from any device. I still use Time Machine, but I then exclude those same folders as I don't need them twice.Â
Will I still be able to restore my system from my TM backup? If I had to restore my system but didn't use the backup ie a clean install, could I access folders within the backup from the new install?Â
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Right now i have 10.4.11 on my almost 4 year old macbook. Can I buy the $29 Snow leopard disk and upgrade. Do i need to do a clean install. I am kinda noob in all this so kindly suggest if this can or cannot be done.
In the process of doing clean install from tiger to leopard and I'm running into some issue. 1st attempt - was stuck on initial "Install" screen (After I erased my HD and selected drive to install but before the Install screen changes to show the status of the install remaining) for 35 minutes. I stopped the install and restated.2nd attempt - Finally got to the progress bar, 28 minutes remaining. However, it didn't move from there. I checked the Installer Log and it kept trying to install printer drivers and foreign fonts, but unsuccessful. Finally got an error message stating install was not complete. Restart.3rd. attempt - This time I unchecked printer drivers and fonts. Progress bar stated 18 minutes, now it's down to 17 (after like 10 minutes) and according to the Installer Log I keep getting errors in stuff (Error writing caches to /Volume/...., Input/output error, Failed to enumerate /Volumes/...., Cannot prune("com.apple.user*pictureCache*"). However, according to the progress bar, it keeps moving through the processes, still show 18 minutes now.
I have 10.4 system and now want to upgrade to snow leopard but was told that first I should upgrade from tiger to leopard since I do have a leopard disk as well. Is this information correct and how big a deal is it to do these upgrades- how much time and how complicated?
How do I do this? (This question directed to anyone who HAS done it or feels comfortable enough with the procedure to run me through it)I'm running Tiger at the moment. I've read that the $29 upgrade disc works to install Snow Leopard onto Tiger also. I want to clean install and only back up music, videos, pictures, email, and personal documents like work. I do not need any of the applications that I've added to my macbook pro over the years. I do not have time machine. Will I lose all applications from safari through ichat and itunes if I clean install or are those applications on the Snow Leopard install disc.
I am helping a friend update his macbook from tiger to snow leopard, if i put in the disk will he still have all of his stuff or does he need to back everything up?
if i want to go from tiger to snow leopard , what do i have to do?do i have to buy leopard first and then the upgrade? im just wondering because some people says about doing a clean install of sl , o if you do a clean isntall i guess it really doesnt matter if u got leopard or no .
I got a G4 iMac with a 1ghz powerPC and 512MB ram for Christmas - it came with Leopard.
It's not horrible slow but you can tell it's trudging along quite choppily at times (when I try to load anything in flash or youtube it can't handle it).
Would I be better off going to Tiger? I've never used Tiger before - would my experience on Tiger be horrible compared to Leopard?
I have an imac g5 2.1ghz (isight version). The previous hdd completely broke, so with great struggle I managed to open it up and put in a 500gb hdd, I'm now looking to fresh install OS x. I put tiger in the imac and hold 'c', it boots to a grey screen with a folder and an exclamation mark. I put the disk in and hold the option key, it goes to a menu where an hour glass appears for about 3minutes before my tiger install disk is found. The install disk has an image of a disk with a small cross in the bottom right corner (i thought it was supposed to have an image of cd itself, but at least its recognized) I click the cd to install and it goes to a white screen with the apple logo, after a brief minute, a spinny wheel appears and spins for about 3-5minutes.
The apple logo then changes to a cancel or stop sign but the spinny wheel is still spinning below...I left it for about 40minutes and it didnt go any further. I've tried several times with the same result, I've also created a bootable usb with tiger on it and had the same result after using a command on the open firmware comand line to boot the usb, a friend tried to create a usb with leopard on it, but after trying to boot it..i get a message saying "Load-size is too small" Here are some pictures (click the tabs to see all 4) [URL]
I just bought a used iMac g4 with the following specs: 1.25 ghz, 160 gb HD, 1 gb of ram, with a 20" screen (USB 2.0). It has OS X 10.3.9 installed. I have retail copies of tiger and leopard. The problem is that I can't get either to install. When i load the disk, the computer restarts, but then returns back to home screen. I've tried holding down "c", but that does nothing for me. I've also gone to start up disk in utilities, but all that is listed on there is my G4 hard drive and "network". The superdrive isn't listed on there. I know the super drive works; i've used it several times and i used it to open up the install disk. What am I doing wrong.
has all my art course work on. When pressing the power button there is no start up, screen stays black. There is a noise from the Disc Drive, when you put your ear close you can hear the Disc spinning, occasionally it starts to make a loader noise like its trying to spin to full speed maybe, but stops before it can. Green light can be seen from bottom, tried unplugging and waiting, tried pressing the cmd R-P keys down at start up. Also tried as suggested on the apple website to use a paper clip to manually eject the disc.
I have an iMac G5 17" with 2GHz PowerPC G5 processor , originally had 512 MB RAM and has been upgraded to 2Gb RAM. The HD has been erased apart from the Tiger OS. I assume there is now 1Gb RAM in each slot ... not sure if the original 512 MB was split between two slots or if it was all in one slot. Have been using OS Tiger 10.4 up until now.
Recently I bought a RETAIL edition of Leopard 10.5.1 to install ( the one with the big X on the front) but after 10 minutes of the installation got the message "Install Failed ... Source Media Disc damaged" . I previously tried another Leopard installation disc and got the same message. I think it's unlikely that both installation discs are damaged; they are both new and came from reputable sources. I can reinstall Tiger without any problems. I have tried erasing the HD volume using Disc Utilities at the initial install stage but still get the same message .
A colleague has now advised me there have been problems with some iMac G5 machines with upgraded RAM when trying to install Leopard ... the Leopard installation disc does not like upgraded RAM.
Before I try and source some RAM to the original spec. ie 512MB, and then try again with Leopard, can anyone advise me if it might be worth taking out just one of the existing 1 Gb RAM modules ( I assume there are two there, I dont know for sure because the upgrade was done by a Mac Repair Shop ) and then trying the Leopard Install with just 1Gb RAM ? Or do I need to go back to the original 512Mb module(s) ?
I know this concerns an older machine, but I was hoping to get some solid advice on this subject. I have retail copies of both Tiger and Leopard for my G4, and my OWC order just came in the mail, and after tearing it down, cleaning it up, and throwing a new 160Gb drive and 1Gb of memory into it, the machine is feeling extremely responsive under Tiger. My question is thus: everyone seems to think Tiger's days are numbered, which I can understand when you consider it's age. But how numbered are numbered? Safari and iTunes are still supported up to the current versions, Camino is still supported on 10.4 so when Firefox drops Tiger support I'm not without a Gecko based browser, and the other software I plan to use on this machine (iLife 06, OpenOffice, JDarkRoom and some old games, primarily) are all still good for Tiger.
My primary concern stems from the web browser issue, but more importantly, internet security on this machine. It's on a wired connection behind an AirPort Extreme so I don't know how worried I need to be, but last I checked security updates are not coming down for Tiger anymore from Apple, thus would the iMac become a potential target running Tiger? I don't want to be running bare arsed to the wind, if you'll pardon the expression. So I was hoping someone with a better understanding of software security could explain differences between Tiger and Leopard and wether or not that's a huge deal. I'm tempted to stick with Tiger, because now that the upgrades are in, it's lightning fast. Almost as fast as the MacBook fast, which is impressive from an eight year old machine.
So I had to have my macbook pro HDD replaced (applecare) and I made a disc image backup beforehand and put it on my external HDD.
I just picked it up from the apple store today, and called tech support for help with restoring it from the disc image. I was instructed to put the install disc in and boot holding the 'c' key, then go to disc utilities, to the restore tab, find the image as a source, and then drag the internal HDD volume to the destination field. It didnt work, so I was transferred to a senior advisor, who told me to do the same thing. The only time it would work is if I dragged the indented one that reads "Macintosh HD" instead of the one with the GB size and brand name. The senior advisor told me that it wouldnt work for him either (dragging the volume) and dragging the macintosh HD isnt how it's supposed to work, so he couldnt guarantee a proper result. It didnt work anyway. I dont remember the error message.
So he starts telling me that the best option might be to install the operating system from the discs, update to 10.5.8, and then just copy the "user" folder and then move everything where it is supposed to be. I wasnt particularly impressed and I'm not convinced that it has to be that difficult or time consuming.
ive got a Imac 17inch 1.0ghz with 215mb ddr ram. anyways, as Sheepy suggested, i upgraded her to a nice speedy 500GB 7200 Sata drive and dropped 1.5gb ram into her...... but lets take a step back. when i got her, she was full of dust and had tiger on her.. no dramas, tiger is good. anyways, i wanted to do a reinstall of tiger, and so grabbed my tiger retail disk and started her up, no dramas there either, ran disk util, repartitioned (the old disk) and started to install. the install never finished and then it just rebooted after about 80% through... The reboot came to the disk flashing with the osx face and a question mark. I try a few more times, with the same result, and also with Leopard, also with the same result, but the leopard install actually tells me after about 80% that "Install failed" try again? anyways, so i think its a shagged optical drive. i have a few lying around and i need to get in there anyways to upgrade the hard drive. installing the HD and the new Optical drive went fine, all works well.. and while i was there also installed 500mb ddr400 stick in the main memory non user slot. close her up, checked the heatsink matchup spots and there dry as a nuns nasty.. theres no paste on them, but kinda like a pad.. (which isnt even sticky either) anyways, i stick em back together (without) cleaning the pad stuff nor with applying any paste and boot her up. I insert the leopard disk to istall and it all goes fine, i re-partition the newspeedy 7200rpm sata disk and start the install. and again.... gets to about 90% and reboots. flashing smily face with alternating question mark.
I just ordered a new iMac and I'll be upgrading from a 1GHz TiBook with Tiger on it. I have some important music software that I'm not 100% sure will work with Snow Leopard, but my understanding is that it's already ok for Universal Binary. So I had the thought that maybe I could put Tiger on the iMac and dual boot. I've never dealt with a dual-boot system before, other than a couple times when I played around with Classic Mode when I still had Jaguar and/or Panther.
Since I do development, I want to keep my iMac G5 at 10.4.11 (Tiger) while having 10.5.2 (Leopard) on an external drive for booting and customer support (in the meantime anyways - at some point, I may move the internal to Leopard and keep a version of Tiger on the external drive for customer support).Sounds none too difficult to achieve this. Attach external drive, insert installation CD, and follow instructions.
One thing that alludes me is the best way to make the applications available on the external Leopard boot. Can I just run them from the internal drive or will they need to be copied/installed on the external as well? Any really clear and useful resources on this type of thing?
I'm trying to restore my Macbook (white) to factory defaults and I can't get the disk to boot and am having trouble. Whenever I load the disk in and restart holding c, the disk spins and then spits out and the computer boots to Mac OS X (Leopard). I've reset the nvram, the pram, repaired permissions with no success. I used to have Bootcamp installed, but I read that may cause problems so I uninstalled it and it still won't work. These are the grey disks that came with the computer when I bought it new a few months ago so I know they work. They say Mac OS X Disc 1/Disc 1. Any suggestions to getting the disk to boot instead of spit out?
I just bought a new MacBook Pro. I'm trying to transfer my files from my old computer, which uses Tiger, to the new computer. But I can't use CDs because my computer is dented and the CD drive is closed (it asks me to insert Mac OS X Install DVD into my old computer).
I just got a macbook from ebay. It didn't come with its original install discs. I know it's the latest white model before the aluminium updates- it has a 2.4ghz processor and 160GB. I want to re-install leopard on it and do an erase and install. Is it OK to use the leopard discs that came with my housemates imacs? Or will they be different in some way?