Software :: Panther Booting Options Into Darwin?
May 7, 2009
I accidentially started the Darwin/BSD (apple darwin 7.0) program. It didn't crash or anything.When I go to log in to OS X it takes me directly to the Darwin Unix window and asks me to log in there.and into the computer.If I type in (exit) it takes me right back to the same place.I put in the Panther install disc (held down the c key) and selected to boot up on system 9.9.2 so I can use the computer and research online.
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Mar 20, 2008
I've got a Powerbook G4 that has a booting issue. I will hear the startup "dong" a whirl of the drive, then it doesn't go to the grey screen with the Apple. It just sits there with a black screen.If I wait a few hours and try it, sometimes it starts up fine, or sometimes it will sit on the grey screen with the Apple symbol and do nothing.If it does boot correctly, none of the USB ports work. Any ideas on if its worth trying to repair since its 2 and a half years old and I didn't get the Apple Extended Service plan?
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Mar 13, 2009
I was just wondering what the dual boot options are for booting linux on a MacBook, does it go through Bootcamp or are there other options? Obviously I would prefer a native installation over a virtual machine.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have Windows Xp and Windows 7 on two different hard drives in my Mac Pro. Windows 7 had been working fine, but I needed XP to run some older programs that 7 couldn't do. I have been working in XP some time now but when I try to boot from the Windows 7 drive it just reverts to the XP one. Even when I click on the Windows 7 drive to make it the start up drive it still goes to XP. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
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Dec 8, 2009
I recently made 2 hackintoshes. Now I was trying to get the AMD kernel for my hp in my office, but i ran into a little trouble. 2 days ago, I backed up my mac with time machine. Anyway, I was messing around with it, and I guess it thought my mac was a hackintosh, and it came with that nice wonderful welcome screen movie when u first get ur mac when I logged out. I had typed up a letter to a pen pal for school earlier, and hadnt backed up since before that letter. So I went into my windows 7 partition, and I tried to access my files from there, but when I went into macintosh hd, users, my account, it said there weren't any files. Now this means that this hackintosh kernel deleted my mac account.
Anyway I booted from the disk and it took an extremely long time to boot, and it take an extremely long time to boot into macintosh hd. Now if any of you are familiar with reinstalling the windows bootloader on a pc using vista or 7, then you might be able to relate. I kinda need the mac version of that boot into disk go to command prompt and type
bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
to reinstall the Darwin Bootloader. It takes like 3 minutes to get off the apple logo, and before it took like 30 seconds.
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Mar 2, 2009
How much of Mac OS X is in Darwin? What is not there that is in X that isn't the GUI?
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Feb 21, 2008
I recently downloaded the Darwin Ports package from the website and ran it, the install reads that everything installed correctly, and the website informed me that once the process was complete, I should run sudo port -d selfupdate, however, all I'm getting is an error that reads "sudo: ports: command not found".
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Jan 31, 2010
I'm interested in running a Darwin OS, basically just the open source parts of Mac OS X. There isn't a whole lot of recent information that I've been able to find on my own. Seems like most sources top out at Darwin 8.
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Jun 28, 2010
Wikipedia, on their page about Darwin (the operating system at the core of Mac OS X), says:Quote:p to Darwin 8.0, Apple released a binary installer (as an ISO image) after each major Mac OS X release that allowed one to install Darwin on PowerPC and Intel x86 computers as a standalone operating system. Minor updates were released as packages that were installed separately. Darwin is now only available as source code,[4] except for the ARM variant, which has not been released in any form separately from iPhone OS.
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Jun 22, 2009
The weirdest thing has happened to my MacBook. It was running a little slow today so I restarted it thinking it would help clear out the memory and whatnot. When I restarted it, everything seemed normal. It makes the classic "mac soud" and shows the apple with the circular loading wheel. It then goes to the login screen, just as it normally does. However, once it goes to the login screen, the spinning beachball comes up and it freezes temporarily. This is when it starts to get bad. The screen then goes black and comes up with white letters saying: Darwin/BSD (my name's Computer.) (console) login: sometimes, I have time to type in my username and password, sometimes not. Either way, the following comes up: disk0s2: 0xe0030005 (UNDEFINED)
it then goes back to the login screen, which completly freezes every time. I am completly frustrated and terrified that I will not be able to access my data, which includes over 2 years of music, pictures etc. that have not been backed up. Does anyone know what is going on with my MacBook?
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Feb 5, 2012
Can't get back to my desk top. All I have is a black screen with white text starting Darwin bsd. Have tried a safe reboot but after grey then normal blue screen when loading, this disappears and I get back to the black screen again.
Info:PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), G4
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Mar 5, 2009
does anyone know what i can do with my mac os x 10.4.9 version, it keeps on saying that i need to restart it but then same thing happens all over again. it also says of stuff like debugger called panic and darwin kernel version-ish. which i have no idea with.rang mac and they say its a hardware problem.if anyone has encountered this before and have resolved it
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Mar 25, 2009
G4 DP 450 booting straight to firmware command line and I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Unable to boot from CD.
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May 31, 2009
Ok so basically today I got a second hand MacBook and the broad who owned it before me thought it was a good idea to wipe the entire thing so I would have to reinstall the panther os x thing and it is all good til I have to do the second disk.
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Feb 17, 2010
I usually "repair the Authorisations" with Disc Utility about once a week.But digging into my Apps I find that I do have Onyx installed... as it came with the Mac I assume the version corrisponds to Panther...
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Mar 14, 2012
Be gentle and descriptive im new to MACs and OS X. Just bought a MAC second hand and re-installed the operating system with the discs that came with the MAC originally. The re-install went well. I want to install Mozilla Firefox. I download the file and it fails to mount. This is fresh install.
Also using Safari I use Google to search and it crashes Safari??
iMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x)
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Sep 11, 2010
On an G4 iBook I was wondering what advangtes running Tiger over Panther are. I maxed out the RAM to have a total of 1.12 GB. I am running Tiger now but it slows down if I fire up more than 5 apps at the same time. I was thinking Panther would run better. All I do is internet, email, word processing, spreadsheets, listening to music and playing old games.
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Feb 14, 2007
Im'e trying to install the o/s on a G4 with a clean hard drive the drive's been wiped of data and that's all It has not been formatted The screen says select destination volume but is greyed out i can't select anything Is the problem the fact that the hard drive is not formatted This is my first mac so don't know what to do.
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Jan 3, 2009
tell me which version of the MacMini is able to run either Panther OS and which does Tiger.
I'm thinking of buying either a used or new MacMini for one purpose. I need to set up a local test webserver, I don't wanna do it on my main system cause there's a chance it'll make the OS unstable for general uses.
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Jun 7, 2009
I have a Dual G5 PowerPC with OSX Panther running. The machine runs like a champ for what I do with it. I would like to upgrade to the newest Adobe CS4 because I still use the first/original Creative Suite. BUT, is CS4 at all compatible with OSX Panther, or will I need to upgrade OSX? Also does anyone suggest upgrading to OSX Leopard from Panther; anything to be careful of. I am also concerned about Leopard's compatibilty with my current peripherals (few years old scanner, printer, drawing tablet) The primary use of this machine is for Graphic design, flash, web, and photo proccessing.
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Jul 10, 2009
I have Panther (OS X 3.9), can I install Leopard (OS X 5) without Tiger (OS X 4) ever being installed ?
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Sep 2, 2009
Is there an app out there that will allow me to install Panther while using Leopard? I thought I heard of one. Sheepshaver installs OS 9 and Parallels can only install Leopard Server
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Apr 11, 2012
How can I install Tiger 10.4.11 over Panther 10.3.9 ? I tried using a 10.4.2 install disc that I was going to update to 10.4.11, but got message that this would not work on this computer.
emac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 13, 2012
My old mac needs updating, and wondered if there are still issued software updates for panther?
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Apr 1, 2008
I'm running Panther 10.3.9 and I've made a mistake with Safari. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to install a new version of Safari, even though I hadn't been prompted to do so. Safari wouldn't then open as I cannot run the new version on 10.3.9, but it had deleted my old copy in the process. I tried dragging a version of Safari 1.3.2 across the network from an identical computer running 10.3.9, but Safari would still not open.
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Oct 29, 2009
After 5 years with 10.3.9 on an iBook, I've bitten the bullet and bought one of the new iMacs. The transfer has gone fairly well, but I'm having trouble moving my address book and keychain data across to the new machine.
They didn't come across using the Migration Assistant: the Snow Leopard Keychain won't accept anything exported from the Panther version. If I export the address book as V-cards from the old system (the only means of export, the new systems asks me whether I really want to import n cards, but after I say yes nothing appears in the bbok.
It's al very frustrating, (and not very Apple-like!) I'm on the verge of doing the whole thing manually, one address and one keychain entry at a time, which seems quite daft.
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Apr 13, 2007
since buying my mbp, my powerbook has become pretty much redundant for anything other than word processing and internet use, at the moment its super slow because it has virtually no hd space left, so i have backed up, and want to reinstall the os, clean it up a bit and get it running the internet superfast to use when i am travelling, keeping my mbp on my desk for the rest of the time. I have a copy of both panther and tiger that came with the powerbook (i bought it a week before tiger came out and apple sent me it for free!), but it is currently running panther. now its a stock powerbook 12" 1.5 Ghz with 512 ram, and it wont need to run anything too complex: just word/safari/idvd/itunes, however it would be nice to have dashboard (i have got used to it on my mbp), but not essential.
I don't want to spend any more money on this thing, but want to know which would be faster...i have heard that tiger puts more strain on ram, but also that powerbooks run faster with tiger than with panther...which of these statements is true?
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Mar 30, 2008
I have a ignorant friend that just upgraded from Panther (10.3) to Leopard (10.5) via the upgrade method and did not backup before hand. His issue is that the Mail conversion didn't complain, but all mailboxes contents were missing.
The Inbox folder in Mail was empty and Drafts was completely missing, as well as some other system generated folders (AFAIK). Other user created folders were in Mail on the left, but were empty. We were able to import the Foo.mbox folders into Mail, so we got the user created folders contents back, but that doesn't help for drafts or few hundred emails in the inbox.
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Nov 29, 2008
As I have stated around for my forum posts, I'm going to be working on my cousin's laptop
She has an iBook g3, 10.3 Panther, 500mhz, 128MB RAM, 10 or 20 GB hard drive...
She really wants to use AIM on her laptop. My question for this is, has AOL come out with a download that supports Panther for IMing? I downloaded the latest release of their beta release for AIM for Mac, until I noticed it was for 10.4.9 or later.
Or... is iChat a better to use with Panther?
And now my next question is... she needs an office suite. Is there an iWork version that will work with Panther... or a Microsoft Office Suite for Panther? Or does [URL] have their suite for Macs too... I looked on their website and they do have a version... but I wasn't sure if it was compatible with her laptop.
I have tried finding disks to stick Tiger on her laptop... but I can't seem to find anything. Another bad thing about it is that she had no restore disks come with the laptop when she bought it off eBay... so if I did something and something gets stuck... I wouldn't be able to revert back.
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Mar 26, 2009
I've acquired a rev A bondi blue iMac G3 (the one in my sig... which doesn't have fire wire). It has a 4GB drive in it that has Panther on it and everything is great... but the CD drive is broken. In that I paid $15 for the computer, and that its over a decade old, I really don't want to put money in to getting a new drive.
I do, however, want to upgrade the hard drive from 4GB to 80GB. I have a spare IDE drive, and a firewire case. Can I plug the hard drive into my iMac G4 and re-install panther on to it? Then just take the 80Gig drive out of the case and install it into the iMac?
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